Fat Girls Walking Club

Do you all walk or run the 5K's you enter. I'd like to do a few before the DLHM but I'm not in running shape yet. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Do you all walk or run the 5K's you enter. I'd like to do a few before the DLHM but I'm not in running shape yet. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I run/walk them. Runnersworld.com has a program for walking/running 5k's. I think i actually walk faster than i run sometimes:confused3
Hello everyone!!

I also walk/run. I can't run it all!! (that is too much for me now, but maybe in the future!)

How has everyone been doing? I have continued running and walking at least 3 times a week and picked up a partner!

The only issue I have is that I want to run more and she isn't there yet, I know I have to be patient, as I would want someone to be with me, but it is kind of hard! But I like going out with someone WAY better than going out alone!

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Keep moving ladies!
I've only went out once due to my gout attack/ joint injury i got at Disney. But tommorow im running with my niece in her 1st 5k.She is so excited im sure she wont sleep tonight. I'll let you know how we did.

Keep moving foward.

Just got back from a walk. We did 3 miles in 49 minutes. I felt like we could have gone faster but my walking buddy is suffering from some slight pains so we cut out the running for today.
My niece and i did really well this morning. My time was 49:04 and my niece was 48:45. I think she could have done better but she kept waiting for me. I didn't realize sitting for almost 3 weeks could put me almost back to day one. It was a tough one today. I had a lot of pain in my toe when running but its gone now so i think that is improving. I'm going to start training for next month's race and my half tomorrow.
Thanks to everyone. I am so relieved I am not the only person who runs/walks.

My local parks & rec is offereing a couch to 5K class over the next three months. I went on Friday to try and sign up but apparently their is a mix up on the dates & times the class is being offered. I have to call back on Monday to see if they've worked it out w/the instructor. I am really excited about this class. I think it will help me w/my training for DLHM and my long term running & healthier life style personal goal.

Plus like a few of you mentioned I'd be working out w/others and that will be fun. Plus I'll be paying for the class as well = motivation!

On a side note both my college sons are home on spring break. EATING me out of house and home!!! And they brought home LOADS of laundry my poor poor washer & dryer.
:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

Wendy posted this on the Lean Meaner thread and her words resonated with me, so I thought I'd pass it along as it serves as the inspiration for this week's mixer. :flower3:

It feels like Spring in my head-- a time for cleaning out the junk, renewing my resolve, and enjoying all that is beautiful around me. It's a renewed hope thing -- Do you feel that way, too?

So, WISHers, springtime is in the air as well as on the calendar. And even if your neighborhood isn't enjoying springlike weather quite yet, it's fun to plan for that day that's just around the corner. So this week's set of related prompts are...

What outdoor activity (or activities) do you most look forward to in the spring, and why? What is an annual spring tradition for you? How do you enjoy that first, perfect spring day?

Feel free to talk about prepping the bike for the season's first ride or the first run in shorts. But we're also interested in hearing about other activities: gardening, kite-flying, spring cleaning, picnics, roller blading, hiking, and so on.

So tell us your stories. The 'Ohana Monday Mixer starts here.
I got my hubby to go on a walk with me last night!

We only did a mile but it was awesome! He has not been physically active since high school and getting out and walking on our local walking path got him excited again. He wants to get rollerblades and rollerblade while I walk/run!
:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

The mixer starts here...

Variety is the spice of life, so they say. (But don't ask me who they are, although I suspect they work for McCormick. :confused3) With that in mind, this week's mixer question is:

What types of XT do you like to do, and why? What are your old favorites and new discoveries? What kind of XT would you like to try?

Anecdotes and pictures are welcomed. I think we'd really like to hear about the benefits of your XT--physical, mental, social. Does it create a stronger core or more flexibility? Does it help you de-stress? Is it something you enjoy with your kids, partner, friends? It might also be helpful to know how you work XT within your walking/running schedule.

Extra points for XT activities that are unusual or have funny names or rituals. As determined by popular vote. And in case you're wondering, those points have no monetary value whatsoever. (I'll make up other disclaimers as I think of them.)
:stitch: 'OHANA MONDAY MIXER :stitch:

The mixer starts HERE on the thread.

A spring chick told me that many of us gave up goodies for Lent. Now that Lent has ended, Monday is a good time for this mixer question:

What is one healthy food you always have in your kitchen? What is one less-than-healthy food you always have in your kitchen?

Feel free to post pictures, talk about how the foods help you in your training (either as nutrition or reward), and confess to guilty pleasures and happy indulgences!
:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

And now for a bit of silliness, just because... :teeth: The mixer starts here.

This week's mixer theme is "Superpowers That Would Be More Trouble Than They're Worth," and your question:

What would be the superpower you would end up being granted?

Some examples:
  • The ability to tell the future, but only one minute ahead of time.
  • Super-strength, but only in your thumbs.
  • The ability to read the minds of people whose language you don't understand.
  • The ability to see through one layer of clothes.
  • Super breath, strong enough to knock down your opponents. Unfortunately, it's because you're smells like garlic and you always have that power.

Of course, your superpower is unique to you. So feel free to tell us what you would do with your power or why you got so lucky as to be given it. :rolleyes1 Bonus points--again, they're worth nothing--for telling us what superpowers you think other WISHers might get. (Keep it DIS-friendly, though, folks!)
Hi, my name is Keri and I just found this thread. While I haven't read through the entire thread I will say that it is nice to find a thread for the larger female. I have decided to participate in my first 5k this June. It will be the Cheetah Chase at Binder Park Zoo here in Battle Creek Mi. (actually just down the highway from Nikki). What's slowing me down is my size and lack of physical ability. I haven't run since my high school field hockey days (12 years ago), plus 2 kids, 6 years of marriage, and plenty of "happy weight" (and DL/WDW trips) have taken it's toll on my body. With this said I am hoping to stick to it and train for the 5k in hopes of shedding some poundage. Although I can walk a milke in under 20 minutes when not slowed down by my DH, use to be in 12.

Tonight I got on my eliptical and ran for 5 minutes. Since I have yet to put the batteries in the computer portion I do not know how far that was (probably .25 mi :lmao:), but I was sweating...er..glistening profusly. An hour later I still feel good! So hopefully that'll be a good sign. If the weather is nice tomorrow evening (as I plan to take the girls to the zoo in the morning) I'll try to head to the neighborhood park and walk the extensive pathway there.
While I did not walk for a set period of time or distance today, I did do alot of walking! I took the girls to the zoo today and did their 1.0 mile walk through Wild Africa. About half of it isn't paved, so an extra + while pushing a stoller. In all I probably walked well over 2 miles in total today :cool1: Plus my 4yo got in an equal amount of walking and is now taking a well deserved nap :lmao:

Tolemommy- Where in Washington are you located? We moved to Michigan from Washington last summer. Spent the last 3 years attending grad school in Pullam (Go Cougs) and a year (04-05) in Ocean Shores in the gloom of overcast skies and sideways rain. Prior to that I grew up in Ca.

Nikki- Another past Disney bride here. DH and I were married at DL in 2003.
Welcome to the club from another mi dis girl. The weather has been great for walking recently.

Nikki how did you do yesterday?

I did a the Komen competitive race today and was that different than a Disney race. It was downtown Lansing so the scenery was boring. I started way to fast which always bites me in the end. My race time was 52:18. No long run for me today I'm even will have to do it tomorrow. I only have 8 weeks until my 1/2.

Is anyone signing up for the princess on Friday? I would love to but have to find out the cost.

Have a great Sunday everyone.

I so want to sign up for the Princess Marathon1 I would also love to sign up my girls for the kid races! That is one 5k that I think I could do pretty well considering DH is constantly telling me to slow down (we're not in a race) while at the parks. That is unless he needs me to score some fastpasses. I didn't see the cost listed, and does anyone know if it sells out quick?

I'm proud of myself. This evening I grabbed my girls and mom and went for another good walk. I have no clue how far we walked, but it was definately over a mile. DD 4 kept me on my toes too as she was riding her bike and had me run in sections to keep up with her. It felt great! I'm hoping that this helps to keep me focused!
Hello & Welcome RangerPooh,
I live across the Puget Sound from Seattle in Kitsap County. A long way from Pullman, which is in Eastern WA. I've been to Ocean Shores mostly in the summer months. We get a lot of side ways rain here this winter has been particularly brutal! We had frost two days last week and we are still waiting for Spring. I'm a CA native too born and raised in northern CA, Placer county. We moved to WA when I was in high school.

Good luck on training for your first 5K, you can do it. I down loaded the couch to 5K podcasts weeks 1-9 on itunes it's free. I'll be starting week three this week. In addition I joined a couch to 5k class through my local parks a recreation department. It meets two days a week for April, May, and June. This has done wonders for me. Kicks my butt but I'm sticking with it and will finish my first month next week. One down two to go. I do enjoy it.

You will find it does get easier, stick with it, and welcome! :wave2:

Walk On :cool2:
:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

I've been thinking about how to create a hot topic for this week's mixer question. Turns out, the weather cooperated with me. :lmao:

Many areas of the country experienced above average temperatures this weekend, which made many of our weekend distances uncomfortable. (I was thinking especially of how the weather affected the racers at CMM, particularly our very special WISHers). So this week's mixer topic, which starts here on the 'Ohana thread:

What are your training/racing/recovery tips and strategies for hot-weather conditions?

Feel free to tell us how you alter your routines: when you go out, what gear you use or what you wear, how you hydrate and fuel differently, how to recognize danger signs, how you keep cool and/or recover from overheating, and when you decide to shorten/quit/take it inside.

As we all know, going out in the heat can be dangerous, so please help all of us by sharing your knowledge. :thumbsup2
Amanda congrats on your race. You finished, good job! :thumbsup2 Hey I noticed your 30 pound weight loss, congrats again! :thumbsup2 How are you losing the weight, do tell my dear. I'm all ears. I've been trying to lose weight as well but I've been stuck on a plateau for over a month now... :confused3 Any advice ladies.

No training for me today. I had a killer C25K class yesterday! She made us run stairs followed by interval training.:scared1: Monday I will start week three of C25K podcast. I feel like I am getting stronger and building up my endurance. I am starting to enjoy running finally.

I pick up my new running shoes Monday after work. I finally broke down and went to our running store and got fitted for some serious running shoes. They didn't have my size in the shoes that felt the best, the pair they had was a half size to big, bummer. My foot was slipping all over in them. Good news is they were able to order a pair in my size for me. I tried on many pairs of running shoes. I ran & walked in them. It's New Balance for me ladies followed closely by Adidas. :yay:

What types of shoes is everyone running and walking in?

Lace 'em up ladies! :cool2:


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