~He didn't drink the Kool Aid.. He bathed in it!August TR~12/13 PG45 The End

Well, I know you've had a busy week and I'm glad you are able to come out of it with a Feb Disney Trip and a Disney honeymoon. Sounds like a wonderful comprimise! The movie theatre idea is super cute and I'm sure it will be a wonderful wedding. You'll have to fill me in on the details.

So wish I could take a Feb trip!
While it's too bad that you can't have your wedding at WDW, I think it's more important that the people who are important in your life are there at this special time. I think you guys made the right decision. I like the idea of having it in the old theatre. Thinking of showing a movie during dinner?

The best part, of course, about the upcoming Mother/Daughter trip is... the TR! Still enjoying this one, happy there'll be another! :goodvibes

I agree. While a Disney wedding would have been amazing I am really happy with the alternative we came up with! Yes the wedding will take place on the stage in front of the screen then after the ceremony everyone will go up to the lobby for movie snacks and cake and after everyone is settled we will play It's A Wonderful (hopefully) or some sort of love story/wedding movie.

I am super excited about it! We booked our airfare today!!!!

Well, I know you've had a busy week and I'm glad you are able to come out of it with a Feb Disney Trip and a Disney honeymoon. Sounds like a wonderful comprimise! The movie theatre idea is super cute and I'm sure it will be a wonderful wedding. You'll have to fill me in on the details.

So wish I could take a Feb trip!

It has been crazy! I am so glad things worked out the way they did though! I am so excited! I will be sure to post pictures on facebook and the DIS and keep you updated!

You should I mean you have always wanted to do a Disney race right :rolleyes1
Hey everyone!

I hope you all are enjoying your holiday seasons! I am anxiously counting down the days till school is out for break (4 more days of classes after today!!!!) and working. So I have some good news and some bad news to share with everyone.

Bad News-
Josh and I won't be getting married in Disney :guilty: We felt bad about not being able to include everyone. So instead we are talking about getting married in an old movie theater where we saw Scream 4 and the other night saw It's A Wonderful Life. We do plan on having a Disney Honeymoon though!

Good News-
Mom and I will be taking a girls only trip! This trip is way overdue and we wanted to make up for not being able to have one in August. Plus I am missing Disney and wanted to get in a girls trip before I am married! So we will be leaving for Disney on February 23rd and returning on the 29th! We are also going to be participating in the Princess 5k! Yes we had a horrible time with the Everest run but I loved the Princess 5k so we are going to team up and do it again!

We will have a couple updates if not more before Christmas!

I completely understand your decision on having a wedding at home with everyone you love! As much as I wanted a Disney wedding, there was no way we would have been able to get all 4 sets of our grandparents, let alone our entire families to Florida - and we don't regret that decision at all! Having everyone celebrate your special day with you is worth it! :) (And Disney honeymoons are a blast as well!)

Going in February will be fun - I'm going with the hubby to run the Princess Half! (He will be spectating) I love that you run with your mom - that's so fun! Maybe we'll run into each other at some point :)
I completely understand your decision on having a wedding at home with everyone you love! As much as I wanted a Disney wedding, there was no way we would have been able to get all 4 sets of our grandparents, let alone our entire families to Florida - and we don't regret that decision at all! Having everyone celebrate your special day with you is worth it! :) (And Disney honeymoons are a blast as well!)

Going in February will be fun - I'm going with the hubby to run the Princess Half! (He will be spectating) I love that you run with your mom - that's so fun! Maybe we'll run into each other at some point :)

It was a tough decision but I know it doesn't matter where we get married but that we do and we have our families there with us. I am really looking forward to a DIsneymoon!

That's awesome! I would love to do a half marathon! If you see us be sure to say hi!
I saw your facebook updates about a trip next year. Yay! Glad you'll be able to get a Disney fix before you get married and then atleast you'll have a Disney honeymoon to look forward to.
I am new to this TR, just read the whole thing in two days. I have fallen in love with your family! :lovestruc You all are very blessed! I look forward to sharing life with you on the DIS now. popcorn::
Aw, your movie theater idea sounds AWESOME! That would be so cool.
I mean sure it would be great to get married at Disney but it wouldn't be the same without all of the family! And yall will have an awesome honeymoon to look forward to! :thumbsup2
I saw your facebook updates about a trip next year. Yay! Glad you'll be able to get a Disney fix before you get married and then atleast you'll have a Disney honeymoon to look forward to.

I am so excited!!!!

I really need a Disney fix! Between working and class I have been run down and could use some Disney time! This trip will be pretty different though and I will update about it soon!

I am new to this TR, just read the whole thing in two days. I have fallen in love with your family! :lovestruc You all are very blessed! I look forward to sharing life with you on the DIS now. popcorn::


Thank you for your kind words! I truly feel blessed to have my family I am very lucky to have them!

Aw, your movie theater idea sounds AWESOME! That would be so cool.
I mean sure it would be great to get married at Disney but it wouldn't be the same without all of the family! And yall will have an awesome honeymoon to look forward to! :thumbsup2

Thank you! I am super excited!

I agree! The family makes the wedding special!

It will be amazing!
Sorry about the Disney wedding but I know how hard it must have been to not have all those that are important to you there. You will still have a beautiful memorable day. Now you can just slurge on the honeymoon!:woohoo:
I left off with us heading to our first “Josh’s Drinking Around the World Tour” *insert echo of tour tour tour* Yes it was going to be an epic time for him. This was the day he was looking forward to when he would try the drinks my dad had been talking about for months! Now where to start off our tour…..


Well if you are familiar with Queen or our past trip reports you will now that there is one drink my father cherishes and has been quoted as saying “ I would give up my first born for this!” Thanks dad…



Anyway it is located in a location where Donald is always getting into trouble and flirting with beautiful women…


In this temple


Lies a little hole in the wall


Now not to say anything about the drinkers but it was too early for the bar to be open so we had to kill time by taking a bathroom break.


We went into the bathrooms near San Angel and let me just say that they have by far the coolest faucets out of any of the sinks in Disney! I don’t have pics but you have to trust my judgment and go see for yourselves!




We killed time taking pictures




and shopping! Jasmine showed me and my mom where she got the beautiful braclet she was wearing. My mom got two and I ended up with one.While we were doing that Josh and Jeff were in awe of the bottom of this tequila bottle.


Finally it was time for the gates of Tequila Heaven to open


Meet the Ditch! Or La Cava!




There is one drink my dad raves about and it is none other than


The jalapeno margarita!!!!

Josh, Queen, and my dad all ordered this drink.Queen was a bit hesitant and Josh was very excited. Our drinks came out along with chips and salsa and guacamole because the Cave has the best guacamole!

Josh and Queen took their first sips and…

here is an after shot you tell me if they liked it!


It was a success!!! They both loved the drinks and it is now Queen’s favorite beverage! (Sorry to ruin the surprise Queen!) This drink was so good it became Josh’s muse and inspired a picture


Hm doesn’t quite match the Mona Lisa but it works!

We all enjoyed talking to one another and enjoying our food/drinks
After we were finished it was decided that we would head to Germany. Queen and Jasmine and Jeff had a special stop to make.

We made our way through the world








When we finally got to Germany we stopped to look into the store of Carmel Dreams





Josh and I decided on popcorn since we could always take it back to the room with us. Jasmine got the delicious carmel apple and I think Queen got some popcorn as well.We stood around talking for a few and then it was time to say goodbye to our friends but not before some pictures!




It was amazing meeting the three of them! I consider Queen and Jasmine great friends and we have known each other since she commented on my first food report. This trip was decided on especially so we could meet them so it was great having that dream come true. We are in contact through the DIS and Facebook and it is great having these two girls in my life. I believe Jeff is a wonderful addition to their crew and it was funny just how alike Josh and Jeff are! I wish him and Jasmine the best! Meeting Queen was amazing and made me realize just how precious our friendships are on the DIS!

Coming up next: Backtracking through the world
Sorry about the Disney wedding but I know how hard it must have been to not have all those that are important to you there. You will still have a beautiful memorable day. Now you can just slurge on the honeymoon!:woohoo:

It was a tough decision for us but I believe we are making the right decision. I know it will be an amazing day no matter where we have it :lovestruc Idk about splurge :laughing: the wedding will come first and then we will figure out the honeymoon :laughing:
Great update, I'm sorry you won't be having your wedding at Disney but at least you will have a Disneymoon!

I have never been to "The Ditch", I'll admit I don't think I even knew it was there until recently reading about it on various TR's.

Love that Caramel store! :love: I made it a point to go there this trip and I got one of those yummy Chocolate Caramel strawberries. I wanted to get more but we were getting ready to eat at the Biergarten and I didn't want to fill up on Caramel, and it was pretty hot outside- I was afraid anything not eaten would melt, I never thought about it then, but the caramel corn would probably have been OK, oh well, next time!
Great update, I'm sorry you won't be having your wedding at Disney but at least you will have a Disneymoon!

I have never been to "The Ditch", I'll admit I don't think I even knew it was there until recently reading about it on various TR's.

Love that Caramel store! :love: I made it a point to go there this trip and I got one of those yummy Chocolate Caramel strawberries. I wanted to get more but we were getting ready to eat at the Biergarten and I didn't want to fill up on Caramel, and it was pretty hot outside- I was afraid anything not eaten would melt, I never thought about it then, but the caramel corn would probably have been OK, oh well, next time!

A Disneymoon is a good alternative and we have found a good replacement for Disney :cutie:

You need to go on your next trip!!!!

I wasn't a huge fan of the strawberies :confused3 I usually love chocolate covered strawberries but they didn't taste that special to me :confused3 I did like the carmel corn and the carmel apple though!
Your new venue sounds so cute! A Disneymoon sounds like a perfect substitute and now you'll be able to have more friends and family at your wedding since it'll be local. :)

I must visit the cave in January now that I'm finally legal! Yum!
Hahaha! That line, "insert echo of *tour tour tour*" was so funny! :rotfl2:
Beautiful pictures of World Showcase! Glad yall had so much fun with your DIS friends! Sounds like an awesome time.
I left off with us heading to our first “Josh’s Drinking Around the World Tour” *insert echo of tour tour tour*

Hello? Hello? Hello? Echo! Echo! Echo!

The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain.
............The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain.
........................The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain.

Well if you are familiar with Queen or our past trip reports you will now that there is one drink my father cherishes and has been quoted as saying “ I would give up my first born for this!” Thanks dad…

Ouch! Harsh. Maybe you should go and get married or something...

Now not to say anything about the drinkers but it was too early for the bar to be open so we had to kill time by taking a bathroom break.

Ah, yes. Disney. Where there's never anything to do. Might as well take a potty break until the bars open. ::yes::


We killed time taking pictures

And going to the bathroom. check.

and shopping! Jasmine showed me and my mom where she got the beautiful braclet she was wearing. My mom got two and I ended up with one.While we were doing that Josh and Jeff were in awe of the bottom of this tequila bottle.

There. See? I knew you could find something to do. And that bottle is pretty cool.

It was a success!!! They both loved the drinks and it is now Queen’s favorite beverage! (Sorry to ruin the surprise Queen!)

:eek: More than her beloved grey goose slushie?!?!? Nope. I won't believe it until I hear it from her lips... er... see it from her fingertips.

When we finally got to Germany we stopped to look into the store of Carmel Dreams

Carmel Dreams? Do you mean this is the store you dream of? Or do you think Karamelle Kuche means that?

Coming up next: Backtracking through the world

That should be interesting! :laughing: Thanks for the update! :goodvibes
Your new venue sounds so cute! A Disneymoon sounds like a perfect substitute and now you'll be able to have more friends and family at your wedding since it'll be local. :)

I must visit the cave in January now that I'm finally legal! Yum!

Thank you! I think it will be a great day!

You have to! I am planning on grabbing a margarita at La Hacianda since they have the same ones but I couldn't have my first visit in the Cave without my dad!

Hahaha! That line, "insert echo of *tour tour tour*" was so funny! :rotfl2:
Beautiful pictures of World Showcase! Glad yall had so much fun with your DIS friends! Sounds like an awesome time.

Thank you!

It was an amazing meet!

Hello? Hello? Hello? Echo! Echo! Echo!

The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain.
............The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain.
........................The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain.

I don't know if you have ever watched The Middle but the way you typed it reminded me of the little boy on there. Occasionally he will say something then tilt his head down towards his chest and whisper the word again :laughing:

Ouch! Harsh. Maybe you should go and get married or something...

:laughing: I am trying!

Ah, yes. Disney. Where there's never anything to do. Might as well take a potty break until the bars open. ::yes::

:laughing: We may have ridden the Donald Mexico ride but I couldn't remember :laughing:

There. See? I knew you could find something to do. And that bottle is pretty cool.

Yeah it's hard it's not like Disney is super fun or anything :rolleyes: I had to yank Josh away from it before he bought it :laughing:

:eek: More than her beloved grey goose slushie?!?!? Nope. I won't believe it until I hear it from her lips... er... see it from her fingertips.

:laughing: I know it is hard to believe! I think it may just be her favorite margarita though :thumbsup2

Carmel Dreams? Do you mean this is the store you dream of? Or do you think Karamelle Kuche means that?

I think it is the store that people who dream of carmel dream about. Like anytime someone dreams of a carmel apple or craves carmel they are actually thinking about buying something here :thumbsup2

That should be interesting! :laughing: Thanks for the update! :goodvibes

Yep Josh got a few planking pictures on this trip :rolleyes1
Nothing better than friends and margaritas! I have to agree that the jalapeno margarita is "The Best". I have been craving it ever since I had it last May and it had spoiled me from ordering ritas from any bar around me. Love the guac too!
Nothing better than friends and margaritas! I have to agree that the jalapeno margarita is "The Best". I have been craving it ever since I had it last May and it had spoiled me from ordering ritas from any bar around me. Love the guac too!

I agree!

They all loved it! I plan on having the avocado margarita when we go to La Hacienda :)

The guac is soooo good! Quedoba and the Cave have the best!


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