Greek Adventure Trip Report

I see in the ABD website that the 2012 trips all now say the itinerary is different and to call ABD for details; when I looked at the Greece trip details on the website it looked the same to me--so not sure what will be different in 2013. I see that the cost is down again--although likely to go back up as booking for 2013 starts (or maybe the lower Euro brought the cost down?).

I wonder what will happen when or if Greece gets out/ thrown out of the Euro zone. On CNBC today and they had a currency expert on and if they do lose the euro it sounds like the economy of Greece will be in shambles. There was no good outcome according to this "expert". Love the drop in the Euro and some predict that by the end of the year it will be on par with the dollar. But I only hope their economy doesn't explode leading to civic unrest and infect our economy. We are traveling to Europe this year and next......hopefully.:blush:
Isn't it great timing the euro is down?! Anyway, WeLoveABD, did you receive your pre-departure kit? We still have not received ours and I called ABD and they said we should receive them next week.

I also asked about the guides for the June 22 tour and it will be Chris Brown (yey!!!) and Mary (sounds like) Pezzari.

No kit yet--we called a few days ago and from that expect them any day now! I don't know Chris Brown or Mary--have you had Chris before? this is our 6th ABD and we have never had the same guide twice!
No kit yet--we called a few days ago and from that expect them any day now! I don't know Chris Brown or Mary--have you had Chris before? this is our 6th ABD and we have never had the same guide twice!
I had Chris for my Southwest Splendors trip, and he was really phenomenal!

This is the first time we will have a guide twice. We had Chris in Southwest Splendors too AND we bumped into him in Peru, and if he won't back out in the Greece one, we will see each other in three continents!!! I just find that mind- blowing. He is a great guide and he told us he was supposed to do most of the Egypt ABDs, don't know if he did or still will. He is featured in the ABD ad on the Disney cruise (the one they show before the movie in the theater) and his footages were all in Egypt. Now we booked the Egypt ABD for next year, and if he is still doing Egypt, that would be the 4th continent we will see him!

I don't know the other guide and not sure if I got the name right.
This is off-topic,but when can you usually find out who your guides are? How do you go about that?
This is off-topic,but when can you usually find out who your guides are? How do you go about that?

I call ABD. They have the info about 30 days or less before the adventure starts and they will always tell you it's tentative since circumstances may change.

The Hop On Hop Off bus ticket is good for 2 days. The Citysightseeing Company gives you the second day free. If you got your ticket through Viatour it is for the red route which is where 99% of the attractions are.

As to credit cards, we have only had one place not accept them and that was the restaurant closest to the hotel. We have had no issues with our card being swiped. We also had no issue with our debit card to get Euros out of an ATM. I have seen a few Citibank banks here.

Hello Nordkin--I imagine you are now on the official ABD tour! One question re the above: we booked via Viator but did not see a second day option or two route option. Did you book in advance or get the tickets via the HOHO company itself in Athens? (We are now debating if we should cancel the Viator tickets and get the 2-day deal in Athens from one of the HOHO booths or via the hotel). Thanks--! (Who are your guides?)
I'm :confused3 keep refering to HO/HO bus, cost of your meals, buying tickets ahead, and such. You also haven't mentioned meeting your guides and other travelers in your group. Are you on a pre trip and staying at the same hotel Disney uses for ABD?

Looking forward to following your ADVENTURE. Lucky you!
I'm :confused3 keep refering to HO/HO bus, cost of your meals, buying tickets ahead, and such. You also haven't mentioned meeting your guides and other travelers in your group. Are you on a pre trip and staying at the same hotel Disney uses for ABD?

Looking forward to following your ADVENTURE. Lucky you!

Pre-trip stuff right now--we will be coming in a couple of days in advance of the tour, as did Nordkin--so great pass down info! We (like Nordkin) elected to do the pre-nights with Disney, which uses the same hotel and guarantees transportation from the airport to the hotel. We have done pre-nights on our own in the past--sometime landing in the same hotel Disney uses, sometimes staying out near the airport and then meeting up for transport with Disney at the airport after our own pre-tour. All in all--we like getting there early just in case of delays, and to get used to the time change--plus seeing more of the first city. The trick with this trip: there is some down time in Athens while on the tour, and you get certain museum passes--so I need to plan around all of that and max the time in Athens on our own (and deal with early museum closing times, and making sure the kids have pool time and aren't dragged to too many boring old museums!). I think Nordkin has now started the official tour so we are eager to hear how that is going!
I'm :confused3 keep refering to HO/HO bus, cost of your meals, buying tickets ahead, and such. You also haven't mentioned meeting your guides and other travelers in your group. Are you on a pre trip and staying at the same hotel Disney uses for ABD?

Looking forward to following your ADVENTURE. Lucky you!
As WeLoveABD said, nordkin did several pre-days before the official ABD started. They should have started the actual ABD by now. I'm assuming nordkin is either having trouble finding a good Internet connection, or is having way too much fun to have the time to update! I'm sure we'll hear about the actual ABD sooner or later. :goodvibes

Sorry I haven't posted for a few days and am catching up now. I will answer any questions you have to the best of my ability as this is an adults only trip. I see where people are saying who the guides will be on their trip. As I understand it they will be Chris and Vivian. Chris has two weeks off after our trip.

Day 4 – University, National Library, and Cape Sounion
We took the hotel shuttle to the center of the city and then walked to the University and National Library. We discovered neither of these is open to the public although the guide books said they were and it is a stop on the Hop on Hop off bus. The outside of the buildings are absolutely beautiful and worth looking at. We walked back to the center of the city and visited the local candy store we discovered that is two blocks up the street on the right of McDonalds. They sell everything from candy, nuts, and cookies by the kilo and the prices are very good. We ate lunch around the corner at a sandwich shop and again lunch for the two of us was around 5 Euro. We headed back to the hotel because we had booked a trip for 2:30 to go to the Temple of Poseidon in Cape Sounion. It was a beautiful drive to get there after the hour we spent going to different hotels to pick people up. You drive along the coast and it is beautiful. Once you get to Cape Sounion the only thing there is a gift shop, café, and the Temple. The views are gorgeous and the guide is not very informative about the temple. We learned more by reading the signs posted.

Day 5- National Archeological Museum and start of trip
The museum is well worth the visit and does a great job of showing the tomb stones from the cemetery as well the evolution of sculpture through the ages. They have a large bronze exhibit as well as an entire floor of vases. It was an interesting visit, but children will probably find it boring.
The welcome reception was at 6 in a private room in Café Zoe. After the introductions and general information, the lanyards were given out. The guides are Chris from California and Vivian from Athens. We moved from the private room to the dining room for dinner which was a buffet. It was very good and a little bit of everything from pasta to veal and lamb as well as a good salad bar and desert bar.

Day 6 – We left the hotel at 8AM and went to the Olympic Stadium first. We were the only ones inside the stadium and Vivian did a wonderful job explaining the history. I do not want to ruin what events are done at the stadium so I will just say you will see things that will have significance to everyone and there are activities for people to participate in. We left there and went to the Acropolis. You use whisperers so if you are more comfortable with your own headphones bring them. There is a lot of climbing at the Acropolis and it is very busy. It is hot at the top and you need water and sunscreen. Your guides will have both. Vivian is very knowledgeable and explains everything very well. We had the afternoon on our own after Vivian and Chris led us down to the Platka area and gave us about 90 minutes on our own before the bus was available to take us back to the hotel. There are several restaurants to in the area and a lot of shopping. We returned to the hotel to rest and get ready for dinner. We left for dinner at 6PM and returned to the Platka area. The meal was cucumber and tomato salad, an appetizer of sausage, cheese pie, and spinach pie, and a main course of chicken or pork souvlaki with rice, peas, carrots, and potatoes, and desert of ice cream. There is also a dance show.
Day 7 – Delphi
We again left at 8AM for the 3 hour drive to Delphi. We stopped after 90 minutes for a bathroom break and arrived in Delphi around 11. Again there is a lot of climbing, but it is well worth it. Vivian again did a very good job of explaining everything. Well worth the visit although we had 4 people who chose to stay in Athens and not take the trip. There is also a museum there that Vivian took us through and explained what we were seeing so we understood it. Lunch was in the town of Delphi and there is no way I can explain everything we had to eat because there was so much. The trip back to Athens was uneventful and we had rain so most people opted to stay at the hotel to eat although they did drop two people of in the Plaka area on the way back to the hotel.
Wow! Thanks for the update!! This makes it all the more exciting! Looking for more updates!!!
We fly to Santorini in the morning leaving at 8AM for a 10:30 flight. We are going straight to the Volcanic Winery from the airport. Will post later tomorrow night about the day.
thanks for the tip re the National Library! We were going to get off the HOHO there to see it--but I believe I read the buses run every 30 min so I think that time would be better spent at the National Arch. Museum! Did you buy a multiple museum pass or just use HOHO discounts for the museums? Really looking forward to your trip reports--and tips, like bringing your own headphones! I know that ABD does a number of pre-tour tours, but it must be exciting to be on the first official one--I imagine the guide energy levels are way up!
thanks for the tip re the National Library! We were going to get off the HOHO there to see it--but I believe I read the buses run every 30 min so I think that time would be better spent at the National Arch. Museum! Did you buy a multiple museum pass or just use HOHO discounts for the museums? Really looking forward to your trip reports--and tips, like bringing your own headphones! I know that ABD does a number of pre-tour tours, but it must be exciting to be on the first official one--I imagine the guide energy levels are way up!

We just bought tickets to the places we wanted to go because it was cheaper for us. The day you go to the Acropolis ABD does get you the all in one ticket for 12 Euro and is good for 4 days.

The energy level of the entire group is pretty high. Be prepared for heat during the day and right now the evenings are cool enough for a jacket.

About the bread charge, there is no way to avoid it. The guides told us it is like a cover charge.
Hi nordkin! I hope your absence from the forum the last couple of days only means you are having a blast and ABD is keeping you busy... which are good!!

Anyway, quick question. Were you able to go to Akrotiri? I read they closed it in 2005 due to an accident which killed a tourist. I also found out that they reopened the site last April and it looked like it's a very interesting place. The guide book they sent us had a notation that it might be closed and we will be directed to a different attraction.

Hi nordkin! I hope your absence from the forum the last couple of days only means you are having a blast and ABD is keeping you busy... which are good!!

Anyway, quick question. Were you able to go to Akrotiri? I read they closed it in 2005 due to an accident which killed a tourist. I also found out that they reopened the site last April and it looked like it's a very interesting place. The guide book they sent us had a notation that it might be closed and we will be directed to a different attraction.

Yes we are having a blast and are exhausted every night. Yes we went to Akrotiri.
We have been very busy and tired everynight, but this post will catch you up through last night.

Day 8 – Santorini
We left the hotel at 8:30 for a 10:30 flight to Santorini. It was confusing when we arrived at the airport because although we had our boarding passes we had to check in with our luggage, but Aegean Air had a special line for us. At this point if you are a member of a star alliance frequent flyer program you can give them your number and receive 136 frequent flyer miles. Security was slow and all electronics must be removed from your bag. If you have a DSLR they will also check all your lenses. Upon arrival in Santorini we went directly to the Volcan Winery. The wine tasting was first, then grape stomping, then lunch, and then a few minutes of free time. The group suggested lunch should have been first and then the wine tasting. I must admit I was very bored during the wine tasting as I do not drink and could care less about wine. The grape stomping was fun and lunch was pretty good. The museum has old animated figures and can be a bit scary for children. We arrived at the hotel in Santorini and were assigned rooms. The rooms on the road side of the hotel have a view of the sea right out their window and from their balcony. The other side of the building also has sea views, but in the distance. The hotel is two stories with no elevator. The rooms are typical European hotel rooms that are smaller than the typical US hotel. There is free internet and the town is about a 10 minute walk as you turn right out of the hotel. There are ATM machines in town and one about a 5 minute walk if you turn left out of the hotel. The guides will tell you to make sure you have Euros because many shops do not take credit cards and there are none available on Crete. We had dinner as a group that night and I would suggest you bring a jacket. The food was OK for what it was.

Day 9 – Santorini – Cruising the Caldera
After breakfast we left to start our sail on a private sailboat. They took us to the volcano for a climb first that took about 90 minutes. My knee was bothering me so I did not go on the hike and stayed on the boat with another couple. Following the hike we sailed to an area to swim and what was put on the itinerary as hot springs, but is actually just a spring. The water is very cold and took your breath away when you jumped in. Everyone enjoyed the hour or so, even those that did not get in the water. It was a fun time watching the reactions of those that did get in the water. We then sailed to have lunch at Captain John’s Taverna. I am not going to go over every meal, just realize you will not have beef on this trip, but a lot of pork, chicken, and salad. After lunch we sailed to Oia where you had the choice to take a bus to a meeting point, walk up 200 or so stairs, or ride mules up the stairs. I must warn you the mules run up the stairs and it is very difficult to hang on. We really got a work out just staying on the mule. The town is beautiful and is nothing more than restaurants and stores. There is a church in the square that is open to visitors. We stayed an hour or so and returned to the hotel. Dinner is on your own this night and there are several nice places in town.

Day 10 – Santorini in the Morning Sailing to Crete in the evening
We departed for the Pompeii of at 11, spent about an hour inside and then left for Kamari Beach and had lunch on our own. The ruins are inside a building and can be very boring as there is not much description and you have to listen to the guide to understand what you are seeing. At Kamari Beach you have just enough time for lunch on your own with maybe 15 minutes to spare before you head back to the hotel for the remainder of the afternoon before you leave for the ferry to Crete at 5. You will be given box meals with a ham and cheese sandwich and a salmon sandwich, chips, fruit, and water. The ferry ride is 2 hours and if you have any chance of motion sickness I suggest you take something before you leave because the ferry ride can be rough and the 90 minute ride to the hotel is on a very windy road. We arrived at the hotel around 9:15. It was mass confusion getting our rooms, but the rooms are very nice. The views are fantastic and it is definitely a 5 star resort. The internet is only wireless in the lobby and the beach bar. In the rooms you have to use an ethernet cable so Ipads and Iphones do not work in the rooms unless your room is very close to the lobby.

Day 11- Cretan Coastline
Those that wanted to sea kayak left the hotel at 9:30 the others at 10:30. I did not do the sea kayaking, but those that did said it took upper body strength and the water was a bit warmer than Santorini. We then toured the island of Spinalonga. It is an interesting island with a long history, including as a leper colony. We stayed about 90 minutes, took the boat back to shore, and had lunch on our own before returning to the hotel for an afternoon to enjoy the resort. You need reservations at the restaurants and are provided a voucher to pay for your meals. We ate at the Old Mill and I must say it is perfect for couples and those that appreciate exquisite settings with background piano music, beautiful scenery, and food worthy of 5 stars. Definitely not for kids or those that want a loud or boisterous environment. I will not forget this meal for a very long time, if ever.
Thanks for the update!

More questions! Is Aegean Air strict about the size of carry-ons and weight? I was reading their baggage allowance and they said the carry-ons should weigh no more than 8 kg, which is roughly 18 lbs. when you say they check DSLR lenses, do they take it apart, separate it from the camera?

Thanks again!
Thanks for the update!

More questions! Is Aegean Air strict about the size of carry-ons and weight? I was reading their baggage allowance and they said the carry-ons should weigh no more than 8 kg, which is roughly 18 lbs. when you say they check DSLR lenses, do they take it apart, separate it from the camera?

Thanks again!
Disney picked up any baggage charges there were for the flight and they really did not check our carry ons at all. For my DSLR I had to take a picture with the lens on the camera and show it to them and they looked through the lens in my bag. The same thing happened to me in the Munich airport last year.


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