Laid off--Support thread

My husband lost his job in January and three days later I was laid off from mine. DH got another job quickly but, like others on here, it pays only 30% of what his last job did. I am still looking. We applied for food stamps but we still have too many assets to qualify. What surprised me is that we don't qualify for Medicaid either. I will try for Healthy Kids next which is a program for the older children that you make small payments for. We were also able to get WIC for youngest DD. So that will help out.

We were told to come back and reapply for food stamps when we have exhausted our 401k's etc. But if they say we make too much money for Medicaid then even once we sell off the assets and empty the 401k, wouldn't we still make too much money for food stamps if it is based on the wages and UEI?

I did have an interview yesterday and am hopeful that it will work out. But I am not counting on it. They requested no resumes and are only accepting interviews for those who call in and they still have a ton of people to wade through. They also said that they are not sure when they will make a decision but it wouldn't be for awhile yet. The postive thing about the interview was that they were interested enough in me that they requested my references and said that they would be calling them.

Mrs. Reece--I have been wondering if you have had any luck at all since April? :teacher:

It seems that there may be a pickup of jobs being offered in our area. But the job qualifications are getting so nit-picky that it makes it hard. For example, "do not apply if you do not have Peachtree experience", etc. Employers are so overwhelmed with applications that it makes it hard to stand out among the masses also applying for the same job.

On top of all that, our refridgerator is leaking water, our microwave went out a couple of weeks ago and the dishwasher stopped working the following week. We have no money to repair or replace so we are stove cooking and handwashing everything now. That means everything takes twice as long to accomplish. When it rains, it pours!~ Good luck to everyone!

Good luck on the interview.

to make matters worse on my end, chacha is trying to squeeze out guides with automated answers and i'm making almost nothing. :( if DH doesn't go back to work at the first of the month, i don't know what we'll do. hang in there everyone. :hug:

Do you work other than chacha?
I'm starting to see teaching positions being posted in my area. Unfortunately, one district its for internal candidates only. But somehow I do have an interview lined up for next week. It's my first interview since last October. My second extension ran out last week but I was just approved for the third and final one. This one will take me through Christmas.

The competition for teaching positions is fierce. Hundreds of applicants for every position. The requirements are very detailed too. Well here's to crossing my fingers that things improve for all of us soon.
Good luck on the interview.

Do you work other than chacha?

i've applied more places than i can count, but no one is hiring, not even wal-mart. things are pretty bad in our area (ne alabama). i'm still looking though and i refuse to give up-i'll take whatever i can get.
Sorry CarolA, but you are wrong. In both NJ & PA we pay a portion of the unemployment insurance via a payroll tax. Our employer also contributes.
In PA the deduction is noted as "PA Unempl EE." In NJ it is "SUI" (state unemployment insurance).

in the case where you are paying unemployment taxes, it is pre-tax dollars, so unemployment still isn't being "double taxed"
My husband gets laid off next Friday. We were kind of "lucky" that we've known for a while it was coming.

Today my sister got called into a meeting and was laid off. She was completely blindsided. There are only two people in her department. As my sister was cleaning out her desk the other lady spoke up and said she has been wanting to quit and would rather be the one to leave if they would lay her off instead. It is a double edged sword. If they lay off the other lady then my sister has to be on call 24/7 and can't have any days off from work. But if my sister is the one laid off she doesn't have a job and there are no open jobs in her field in this area. Which do you choose? :confused3

Luckily we were already planning on taking pizza over to her house for lunch tomorrow.

I just came across this thread. Thankfully, both our teaching positions are secure. But I did want to offer prayers and best wishes to all those currently searching for jobs, and to all who are worried about job security.
my dad has been laid off since Dec. He has applied for jobs that he is qualified for and he is 56 and NOT one company has called him. I think it's because of his age. So he is on his last leg of unemployment (he got it extended) then that's it. So worried.
My DH has been unemployed since February and we have been doing just fine. We've adjusted our lifestyle a bit and fortunately I have a good teaching position with benefits which has been a blessing. Job opportunities are scarce, so DH is collecting unemployment. We've decided to stay positive and bought a tent to do some camping this summer since it's the first time he's been around during the summer. Got to find the bright spot in every situation. My sunniest thoughts to everyone else in this situation!:flower3: This too shall pass.
My sister got laid off yesterday. Out of our immediately family one person in each family has been laid off except for my husband's parents. Let's hope they both get to keep their jobs. I hope there are no more layoffs in our family.

My husband is being laid off this Friday, thankfully I have a job and hope to keep it!

My sister was laid off yesterday, thankfully her partner has a job and I hope and pray she gets to keep it. Her industry is taking a hit too. **bites nails**

My mother is on disability and her husband was laid off in January.

My father retired and his wife has been laid off.

There just aren't jobs where we live. Heck, there aren't many jobs in our country anymore. I hope we start bringing jobs back to America soon!

I am thankful to live close to my family and that we can all love and support one another through these hard times.
Well, I am joining this thread because I have just found out I will no longer have a job during the next school year. I work as an EA and our district just closed a school and since I don't have that much seniority I will be let go next year. My DH also is at 32 hours, but I can't complain, at least he is still employed.

My biggest problem is that I have been elected PTA President for next school year at the school my kids attend (not the school I work at), but I am having a difficult time finding the motivation and ambition to put soooo many volunteer hours into the place that just gave me my walking papers. The principal has all of these big ideas to welcome the new families and such and I WAS motivated but since I have been let go, not so much...... I know that makes me a bad person, but I am just being honest.........

I feel like I should put my full energy into finding a new job.
Well, I am joining this thread because I have just found out I will no longer have a job during the next school year. I work as an EA and our district just closed a school and since I don't have that much seniority I will be let go next year. My DH also is at 32 hours, but I can't complain, at least he is still employed.

My biggest problem is that I have been elected PTA President for next school year at the school my kids attend (not the school I work at), but I am having a difficult time finding the motivation and ambition to put soooo many volunteer hours into the place that just gave me my walking papers. The principal has all of these big ideas to welcome the new families and such and I WAS motivated but since I have been let go, not so much...... I know that makes me a bad person, but I am just being honest.........

I feel like I should put my full energy into finding a new job.

So sorry to hear that. I don't blame you at all for having no motivation to be the PTA President. It takes alot of work to do that! Schools don't realize how much money they save by having parents volunteer. I would probably step down and just tell them, sorry, but you have to put your energy into finding a new job. Don't feel guilty. Tell them you will still be active in the PTA, but circumstances have changed and you no longer have time for a leadership position.
Sign me up....Been unemployed since Feb 25. I was main breadwinner. I carried my own benefits, and its not cost effective to sign up to Dh's. I am in unemployment, and will have to extend it in another month or so...I also do not qualify to stamps or medicaid...sad really.

We are getting by, but not sure how much longer we will last. I have had a few nibbles, but not 1 interview yet.

Hopefully it will turn around soon
OMG I can't believe the unluck I have had.

June 17 2008 I lost my job.

January 26 2009 after 7 months of being on unemployment.
I was hired part-time, making less than unemployment.
This was to be full-time.
Just getting by.
Continued to send out resumes for jobs.
Also I had applied with employment agencys.

June 22 2009 agency calls, they have a full time position for me.
I asked her twice full time not a temp. position.
She answers me yes, yes, be there Tuesday 2:15 P.M.
Start at 2:30 P.M to 11:00 P.M
Well I work the 8 hours.
All is good, I really enjoyed the work.
Time to go home other employees, everyone says see you tomorrow.

June 23 2009 I get a call from the agency.
The job is no longer needed.
I asked her twice before I accepted the position.
Did I do something wrong.
Oh no no, the position just is not needed any longer.

So now my part-time position has been filled.
I'm a single parent with no income.
I was getting by on a shoe-string.
Now what do I do?

I don't want aid.
I want a job.
To support myself and my family.

I just want to curl-up in a ball and cry.
:hug: to everyone dealing with this:(

just found out today hubby's plant is closing down between now and December. they will give 60 days notice to let you know when you will be let go. we are hoping that his is one of the last jobs to go due to his dept.
reason for closing? it cost too much money to send materials to Florida so jobs will be going to Alabama..

I am working and UE will be ok for at least the short 26 weeks time he can claim it. I am more worried about health care as I am a diabetic..but hubby is resourseful and has always taken care of us.

it's not like we are in a major area of industry..
some people had been with the company 40 years -
I feel really bad for everyone having to start over.
I am working and UE will be ok for at least the short 26 weeks time he can claim it. I am more worried about health care as I am a diabetic..but hubby is resourseful and has always taken care of us..

Are you able to get health care through your employer. If so his layoff is a qualifying event and you would be able to immediately get on that insurance with no waiting period for pre-existing conditions.

If not then for the first six months (I think it's this long - not sure), you will only have to pay 35% of the COBRA premium, the rest is paid by the federal govt. This can make COBRA affordable.

As always with pre-existing conditions it's important to have no lapse of insurance to make sure you won't be subjected to the waiting period for these conditions to be covered.
OMG I can't believe the unluck I have had.

June 17 2008 I lost my job.

January 26 2009 after 7 months of being on unemployment.
I was hired part-time, making less than unemployment.
This was to be full-time.
Just getting by.
Continued to send out resumes for jobs.
Also I had applied with employment agencys.

June 22 2009 agency calls, they have a full time position for me.
I asked her twice full time not a temp. position.
She answers me yes, yes, be there Tuesday 2:15 P.M.
Start at 2:30 P.M to 11:00 P.M
Well I work the 8 hours.
All is good, I really enjoyed the work.
Time to go home other employees, everyone says see you tomorrow.

June 23 2009 I get a call from the agency.
The job is no longer needed.
I asked her twice before I accepted the position.
Did I do something wrong.
Oh no no, the position just is not needed any longer.

So now my part-time position has been filled.
I'm a single parent with no income.
I was getting by on a shoe-string.
Now what do I do?

I don't want aid.
I want a job.
To support myself and my family.

I just want to curl-up in a ball and cry.

Very few of us WANT to be on aid but when all the chips are falling down around you accepting aid is a blessing. Especially if you are trying to support your children. Don't be afraid to ask for help. That is a general statement meant for anyone, not you in particular. It is embarrasing at first but when you look into your children's eyes and know you are doing whatever it takes to give them something better than you can give them on your own it will be worth it.

As soon as things turn around for your family you can drop the aid. I have also been out of work and am now applying for anything I can get my hands on. Part time, etc. And just like you PT will not pay what UEI does. But at least I would have a job and a possible chance to move up in whatever company I work for. So I am trying to find the positives in what we are doing. We did not qualify for food stamps or Medicaid except for the baby. And the baby qualifies for WIC too which is supplying her with milk, eggs, cheese and juice so she doesn't suffer when we can't buy the best in groceries like we used to be able to do.

I am so sorry about that last job. It sounds like you really got the rotten end of the stick on that one. I will pray that something else comes along soon for you. My experience, so far, with temp agencies is that they are merely looking to get that placement and earn the fee. I have not had anyone really care whether they helped me get a job or not as of yet. I am not saying that all agencies are like that, just the ones I have been dealing with this time around.

I see you are from Florida and I can offer my sympathy as I know from experience that the job market here is bone dry. As soon as you get a small nibble someone else comes along and steals the worm leaving you wondering what the heck just happened. Good luck with everything and go ahead and have that cry. It could be just what you need before you get back out there and fight!
my dad has been laid off since Dec. He has applied for jobs that he is qualified for and he is 56 and NOT one company has called him. I think it's because of his age. So he is on his last leg of unemployment (he got it extended) then that's it. So worried.

After 42 years at the only job dh had at age 61 he can not even get an interview. Not even when the plant was bought and Younger men rehired. He can run the operation blindfolded and could not even get an interview.

We are sick. He does not even have a GED, they were not giving them until the fall, cost is $60.

This week really hit us to take 401K funds to pay bills and health benefits.
I work part time and am on disability insurance. My w/c is only $78 a week. If we do not get anything in the next 30 days it will be disasterous. I know we can have my son and dil, dgs move in to help, but that will be very difficult. Space, privacy. I would not feel right charging anything even though they would pay....

I am scared now......I just don't think ANYONE is going to hire him. Applied for every warehouse position, longistics, one was $10 an hour and because it would be the same as UC benefits he would not apply :scared1:

Tonight he wanted to buy smokes and case of hit him there was not enough in the account to get them. I begged him years about quitting and now would be the ideal time...No because he moops around it is OK to smoke more and drink nightly.

I can't take it, He LIKES being off....he says why can't he retire? Well we still have a 13 year old, no health benefits paid for, costing $500 a month for them.
Life can change in a moment. How many people could work the same place since highschool and then face this.....Gosh though at least get up early go put in applications and get something to pay benefits.

Sorry to run on here, but it is very difficult to deal with all this and his crappy attitude woow as me and let me fret instead of being the man and get out for ANYTHING.....

I am totally disabled and have a lot of health issues but with my education and desire to help others I do what I can to contribute. He actually asked me to get a state job full time so he can retire.
Retire next year is only $1,200 a month SS, and $800 retirement and NO medicare until 65.

I wish I had the strenght to punch wall and kick tires, yell as loud as I can! :confused:
After 42 years at the only job dh had at age 61 he can not even get an interview. Not even when the plant was bought and Younger men rehired. He can run the operation blindfolded and could not even get an interview.

Life can change in a moment. How many people could work the same place since highschool and then face this.....

I understand- when a new company bought the plant where DH works things got better- better insurance etc.. we live in a small area- this place employs 200 people and they kept saying oh we will keep this place going - it's very busy lots of OT- a week later: it's too expensive to ship things to Fla, so we are closing. Hubby has co-workers in your hubbys situation- worked there right outa HS- it's been open since the 1950's.
hugs to all today- :hug:
My husband had his third interview today, the company knew what he was making and he totally got low-balled. We were dreaming big and thinking of the vacation we canceled and being able to take our kids on a vacation soon and now we're back to the job search. The company is going to get back to him again on Tuesday, but for what they wanted him to do (run the company) I make more as a secretary.

So much for our celebratory weekend, back to trying to keep my husband spirits up.


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