Hakuna Matata Team Challenge Hours/Miles

Well I had plans to do a 4 mile walk on the tm but I was tired, took a nap and woke up with a massive headache, so I took some drugs and relaxed. At times our bodies tell us to take it easy and we should listen.

Dave, I'm sure your day off was worth it, you can come out fighting today.

Well, I start at 7 today so I'd best get my butt in gear.

Have a good one, no headache today so I am blessed.

Well I had plans to do a 4 mile walk on the tm but I was tired, took a nap and woke up with a massive headache, so I took some drugs and relaxed. At times our bodies tell us to take it easy and we should listen.

Dave, I'm sure your day off was worth it, you can come out fighting today.

Well, I start at 7 today so I'd best get my butt in gear.

Have a good one, no headache today so I am blessed.


Denise, you are a princess Darlin, you are supposed to give headaches not get them.

I have a good plan for today, going to the gym for stretching and calistetics and then waking my pretty princess for a 4 mile walk. I'm hoping it will be a perfect no hurt day.

My stress level is still elavated because of my dental adventure in a week. Oh goody.

Have a wonderfull day everyone.

Walking Panda:wave2:
Hi guys.

The 4 miles went well today. My achillies was mildly uncomfortable for the first mile but after it warmed up the rest of the walk was good. I took it easy, just brisk walking and not racewalking but still good. It's a start back.

Donna you are doing great this year.

Margie, I'm so sorry you are in the ice now. That really bites.

Denise did you get your butt in gear?

Everyone have a wonderfull evening.

Walking Panda:flower3:
You're right, Denise, about the importance of listening to our bodies! I have a tough time doing that sometimes :rolleyes:

The past two days I have put 12 miles on the bike and 4.8 miles on the treadmill for a total of 2 hours and 21 minutes :goodvibes

Oh, and I signed up for the ING Georgia Half-marathon last night too!!!!!
Good morning team.

Well yesterday I walked 4 miles and this morning my achillies is a little sore but I'm not limping so life is good. I'm heading off to the gym for a good stretching routine then 4 miles easy on the treadmill and more stretching.

I hope the morning sun finds everyone feeling strong and rested.

Walking again Panda:hippie:
I did nothing yesterday. Was feeling good most of the day then got home and had a stomach thing. Watched Mark from the bed doing the elliptical. Felt like a slug. Was sick most of the evening. Right as rain this moring for WORK - blah. Ah well, today is a fresh start.

Panda - good for you, I don't think I would have been as patient - I KNOW I wouldn't.

A co-worker has had trouble with her knee since a local 1/2 back in November. She waited until a week ago to give it a try. She's good for 3 miles but that's about it. She feels for now 3 miles is good enough on the TM then may do a bit more as she progresses. Now THAT's a long time to wait.

I just got back from the gym. I started with a good 15 mpm pace walk for 4 miles, one hour. Then did my calistetics and stretching routine. I'm icing now and took some advil. I had no pain at all while I was walking. I'm still going slow and easy.

With any luck and a little patience I think I can start progressing again. I know I've lost some with the lay off but hopefully if I take the progression back slowly I won't even notice.

Denise, glad you are feeling better today.

Thank you DisneySpirit, I promise I won't over due it. (fingers crossed)

Walking Panda:hippie:
Way to go Dave, congratulations on your walk; however, please be careful...take baby steps young man, don't want to overstep the good fortune :love:!

Denise, hope you are feeling better today :hug:!

Connie, can you log me down for 2 miles today?

Thanks! Have a great Tuesday everyone!

Way to go Dave, congratulations on your walk; however, please be careful...take baby steps young man, don't want to overstep the good fortune :love:!

Denise, hope you are feeling better today :hug:!

Connie, can you log me down for 2 miles today?

Thanks! Have a great Tuesday everyone!


Donna you sound like a mom.;)

But yes I will be carefull, I don't want to have to start from scratch again.

Carefull Panda:hippie:
I don't want to leave anyone out in my thank you so thought I would come here to personally thank anyone who joined in with contributions in my name. WISH Team is the best!

I don't want to leave anyone out in my thank you so thought I would come here to personally thank anyone who joined in with contributions in my name. WISH Team is the best!


Yes we are the best and we all love our Tiger Lily.:love:

Lily I'm so glad you are doing good.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Hello, Hakuna Matata-ers. Uhm, Lions?? Uhm Guys!!

Hey, Tiger Lily, so glad your doing so well!!! :cool1:

Panda, be very careful with that achilles thing. We were thinking of banning limping Pandas! Don't go limping, again.

I hope everyone is making up my miles and hours this week. This flu bug is bad, bad, bad. But I have ventured into the land of living again.

Worfiedoodles (Maria) and Panda would like to see a nutrition challenge. One week we will add a good thing to our diets and the next week we will work to subtract a bad thing. Y'all game?
Hey Connie,

I was able to get into our excel spreadsheet, and I think I messed up on reporting my hours to you for the week of February 16 through the 22. I should have a total of 17 hours, that is, if we are going from Friday to Friday.

Please accept my apology for the confusion Connie!

For this week, beginning with Sunday as that is the first day I ran for the excel sheet, I have 6.0 miles on Sunday, February 24, Monday, February 25, 2.5 miles, and Tuesday, February 26 I have 2.0 miles.

Thanks again Connie.
P.S. I hope you are feeling better!
Hi everyone. Did 30 min 2 miles which was enough as I had to get caught up from being a slug last night. Had to cook and do some stuff. Well I'm glad I was able to do a bit for the team and for myself. I felt good but 30 min was short enough that I wasn't too tired to cook some make a-head meals for when we return from WDW.

It snowed again today so indoor machines - alas a spring storm makes for heavy wet snow and it's clinging to the trees - quite beautiful now it's raining so it will probably ice up then hit the power lines. - JOY.

Off to watch the tube - TTFN

Hello, everyone!

You've probaby wondered if I had fallen off the face of the earth, but, nope! Still here! :laughing: I have been working and working out and trying to get my kitchen back together. We had a flood in our kitchen the middle of November and have been this long getting it fixed. If DH and I had been doing the work, like Scott and Lynn, it would have been long finished. But we had to go through the insurance company. Finally, last weekend, after more than three months, we can cook in our kitchen and wash dishes in our sink! :banana:

I am glad Connie is starting to recover and that her hubby is pain-free! I know that makes Connie's life a lot easier! :thumbsup2

We had snow this morning, but it didn't amount to much. So many of you have had just piles and piles of snow! I think we're all looking forward to some warm, sunny weather!

Sounds like you are all working hard at the contest. I think the nutrition thing sounds like a good plan. Eating is always my nemesis.......Count me in!

Go Team!
Good morning team.

I found another wonderfull Canadian Princess wandering in the wilderness. Her name is Sue and her WISH name is Wilber. Please welcome our new princess.

Sue we have another Canadian couple on our team. They are a bit crazed, but I think it's the beer and their passion for Curling. Not sure what that is but I think it's something you do with lots of food, drink and friends.

Team mates I woke to an icy world again and I did something uncharacteristicly sane for me, I didn't go to the gym. I did do my stretching and cals here though. Just no walking.

Welcome back from the abbess Kathy.:hug:

Have an awesome day y'all.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Welcome Sue!

Looks like a nice day here, a good day for a walk. I would also be up for the nutrition challenge, I did give up chocolate for "lent" (I felt guilty for the pigging out on Fat Tuesday and thought I had to compensate somehow). So, instead of Cadbury easter eggs, I'm eating way too many jelly beans. I am working on salad this week though.


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