"It's the economy, stupid"

This thread title gives a pretty good indication that it isn't about pixie dust. Probably best to avoid it, if it bums you out.
This thread started with an innocent inquiry about whether the economic slow down has caused anyone to change or re-think their vacation plans. It went south when you dragged your political ideology into the discussion.

...they are all going to be sucking down tax dollars paid by poorer than average Americans (plus some tax dollars from the rich, of course).

Actually, the vast majority, not just "some" of tax revenue comes from rich people, not the "poorer than average Americans".

Did it have to be done? Yeah probably.

There you go. The kool-aid is wearing off.
Even though there may be a tax increase for this bailout plan, I'm just glad to see my taxes will be going to rebuild MY country instead of someone else's country for a change. Our country has been ignored enough and I'm glad our economy is now getting the attention it needs.

Hopefully this plan will keep us from having another depression, which scares the crap out of me when I think about it. I'm at a good financial place in my life but if the economy fails, I could end up not being in such a good financial place 5 years down the road.
i sense a this thread will close soon..... pirate:

Yeah economy stinks, but its like a heart monitor.... a flat line isn't good. you have to have your ups and downs. $.02 :rolleyes1
The bailout is a tiny bandaid on an enormous problem. I listened to a non-partisan economist talk about it today. It benefits China a great deal, it benefits the richest stockholders and CEO's a great deal. It benefits McCain because it partially covers the travesty that the administration he has aligned himself with has created. It's effects will be temporary and will be measured in weeks if that. There are reasons why the administration is talking much more extreme measures.

My point for entering this thread was not to kill the magic. Regardless of your political affiliation or who you put the blame on for it, people need to take a good hard look at what the future holds. Vacations are great, but counting on selling your house to pay for them in a market where houses are not selling is not good. Not good at all.
The bailout is a tiny bandaid on an enormous problem. I listened to a non-partisan economist talk about it today. It benefits China a great deal, it benefits the stockholds a fair amount. It benefits McCain because it partially covers the travesty that the administration he has aligned himself with has created. It's effects will be temporary and will be measured in weeks if that. There are reasons why the administration is talking much more extreme measures.

At least something is being done instead of stocks tanking completely. At least it's not being ignored. People would be griping if nothing was being done and now people are griping because something is being done. I don't think they ever said this would be a permananent fix, it will take many months for our country to climb out of it's slump and will probably include more intervention from the government.
I'm not explaining myself well. Yes, something is being done. It is not going to be nearly enough. It is a bandaid to try and hold off the inevitable. The market IS going to crash. It is being falsely propped up, just barely, until the election. Then it is going to hit the fan.

With that I'm bowing out of this discussion because frankly, it is depressing me. If people want a clearer picture of the reality of what is going on with our economy I encourage the turning off the television and using the power of google.
I'm not explaining myself well. Yes, something is being done. It is not going to be nearly enough. It is a bandaid to try and hold off the inevitable. The market IS going to crash. It is being falsely propped up, just barely, until the election. Then it is going to hit the fan.

Wow you can see into the future??? Neat!!!!

No one knows what will happen to the stock market and you definitely can't say that's it's going to crash with all certainty.
Just to get back to the OP before this thread closes, no I'm not really worried.

Why you ask? Well my personal situation is based on sound financial principles. I invested in timeshare programs years ago. All paid for in cash from surplusses I had diligently saved up. Sure my timeshares don't retain resale value as if they were real estate but they secured my vacation portfolio of the future. (My mortgage was already paid and I never stopped saving for my future.)

I learned a long time ago how to handle my finances. I save money religiously. I get a certain satisfaction out of seeing my savings grow. I have an allergy to debt. I use my credit cards like 30 day debit cards, which means they always get paid off in full. I use cards that give me money back as bonuses (Discover and Disney Visa).

Gas prices hurt more this summer so I drove less. I'd combine trips around a shorter route. I'd shop online and get free shipping and no sales tax.

The economy only worries me in that I'm more worried about other people. A lot are playing fast and loose with their fortunes. Many are getting upset. And it doesn't help that we have people preying on their fears. So that's why I worry.

But I long ago learned how to do Disney cheaply. Seems I have a beer appetite on a champagne-like diet. My timeshares give me up to 8 weeks of luxury accommodations a year for value prices. ($700 a week, roughly.) I do a few sit-downs during my trips, but I'm just as happy with counter service. I get an AP at a DVC discounted rate. Park entry doesn't concern me since I go so much it comes out to maybe $7 a day, less with free parking.

I am sorry for all here who are facing job loss and grim times. I'm self-employed so I learned to live with that fear daily. When you're self-employed, all your clients are your employers. They can drop you at any time for any reason. So you learn to diversify your income (through lots of clients) and stock a surplus in case it tanks.
I have a stable job/ steady paycheck. my husband's job however, though stable, the hours (therefore the income) varies through the seasons. for other various reasons we know we will have a tight/rough next 9 months or so. everything should ease up a bit by July of next year. in the meantime we are tightening our belts, following (trying to because we never had to before) follow a budget. I have taken a close look at the deductions in my paycheck to make sure I am not paying for any extras I dont need. the same with the utilities. in summary we are looking at and evaluating all our expenses. our trip last August was paid for in cash and we booked bounceback free dining for next August but we will only go if we can save and pay for it cash. the last time we needed to downsize from 9 nights to 6 nights. this time around the same applies. if we need to downsize or make do without some extras, we will do so. i would not charge any trip related expense becaue I want to remember the trip for good reasons and not because I have to pay the bill every month afterwards. I am not judging, just saying what our situation is. because we dont know exactly how dh income will fluctuate we avoid any extra monthly bills we can avoid.

but above all we trust God. He is our provider regardless of what the economy looks like and wants us to be good managers of the resources he gives us.
This thread title gives a pretty good indication that it isn't about pixie dust. Probably best to avoid it, if it bums you out.

I was just trying to lighten the mood a little- I don't think the OP intended for the discussion to go where it ended.

To the OP- I think we all pay attention to the economy as well as to our own needs and wants. Let's hope everyone here that makes the decision to go to Disney just has a GREAT time!:yay:
I was just trying to lighten the mood a little- I don't think the OP intended for the discussion to go where it ended.

To the OP- I think we all pay attention to the economy as well as to our own needs and wants. Let's hope everyone here that makes the decision to go to Disney just has a GREAT time!:yay:

Yeah, I posted somewhere else that I feel like I stomped on pixies by entering this thread and that doesn't feel good. I hope people will do some reading and really look out for themselves with an eye towards what the future holds. With that I'll bow out gracefully and go fight the good fight in other places. :hippie:
I just read through all 9 pages of posts on this and have a few opinions...

1st- waiting until you can afford things sometimes doesnt work. It is like saying I wont have a baby until I can afford it. ( yes i know this is an extreme comparison) but most of the time there is ALWAYS something else you can use that money on. Sure you might have money to go to disney, but you COULD put it towards paying off your car faster. Sometimes it is better to just go with it when you can not when you feel you can afford it.

2nd- disney is what makes us all happy right? so go... sure dont go bankrupt or homeless because of it. but some people are happy by shopping, some people enjoy movies and pizza orders, some people enjoy luxury cars... we all spend our money on things that make us happy. if disney is what it is, find a way to make it work.

idk if this is all coming out right or not, but the way i see it is, some people like to spend their "extra" money on local things- pizza on fridays, movies on sat's, clothes, cars, etc, while others would rather not have those fun things (pizza movies ice cream blah blah) to save that extra money for disney.

think of the family that orders pizza maybe twice a month... thats about $40 a month- save it a year its $480- half of a disney trip if you stay value. so
it really is personal choice.
I pay cash for my Disney trips! There is a sense of pride there, I guess.

The way I do it is that I set up a simple savings account. I put whatever I can in it each month. I put in as little as $20 and as much as $300, but it is something. And ALL loose change becomes property of the Disney accout at my house LOL. When I get enough to pay for a 10 day trip at POR, tickets, airfare, dining plan and spending cash, I go ahead and book it. Leaving the money in the savings account to earn interest and in case something very unexpected would happen and we couldn't go. I book it whenever I hit my money goal, but we always go in October or November (we like the weather then). Granted I can only usually go every other year, but that is fine with me. It is better than not getting to go at all. :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Is there a reason to worry? maybe... maybe not.

DW and I just booked a therapeutic trip for the fams in Nov... should we have booked the trip? Practically speaking, no. But there are times, especially times like these, where escapism is called for!!! It is not a matter of running from/avoiding the realities of our current world, but taking a physically removed time-out from it.

Amen to this. We just got pounded by Gustav and Ike. Have to get a new roof and we have water damage in the house. Allstate insurance really stuck it to us. There needs to be an investigation on how they were able to get a HUGE hurricane deductible. Damn Louisiana politics.

We had our trip planned before the hurricane and given our current condition I am concerned with the extra expense of a Disney trip. But my DW and I feel it is what we need to snap out of this funk. It a twisted way I am hoping that the economy keeps park crowd levels lower.....
DH and I both have masters degrees and decent, secure jobs. We still feel the effect of the economy. Lunch @ McDonalds is less expensive than school lunch. I've quit keeping track of our 401k's. We're not getting raises this year. And groceries . . .

But, we still live in our "starter home" that we purchased pre housing bubble. We drive used vehicles; the truck runs on recycled vegetable oil. Since we live in a small town, we're not tempted by entertainment costs. We began saving for our kid's college education when they were born. And, we go to WDW once or twice a year, not to mention other occasional weekend excursions. And, sometimes we use the card and pay it when we return. It's not a big deal to us.

We feel fortunate, especially when I hear about the money woes of many US citizens. So therefore, I worry about the economy.
OK...EVERYONE BREATHE!!!!!!!:surfweb:

From what I've gathered, the one PP wasn't saying that she's going to give up her house for a trip to Disney. It sounded like she and her family were ALREADY in the process of putting the house up for sale. And, when they get back, it'll be on the market.

As far as being irresponsible, haven't we ALL made some really dumb and STUPID mistakes, especially when it comes to vacations with family, a couple, or ourselves?!?!?!?:confused3 :confused3 NO ONE on here is perfect because if we were, we'd find a way to live at Disney 24/7!!1:lmao: :lmao:

Yes, this is a public forum/discussion board, but do we seriously have to be so rude sometimes?!?!?:confused3 I think there's ways of getting points across without being rude.

AND YES!! Some of us DO NEED a vacation away from everyday life/stress!! Who doesn't?!?!?:confused3 :confused3 That's why we plan things called VACATIONS!!!!! Whether it be Disney, local amusement park, etc. we need to get away from everyday life and pressures to get back to ourselves and/or families!!
That's something that everyone has and needs to do from time to time. If we didn't, there would be NO Disney!! Now think about that!!!:scared1:

I hate to requote myself, but I think I need to!! The PP who said something about her house going up for sale or whatever, was not saying that she's going to Disney and screw her family and their place of residence!! She was simply saying that they're selling their house because they can't afford THAT house they're in now. Doesn't mean that they don't have somewhere else to live or haven't been looking for another house that's within their means.

As for the OP, all I think they were trying to do is ask whether the economy was going to be affecting anyone on here going to Disney or booking a trip in the near future. They weren't asking us to give them grief over spending $5000 for their family vacation. The avereage Disney vacation cost anywhere from $2000-$8000 and some of you go 2,3,4 times a year!!! Ok, ok, ok...kinda jealous about that!!!:rotfl: :rotfl: But, yes that's because you can afford it and that's fine. But, why critize someone because of something that's already done and/or they can't control it????:confused3 I mean, she would have to be the one to deal with the consequences, not us.

In this time of financial difficulties and stressful times, we should all be coming together and supporting one another, not going against each other for stupid mistakes or whatever, something as to which ALL of us have done!!

Don't we all know how it feels when we drive/walk into the parks and feel that weightlessness off of our shoulders and that feeling of just knowing that we're here, we've made it, and now it's time to realx and have fun??? That feeling of not having to worry about the outside world(bills, gas, food, etc) for at least a weeks' time??? Me, personally, LOVES that feeling!! I like being free for a couple of weeks from worries. I leave it at home at the door when i leave and then pick it up again the day after we get back.

There's 365 days in a year and I highly doubt that for 10-12 days, I'm going to be considered a bad person or irresponsible because I went on vacation with my family!!!

So, as I wrap this up, all I'm saying is this: People make decisions based on what's good for them and their families. What may work out for them, may not work out for us. but, we should NOT critize them for it. It's their life, just like it's ours!! ;) How would we feel if this was us being "branded" like this?!?!:confused3

Life's too short to be worried about the small stuff!!! NOW, everyone go to WDW and have fun!!!! :cool1: :yay: That's my direct order and if you don't follow it, there will be repercussions...........:laughing:
The schools in Central Florida have reduced the number of teachers this year dramatically. I don't think education related fields are at all safe.

It is beginning to take its toll on tourism in this area. Disney, of course, is always the last to feel it, but other hotels have reported that their bookings are down and continue to drop. Disney has reduced the number of folks they are hiring. Part of that is because they can bring in international college program kids much cheaper than they can hire locals. IMHO, this next year is going to be pretty hard on the Orlando area.

It was reported on the local news the other night that 1 out of 20 adults in the Central Florida area are out of work.

My state had a $25 M budget shortfall last year....they raised sales tax and fees on everything. NOW it's a possible 1 BILLION shortfall for 2009. Education is on the chopping block this time.

I was watching the news last night and they were interviewing an unemployed professional who was living in her car with her 2 golden retrievers. The interviewer was horrified she had to live that way and was worried for her safety.

The town had a protected lot for people who had lost their homes and were living in their cars.

What has become of us!
I think a lot of people are- we were at Disney 2 weeks ago and I've never seen it so empty. I've been 21 times all different times of the year- and wow, the crowds were LOW!

I'm concerned, my husband owns a floor covering business and over the years we have seen hard times, but it's weird, he's so busy that's I'm thanking God for all of his work. Times are very good right now for us- and I pray it stays that way and picks up for everyone!!! It's scary.

My son plays travel Ice hockey and I thought with the hard times the teams would be lacking- since it's very expensive, but it's not... no lack of players!
Everyone needs something to get their mind off of things; whether it be DISNEY!!!:banana: sports, traveling, reading, cooking, etc. that makes them relax and have a good time!!

I, of course, prefer DISNEY!!!!:lmao: :lmao: SO, PLLLLEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSEEEEEEEE send me some Pixie Dust right now so that way :wizard: poof, I'm there!!! Anyone care to join me?!?!?:confused3 :laughing:
I was watching the news last night and they were interviewing an unemployed professional who was living in her car with her 2 golden retrievers. The interviewer was horrified she had to live that way and was worried for her safety.

The town had a protected lot for people who had lost their homes and were living in their cars.

What a scary thought! Where was that town?


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