Goofy Support Group (AKA Goofy Challenge 2010)

Kirstie - how are you feeling? I hope your head and arm are feeling better. Are you going to be able to make Goofy?

No training to report for yesterday or today (yet) I do plan on getting in at least 1 or 2 miles on the TM this evening though. Just trying to get all the last minute things done (including taking my Christmas trees down - which I hate - I love my Christmas trees) can't believe in just 3 sleeps I will be at Disney and 5 sleeps till the Goofy - YIKES.

Happy Monday everyone.
Wow! I knew you were close, but I had no idea you were that close!! If you are sure it is not a problem I would love to go out on Thursday sometime. I should be to POR by 1, then my plan was to get a bite and head to the Expo. I have dinner plans @ Ohana at 6:30. :goodvibes

Thursday would be great, we are trying to get to the expo at 12, as I have to go and talk to Spira.

Just let me know when and where and we're be there.

Do you know where you want to go??
Kirstie - how are you feeling? I hope your head and arm are feeling better. Are you going to be able to make Goofy?

No training to report for yesterday or today (yet) I do plan on getting in at least 1 or 2 miles on the TM this evening though. Just trying to get all the last minute things done (including taking my Christmas trees down - which I hate - I love my Christmas trees) can't believe in just 3 sleeps I will be at Disney and 5 sleeps till the Goofy - YIKES.

Happy Monday everyone.

My arm is better thanks.....still working on the head.

My Dd and Dh went and gave me there head cold too, so we are all staying in as much as poss and taking meds.

I am going to send an email to Spirsa today, telling them what happened as I feel guilty that I will not be at my best for there race. At the moment I still can't get my helmet on, but I'm going to do the Goofy. One of my friends is a medic for the races and she is keeping a eye on me, and she thinks that I will be fine if I just take the race easy......I just hope Spira understand.

We're keeping the Christmas trees up for a little bit longer, but we do have to go and get the lights down from the outside of the house, if its not done be 14 days after the event we get fined!!!!!

See you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday would be great, we are trying to get to the expo at 12, as I have to go and talk to Spira.

Just let me know when and where and we're be there.

Do you know where you want to go??

Maybe we could meet at the Expo? I just need liquids. I think a couple gallon jugs of spring water and 4-6 quart bottles of G2. Wherever is convenient for you would work fine for me. :goodvibes
Kirstie - more :wizard: coming your way. :hug:

Christine - we're going to be at O'hanas on Thursday night as well. Our reservations are for 6:15. I've never been there. I'm looking forward to it.
My arm is better thanks.....still working on the head.

My Dd and Dh went and gave me there head cold too, so we are all staying in as much as poss and taking meds.

I am going to send an email to Spirsa today, telling them what happened as I feel guilty that I will not be at my best for there race. At the moment I still can't get my helmet on, but I'm going to do the Goofy. One of my friends is a medic for the races and she is keeping a eye on me, and she thinks that I will be fine if I just take the race easy......I just hope Spira understand.

We're keeping the Christmas trees up for a little bit longer, but we do have to go and get the lights down from the outside of the house, if its not done be 14 days after the event we get fined!!!!!

See you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glad to hear your arm is doing better. That doesn't sound good though with your head. Good thing you have a friend that is a medic - I wouldn't want anything to happen to you during the Goofy. I am sure Spira will understand - your health is more important than the race. At least you are going to be getting out there and doing it. Just be careful.

I can't keep the Christmas trees up while we are gone as I have a 1 year old cat who would love to tackle one of them (well he already did when I first put them up - I have 3 trees and he tackled the 2 smaller ones - luckly not my big main one - I would have had to hang him on the tree for that one!!) The lights outside are going to have to wait until we get back - I just can't get to it before. I may end up taking some of the things that can be stolen back to my shed but other than that I want to see them on until I leave - I love the lights so much!
Just thinking outloud here. I usually do my outdoor training with a CamelBak strapped to my back. I am used to hydration on demand... But, I don't drink as much in the cooler weather. So, I am thinking of leaving the CamelBak home to free up some room in my suitcase. I am thinking that I won't drink as much when it is cold, and the beverages provided should be plenty. But, I am a bit nervous about having nothing, especially if I want to gel... I have a small bottle with a handstrap that I carried on my 8 miler a couple of weeks ago. I did not really like carrying it due to the cold weather and cold water.

Any thoughts?
Just thinking outloud here. I usually do my outdoor training with a CamelBak strapped to my back. I am used to hydration on demand... But, I don't drink as much in the cooler weather. So, I am thinking of leaving the CamelBak home to free up some room in my suitcase. I am thinking that I won't drink as much when it is cold, and the beverages provided should be plenty. But, I am a bit nervous about having nothing, especially if I want to gel... I have a small bottle with a handstrap that I carried on my 8 miler a couple of weeks ago. I did not really like carrying it due to the cold weather and cold water.

Any thoughts?

You're struggling with a tough issue. It will be cold so you may not feel like drinking as long as you keep you pace under control. I too train with a CamelBack FlashFlo but have NEVER used it in a race - even in the hot years. I will carry a bottle to the start to sip on. In cold years I usually toss the bottle at the first water stop. I use it as a crutch until I know how my body is reacting to the change in hydration intake. If you are not used to carrying a hand strapped bottle I would not carry one on race day. The Zephyr Hills Sport bottle, Gatorade and PowerAide sport bottles work well in the hand without the strap. Just remember to change hands every so often so you do not tense up in the carrying arm. Oh, you will need gloves to carry a bottle if temps stay where they are predicted.
Okay. The Camel stays home--along with my bathing suit!! I will try a disposable bottle instead of my $20 Nathan--darn those Expo impulse purchases!!
Christine - Another suggestion is that Amphipod Hydration has a 4, 8, or 10oz SnapFlask bottles (flask and attachment bracket) which can be attached to up to 1.5" belt (if you use a race belt). My friend uses the 4oz during races so she can sip on it whenever she wants and refills them at the water stations. They run about $10-20 depending on size. I saw them at my local running store.

Christine, I have the same issue, I run with a fuel belt with 2 water bottle and I have no idea if I should run with it or not, I usually do at races but it's usally closer to 90 than 20! I don't want the extra weigh but I am used to running with it and it carries my stuff but I won't need to carry that much pockets mght be enough.... Urgh I just don't know what to do the temps are really throwing me!

Kirstie - take care of that head hugs coming your way :hug:

only 4 days to go :)

I have not trained with a fuel belt, so it may be too late to start now...

I had my last session (pre-Goofy) with my trainer today. We went pretty easy. Then I did an easy 4.5 on the TM. I wanted to try out the new way I laced my shoes before wearing them on Saturday. Worked pretty well. I think I will do 3 tomorrow and another 3 on Wednesday, then rest on Thursday--my travel day. I hope to get a bit of a workout around POR/POFQ on Friday. That brings me to Saturday.

I refuse to give myself over to negative self talk. I have to trust my training and believe in myself.
I'm staying at the POFQ. Hopefully it's a good resort. The resort discussion board gave it good reviews. Anyone going to just walk to the staging area instead of taking the bus?

It's interesting, usually I go solo on trips to do races. This time, there was no way I was going to be able to leave the family behind. As such, I'm not as worried about the races as I am about the other family logistics and activities at the parks next week. I'm almost is a state of denial that the races are in a couple of days which is good and bad. I guess it won't really hit me until I'm standing in the cold on Saturday morning thinking "I thought this was a good idea because....?"

I'm staying at the POFQ. Hopefully it's a good resort. The resort discussion board gave it good reviews. Anyone going to just walk to the staging area instead of taking the bus?

It's interesting, usually I go solo on trips to do races. This time, there was no way I was going to be able to leave the family behind. As such, I'm not as worried about the races as I am about the other family logistics and activities at the parks next week. I'm almost is a state of denial that the races are in a couple of days which is good and bad. I guess it won't really hit me until I'm standing in the cold on Saturday morning thinking "I thought this was a good idea because....?"



The Moderate resorts all get great marks. The POR traditionally gets great reviews. I really like the CBR since the rooms are a little larger; but in recent years I find the CBR is not what I remember. Could have something to do with taking advantage of post 2001 deep discounts for the upper end resorts then realizing that DVC would work for us as long as I made this an annual outing.

Do yourself a favor. Take the bus. You are going to want to check something dry for after the race and if you walk over you will not easily get to the baggage tents. Plus, even though it looks OK, you are wlking on a road that will be used for traffic detouring aroung the mess we are creating with the race. They are not looking for you and the grass is wet. You can usually get in from the Bonnet Creek side but not always. I was told of a few runners who were turned back from approaching that side. Nost a way to relaxe before a race.

I have not trained with a fuel belt, so it may be too late to start now...


I refuse to give myself over to negative self talk. I have to trust my training and believe in myself.

You are ready. I am not sure that I would do anything new. You may find the fuel belt a jiggling annoyance or you may fall in love.
With the temps predicted cold, it may be a little harder to spot the WISH green at the start. Most of us will have our WISH hats on, though. Come by so we can huddle together!! :cold::cold::cold:

Susie, YOU got me into this..I'll be dragging you to that finish line, if needed!! ::yes::'ll be on a "Goofy accomplished" high on Monday!! :goofy:

Nos, we stayed at POFQ last year and really enjoyed it. :thumbsup2

Syko, :hug:

See all of you reeaaallll soon!

:goodvibes Anne
Susie, YOU got me into this..I'll be dragging you to that finish line, if needed!! ::yes::

You know your right! I now recall saying something to Susie about this was all her fault ;) Was that just a year ago as we were volunteering? LOL

I made myself a poptart since I was starving when I woke and now I'm still so nervous that I can't eat it :scared1: I'm sure by the time I get to work I will be able to munch it but come on. Last night I crashed early for me. I hope I settle a bit once we get there.

Safe travels and see you soon for those leaving today/tonight!!!! Repacking again tonight (3rd time!).
I just looked at my log at my 22 miler since the weather here was in the low-mid 30's. The clothes I wore worked well, so I will wear the same thing this weekend. However, I did have my CamelBak and ran out of water...and was a bit thirsty... So, I am rethinking the Camelbak. :rolleyes: Of course, I didn't have someone handing me water/sportsdrink every couple of miles... Maybe I can fill the bladder with hot water and have it keep me warm before the race!!

Anyone else having trouble with sleeping this week? I have been getting to bed earlier than usual to stock up on some rest while I can. I am having some pretty crazy dreams (not race related, so far) then am wide awake at 3-4 AM. I read my Runner's World for a while and fall back to sleep around 5:30.
I just looked at my log at my 22 miler since the weather here was in the low-mid 30's. The clothes I wore worked well, so I will wear the same thing this weekend. However, I did have my CamelBak and ran out of water...and was a bit thirsty... So, I am rethinking the Camelbak. :rolleyes: Of course, I didn't have someone handing me water/sportsdrink every couple of miles... Maybe I can fill the bladder with hot water and have it keep me warm before the race!!

Anyone else having trouble with sleeping this week? I have been getting to bed earlier than usual to stock up on some rest while I can. I am having some pretty crazy dreams (not race related, so far) then am wide awake at 3-4 AM. I read my Runner's World for a while and fall back to sleep around 5:30.

This is the part of the week when you should get some sleep. Fiday and Saturday nights will not offer a lot of high quality sleep.

Remember that water stops grow more frequent as the race gets longer. off the top of my head they are at 2,4,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25 on the full and 1.5,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 on the half
Christine - I cannot sleep at all I lay there thinking about things I need to pack and what time I need to be where and whether my shin will survive, and then about starting new school the day after and then when I do fall asleep I have freaky dreams, some about the race some not, and then I wake up because I have been trying to hydrate and my tiney, tiny bladder cant handle it so I have to get up and its cold and then I am too awake to go back to sleep! If its this bad now I have no idea what it will be like fri & sat, and the more I worry that I need good sleep the more I cant sleep! urgh! maybe I should try to get a nap in when the kid takes one :confused3

Diane - My room is filled with running related items that I need to take but I have no idea how to put them in my bag in a good order so my room looks like a running store right now, I think I know what I will run in but then I need backups and I dont know what to wear when I am not running, I am so used to the heat I am not prepared for this! Oh and eating is easier if you try to not think about it while you eat, I try and read or watch tv about something not running then it tends to go down better, not sure what I wil do on race mornings to distract myself!

Anne - I dont have a wish hat.... but I made myself a Wish headband yesterday with a green headband and a sharpie :goodvibes hopefully people will be able to find each other because I am relying on a WISH penguin hug to keep me warm! The Goofy high might keep me going through the day but I think my new classmates might think I am strange when I scream out loud when I sit down :lmao: and then am incapable of getting up again :rotfl: oh and if my classes are upstairs I am done for :rotfl2:

Nos - I was having family problems too, I told them all to come and lured them with sitting by the pool all morning while I ran ..... well I dont think they will be doing that and now they are starting to complain!!! Although one family member thought, for some reason that I would be running till 2PM on Sat and 5PM on Sun (I know I'm slow but come on :worship:) and that she would be stuck in a hotel room all day with a 3 yr old (she doesnt like to go into the park alone) but once I told her I would be around most of the time she got a little more excited, I guess I just can't seem to understand why everyone isn't as excited as I am :banana: I hope you can sort you logistics out and have an awesome family vacation.

Well no exercise for me today, I planned on a swim to stretch out my shin but since it was 35* when I woke up and we only have an outdoor pool I just couldn't bring myself to go :confused3 I dont want to put many more mile on my leg than I have to because it is bothering me quite a bit lately (it always gets sore in the cold!) I think I will do 2 miles tomorrow and if it gets over 40* on fri I will brave the pool, if not I dont know what I will do :confused3 I am freaking out about the cold, as I said my shin aches when it is cold so I dont think standing in the cold for 2+ hours each morning is gonna feel so good :scared1: but I have all my layers and warm clothes and I guess I am just going to have to go for it :worship:

Not long now guys :hug:



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