Life After Marathons: A Running/barre3/Coffee/Life Journal

I feel you there. I don't necessarily need to be able to cancel, but it's so far out, who knows where life will take me. But I think I am going to just do it on my own and hope for the best. Pretty much how I do everything else in life.

That's what I've done previously, but with all the uncertainty at work, I feel like the stakes are too high. I feel like it's too early for me to ask for the vacation time, but I don't want to be out the money if things start happening at work and I find out that I can't take the time off. It's tough.

Great job getting out there today!

Thank you!

Also, I am enjoying following your work saga... It will be interesting to see how it will all play out!

Latest chapter: my computer was misbehaving so I tried to restart it. Now it won't boot. I'm basically in panic mode.
This isn't a company computer, so I have no idea if anyone here can fix it or if I have to take it to the apple store. I'm trying to reinstall the OS right now ... hopefully that will fix it.
I'm so thankful I brought extra coffee to work today, though... I need it.

I think, like @jennamfeo , I am going to risk booking by myself... but I am really interested to hear how your experience is, because it's definitely something I've considered. I want to know if they can get me a better price!

Right now I'm not really worried about pricing, it's more the convenience/refundability. But I will definitely share what I decide and how it goes.

But in the long run...we will all be drinking coffee (beer for you @jennamfeo ;) ) in WDW together in no time!

Yay! T-8 (I think) months until our group coffee date!

I drink coffee, beer, wine, margaritas. I am not here to discriminate liquids. Haha. <3

A non-discriminatory drinker ... I like it!
Update to the update: Apparently restarting the local server when it's not running doesn't actually start it. My coworker fixed it for me. Operating system is running, server is running... we're all good.
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Very proud of this one. I was originally scheduled for 3 miles, but knew I would likely have to cut it short. Last night I decided two miles, but then almost decided to just skip it because I was very overtired. I decided to leave my alarm set, but I was too tired to pick out clothing.
This morning I woke up and almost called an audible and scrapped the run. I ended up finally getting out of bed at 6:10 and deciding that if I could get out of the house at 6:30 (not likely) I'd do 3 miles, later than that would be a max of 2. After tearing a contact lens, I finally got out of the house at 6:38. Set a course in my head that I knew would be close to two miles (actually modified a drop on the fly, but not a huge difference) and went.
Mostly this was easy effort. Based on the effort, I was actually expecting a pace around 5-6 seconds slower, but I'm pretty happy with 12:59.

Next step is to plot a flattish course for sundays mixed tempo/long run.

Oh, and I have to figure out this marathon weekend travel agent situation. I dont know how to choose a travel agent or when to book or anything like that. I've always just done this myself. But I want the partial cancellability. Ugh. This is too complicated.

I went through Sarah Bergman @ Park and Preston travel. It says 4/1/2018, but this morning she said she still has bibs. Discounted resorts are POP or Coronado Springs, but you can upgrade to others at regular price.

Good job getting out there this morning!
Guys, they cancelled my train again. This happens at least once a week. And I only leave early enough to take this train 2-3 days per week.
I understand that this has nothing to do with running or coffee, but I'm pissed and my usual complaining on Twitter gets no response, so I've given up on it. Instead I'm just going to complain here. I had an errand to run before work, which is why I wanted to take this train, because it gets me closer to where I wanted to go. Now I have to transfer to get to that train and I won't get a seat.
Sorry. I'm just super annoyed. Stupid subway.
Update: It took me almost 2 hours to get to work because of train delays. Once I got here, I pulled down the latest updates to the code I'm working on, and now it won't run.
The fix is being worked on, but... it's been a fun morning.
Sorry I've been MIA lately, so way behind on your updates, so I'll just jump in with today.

2 hours to get to work???? Holy moly. I'd be crazy frustrated about that too. I'm sorry it's been such a frustrating morning for you. Hopefully things improve!
2 hours to get to work???? Holy moly. I'd be crazy frustrated about that too. I'm sorry it's been such a frustrating morning for you. Hopefully things improve!

My regular commute is a little over an hour, so this was almost twice my regular commute. Not how I wanted to start the week .... but things can only get better from here...
BOOOO to your Monday. I'd be so cranky. Here's hoping the rest of the day and week are better.

I just got back from a nice walk, so ... things are looking up.

What a cruddy start to the work week. I can’t believe they can just cancel a train!

I think they do it because of congestion/train traffic, but ... yeah. Especially because this train only runs 4 times each morning from my stop, and this was the last one, so I had to take a different line and switch a few stops down, which takes longer. Yeah.
I actually read an article last week that made me think of you! It was about how unreliable the NY Subways have become that it's actually making New Yorker's early to things because they started giving more wiggle room for their commutes. One bakery started opening earlier because a worker was getting to work 45 minutes before they opened and had to stand around in the freezing cold waiting for their boss to get there.
I actually read an article last week that made me think of you! It was about how unreliable the NY Subways have become that it's actually making New Yorker's early to things because they started giving more wiggle room for their commutes. One bakery started opening earlier because a worker was getting to work 45 minutes before they opened and had to stand around in the freezing cold waiting for their boss to get there.

I used to get to school half an hour early most days ... because if I didn't leave that early, I was risking being late if I ran into train delays (which actually did happen to me a few times).
Since I have a flexible schedule now, I leave normal time and just get in later if there are train issues, but ... that's a pretty accurate description of modern subway commuting. Either you leave time for delays and show up super early when there are none, or you end up being super late (which is often a bigger problem) more often than you'd like.
Its days like this when I wonder if I should have just waited to get a job offer from a company that has cold brew on tap.
(Yes, that exists. And yes, I'd probably still be waiting.)
Fake Race Suspense
So ... will I book WDW Marathon on my own or through a travel agent? What am I going to do? So much suspense!!!!

Seriously... I want to make the decision by Wednesday morning the latest. Preferably by end of day tomorrow. I want to make one phone call, and then I will hopefully have all the info I need to make the decision.

I'm mildly afraid of phone calls, so I'm writing all of this here to hold myself accountable. You guys need to make sure I've made this call by the end of the day tomorrow - feel free to check in/harass me throughout the day. Thank you.
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I did a TA for W&D and it took so much stress away. Make your phone call!
I also hate phones. Since texting came about I really hate talking to people on the phone.


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