Halloween Horror Nights!! R U Goin???

As the mother of 12 & 13 yo girls, I would never take them. My husband kept saying he was going to take them this year since they're too old for the Neverland Club, but then I kept reminding him about different things in the park. When they're 15 or 16 I would consider taking them, if they wanted to go.

HHN is one, huge Adult-Themed party. Not one attraction is suitable for kids. Like other posters have pointed out, there's always a sex-themed something-or-other there, there are bars set up in every land, alcohol is flowing and the adults are having an awesome time without kids.

When we went in 98, we saw No Kids....I didn't see one. When we went in '03, there were a bunch of kids, but they looked miserable. In fact, I don't think I saw any kids there once it got dark. I'm guessing it was Total Overload and they left. I did see lots of kids screaming and crying and flipping out. I noticed the scaractors would leave them alone, but there are hundreds of Scareactors walking the streets

We went to see that Meet the Parents movie. There was a couple next to us with a ten year old who sat between them. Whenever something sexual and funny came up (which was most of the movie) I laughed my a** off and the mother and father next to me sat as rigid as boards. It was obvious they were embarrased in front of their kid and they couldn't even enjoy the movie.

Yes, there is just a warning not to bring your kids, but not for nothin' , why the heck would you want to :confused3 HHN is made for adults and every adult I know with kids enjoys time alone with their friends and/or their spouse, time to let their hair down and get all scared and goofy.

My suggestion is to find a babysitting club for your 10.5 yo and enjoy the night. The Disney resorts have kids clubs up to age 12, and Universal also has them. We didn't stay on site and we still utilized their services. It was about 80. for the night. If you want more info, just ask.
bars in every land?

how about bar stands set up every 50 feet in the areas. and at all house areas.

there are plenty of stands set up for hhn.
beer and shots are plentiful.

smoking isn't kept just to the designated areas either.

the booze and the smoke doesn't bother me.
it might not be best for littles.
Count me in for Sunday October 8th!! We will be on our honeymoon and we just had to do HHN because I am an avid Halloween fanatic. I hope it is as great as everyone makes it out to be. I go to all the haunted houses in my area, so I'm use to all the scary stuff. But I want HHN to really scare the crap out of me! I am so looking forward to it!
Yeah!!! There's nuthin' like gettin' the crap scared outta ya!!!! Whoooo Hoooo!!!! :thumbsup2
Off topic, but it's a great Halloween story:
I lived in CA for a while back when I was a pre-teen. I think I was around 11 and me and my friends were all dressed up, trick or treating in the near-by condominium complex. Me and my friend, Tracy, dressed up in our roller skates, 'cuz that was cool back then. I was a shooting star, she was a waitress.
Our friends, Ricky, Sean and Paul were there, too.
There was this one guy that was lurking around us. He had nothing but a pair of ripped up jeans on and a nylon over his head, no shoes. The boys thought it looked stupid so we kept telling Mr. Lurker he looked like an idiot.
After about a half hour of this guy just "showing up" to where we were, it was getting a little played. We walked down a dark street with one way in and one way out. The houses were empty, no one answered our trick or treat call.

As we turned to leave the court, there was that guy standing in the middle of the drive with a big ax in his hand. To say we were scared is an understatement. He was blocking our path and it seemed we were all gonna be dead.
I don't know who left first, but the boys sneaked by him and thank God my BF hung around with me; my feet were frozen to the ground. By that time the skates were getting old and I was using my bare feet to walk around, but I still had my costume on: A huge star surrounding my head and a big white sheet. I'm guessing now because I was the goofiest looking one, he picked me to be his victim.
Finally Tracy left and it was me and him. I tried to scoot around him a couple of times and he kept grunting and moving toward me and I would back away. I got the nerve after a few minutes and ran past him.

As I was running for my life, I turned around to see if he was running after me.....He Was. He was running after me screaming AAAAAAAAAAAAAaaHHHH!! with the ax held in the ready to kill position...I peed my pants.
I ducked into a lit garage and he followed me. I am screaming Help Me Help Me Help Me!!!! all to no avail. The guy was screaming, too, so I'm guessing the homeowner didn't want any part in whatever he heard. We were playing ring around the rosey with the parked car and I was begging for my life...Please Please let me go! We were only kidding! Please Please!!!!
I finally inched my way around the car and took off. I don't think I ever ran so fast!!!
I caught up to my friends and they were all crying, even the boys! They thought the guy killed me! Now that I look back, I think it's hysterical.
Anyway, we went back to Tracy's house to see how much candy we collected. It wasn't enough, but I didn't want to go back out. Tracy's mom surmised it was her son's friend who followed and scared us and nudged us to continue with our trick or treating, which we did. But only for the candy.
If you're my age (37), you will remember well that the ONLY time you got candy was at Halloween and Easter....Your stash had to last all year 'cause your parents didn't waste their money to buy you candy!

Sorry, I had to share......So I know how it is to have the crap scared out of you....maybe not the crap, but definitely the pee!!!! :rotfl2:
Might be a stupid question.. but do you get a special HHN map to find all the houses? Or are they just obviously located? Dont want to miss anything!
lady&tramp said:
Might be a stupid question.. but do you get a special HHN map to find all the houses? Or are they just obviously located? Dont want to miss anything!

yes, the maps are issued when hhn opens.
you can not get them prior to the day event.

i tried to get them during the daytime when hhn was happening in that evening but was turned down.

be sure to pick up a map when you enter hhn.......
Princess Amy said:
Count me in for Sunday October 8th!! We will be on our honeymoon and we just had to do HHN because I am an avid Halloween fanatic. I hope it is as great as everyone makes it out to be. I go to all the haunted houses in my area, so I'm use to all the scary stuff. But I want HHN to really scare the crap out of me! I am so looking forward to it!

to me, that is the most romantic way to spend your honeymoon......
right up my alley. :teeth:

look for me on the 8th, i'll be there also !!
lady&tramp said:
Might be a stupid question.. but do you get a special HHN map to find all the houses? Or are they just obviously located? Dont want to miss anything!

Here's a pic I found in the internet of last year's map :surfweb:
if i had a scanner i would show you all the map with the houses and scare zones................heavy sigh...........wish i had a scanner.

but one thing i just read, BK and Spencers will be having discounted tickets to hhn.

i'm just glad i got mine already.
know they have discounted tixs out there but didn't want to wait till the last minute to buy mine.

if you haven't bought yours yet, prices should be out soon at bk and spencers.
there will also be a discount offer on Coke products soon. the billboards and the radio ad campaigns should be starting up soon as well.

some props are in place already and open construction of a scare zone is working as well. I love this time of year.
macraven said:
if i had a scanner i would show you all the map with the houses and scare zones................heavy sigh...........wish i had a scanner.

It's ok Macraven :thumbsup2 ! I found this from last year....
Thanks so much for the map. But last year it was at IOA, this year it is at Universal. I'm assuming there is no map for this one. :guilty:
Princess Amy said:
Thanks so much for the map. But last year it was at IOA, this year it is at Universal. I'm assuming there is no map for this one. :guilty:

oh, but there is one. Its on the halloween horror nights site
goto event overveiw....then click on event map
shows where the houses and scarezones are plus the shows.
tricky1 said:
oh, but there is one. Its on the halloween horror nights site
goto event overveiw....then click on event map
shows where the houses and scarezones are plus the shows.

duh.........you are so right !!

thanks !!
Just checkin in again for the 6th! I can't wait either! Glad to hear things are underway for setup, wish I could be there now!
macraven said:
but one thing i just read, BK and Spencers will be having discounted tickets to hhn. iif you haven't bought yours yet, prices should be out soon at bk and spencers.
Macraven, is BK Burger King? I know Spencers is affiliated with Universal, but I didn't know you can purchase the tickets for that night at the store. They just closed the one Spencers they had in our mall....Since I'm going with a bunch of people, don't know yet what we're doing. Since I'm the planner, I am getting nauseous thinking about how the tickets aren't purchased yet; we all know we're going, I just can't wait!!!! :crazy: By the way my group is talking, it's sounding like the tickets will be purchased at the door (*throwing up*) Oh, I cannot speak of this any longer (*boooohooooo!*)
Corryn said:
Macraven, is BK Burger King? I know Spencers is affiliated with Universal, but I didn't know you can purchase the tickets for that night at the store. They just closed the one Spencers they had in our mall....Since I'm going with a bunch of people, don't know yet what we're doing. Since I'm the planner, I am getting nauseous thinking about how the tickets aren't purchased yet; we all know we're going, I just can't wait!!!! :crazy: By the way my group is talking, it's sounding like the tickets will be purchased at the door (*throwing up*) Oh, I cannot speak of this any longer (*boooohooooo!*)

yes BK is burger king.

buy the tickets at the door..................i bought mine the day they went on sale..........i put things off but not the hhn things.......lol

if you do plan to buy the epp, don't wait until you get to the park.
buy them now, they do sell out on some days.
yellowfish78 said:
Just checkin in again for the 6th! I can't wait either! Glad to hear things are underway for setup, wish I could be there now!

i saw you on the pop list.
how in the world are you going to do that early breakfast the next day after hhn to 2 in the morning..........??

you must be like i am.

you are on vacation, who needs to sleep!!


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