Jumping Joyfully into June's WISH Journey

I am sorry that you feel like you lost out of special time with your mom! I can relate very well. My father lives in the same town as me and it often feels like I am the daughter who gets to do the not fun, but has to be done stuff with him, while when my sister is here or he visits her, it is all about the fun stuff. I did tell him that once and he felt very sorry about it and he has changed a bit. Next years trip can't be changed now for you anymore. But can't you tell your mother that you would love to have a special trip in the future just with her and your family because you feel like you missed out on that opportunity?

I don't want to say anything because I think she might feel a bit like me but more torn. I will talk to her tomorrow about it just not that I was upset about it. She does want to do Disney I think because it is what I like.

@piglet1979 you want to see the face of my SIL when I told her I have seen some new electic vehicles recharging points at HRH in Orlando and it looks cool. She was WHY ARE you looking at it? I told her as I fully intend to go again!

We are saving for house right now and Orlando is expensive - but also we work so hard and it makes us really happy. We all want to come back. She was rolling her eyes when she said WHY??? Why do think? My money, my vactions, my way. Or ours should I say. She is much more interested in nice cars houses etc and does not really travel much so doesn't get it

I understand how you feel. It isn't selfish. I don't wan to do Disney with people who don't get it, and I fully understand not everyone will.

I agree. We are good going by ourselves but I am pretty sure that my mom wanted to go to spend time as a family and she knows this is what I really like. It is funny to see peoples faces when we say we are going back. Luckily I have a few friends and my boss is like me.

Piglet, I am sorry your vacation is not what you had planned/hoped. Maybe a special outing for you, your mother and daughter? The tea at the Grand Floridian is lovely. Maybe one of the days your sister is off doing other things?

This is a good idea. DD would love this time too. My mom and her are so much alike. DD calls my mom just to talk a lot as well. We may not be able to do the tea though. My mom has celiacs so this trip will be a new kind of planning as well for me. I have been doing so much research on this already. I just need to get what her plan is now to know what to plan.
MOTIVATION MONDAY...What's motivating you this week?

My motivation is "Summer Mondays"! -
School is done for the year, and my Mondays are my own. :cloud9:

I got a ton of stuff done today, and managed to eat pretty well and get on the treadmill.

My other motivation this week is to clean. - I've got company coming in on Wednesday, and so far the living room, bedrooms, and yard look good. Tomorrow's attention goes to the kitchen and bathrooms.
My motivation is "Summer Mondays"! -
School is done for the year, and my Mondays are my own. :cloud9:
Love this! I want to say me too, except today I was babysitting my nephew. So I was really on his schedule.

My motivation this week is to plan meals so I maintain my weight (my clothes all fit this summer as opposed to last year). I’m fighting a cold and would prefer to just eat ice cream for dinner!
Meal planning is the way to go, in my opinion. However, now that school is over, I dropped the ball on week one and forgot to do my meal planning yesterday. 🤦‍♀️ Keep fighting that cold and the urge to eat ice cream for dinner ;)

My motivation this week is going to remain to "Choose Happy", and to not get wound right back in to the crazy.
Welcome back! Sounds like you had a great trip! I still hope my husband will give in and agree to go to Hoopdeedoo Review sometime. I love your "choose happy" motto. Great motivation. One thing I've found to help me "choose happiness" is music. If I'm in a bad mood or having a bad day or just irritated with someone...putting happy music on has helped me move past my grumpy mood.

“Every day I make small changes to build a healthy body and healthy mind”
I love this. It doesn't always have to be a quick huge change. Sometimes just changing one little thing can make a big difference. And your worksheet is a great way to track your progress towards your goal. Thanks for sharing that with all of us.

I did quite a bit of cleaning around the house as my cleaning guy had to quit a couple of months ago due to his health issues. I was surprised what a workout cleaning is!
Isn't it great to find a way to tackle two tasks at once...cleaning and working out.

I am pretty sure that my mom wanted to go to spend time as a family and she knows this is what I really like.
Sometimes it's hard when we have a certain expectation and then it doesn't go as planned. Sounds like your mom had good intentions and you see that, but also needed to vent your frustration. That's what we're here for. But to me, after your vent, it seems like you are following @Oneanne and "choosing happy". Good for you!
Since I seemed to be a little late today for our friends in other time zones, I thought I'd go ahead and post before going to bed tonight.

TOPIC TUESDAY - Being Hangry

Are you familiar with this term? Have you experienced this?
Here are some suggestions to curb cravings and control hunger:
-Drink more water
-Eat frequent smaller meals/snacks (every 2-3 hours)
-Distraction: go for a walk or another activity to take your mind off of being hungry.
-Stay out of the kitchen
-Eat foods with higher fiber content/greater nutritional value
-Drink Green Tea
-Chew gum
-When all else fails, snack on some veggies to avoid giving into unhealthy options.
Does anyone have any other ideas? What have you done in the past that's worked for you? And I'm pretty sure "Eat a Snickers" is not the best choice ;)

Possible BONUS! (I don't know if this will work, but I'm giving it a try.)
This is a funny video about being hangry. I'm definitely the monster! If the video worked and you could watch it...what kind of HANGRY person are you?
Great topic

I am in the eat more often camp. I think 2 hours is too short but 4 is a stretch so trying to every 3 hours or so

Eating satisfying meals
I have read that 15g of fat is the sweet spot for fat content of satisfying meal as minimum of the main meals. Depending on how many meals 30 g of protein per meal if 3/4 per day, or 20g per meal and 10 each snack 3 meals + 3 snacks. Half plate full of vegetables or vegetables and fruit

Using spices and fresh herbs keeps the meals satisfying in terms of flavour.

For me including starchy carbs in each meal is a must too. I think this is individual but I function better when my meal is balanced. I guess with half plate veg and quarter protein I have quarter of plate left for the likes of potatoes/rice etc.

Balance your meals, don't have 300 cal lunch and 1500 dinner. If I eat too little during the day I am more likely to be hangry and end up eating too much at night

Keep busy at night. Find things you enjoy like get your nails done. Food is fun and easy way to change mood so if you take it away (eating just to improve mood) it leaves a gap. We all need ways to satisfy our hunger for feeling good. Hot bath, swim, call friend, read book, pick up new learning. Some of the mood lifters require more effort short term but for me focusing on this will be key

So eat regularly. Balance meals. Eat food you enjoy. Look after yourself by finding other treats- like walk on the beach, holiday photos etc

If you end up being hangry and you eat too much just go back to normal. Don't try to make up for it
I just saw a news feature on the idea of 10,000 steps being the magic number for health benefits. Where did this number come from? The companies that make the these tracking devices! Without any scientific data to back them up!
Researchers found that between 4-5000 steps do make a real difference to our health if done consistently.

I have read that before too. Makes me feel better as I rarely get to 10,000 at the moment!

I don't know how people do lower carb diets.

The first few weeks is rough as your body adjusts and you kind of go through a sugar detox. So you get a spike of lethargy, headaches amongst a few other side effects. Once I got through that period though - I actually have more energy now - within a few weeks it was actually DS18 that noticed and said "hey mum you are not falling asleep all the time anymore", I no longer have that afternoon dip in blood sugar that used to leave me hangry! The food is really tasty the fat keeps me satisfied for longer typically (unless I haven't had enough or I start to mentally crave chocolate). I probably used to think the same thing as you - but after giving it a try it is not that bad and I haven't missed the rice and pasta as much as I thought.

read somewhere we have natural set point about how much we like to move

Mine must be pretty low lol

I'm back... re-entry is in progress, slowly easing back in to everyday life again.

Welcome back! I was thinking about you just the other day and how much fun you must have been having,

Since I seemed to be a little late today for our friends in other time zones, I thought I'd go ahead and post before going to bed tonight.


Are you familiar with this term? Have you experienced this?

Yes! And I have definitely experienced it - but as I was just saying to @HappyGrape above it happens less now that I am doing Keto. I find I ride that sugar wave a lot less now. And I am a grumpy hungry person - get out of my way I need food and funnily enough I used to love snickers!
I missed motivation Monday - in all honesty I am really focusing on my health as motivation. I have a GP appointment for Thursday - had another aura in the middle of the night - it is freaking me out - so am off to discuss all my symptoms of the past few weeks.
Hangry is definitely a thing! The video was funny. DH is the Caveman, DS is the Monster, but my type is a mix - I do get impatient, but mostly I get "foggy" - when I haven't eaten, I just can't think. (It really make me supportive of school breakfast & lunch programs.)

I use several of the strategies mentioned:

☑ -Drink more water
☑ -Eat frequent smaller meals/snacks (every 2-3 hours)
........-Distraction: go for a walk or another activity to take your mind off of being hungry.
........-Stay out of the kitchen
.-Eat foods with higher fiber content/greater nutritional value *
........-Drink Green Tea
☑ -Chew gum
☑ -When all else fails, snack on some veggies to avoid giving into unhealthy options.

* The key for me is to make sure the meal/snack contains protein! Nuts and cheese are my go-to snack items.

@4Mickeys, I hope the appointment goes well!
Ha ha... I'm a Depressive Monster when I get hangry, and it ain't pretty! My worst case of hangry was actually the trip when my avatar was taken... I'm sure I've told this story before but in a nutshell, I'd flown on the overnight red-eye and my room wasn't ready until 5pm. I only had time to change clothes and get over to EPCOT for my ADR at Garden Grill, then they were over 30 minutes late seating me... at this point I'd been more or less awake for 30+ hours. The gal at the podium even warned the seater/greeter guy that I was upset, but I told him, just feed me and I'll be fine. And I was. Of course a couple hugs from my guy Chip also helped.

Got quite a bit accomplished yesterday... I "only" had 700 emails to sort thru, I was actually expecting more. I have a lot of meetings again today, but I'm hoping to carve out time to be able to sink in to a couple tasks I need to tackle.

Did well with this yesterday, will work on it again today.

Hangry is definitely a thing in our family. When we travel we always bring along what we call “the emergency banana “ in case our next meal is delayed for some reason!

I think I am the “broadcaster “-if I am hungry I tend to share that information.

When I was working and going to the grocery store after school I would come home with all those groceries and be too tired and frazzled to cook-so would eat take out or go out for dinner! Finally realized I could have a pound of shrimp steamed or get a rotisserie chicken while I shopped, make a salad and heat some rolls while I unpacked- so we didn’t have to eat out.

PollyannaMom, I understand what you mean about school breakfast and lunches-it broke my heart how many of our kids came to school without eating-often because no one bought groceries. There were several of us that kept granola bars and fruit cups in our closets and kids knew where to come if they were hungry. How can you learn anything if you haven’t eaten anything that day?
Hangry is definitely a thing in our family. When we travel we always bring along what we call “the emergency banana “ in case our next meal is delayed for some reason!

I love that! (My emergency rations are less healthy, though - fruit snacks and Slim Jims that I can leave in my purse all the time. :rotfl2: )
WhooHoo Wednesday

We went to see pink yesterday. She was incredible! I am attaching few photos. I mean, she could teach tinkerbell how to fly! We were very near the stage. I managed to stick to my plan yesterday - from being super organised in the morning and getting my workout in before work, to going for walk, to remaining sensible while eating out. I could not get up out of bed on time this morning but lucky I worked long hours last few days and have the room to start little later and finish later if I need to.

I am loving that I have 12 day plan in mind, and reassess and repeat (with change if needed). 12 days is year to keep me focused. 1 kg is easier to work on. It's my day 5. There were a lot of chocolates and also some delicious donnuts in work but I didn't dwell much on it. It was no for me. I need to sort out my weight and be happy again, and donnuts of 500 cal doesn't bring me towards that.

@4Mickeys I believe low carb is great for some but not all. I don't think there is one size fit all. Glad you found keto suits you!

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I believe low carb is great for some but not all. I don't think there is one size fit all. Glad you found keto suits you!

I previously would not have thought I would do it - but it seems to be helping to reduce my bad blood work numbers - so will hang in there for a while longer to see how I go ...

We went to see pink yesterday. She was incredible! I am attaching few photos. I mean, she could teach tinkerbell how to fly! We were very near the stage

Glad you enjoyed the concert. DD15 and I love her and were standing front row when she was here last year, Actually we went twice lol first time was seated and way too far back for us to really enjoy it - then I randomly checked one morning and there was some standing - so DD15 and I went again and had such a better time. Will always go standing and get there early to get up front for her from now on.
i used to argue with people, and say oh no you need carbs or try cutting added sugars it's great or whatever. I don't anymore. We are too different, and generic advise doesn't suit everyone. I was wrong to think something that feels right for me is the way to go and the only way

It's my first week of summer. I got into my new building and was able to start organizing my classroom, but on my time and my dad even stopped in to help me. My kids are staying active. My son helped run the baseball camp for younger kids at the high school the last two days. Today, both my son and daughter start speed & agility camp for 5 weeks on W & F mornings. I'm excited that they are still eager to go and many of the neighborhood kids as well as their friends from various teams are joining them, which always makes it more fun! I'm maintaining my weight (although my eating habits are slipping a little...a little snacking on junk now that I'm home and around it more). Countdowns are getting real. In less than two weeks, my kids will be 15! In 3 weeks, we'll be at the beach. And in about a month we'll be in Disney! My biggest woohoo...our Magical Express tags came in the mail this week. :hyper:


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