Hakuna Matata Team Challenge Hours/Miles

Good Morning fellow H.M.s
I have always been a lurker on the dis. Very excited to have found a new home.
Better late than never for joining the team! Just means I now have 20 pages of posts to read to get up to speed. I commute to work via the train so this will keep me busy.
Very cold & windy here today and will most likely be putting the miles in on the treadmill this evening.

Happy Wednesday, Sue
Welcome Sue! :welcome:

Glad to have you on our team! This is the snowiest winter world wide since 1964! No wonder the weather is bad!
Good Morning fellow H.M.s
I have always been a lurker on the dis. Very excited to have found a new home.
Better late than never for joining the team! Just means I now have 20 pages of posts to read to get up to speed. I commute to work via the train so this will keep me busy.
Very cold & windy here today and will most likely be putting the miles in on the treadmill this evening.

Happy Wednesday, Sue

Welcome to the team Sue :yay:! Stay warm, and happy reading!
Good Morning fellow H.M.s
I have always been a lurker on the dis. Very excited to have found a new home.
Better late than never for joining the team! Just means I now have 20 pages of posts to read to get up to speed. I commute to work via the train so this will keep me busy.
Very cold & windy here today and will most likely be putting the miles in on the treadmill this evening.

Happy Wednesday, Sue

Hi Sue, welcome to our team. Connie, SteffWalks, is our Captain and adult supervision.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Welcome to our team Sue!! :cheer2: What part of Ontario are you from?

It is absolutely freezing today - thank goodness for treadmills and underground (indoor) paths :goodvibes otherwise I'd never get anything done!

Have a great day everyone - only 2 more days 'til the weekend!!
Our Darling Panda said:
Hi Sue, welcome to our team. Connie, SteffWalks, is our Captain and adult supervision.

Walking Panda

I agreed to be the captain, but NOBODY mentioned anything about being the adult supervision! And I don't wanna be!! Let's let Katwalks be the adult supervision....she only checks in once a week!!! :woohoo:
Welcome Sue. Our weather here in NH is much like yours, cold and snow covered. The Treadmill is my savior along with my elliptical.

Only a few more days and I'll be doing my miles around the Boarwalk!! We leave Sunday for the world. Only till Friday but it will be great to be warmer than here. Although it's been a bit cool in Orlando today. Looking forward to getting away and 2 things.

1. No kids this time
2. I won't be doing 13.1 miles in one morning!:banana:

Take care.

Welcome Sue,

Got home and was able to get in 3 miles yeah!!!!!

Work is nuts, getting in the nway of workouts LOL!!!!

Keep up the great work you guys,

Glad to hear you all are healing up and getting over the crud.

Might be heading to Ft Collins for a St Paddy 5K on March 16.

Denise have a great trip lucky you,
Might be heading to Ft Collins for a St Paddy 5K on March 16.

Aw, Ft. Collins, what fond memories of my brother's attendance to college, and the memories aren't academic :lmao:!
Have fun if you do decide to make the trip Scott!
Good morning Team.

I'm off today so after my pretty princess comes home and I get her bedded down for her days sleep I'm off for a good treadmill walk and then stretching and pool fun.

On one of the other threads someone said it was a freezing 53 in florida today. I'm sitting here watching the local news and the temp at the bottom says 22 degrees with a chill factor of 18. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR

I think I need to learn how to do a spring dance, I believe it involves hugging a ground hog. Need to do something to bring on the warmer days.

Have an awesome day y'all.

Happy Panda:hippie:
Good morning team. I hope everyone is doing well. I am still in cold recovery mode, but I’m getting there. I did run outside twice this week!!! Only 2.5 and 2 miles, but any miles outside beat inside miles or no miles at all as far as I’m concerned. Great job everyone on putting in so many minutes and miles for our team!!

Scott: Sorry work has been so crazy for you. I hope it improves soon.

Denise: Have a wonderful time at WDW. Enjoy your trip without the kids.

Connie: I hope you are feeling better. I like the nutrition challenge idea.

Sue: Welcome to our team. Good luck with all your cold and windy weather.

Lynn: Good job on giving up chocolate for Lent. Good luck in trying to resist the jelly beans.

Dave: Sorry you were iced in. Good job on getting the stretching and calisthenics in. I hope your Ground Hog dance works. I NEED Spring NOW.

Kathy: Glad you kitchen has recovered. It will help a lot in trying to eat better now that you can do your own cooking.

Have a great day everyone.
Hey everyone! Still hanging around and getting some steps/minutes in. Won't be around much this weekend, as I'm volunteering for the Little Rock marathon all day Friday and Sunday. So, does watching folks run the 26.2 count?????;)
Hey everyone! Still hanging around and getting some steps/minutes in. Won't be around much this weekend, as I'm volunteering for the Little Rock marathon all day Friday and Sunday. So, does watching folks run the 26.2 count?????;)

I think cheering for 6 hours is pretty aerobic.:goodvibes

Watching a marathon can be very motivational. Especially if you have been there and done that.

Walk like a Panda:hippie:
Good morning everyone. I can't complain about the temps here, yesterday was 50 degrees, but I will complain about the wind. Today it has been gusting to 50mph, with sustained of 15-30mph. I did get out for a good walk yesterday, but today looks like inside activity. I will at least get in some weights and a pilates tape. For the weekend, we are expecting 60 degrees on Sat, then 30 degrees and snow on Sunday! We will try to get our weekend walk/run in on Sat. this weekend! Tonight is SCUBA class (we had to reschedule Tuesday's class due to Scott having to go out of town for work), so I will get more weights in loading and unloading SCUBA tanks and equipment!
Good Morning, Team!!

Thanks for the very WARM welcome.

Bunny foo, I leave in Oshawa and GO train into Toronto for work. It was a cold walk from Union this morning but I'd rather walk outside and face the elements then have to endure the slow walkers in "The Path".

Happy Thursday training, Sue
Good Morning, Team!!

Thanks for the very WARM welcome.

Bunny foo, I leave in Oshawa and GO train into Toronto for work. It was a cold walk from Union this morning but I'd rather walk outside and face the elements then have to endure the slow walkers in "The Path".

Happy Thursday training, Sue

LOL - yeah there are a lot of s-l-o-w walkers down there. I don't have as big of a problem with people walking slow as people walking three or four people wide. Then it really gets difficult to get around!

I'm up at King and Bay. Let me know if you want to go for a quick walk at lunch sometime. It will be fun to walk with someone else, especially from DIS!
I'm feeling more optimistic today. I did a good 4 mile walk on the tready. I even bumbed the speed up to 12 mpm pace for a bit. I don't want to over due right now but it felt good to stretch out the pace a little.

I've been doing that stretch, like a push up against a wall or looks like you are pushing a wall, very deeply to really stretch the achillies and calves. Now I'm icing and took some advil, not becasue I'm hurting but to keep doing everything right. I'm just taking the advil after a lot of deep stretching.

Has anyone heard from Kim and Mike? Atre they off on an adventure? I saw a special on the discovery channel yesterday about how they make a curling stone, I thought of them.

Walk/run strong today y'all.

Stretchy Panda:hippie:
Kim and Mike are at WDW!!! (sigh) ::yes::

We have the strongest Canadian group on our team. I wonder if someone planned it that way. Like someone tried to get people together by region as well as trying to even out the skill level on the teams.

I was worried about them and they are down there being warm. Some People! Did they offer to take us?

Disney Dreaming Panda:hippie:


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