Glee - Season Two!

Best parts of tonight's episode:

1) Blaine realizing he shouldn't always be the only lead for their songs

2) The original songs. Even "Trouty Lips" and "My Baby's got a Big @$$....Heart" were fun.

3) Rachel NOT being all ego at the end.
I was really bummed out by this episode. I feel like Glee has been getting progressively worse, especially the writing. Normally the music redeems it, but I thought Kurt did a really bad job on the duet. Granted, I really enjoyed the original music like Mercedes' song and Trouty Lips.
I was really bummed out by this episode. I feel like Glee has been getting progressively worse, especially the writing. Normally the music redeems it, but I thought Kurt did a really bad job on the duet. Granted, I really enjoyed the original music like Mercedes' song and Trouty Lips.

I have to agree. This episode was not...good. Kurt/Blaine can go jump off a cliff for all I care. So over their overexposed selves.
And I was glad for the Kurt/Blaine kiss. Great episode. :)

I guess if you aren't liking it then you can always change the channel :cool1:
Watched episode 3 times now (DP called during show Tuesday and missed Kurt/Blaine kiss)! Loved the music. You think Sue will wind up in jail for punching announcer at the end?:happytv:
I think the Warbler's Blaine/Kurt duet was not good on purpose. Kurt is a much better singer than that and there really is no reason he should have been that nervous. By having it be not great, it opens the door for ND to win.

I LOVED the original songs for regionals. I think many people thought they weren't good because they weren't reconizable. Both original songs were of the same styles they had done as covers of other songs.

Sue punching the Lt. Gov's wife was hysterical, but a bit over the top. I think they need to reign her violence in just a bit. She's seriously injured to people by making them fall down stairs, punched a drunk woman, and has thrown numerous students around and into lockers. She needs to stick to being violent with inatimate objects.

Yeah for Evil Quinn to come back! Yeah for making me love Lea Michele all over again. Yay for Puck just being hot.

And Yay for the spoilers!


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