July W.I.S.H - Summer of Independence!

Sorry I am so late to the game today. Thank you everyone for jumping in with the woohoos today. I now tomorrow is going to be busy so I will add tomorrows tonight so it is ready to go in the morning when everyone gets up.

My woohoo is being able to have a date night with DH last night. We didn't go anywhere but our backyard. The two of us watched a movie int he backyard. Both kids were exhausted and wanted to go to bed. We started watching Oz the Great and Powerful. We have about 40 minutes to still watch. I got really tired at about 11 and didn't think I would be able to stay awake. I was right in that. I took a quick shower and went to bed and was asleep in minutes. DH said I was out when he came to bed. We will finish it later tonight. Unfortunately not outside. We started to get storms this afternoon and it looks like the rain will be staying around.
I am going to be early just in case I am not able to get on until later tomorrow. I am Thankful for my grandparents. I lost my first grandparent last fall. I am almost 42 and have been able to grow up with both sets of biological grandparents and I remember 2 sets of great grandparents though the last one past away when I was a senior in high school. They are all in their mid 80's. I am very lucky. So are my kids. They have only lost 2 great grandparents. One of DH's grandmothers back when they were 5 and 6 and then my grandfather last fall when they were 13 and 14.

I am heading over to my grandma and grandpa tomorrow before a doctors appointment. It is on my way and I have been wanting to stop by but the kids schedules are sucking up any time I have. They are like 86 or 87. I know I don't have much time left with them.

I haven't visited my other grandma since she went in a nursing home. She has alzheimer's. She has had it for like 20 years. She can't talk anymore. I don't want to remember her like that. Plus right now I really can't see her. They still have restrictions at the nursing home and I am letting my mom, aunts and uncle to visit.
After reading Piglet’s lovely post, I am so thankful to be a grandparent and such a big part of our grandson’s life. My daughter gave my parents and my husband’s parents so much joy and now we get to experience that same special love for our grandchild.
I’m grateful to be able to travel again. And I’m grateful for a job that allows us to afford vacations and create these fun family memories. But I’m also grateful for the memories we created during the pandemic and some of the new traditions we started such as movie and game nights and watching the newest Avengers Disney+ series together. We’re loving Loki!!!
I'm thankful for travel! It sure seems like we've been doing a lot of it. Off for a few days, home for one day, off again! We got home yesterday from camping (it was so lovely!), are doing laundry now and I think heading out tomorrow! We're trying to see some national parks in northern California, had a semi-itinerary, and then discovered something else we want to see. Now we have to redo the itinerary!

sjrec: the performance was absolutely amazing. Everyone's voices were so good! It was wonderful to see a live show!!!

Had a good 4th at my parents' place. My eldest brother was there. It was nice to see him--especially after just seeing my youngest brother!

Camping was nice, but DH and I learned that when in a high elevation area, do not take a six mile hike first thing in the morning. We were worthless the rest of the day!!!

I've had my morning walk with the gals, need to schedule the next trip, plan some meals, run some errands, and finish laundry.
I'm thankful my Acupuncturist thought to recommended going to the Nutritionist. I did the initial consult with her this morning, next is the blood test, after that we do an eating plan to eliminate all reactivite foods for four weeks, then slowly reintroduce things. I hadn't thought about the elimination diet phase, the four weeks will probably start early August and butt right up against vacation. It's a good news/bad news kind of thing... I should be feeling pretty great for vacation, but will have to continue to be restrictive while on vacation.

So my second thankful is that Disney is so good with guest's special dietary needs. I'll have to keep this all in mind as I start to make my ADRs on Sunday.

Also thankful I was down another pound this morning, that means 8 more pounds to lose in the 9 weeks before vacation to meet my minimum goal and that is totally doable.
I'm thankful that I finally got DD and I to the eye doctor today after 3 years! We were due last summer, but we only went to the doctor for emergencies. We both picked out cute frames. I am thankful that we have great insurance under my DH. Neither of us could find any frames we liked from the free choices, but she found a pair for $100 which is fully covered. I found a pair of Prada glasses that I just couldn't resist, but I only had to pay for half.

I'm thankful that we made it home in time to beat the storm. Elsa is raining down hard on us. Hopefully we won't lose power...we need our A/C desperately. We bought battery-operated fans just in case and are stocked up with food and water for the worse case scenario.
Elsa is raining down on us really hard right now. We lost our satellite, but by the grace of God, we still have power. Fortunately the sump pump is working. I can hear it in the basement hard at work trying to keep up. Our pool is overflowing. I am just so grateful to have electricity.
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Elsa is raining down on us really hard right now. We lost our satellite, but by the grace of God, we still have power. Fortunately the sump pump is working. I can hear it in the basement hard at work trying to keep up. Our pool is overflowing. I am just so grateful to have electricity.
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It barreled through here last night along with two tornado warnings. It got so loud at times! Today it’s cooler, breezy but sunny.
For those of you in Elsa's path, hope she moves on quickly and doesn't cause damage.

Weekly recap: dropped another pound this morning, so that makes -4 so far for July, and -7 left to lose before vacation. I started really cleaning out the 'fridge yesterday but there's more to be done. I know the food list for the elimination diet is going to be very short, like broccoli and salmon short, so I'm planning on getting as close as I can beforehand so I hopefully don't go thru that "kill all the things" phase while trying to adjust.

I've done my new one-chore-in-the-morning thing three days in a row now, plus I've been doing one outside chore each evening, so feeling pretty good about that.

This is the last true free weekend for a while, since our big sale starts Monday and it's all-hands-on-deck for the remainder of the month. I'm going to ping my Sister later this morning and see about driving out to see her tomorrow, since I didn't go for the 4th. I need to get stuff for my July trip to Goodwill together, oh if I go to her place I could take stuff to the kitty rescue place as well... hmmm... would need to get that together today. And can't forget - ADRs Sunday!
Oneanne, are there any special reservations you’re hoping to get?
We made a few but hoping to try the quick service places in HS that are new to us.
I was thinking it would be a challenge to choose, since I'm sure more will open up in the meantime, but just made a list and the only thing really missing is Flying Fish. My other challenge is knowing I'll still be on restricted eating so trying to think about really nice main proteins and sides of veggies, without a lot of sauces and fancy stuff. Here's my initial list of possibilities for TS:

Garden Grill
Teppan Edo
Brown Derby
Tusker House

But I need to look at some places I haven't been before, like the other TS in Japan and the TS places in France. I'll also need to give thought to CS and check out menus... and Food and Wine will be going while I'll there so need to think that through. I have no plans to go to Disney Springs, even tho I know there are some good places over there. I love Spice Road, but it's a 'lounge' now, so I can stop in there anytime. I also need to figure out if lunch or dinner is going to be my main meal.
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I was thinking it would be a challenge to choose, since I'm sure more will open up in the meantime, but just made a list and the only thing really missing is Flying Fish. My other challenge is knowing I'll still be on restricted eating so trying to think about really nice main proteins and sides of veggies, without a lot of sauces and fancy stuff. Here's my initial list of possibilities for TS:

Garden Grill
Teppan Edo
Brown Derby
Tusker House

But I need to look at some places I haven't been before, like the other TS in Japan and the TS places in France. I'll also need to give thought to CS and check out menus... and Food and Wine will be going while I' there so need to think that through. I have no plans to go to Disney Springs, even tho I know there are some good places over there. I love Spice Road, but it's a 'lounge' now, so I can stop in there anytime. I also need to figure out if lunch or dinner is going to be my main meal.
We had a healthy and very enjoyable meal at Teppan Edo in 2018.
Happy Friday everyone!!!! It is free for all Friday. I know I am late again. What is everyone up to this weekend?

I missed my grandparents yesterday. They were at the doctor. I tried to hang around for a bit and read my book before I had to leave for my doctor appointment but a storm rolled in and I was not going to stay out side during that. I was bummed I missed them.

I had a good doctors appointment. It was supposed to be a physical but ended up being more then that. I had to find a new doctor as the one I was going to is no longer practicing. I really like this new one. she started where my last one ended. With all the sinus issues I have been having, she is sending me for a CT scan. I go in a few weeks. We are also going an allergy blood work. Hopefully I will final know what I am allergic too and we can hopefully stop it.

Today DD and I got our first Mani and Pedi since December 2019. It was so nice. Now we are just hanging out until My sister, niece and nephew come over. My nephew, the one that have been in a lot of trouble lately, is getting to fishing and DH is the only fisher in the family. DH is going to take him fishing to teach him.

Tomorrow will a bit more relaxed. The only thing we have going on is DD needs to get her horse ready for the show on Sunday.

My sister just got here. I will come back later and finish
Today was just run a lot of errands. The first few of which did not pan out! So frustrating to be excited to take stuff to a great charity, get there only to discover that it is closed on Fridays!

Last night DH and I made reservations for our trip. We're taking off tomorrow for a few nights. Got munchies for the road--mostly healthy with a few treats thrown in! I weigh myself tomorrow and am a bit apprehensive about that. I feel like I've done nothing but eat junk today! But I've done lots of walking the last few days plus my weight lifting routine so I'm hoping that offsets things a bit!!!

We also got a book on CD to listen to, so that will be nice. Especially since the camping trip DH changed the channel every thirty seconds!!! :sad2:
Elsa left us with a flooded basement in spite of the sump pump working the entire time. DH was up till all hours with two other pumps. I was nervous about him letting them continue without supervision after he finally went to bed, but I guess everything is okay. I haven’t gone downstairs yet, so...

We never lost power although we know many who did. I am very grateful for that.


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