Fit for the Fairytale/looking good on "THE" day~beauty & weightloss ongoing chat~

Mmmm - toast! I have to try really hard not to eat that - especially when it's raining here and I just want to snuggle up on the sofa and eat lots and lots and lots and lots and..... you see my problem..... ha ha
Okay here is a 3 day diet that has worked for me and my parents. I lost 5 pounds, my dad lost 8 pounds and my mom lost 6 pounds. You have to follow it exactly, no cheating...but c'mon it's only 3 days. You can do it for longer but they suggest to add a multivitamin and 200 more calories. There is also a cookbook out that has different recipes.

Upon Rising: 8 oz of water mixed with 2 tsp of lemon juice OR apple cider vinegar.

Breakfast: 1 egg plus 3 egg whites cooked in 1/2 tsp extra virgin coconut oil, top eggs with 2 Tbls spicy salsa; 3/4 cup oats, 1/2 tsp maple syrup, dash of cinnamon.

Coffee break: 8 oz skim latte or warm fat-free milk with a dash of cinnamon; 1 small apple

Lunch: 3 cups mixed salad, 3oz chicken breast or tuna, dressing: 1/2 tsp olive oil and apple cider vinegar. Season to taste...think hot peppers.

Snack: 8 oz low sodium tomato juice with 3 shakes of Tabasco; 1 stalk celery

Predinner: 8oz water mixed with 2 tsp apple cider vinegar

Dinner: 4oz salmon, tuna or chicken breast with 1 Tblsp spice rub and cooked in 1/2 tsp coconut oil; 2 cups broccoli or green beans; 1/2 cup brown rice or small sweet potato.

Snack: 6 almonds or walnut halves.

* You MUST drink at least 8 cups of water or green tea every day.
Wow what a plan....Its worth a try if it works & it sounds like it does!!!

I need to go get green tea...right now I have mint tea

my sit ups are paying off....tummy is looking good

Now for you girls getting married this spring...start to pay attention to those little toes...moisturize them & keep those nails in shape. Spring is right around the corner.
Dont forget to break in those shoes to avoid painful blisters:thumbsup2

on my 2nd glass of water today!!!

Earlier someone talked about grilled chesse....if you want to have even less oil/butter on the bread, cook it on a george forman grill. It needs no oil & cooks it laster & no pan to clean, just wipe the grill down with a paper towel. I love my GFG I cook everything on it & it really helps reduce fat!!!!

Lets try to set a goal of 3 sets of 5 situps every day for 2 weeks & then everyone report in & lets hear about the results & then bump it up

also, for all you DB with strapless or sleeveless dresses, dont forget about those arms.....the arms can be worked on anytime, even if your watching tv...just grab a weight(or can of food) & do some lifts with them(all types) and try to do as many as you can...feel the burn & you know its working....lets see who can do the most!!!!!!!

Keep it up girls!!!!!!!!!!!:worship:
Ahhhh - the George Forman grill. I have the most huge one I could find. It does me proud! I am trying to resist eating a nice cookie at the moment, with a big cup of black tea.... help me! :headache:
It's so hard myprincessgirlisa......! There are hot cross buns everywhere now! I'm off to the Supermarket tonight to buy some more fruit and veg - and try and avoid the cookie aisles!

I worked out that by dropping 1lb per week, that's quite a large amount of weight! I just need to stay on track - and get myself into gear!
Well as you can see from my ticker, I too am trying to lose weight. When my fiance and I got together I was a whole 4 stone lighter (ditto to some other DB's) The weight slowly went on and I have no idea where the hell I was cause I didn't notice it.
I have PCOS so losing the weight is more difficult and when Christmas came I put on another 8 pounds:mad: I am now back to what my ticker says, thankfully and am well on the way to losing the weight again. I have lost 8 pounds since the 2nd week in January, YAY!!
I am having a carrot and fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch with some chicken or tuna and a healthy dinner such as fish/chicken and loads of veg.
I have cut out bread Mon-Fri and allow myself a treat on Saturday. I drink 8 glasses of water per day. I walk 45 minutes every day and have just started using my elliptical trainer for 15 min everyday. I do my exercise DVD's 3 times a week (Tae-Bo, Hip Hop Dancing and Salsa). I do 200 sit ups a day, 50 press ups, 60 leg raises and 100 twists. I also bought a dance mat which hooks up to my computer and I use that for an hour at the weekend.
On the subject of skincare, I give myself a full facial every weekend, use fake tan which doubles up as a moisturiser;) and I will, I will get up the courage to get waxed!!!

So that's it, my thing, it's working at present. I hope to exercise more when I lose more weight, cause I need to tone up.

Congrats to everyone so far on their progress, it ain't easy.

200 sit ups? I doubt if I could do 10 !!!!
It's so hard myprincessgirlisa......! There are hot cross buns everywhere now! I'm off to the Supermarket tonight to buy some more fruit and veg - and try and avoid the cookie aisles!

I worked out that by dropping 1lb per week, that's quite a large amount of weight! I just need to stay on track - and get myself into gear!

you can do...I have a whole counter of pastries in my office, Im trying not to go in there.
I try to think of it like this.....If I could cheat, what would I want to eat...& its not on that counter....Id rather eat /cheat with something I SUPER DUPER LOVE!!!!

You can do it:yay:
I see what you mean - - hmmm - - If I cheat then I really need to find something good to do it with! Only joking! I'm remaining strong... Grilled fish and rice for tea!

I hope those pastries aren't too tempting - I LOVE pastries! :love:
Lets try to set a goal of 3 sets of 5 situps every day for 2 weeks & then everyone report in & lets hear about the results & then bump it up.
Great idea...this is exactly what I need. I have a hard time coming up with small goals so I get discouraged when my big goals don't happen NOW!!! I am starting with this tonight!!! Thank you, thank you.
my stomache is sore, but its looking flatter...if you dont have the balance ball...get one(walmart$10) really works for the tummy!!!

Remember, muscle does weigh more than fat.

Make sure your conditioning your hair really good & getting regular trims to keep those locks in prime condition for your DFTW.
In winter, spray on a light leave in conditioner before you dry hair. This helps with static & is great for hair.
This summer put deep conditioner in your hair & sit in the sun till dry, then rinse out & let air dry. This make hair super soft.
Shiny hair really looks killer in those pictures.


keep it up girls...were here for you
Fruit smoothie for breakfast, salad for lunch, and fish for tea! I'm doing well! I just have to figure in those sit ups yet!

I would love shiny hair - mine is so fine that it gets limp really quickly :(

Well done on your flatter tummy!!! :goodvibes
I did my 15 situps yesterday and will do them today when I get home.

Breakfast I had oatmeal and green tea. For lunch I will be having a salad with tomatoes, sweet peas, feta cheese, and fat free Italian dressing. Dinner I will have Tilapia with brown rice and veggies. I have been so bad at drinking water. I still have 2- 32oz water bottles full of water sitting on my now I usually have both of them finished and go for a third after lunch. :( And I forgot to take my weightsmart multi-vitamin.
Awesome work on the flatter tummy! Ok homemade fruit smoothie for breakfast. 35 min workout at the gym at work and low fat whole wheat pasta and fish for lunch! I am trying girls...So far 9 pounds down 20 to go!!!!!
WE CAN DO IT:banana: :banana:
Everyone is doing so well!!

My thing is healthy food=gross food. Its not hard making small changes, like cooking on our foreman grill (we do this most often if not using the gas grill)-- but what vegetables are you all eating? Seems like veggies are a hit and miss with people-- and no one likes them all. Also- how are you fixing these veggies.

As for salads-- what are you doing about dressing? I know the Wishbone 1 calorie spritzers are nice-- but do you like the dressings? Whats practical as for salad dressings? We do salads a LOT ... and my problem is the crap i put on them (Cheese, bacon bits, croutons-- cant live without my croutons, and salad dressing)..

Any help out there?
belle1981, pooh friend#1 & raspberry bubbles

Awesome girls!!!!

I am so proud & I bet you guys are feeling good.

I ran up 4 flights of stairs twice yesterday & 1x so far today.......I hope be Monday I can do 5 flights & add another weight to my ankle weights I have been wearing everyday(thank god for cold weather/long pants hide the weights)

Drug rep at our office brought starbucks so I opted for a pomegranate Frappachino. YEAH ME!!!

:yay: :cheer2: :grouphug:
Great job so far everyone! princess:

I started the "Buff Brides" book program last night (weight training, sit-ups, etc), and WOW it is a lot of work! But I could definitely feel my muscles working, so I determined to stick with it. I've never had much patience for repetitive exercises, so it's hard for me to focus on doing the same thing again and again, but I think it will be worth it when we all have flat stomachs for bikini season!

Speaking of the weight smart multivitamin - has that made any of you sick? I was taking the one-a-day brand, and if I don't have a full stomach when I take it I get sick. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm wondering if I should buy another bottle, as this hasn't happened with any vitamins in the past.

We can do it! :banana:
Everyone is doing so well!!

My thing is healthy food=gross food. Its not hard making small changes, like cooking on our foreman grill (we do this most often if not using the gas grill)-- but what vegetables are you all eating? Seems like veggies are a hit and miss with people-- and no one likes them all. Also- how are you fixing these veggies.

As for salads-- what are you doing about dressing? I know the Wishbone 1 calorie spritzers are nice-- but do you like the dressings? Whats practical as for salad dressings? We do salads a LOT ... and my problem is the crap i put on them (Cheese, bacon bits, croutons-- cant live without my croutons, and salad dressing)..

Any help out there?

Heres what I do w/veggies
ex: sub sandwich with roll, 1-2 slice turkey, 1 slice cheese, tomatoe, red onion, green pepper, mustard, lite mayo,avacado & roamine DH loves it

salad is tough, but I just try to use dressing/croutons in moderation.

You can cook veggies on the forman grill too...use olive oil if you want to , but a little salt usually works & I put the veggies over chicken or on a tortilla

My homemade salsa is the #1 requested dish people ask me to bring & its completely can have salsa on lots of things & if you do eat it with chips, try backed or flaxseed chips

ok im hungry;)
I second the whole multi vitamin thing it really gives me a pick me up! Awesome with the stairs those suckers are hard to do!
Maggimus-I totally hear you on the veggies...I do not like a lot of them myself. Here are a few I just LOVE NOW! zucchini sliced thin and grilled on the foreman there is this seasoning salt called LAWRY's(I swear by this stuff!)
Sprinkle a little on them and then brush it lightly with extra virgin olive oil. For those of you who like garlic press a clove into some EVOO and then you will have garlic oil to spead on it. Also there is corn, Mushrooms, roasted red peppers, broccoli and cabbage. For the salad situation I have never used store bought dressing. Get some balsamic vinegar and EVOO, salt, pepper and oregano and you are rocking! I also have a great receipe for nappa cabbage salad with sliced almonds and asian noodles. Another option is adding some pomengrante seeds to a normal salad this way you will get the crunch instead of the calories...We still eat everything we used to just less and not that many prepackaged items. We should all be proud we are doing just great! DISers RULE!:cheer2:


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