Got My Suitcase and a Dream – A DCP Adventure Updated 1/28

Love the Elsa snow! I love reading your day to day fun - keep it coming! Love you and miss you! :love:
Wonderful updates. Boardwalk is my happy place, and you guys really did it justice.
Training and Park Fun! Week 2

Monday: August 18

Today I had the day off so knowing this I was planning on going to animal kingdom to watch nemo and lion king. Luckily still having an annual pass I can make fastpass reservations early so that is what I did. So today would be a solo Sam day to AK!

When I arrived to ak I first went to finding nemo the musical to use my 12:30 fastpass. I am a huge fan of this show.

After the show my roommate Meagan met up with me at dinosaur. We did dinosaur, Everest, Kali river rapids, festival of the lion king and safari.

In the dinosaur line we met a father and daughter who were new to disney world. They did everything at animal kingdom and Dinosaur was their last attraction. We were also lucky enough to time travel with them.
Unimpressed with you dino

In the Kali line we met a lovely family with a little 3 year old boy. It was the longest wait line of the day so we were quite entertained by this little boy. He had 2 dinosaurs that he would have attack each other, then one would go flying and hit the lady in front of us.

After getting soaked it was time to go check out the new festival of the lion king theatre and create a nice wet seat for the next person.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls its time to clap your claws, stomp your hooves and ruffle your feathers as we welcome you to the festival of the lion king!

Last attraction for the day was Kilimanjaro

On our safari 2 of these lovely birds decided to hold us up

We went back to Patterson and Brittany told me all about her exciting first day in tomorrowland. Then alish came and picked us up and we headed to the outlet mall. Brittany needed shoes for work and we walked to every shoe store. It was going on 9 and we all needed some dinner. So we headed to Olive Garden. Then we went to target to get Brittany socks. Then we went back to Olive Garden because Brittany left her card there. Overall it was a productive night.

Tuesday: August 19

Today I had my Our Town training. This training was for everyone working at dtd. During this class we learned about Disney springs, took a tour, got our schedules and went to costuming. Literally costuming was a hot mess and it took over an hour. But I got everything I needed, checked them out and headed back home to Patterson.

I had a very productive afternoon when I got back. I tidied up my room, loaded some photos onto my computer and worked on some updates for here. By this time Brittany got home and we discussed our day. We also discussed going over to alishs apartment to have our second Olive Garden dinner. I also decided to get some of my laundry to do because 1) I'm a moocher who would rather do free laundry then pay at Patterson 2) alish told me before I moved down that I could do laundry at her home. So that is what I did and I looked like Santa coming out of Patterson.

Tonight was a girls night. I did my laundry, we ate our 2nd pasta, watched dodgeball. Ma called me and we chatted, we talked about my week and how everything is going. One thing I've learned is that days get all mixed together and I never know what day of the week it is. It has only been one week....

So we all pretty much bummed it for the night. We tried planning what day to go to mnsshp and what resort to stay at for a "Christmas" vaca. Then to finish our night we had a sundae party with hot fudge turds. Overall I cannot wait for more girls night because there was too much laughing and crabbiness all in one night!

Alish drove us back home to the lovely Patterson. We then decided that we would hit up a park tomorrow night since we haven't done any parks together really.
When getting out of her car I dropped my left over Alfredo on the ground. Thank goodness it landed right side up! So once back at our lovely apartment we got ready for work tomorrow morning and called it a night.

Wednesday: August 20

This morning I had my guest show host core class at Disney University starting at 10:15. Last night I made sure what time I had to be at the bus stop luckily this morning I realized I looked at the F bus schedule (for dtd) and not the A or B like I needed. But I caught myself just in time!

I got to Disney University and was directed to a small classroom. The class it self was a nice 6 hour class with a lunch break. This lecture was just pretty much a recap of everything we learned these past couple of days. Then we learned all about our role and presenting the show everyday for our guests. After lunch we did activities to help us role-play what we learned. There were 4 stations, trash runs, gum scrapping, sweeping and picker. After that we moved to a computer lab where we had to do an online course, which was quite boring but I do those all the time back at home for training at the daycare. Once finishing that we had to go to the mk costume building to get our shoes. Custodial is the only role that gets shoes provided for them so that's pretty cool.

After getting my shoes I was free to go. So I sat at west clock and waited for Brittany to come join me. Lucky us having the same ending time. Once we got back to Patterson we made ourselves some quick dinner. The roommates were discussing going to a park all together tomorrow in the afternoon. However lucky me I get to work.

Randy picked Brittany and I up to go play in the magic kingdom. Alish was working till 7. So by the time we got into the kingdom she was just there in the hub. We literally walked around like zombies. First stop big thunder because goat effect! It's literally the best thing. However the humidity tonight was awful. The line for thunder could have been miserable for people.

After thunder we wondered back into adventureland in thought of doing pirates...the wait however was not worth it for us. So we headed towards Main Street where we stopped at Casey's corner. Alicia and Andy got some food, I just took some mayonnaise packets because 1) I like how it tastes better in packets then in jars and 2) #CPliving. Alish was kind enough to share the nachos she bought.

We then thought about going to mine train but once again an hour wait is not really worth it for the ride itself. Plus Brittany was selected to partake in a CM night where she will ride it over and over and over again for a couple of hours tomorrow night. Unfortunately I have to work again. So we wondered aimlessly to storybook circus where we went on dumbo, browsed the shop and did barnstormer.

We headed towards tomorrowland via the nice quiet walk way. When we got to tomorrowland we first looked for cream cheese pretzels but none were to be found. So we went on the people mover. Tonight was literally the hottest night of all time and with crowds and the humidity we decided to call it quits.

We decided to go get some ice cream near Alicia and Andy's called twisty treats. So we headed to mk parking to get Randy's car, drove back to cm parking to get alishs car and then we found out ice cream was closed. So instead we went back to their apartment.

Alicia was nominated for the ALS ice bucket challenge so this took place on her 3rd floor balcony. Brittany at the time made herself at home and made us some floats.

mini ice cream cone for an ice bucket winner

Tiredness hit us hard and fast, we were laughing about everything. It was time to go home and sleep.

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Sam, you're a great photographer! I really like those Boardwalk pictures, especially the sisters one... really cute.

Learning about the Custodial role in this report is interesting, thanks for all the details. :) Oh and Alisha's River Country shirt is awesome.
Week 2 Pt 2

Thursday: August 21

Today I had my first on the job training, but I wasn't scheduled till 4. This left me with the whole morning. Brittany and I had a Disney movie marathon. We first started with a goofy movie, Pocahontas and Hercules.

At 3 I had to catch the dtd bus from Chatham. Once arriving to dtd I met my trainer Ella. We first had to go to a meeting for custodial where you get assigned a placement and you get your headset. After that meeting we got a free snow cone because why not?! Then we went to costuming to get my locker for my personal items. Then we went down to the leaders where I got my locker for my pan and broom. After receiving many lock combinations I then started those ever so lovely online trainings. Followed by some online assessments. By this time it was time for our break.

After a 30 minute break we went back to the computer lab where I had to read this huge packet and take another assessment afterwards. Once I completed that it was time to go learn restrooms in the marketplace. Restrooms seem fairly simple and we won't be in charge of more than 2 restrooms and if you have ever used a restroom at the marketplace you will know that they aren't all that big. However there are a lot of keys and a lot of different soaps and procedures for each bathroom. At the end of the marketplace Ella told me how first impressions to her are everything, she pretty much speaks her mind, however she told me that I was getting a hang of everything very fast and that I'm going to get the job done.

After we looped the marketplace it was time for another break. After the break we headed over to the west side. There are only 2 restrooms over on the west side that are our responsibility to keep clean. However my trainer Ella works restrooms inside cirque, she took me up there to check it out and get a glimpse of the show. Unfortunately we were paged to go somewhere else before we were able to see the show. After we did the west side we went back to the cast building and we went over codes and how to use the walkie talkies. We finished off the checklist for day 1 training and I waited till 12:30 to sign out and catch the bus home.

Friday: August 22

Today was going to be another lazy morning in my mind but change of plans! Brittany asked if I wanted to go to a park before I had to work. So I got up nice and early got my stuff ready for work and then headed off to Epcot. First however we went to the poly and got on some monorails. The monorail going to Epcot was empty so we both took the opportunity to sleep all the way there.

We saw the most adorable couple getting off the monorail. They were wearing the bride and groom ears with 50 “Ears” on the back. Life goal right there!

We only had about an hour an a half once getting their. So we walked around the showcase. I was slowly melting with each step. We stopped at France so Brittany could get her crepe. Then we browsed some shops and headed towards Norway. We had just enough time to get one ride on the maelstrom.

Then it was time to head back to the ttc to catch the bus back to Patterson. Once back I got ready for work and made my way back to Chatham to catch a bus to dtd. It was my 2nd and last day of training, today I would be trained on streets. First we got our radios and headed down to that dreaded computer lab. There was no online training this time just 2 long booklets to read through. Then after that it was time for a break. Just in time for a crazy Florida storm making us go 101. We were able to go back starting around 7:30ish. So off we went to the marketplace. First thing we needed to do was learn a trash run...and learn the busiest trash run around the gharidelli area. It took us over an hour then it was time for our last break.

After our break we went back out and learned all the zones we could be in charge off. It was a lot of information all at once but it also didn't help that we had to rush due to the weather earlier. At the end of my shift I signed up to learn how to do water art so we shall see about that!!!!

Signing out is a big game for us CPs we are allowed to sign out 2 minutes early. Leaving us all running to the bus that leaves dtd at 12:30. I won the game tonight and thank god because I had to be up bright and early tomorrow morning for my assessment day.

Saturday August 23

Today I started my day with 4 hours of sleep before I had to be at my 9 hour assessment day. Today we pretty much just walked dtd all day and just kept going over what we need to do. It was a long and HOT day. The worst part is probably wearing gloves because your hands just come out like a swamp after using them. Luckily however I will be night shift so it will be better.

So we were outside from about 9-3 with 2 breaks. When we were out on streets a lady came up to me and noticed my Medaille college on my nametag and told me she leaves close to it. Pretty cool. Then we went back to the cast building and met with the managers. Then the greatest new so far... I EARNED MY EARS!

I needed to get more costumes so I went up to costuming got my stuff and then hung out in the break room because it was once again a downpour. Then I went home. It was about 7ish when I got home. Earlier during my break Brittany and I decided that we would do something and go out. Well when I got home Brittany was passed out. So I made myself some dinner and let her sleep since she had an early 6am shift. When she woke up we decided to go out for ice cream. We were originally thinking beaches and creme. So with that in mind Brittany got ready and I called Gma. We talked for a bit and then she decided to FaceTime me because she got a new toy...aka an iPad.

Well Brittany and I were headed to the bus stop missed the boardwalk/yacht bus and got on the poly bus. Our first though was to hope on a monorail and take a bus to the yacht. Once again we changed our minds and decided to go to mk instead. At the poly I met this precious girl in the bathroom. Her mom asked if I was staying the fort wilderness because of my shirt. I told her that I did at the beginning of the month and that I'm know doing that dcp. This started a whole big conversation. At the end the girl said that she liked the bear on my shirt aka Mickey Mouse.

We grabbed some birthday cake ice cream from the ice cream parlor and walked around the kingdom as the electrical parade was going on. I still can't believe that this is my life, that I can just take spontaneous trips to magic kingdom and just soak up the atmosphere. It's everything I could dream of and more.

We did snag a ride on Ariel and called it a night. Brittany had another 6am shift in the morning. So we made our way back to Patterson and called it a night.

Sunday: August 24

This morning/afternoon was a lazy day for me. I didn't start work until 4 so I caught up on some pretty little liars as well as finish up my family vacation video.

It hit 3 and I was off to work. Today was my first day all by myself. It was a little nerve wrecking. When I clocked in I was given zone 4. Without looking at my sheets I knew what this was. It was world of Disney to the Lego store. Before we headed to our locations they were having sign ups for a backstage tour for soarin, so I immediately signed up for that because only 10 people could go.

Afterwards I headed to my zone and all night I was in charge of keeping that area clean. While doing that I watched a dance studio dance, watched the night dance show, and talking to so many guests. I'm loving my job so far, however it is quite the workout. The walking alone can kill you, but rash runs are great for the guns. :rotfl: but really.

My night was speeding by and I really liked that. By the end I was loosing all energy. But I finished my last trash run and it was time to go home. Until someone took my slot for my keys, then I had to play move the keys, which is easier said then done. But I got mine in the right place so that's all that really matters. I won the bus game and headed home for a much needed shower and sleep.

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Sounds like you are doing great! I knew you would be a star pupil and learn it all in a snap! So cool you get to do all the extras - hope you get to learn the water art, you will be great at it!

Love following your journey - and that you are living this awesome life - miss you tons, waiting for the next installment . . .

Hi Sam! I've been following along on Instagram, but love all the details in you TR so far! Wow, I really admire you for doing the custodial work. I totally understand the cleaning up poop and vomit part, since I'm a nurse lol. Look forward to hearing about more of your adventures. -Amanda
All Work Some Play Week 3

Monday: August 25

Today was my only day off until next Tuesday. So I slept in and was a lazy bum for the morning. Then I decided that I should probably go to the grocery store because I was all out of bread. Brittany and I walked to the bus stop together, however she was off to mk to work space.

So I got my stuff that needed to support me for the week. When I was coming out a lady stopped me and asked if where I got my shoes. When I told her I painted them she asked if I sold them. She told me how her sister was friends with Ariel at Disneyland and would flip out over them. So I gave her my email to contact me.

The grocery bus life…only buy what you can carry

Once getting home it was the fun game of trying to squeeze everything into the fridge. It's a rough life living with 5 other girls. There’s never enough room. Afterwards I made myself dinner and facetimed with Gma. After a nice little chat I headed to magic kingdom for some sister fun!

Alish just finished her day at work so I met up with alish in the hub.

There we went off to space in hopes to see Brittany at work. Unfortunately she was on break when we got on the ride so that was kind of sad.

Where’s Brittany?!

After space we were gonna try to get a special meet and greet at the castle with Snow White but it was closed off for the fireworks and wouldn't let us through. So we just decided to leave magic kingdom and go get some ice cream. Alicia is always talking about twistee treats right next to her apartment so we headed over there. First off that ice cream was huge and messy!

After our ice cream we got some lemonade at Wendy's because it is my favorite! Then she took me home so I could run in, get my paper work for grad school. She was going home this weekend for her friends wedding so she was going to give all my paper work to ma. Once alish left I decided I would give ma a call, it was then that I realized it was going on 11 and she would be sleeping. My bad. However she called me back we had a little chat and then I called it a night.

Tuesday August 26.

Today was once again a lazy morning. I was thinking about going to a park early in the morning but instead I stayed in and watched a pretty little liar marathon. Also needed the most rest I could get because my next day off isn't until the following Tuesday.

Today I was scheduled 5-11, which seems like my night will go by super fast. When I got to work I was scheduled PI support, which means I would pan and broom zones 5,6,7 or all pleasure island (what's left of it) as well as do a recycling run at the end of my night. This is pretty much the easiest shift. I walked the area to many times to count. I walked a nice older British couple to the Lego store from planet Hollywood, they came back to disney after many many years and said how everything changed. I then became photographer for TRex and took a lot of family photos. The only bad thing about the night was the 15 minute dinner break. But I made it through the night!

When I got home all the roomies were still up which was never the case when I normally get home. But Brittany and I were talking about her assessment day tomorrow morning, space mountain seems to complicated to work for me.

Wednesday August 27

I love this working late thing because I can sleep the whole day away. So that's what I did. I also once again caught up on pretty little liars season finale. Then I made some lunch and headed off to the bus stop at 3. When I got to work my second trainer Tiffany called me over and gave me a fanatic card! Good start to my night.

Today at work I was zone 9. From characters in flight to Wolfgang on the west side. But only on the water front side. It was so slow today, I walked so much that I wanted to rip my legs off. However with it being so slow I only had to do 1 trash run at the end of the night. By 11 there was no one in the west side so the last hour just dragged on. However in that last hour I found a dipper in the plants. Keeping it classy guests. Then during my last walk through of my zone I was joined by another cp who was doing restrooms on the west side. 12:30 came to slow, but it did come and I was happy to go home.

Thursday August 28

Today I woke up so sore. This caused me to stay in bed and watch the great Gatsby. My mornings always go by super fast and before I know it it's 3 and I need to get to Chatham. Today when I got to work I was scheduled zone 1, bus loop to the new Saratoga bridge (which is beautiful) to rainforest to little miss match. This is a bigger zone then last nights but it wasn't busy at all. However with a bigger zone it took longer to walk making the time go by fast.

During my last break I talked with ma to get her little weekend here planned. I already got one day off when her and pa are here, now I just need to request one more day. The rest of my night went by fast but by 10:30 my legs were sore and I just wanted my bed. Somehow I made it through and became best friends with my bed once again.

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Week 3 Pt 2
Friday August 29

Rise and shine! Today I woke up bright and early at 7:45. For some reason Brittany and I had the great idea of going to breakfast. This then turned into a big roomie breakfast scheduled for 9:30 at the wave.

When we got to the wave we were seated in the biggest booth ever for 4 people. We all chose to go with the buffet, which was so filling!

After breakfast Brittany and I headed over to cast connection/ property control. Brittany and some other roommates went yesterday and got some good stuff. Unfortunately that was not the case for me. Always happens when I go there. We headed back to Patterson after that. When we got back I had 2 hours before I had to leave for work which meant 1 hour nap time!

At 2 I got ready then by 3 Brittany and I headed to the bus stop. Brittany was joining me on the dtd trip because she had to purchase a birthday gift for her nephew. When I signed into work I got Zone 1 again. Solid! So I got my radio, pan and broom, and my dinner and headed to the rainforest break room. I made it just in time before the storm came. I headed out and out on my lovely rain gear. All night we were pretty much 101 so I hung out in the break room and watched the last song.

The lighting went away so it was back out into the rain I go. The rest of the night was a wet dreary night.

Saturday August 30

This morning Brittany and I were planning on heading over to typhoon but we slept instead...shocker.

However realizing that it was Saturday I called ma, who was camping, to talk about her visit in a couple of weeks. Pa wants to do the fantasmic package at mama melrose but the day we were going to do it wasn't available but I was able to snag a different day. I was able to get off 2 days when they come so one day is mk for mine train and mama melrose the other day is going to be spent all day at typhoon.
After getting cut off with ma I called Gma to see how she was. This lead to us trying to plan her trip down to visit me in November.

By this time it became that lovely time to start heading to work. When I arrived the first thing I needed to do was get new costumes. Then I clocked in and got zone 4, a busy zone but I like being busy than just hanging out doing nothing. My night literally consisted of trash runs, I would fill up my banana boat then take it to the back of once upon a toy and repeat. It was a tiring night, but it was also just the beginning of the long holiday weekend. The only thing I can't stand about this job so far is the banana boat, but it's just really the guests who cut you off and then your stranded in the middle of a sea of people. Luckily however you can run into nice guests who will try and make you a path to get through then whisper to you "just run them over" :rotfl

It seemed like everyone had a crazy/bad day. And to top it all off the bus was late. So all us custodial CPs ran outside for no reason. It did come about 7 minutes late, which is better than not coming at all. I made it home later than usual but Brittany wasn't home until the very wee hours of the morning.

Sunday August 31

Yesterday I planned to go to a park. I felt like I was a lazy bum all week and needed to do something. However I feel like working a 46 hour work week and working 7 days in a row can tire a person out. But no sleeping at Disney. So I woke up bright and early, no roommates where up, and headed to the kingdom at 8:30.

I got to the kingdom about 9:15 and took a morning strolled down Main Street. It was so Halloween and fall which I love! The amount I love Halloween at disney is crazy. Then I went to space to use my fastpass.

After space I walked around fantasyland. The wait times were really nice 10-15 minute wait for most things except mine train which was 75...and in my opinion not worth it. I headed to frontierland and went on my love splash mountain. I haven't done it since I have been here and that needed to change.

Hidden Mickey!

When I got off of splash I saw woody and jessie. Woody is my love so of course I got in line, it wasn't long either.

Then I hung out and waited so I could use my thunder fastpass. After thunder I walked around, I was going to go on pirates but then it ended up breaking down and they closed down the line. So instead I met Peter Pan. We talked about fighting pirates and our happy thoughts.

After Peter I decided I was on a roll with meeting characters so I headed over to Ariel. Were we talked about swimming and all thing mermaids. After Ariel I had one more character to meet before I had to leave. That would be princess tiana.

I then headed over to the contemporary to catch the bus. I had some time before the bus came so I made myself at home on a comfy chair.

I caught the bus, then once we arrived at Chatham the sky let open and it poured. Not really poured but I got to walk home in the rain. I had about 45 minutes to get ready for work, eat some lunch and catch the bus. When I got to work I was scheduled PI support, I know that area and what to do so I felt confident.

Tonight went by so fast! I learned how to make crowns for little girls out of park maps and the little girl I made it for was so excited. This weekend was also Irish Hooley so raglan road was a happening place. I made it to 11, got home and called it a night!

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It sounds like you are having a great time working at Disney. :) It must be so much fun getting to go to the parks whenever you want to. I hope you continue liking the job. :)
YAY!!! Sam, I am so happy that you have a TR!! I absolutely love reading all your TR's and especially your trip videos!! I just love your love of Disney!!

I'm so happy that you got accepted to the college program...can't believe it's been like a month since you've been out there! I hope you are having the best time!! I'm hoping I can bump into some of the YOLO crew during our trip in'll be like a celeb sighting!! :rotfl:
Wonderful updates! I know you are excited about planning family visits.
Definitely enjoying your updates! :) I did not know that the Wave served a buffet for breakfast. I went there for dinner during my 2012 trip, and it was very yummy!!

Your pictures of the Halloween decorations are getting me pretty excited for my October trip!! I have never been there during the fall, so I can't wait to see it all in person! :)

All in all, it sounds like you are having an awesome time during your program! I will be at DTD a few times when we are there in October, so maybe I will run into you! Can't wait to read more updates!! :)
Low Crowds = Park Time! Week 4

Monday September 1

Today was the first day of September! Were did August go?! So today's plan was animal kingdom. I set an alarm for 8 to get some fastpasses for Brittany and I because last night the app wasn't working. After I went back to sleep. I woke up around 10 and got ready. Brittany however was recovering still from a crazy EMH mk night. I was going to go off by myself because I didn't want to wake her but after I finished eating breakfast she was up.

When we got to animal kingdom Brittany realized she forgot her magic band so we weren't able to use our fastpasses. We headed to Everest, which was about a 20 minute wait.

Then we power walked over to festival of the lion king were we got some seats in the lion section. Pretty much I will never get sick of that show. It's my own personal sing a long.

After lion king we got in line for dinosaur. We were cutting it close for the bus but I decided to just wait in line because I would be able to catch another bus. The bus came and I thought I was good. That was until we had to wait at vista for a good 15-20 minutes. So once I got back I rushed to get ready. The bus app said I had 18 minutes and all day I wanted a smoothie but this time around it was being a bum and taking forever to make. I0 minutes passed and I was running around like a mad man. However I made it to the bus on time and I had a strawberry banana smoothie.

When I got to work I was once again PI support. Nothing special really happened today. However the crowds were a lot lower which was really nice. At 11 I was officially done with my 7 days in a row of work! While waiting for the bus I called Gma and we chatted until the bus came. Then I went home and went to sleep

Tuesday September 2

Today was my day off and with that we were headed to Epcot! Brittany and I went with Brittany's friend from space Meredith and her roommate Casey. We got to Epcot a little after 10. First thing we did was test track, it said it was a 30 minute wait. It was probably 5 minutes. After test track we headed to soarin which was only a 25 minute wait. Pretty much septembers the best!

Then we did nemo and walked to the maelstrom. Since we were at Norway I couldn't help but buy myself a school. It was like a reward for working 7 days in a row. Brittany wanted to get the ham sandwich at France so we walked the showcase. Once she got her sandwich we left Epcot.

Food and Wine is so close!

Once we got back to Patterson I had my schoolbread for lunch then got ready to go to typhoon with alish and randy. They picked me up and off to catch some waves and rays! We spent some time in the wave pool, then the lazy river, some water rides, crusher gusher and then finished it off in the wave pool.

We headed to their apartment and had some dinner. Alish showed me the new boo to you parade....such a disappointment, return the old version please! Then we watched shrek the musical. I wish they made more musical DVDs like shrek.

Once shrek was over I headed back home, got changed and we then went grocery shopping. First we had to stop for gas, while we were waiting for randy Alish pulled out this beaut from her wallet.

Its my best friend from home, she was suppose to come down in September and do mnsshp & dapper day but she got a teaching job. Then she said she had time in October to come down for a long weekend but we couldn’t make it work. So I guess a picture is just going to have to do.

At the store I got a big haul of food this time around so trying to fit it all in the kitchen was a game. But I fit it in like a puzzle.

Brittany got home shortly after. We talked, then dug into the subs that Andy gave me earlier. Our night ended with some duggars aka Brittany's favorite show

Wednesday September 3

This morning I woke up at 10 then found out my friend from home Holli texted me at 9 asking what park to go to. She came down yesterday for Tokyo auditions and I had the day off today so it was a park hopping day. I got up and ready for the day then was at the kingdom at 12:30. Holli was hanging out with Jill who we went to high school with and she is also doing the college program. we browsed the shops down Main Street and then went to space mountain a 10 minute wait.

Then we headed to fantasyland and went under the sea.
It was a little toasty out so we just to find some shade. We walked towards frontierland because it was almost parade time. On our way we stopped by rapunzels tower. Then we headed to the haunted mansion.

“And with every passing hour I’m so glad I left my tower!”

After haunted mansion we found a shady area for festival of fantasy. I haven’t seen it since May! Literally this parade is everything. I love it so much.

After we went of thunder then to mine train for a 30 minute wait. After mine train we were in desperate need of dole whips so off to adventureland we go! When getting dole whips Peter Pan made his entrance so we couldn't pass up meeting him.

The last thing that needed to be done was pirates. After pirates it started to drizzle and we headed to Main Street.

We left shortly after and headed over to Hollywood studios. Our mission was to get tower, rnr, food and fantasmic done in the last hour the park was open. Did we get it done? OF COURSE WE DID!

I said my goodbyes and headed back to Patterson.

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So glad you got to hang out with Holli! A little bit of home! We start classes tomorrow - we will miss you, hope you have a great day! Love you sweetie! :cool1:
Week 4 Pt 2

Thursday September 4th

Today was back to work day, but that wasn't until later. When I woke up Brittany thanked me for the cake pop. She asked last night if I would come visit her at work and get her a cake pop. I wasn’t at magic kingdom so I couldn’t visit her so I got a cake pop…I should get the best roommate award!

Since I didn’t work till late tonight Brittany Olivia Meredith Casey and I went to lunch at Via Napoli. It was delicious! I have been wanting to eat there for so long and it didn't disappoint. We got an individual pepperoni and a large Quattro Formaggi Pizza (that was the best!) afterwards we headed to Starbucks where Brittany and I got the fall frapps. The pumpkin spice is to die for. Then we headed back to Patterson and hung out before I had to go to work.

I started work at 4 today. When I clocked in I was assigned WOD bathroom. So I was in charge of the guest bathroom as well as the cm bathroom upstairs. It rained the beginning of my shift and it's the beginning of September which means crowds weren't really crowds. So far I enjoy streets more because I like moving around and doing things. My night was slow then at times picked up. But by 11:30 they locked up WOD and I had a good half hour to clean my bathroom and stalk up so it was ready for tomorrow. It hit 12:28 and the custodial cp parade was on route to the bus, which was lacking the AC but I guess that's what happens when I work in AC all night.

Friday September 5

I woke up bright and early this morning. Brittany and I were planning on a typhoon morning/ afternoon before I had to work. But I needed to get some laundry done before we went. It's $1.25 a load to wash then another $1.25 to dry (this is why I like to try and wash my clothes at alishs for free. I'm a stickler with my money)

We then headed over to typhoon for the morning with another one of Brittany's space friends, Courtney. Fun fact we almost roomed with Courtney at the vary beginning of the dcp acceptance process. Small world! When we arrived we found some chairs and headed off to crush and gusher. After the first time we had so much fun that we decided to do it once more. Then we hopped in the lazy river and went to all the slides at the back of the park. To finish off my morning we went to the wave pool. I had to leave fairly early because I worked today. So I left Brittany and Courtney in the wave pool.

So I got to the bus stop 20 minutes early for the 12:50 bus. Well that bus decided to just skip typhoon and go straight to dtd. Then the next bus went the wrong way missing my stop and leaving me. So I waited about 1.5 hours for a bus and when one came Brittany and Courtney came strolling up to it.

When I got to Patterson I got ready for work really quick. I somehow made it work and as I left for work it started to rain. So I ran back inside and got my umbrella. My bus was real late today (not surprised though) however I did make it to work on time. When I clocked in I got zone 3 (thank god streets!!!!) zone 3 includes basin to gharidelli to guest service. Small area lots of trash cans. However right from the start we were 101 for lightning in the area. Then about an hour out on streets we were back to 101. Once we were back to 102 it was time for my break. After my first break it rained and rained and rained. But by my second break it stopped.

I had a lady come up to me and ask me where she could buy my rain gear. I told her that world of Disney sells ponchos. She told me she didn't want a poncho but my jacket. I then told her that they didn't sell my jacket because it came with my costume. She was not happy about that and walked away. Then her child came out of basin with a handful of paper towel and proceeded to rip it up into little pieces and throw them into the air. Her mother told her she made a great Elsa. They then walked away and I got the joy of trying to sweep up wet paper towel...

Then to make my night even better a fellow cp tried stealing my pan while I was putting my trash in the compactor. Someone stole hers so I guess she thought it was ok to steal mine. But all worked out in the end because I called her out (in a nice way). By the way my day was going I was ready to go home and just call it a night.

Saturaday September 6

This morning we were awoken by our smoke alarm going off. It was loud and I wasn't feeling it at 7am. Our roommate apologized and said there was food under the toaster or oven, I don't even know. All I know is that I went back to bed and didn't wake up until 11:30. So I made some lunch, made dinner for work and called Ma for a good half hour. We talked about my cousins wedding the day before, his bride is a big disney fan as well so all the tables represented a different princess, I approve!

Then it was time to get ready for work and leave. Another 4-12:30 shift. When I got to work I got zone 1. Then it was time for breakout (just a meeting with the managers) today we played games. One person would spin the wheel, get either pictionary, charades, hang man or trivia involving the 4 keys. After about 3 rounds it was time to get our radios and head out. Once I reached the rainforest break room I got the lovely call "attention all guest show cast members we are 101" we were 101 up until my break. So I didn't technically start work till 6:45. Not much exciting things happened tonight.

Sunday September 7

Today I woke up at a reasonable time. I updated this report, then made some lunch and dinner for tonight at work. I then called Gma on this lovely grandparents day and tried figuring out her trip since rooms are going fast. I then watched high school musical 3 since Brittany found it on tv while she watched the bills game on her computer.

At 3 Brittany and I both headed to Chatham to catch the bus. The sky was getting dark and right as our busses came it started to rain a good amount. When I got to work I got zone 5 Lego store to raglan road. When we got our radios we were back to 102. In the 2 minutes it took to get my pan and broom we went back to 101. About a half hour we were back to 102. It was just a drizzly night but it was to hot to wear my gear. When I went on my first break we once again went 101. During this time I got a text from alish asking if I was 101 because randy was at dtd looking for me. How ever I never saw him. We then were 102 and I got the joy of wailing and walking and walking in the rain. Soggy shoes are not fun. It stopped rainy after my last break.

I got out at 12:30. Brittany went to house of blues tonight and asked if I wanted to meet up with her and some other space workers. I was not feeling the whole thing so decided to pass. I'd rather go home and sleep. And that’s what I did!

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Just want to let you know I am really enjoying your report. I love that you include so many work updates. As you can maybe tell by my name, I am a fellow CM, in Finance, but I supported Operations most of my career. Anyway, just wanted to let you know I am enjoying your updates, and best of luck to you!


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