Laid off--Support thread

My DH had a phone interview last week and now has a second interview in person this time. We are keeping our fingers crossed, but trying not to get too excited because you just feel that much more let down. Unfortunately he has nothing else going on currently. The in person interview isn't until next week, which makes the waiting that much harder.

I started work outside of the home at a hospital last week as an assistant to two new physicians and we at least have great benefits.
For those who are looking for temporary work, the Census Bureau is hiring for the 2010 Census. They still need more people. Call 1-866-861-2010 or visit

I'm working for them now and the pay is $17.50 an hour plus miles. Not bad for part-time help. There is no benefits, but you can set your own hours and work up to 40 hours (not more than 40 hours because they don't pay overtime).

Are you working as a numerator or a crew leader? My DH is working for them and he isn't making near that amount. Maybe it is regional?
My DH had a phone interview last week and now has a second interview in person this time. We are keeping our fingers crossed, but trying not to get too excited because you just feel that much more let down. Unfortunately he has nothing else going on currently. The in person interview isn't until next week, which makes the waiting that much harder.

I started work outside of the home at a hospital last week as an assistant to two new physicians and we at least have great benefits.

:woohoo::yay: for the face to face interview.
I just exhausted my unemployment benefits. I'm waiting to see if I can get an extension. I'm so hoping to find a teaching position this fall. I've been out of the classroom for some time already and am itching to start doing my multiplication rap again.

I too have been a bad wife and got into an argument with DH the other day. Long-term unemployment even if you can pay the bills is extremely stressful.

Good luck on the face-to-face interview :)
Just checking in...

Hope everyone had a good Easter! We did, I did something a little unconventional in this house- the bunny brought only 1 chocolate bunny and movie tickets- I downsized tremendously. The girls were very pleased with the movie tickets to Hannah Montana and we had a very nice family day.
Just checking in to see if things have "improved" for folks. I myself just completed school for a new career but so far no job openings. Keeping my fingers crossed tho...:goodvibes
my DH was laid off at the end of may for at least a month. i don't know how july's bills will get paid, unless we take the money from our meager (by most people's standards) savings. my paltry chacha earnings and DH's unemployment just won't cover everything, and we're not spenders-everything is already cut to the bone. (yes, we did just go to WDW, b/c the trip was completely paid for and we would have lost money by cancelling).
My Dh's last day at Cooper Tire will be June 26th.Then he will get 17 weeks of compensation...after that it will be unemployment unless he finds a good job. No hits on his resume yet.
My Dh's last day at Cooper Tire will be June 26th.Then he will get 17 weeks of compensation...after that it will be unemployment unless he finds a good job. No hits on his resume yet.

We thought we would get the 5 weeks vacation owed, and the severence package. NOTHING> not even the life insurance we paid into, the retirement is ok as it was vested, but not accessable. Also not much!

He does not even have a GED as he left highschool before graduation 42 years ago to start midnight shift.
Scary as we have a 13 year old and 26 year old disabled.

My husband had an interview Tuesday and he wanted him to come back on Friday, we have a funeral as my grandfather died, so we're waiting to see if he can reschedule for the beginning of the week - I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Other than this, nothing else on the horizon. My husband also has a non-compete, but this employer wasn't worried about it and said they'd just give him a different title and job description. The kids get out of school on Wednesday so the timing would be perfect - it's hard not to get your hopes up.

I hope everyone else is doing well.

Still no job, had several offers, but they didn't cover gas, daycare for 2, etc. So, for now I am still on UI, which isn't covering the expenses and my credit rating is down the drain.
I'm getting so stressed right now!

DH has now been on UE for a year! He's been laid off before, but never for this long, and I've never been concerned that he wouldn't findn something. This time is so very different. In recessions past, he would send out 5 resumes and get 4 interviews, and usually at least 2 offers. Sometimes companies would call him! Not so this time around....His last interview in his field was in January and there is little to nothing on the horizon!

He's applied for part time positions, positions out of his field, anything at all, since we can easily manage with him making about 1/2 what he made before. He did get an interview with an armored car company where one of the questions was, why, with his education and experience, did he apply for that job? He didn't get the position because they felt he would leave as soon as something better came along.

I'm not sure how we're going to pay all the bills, especially the mortgage, once UE runs out in August. I am calling BoA's Home Retention Program this afternoon to see if we can get a loan modification.
Just found this thread and wanted to offer :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

I've been unemployed since the week prior to Christmas and was the main breadwinner (plus health benefit) for the family. Hubby has been very supportive -- it's me that's having trouble adjusting to being at home all day and begging for interviews.

Will definitely check out this thread now that I know it's here and THANKS to all for the incredible support you all are offering each other and now, unfortunately, me!:flower3:

My husband had an interview Tuesday and he wanted him to come back on Friday, we have a funeral as my grandfather died, so we're waiting to see if he can reschedule for the beginning of the week - I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Other than this, nothing else on the horizon. My husband also has a non-compete, but this employer wasn't worried about it and said they'd just give him a different title and job description. The kids get out of school on Wednesday so the timing would be perfect - it's hard not to get your hopes up.

I hope everyone else is doing well.


I've done quite a bit of research on non-competes for a friend of mine who's also trapped by one.

Read the contract carefully. The courts are now tending to side with the employee. Non-competes are not intended to prevent someone from working. That said, even if your DH was laid off, it may still be binding, depending on the state's laws. You can (evidently) research your local library for case law on decisions that have been recorded to get a sense of how the court rules.

You might also want to contact your local bar association. Some--trying to generate income for themselves--are offering FREE half-hour consultations.

Most contracts are written in an overly broad fashion, and designed to prevent most employees from even THINKING about contesting them--that it's a foregone conclusion they have no recourse. Some states will blue-line the contract, modifying it. Others, if the contract is poorly written, will void it entirely. If you don't ask, you won't know, especially if you can get a free consult.

Good luck.
I've done quite a bit of research on non-competes for a friend of mine who's also trapped by one.

Read the contract carefully. The courts are now tending to side with the employee. Non-competes are not intended to prevent someone from working. That said, even if your DH was laid off, it may still be binding, depending on the state's laws. You can (evidently) research your local library for case law on decisions that have been recorded to get a sense of how the court rules.

You might also want to contact your local bar association. Some--trying to generate income for themselves--are offering FREE half-hour consultations.

Most contracts are written in an overly broad fashion, and designed to prevent most employees from even THINKING about contesting them--that it's a foregone conclusion they have no recourse. Some states will blue-line the contract, modifying it. Others, if the contract is poorly written, will void it entirely. If you don't ask, you won't know, especially if you can get a free consult.

Good luck.

We've had some opposite results from non-compete issues very recently. The courts didn't side with the employee trying to make a living (and the employer trying to help them with making a living).

We've had some opposite results from non-compete issues very recently. The courts didn't side with the employee trying to make a living (and the employer trying to help them with making a living).


I didn't say winning was an assured thing; I said it was worth investigating. It all depends on your state's law, or where the contract states the litigation will occur.

It also is highly dependent on how well the contract was constructed to begin with.

It still doesn't hurt to get a legal opinion. The worst that can happen is the contract stands as written and then the employee has to live up to the terms signed when hired.
My husband lost his job in January and three days later I was laid off from mine. DH got another job quickly but, like others on here, it pays only 30% of what his last job did. I am still looking. We applied for food stamps but we still have too many assets to qualify. What surprised me is that we don't qualify for Medicaid either. I will try for Healthy Kids next which is a program for the older children that you make small payments for. We were also able to get WIC for youngest DD. So that will help out.

We were told to come back and reapply for food stamps when we have exhausted our 401k's etc. But if they say we make too much money for Medicaid then even once we sell off the assets and empty the 401k, wouldn't we still make too much money for food stamps if it is based on the wages and UEI?

I did have an interview yesterday and am hopeful that it will work out. But I am not counting on it. They requested no resumes and are only accepting interviews for those who call in and they still have a ton of people to wade through. They also said that they are not sure when they will make a decision but it wouldn't be for awhile yet. The postive thing about the interview was that they were interested enough in me that they requested my references and said that they would be calling them.

Mrs. Reece--I have been wondering if you have had any luck at all since April? :teacher:

It seems that there may be a pickup of jobs being offered in our area. But the job qualifications are getting so nit-picky that it makes it hard. For example, "do not apply if you do not have Peachtree experience", etc. Employers are so overwhelmed with applications that it makes it hard to stand out among the masses also applying for the same job.

On top of all that, our refridgerator is leaking water, our microwave went out a couple of weeks ago and the dishwasher stopped working the following week. We have no money to repair or replace so we are stove cooking and handwashing everything now. That means everything takes twice as long to accomplish. When it rains, it pours!~ Good luck to everyone!
to make matters worse on my end, chacha is trying to squeeze out guides with automated answers and i'm making almost nothing. :( if DH doesn't go back to work at the first of the month, i don't know what we'll do. hang in there everyone. :hug:


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