Lindas Journal - 2-29-2008.. BEWARE EDIETS!!

Today was strength training. I really was lazy and wasnt gonna do it, because I have to get up at 4am, but I decided I could do it. It was dumbbells and fitness bands and some crucnches. Its a start.

bp 175/119 I'm not sure I should be taking it a night. I will try to remember in the morning.
edit to add- 135/87 right before bed


ediets...gonna have to check it out!
Congrats on the new car!! That's awsome!! If thats it in the picture, thats a sharp lookin' car girl!! Be careful...the guys are gonna be following you around!! Hot woman in a hot car!!

Good luck to Kev..I know he's working really hard!!

Be back soon!!

Hi marie! I'll let you know how the food is. Its called deliciously yours

Now , heres THE CAR!!!!






It took like 5 hours to buy it and now I'm pooped! But it is cool!

OOHH, AAHH, I :love: it! I'm a Honda fan even though I have never had the pleasure of having one myself. Dh has had two, but they were both stick shift and I don't do sticks. They were good cars though!

I went to the website for ediets. It looks interesting. I was worried that it would have a lot of preservatives in it, but it says they don't :confused3 That sounds really good if it is true. Can't wait to hear your review.

Good Luck to Kevin! :wizard:

Have a Great weekend!
Hi Amber. I have always driven a stick, since I was 16. Talkin 30 years! So I was kinda weirded out since they dont have the hybrid in a stick. Its some computerized continuous shift auto thing. I keep trying to shift tho.

I was checking out the meals I ordered for this week. They should arrive today. I added up the sodium on them, since that a problem I have. Most days are good, from 1140 to 2240 mgs. 2400 is reccomended max. That day that is 2240 is because the dinner is sliced ham and hash browns and veggies. So if I switch breakfasts with another day I will probably be ok there. I had picked a cereal for that day, but the muffins are the least (only 60 mg). So that would take away a couple hundred.

Heres my first days food, which I will start tomorrow


Honey nut cheerios with hard boiled egg

Beef and egg noodle casserole

Grilled chicken breast with herbed potatoes and brocolli

sugar free chocolate pudding

I hope its as good as it looks!
I got the food! So exciting! It was sent in a great big box with styrofoam and packed in ice, so I am sure it is fresh. I unpacked it all and separated it by day. So I am ready for tomorrow! I work a 3-11 shift so I will be taking dinner and a snack.

It all looks good, but some of the packages are smaller than I thought.:rolleyes1 They sent them in tupperware-type containers. The only one that looks like it might just NOT be enough is a tomato soup. Looks really small and 2 soda crackers. Maybe its thick and will be filling?

Hmm.. actual fresh "real" food. Sounds good! Can't wait to hear the verdict. I bet the food is more filling than it appears. Sounds like the sodium counts are good, which is important.

Hope you have a good day tomorrow!
Ok, I did my first day of food. Some good points and some not so good.

Meal by meal

Breakfast, honeynut cheerios and hard boiled egg. What can I say, it was fine. (OK I said it was fresh, but obviously cheerios was packaged) Added milk.

Lunch was beef and egg noodle casserole. Really good, I liked it, was kinda small. Had luch at 1pm, was hungry by 3. Now this is probably because I need to shrink my stomach done to size.

I added banana for a snack.

Dinner was grilled chicken with brocolli and new potatoes. Once again, real food. Plenty big enough too, I actually left a couple of spoonfuls. A little bland tho, need salt and butter:lmao: . Perfectly fine really, not as tasty as lunch tho.

Snack was chocolate pudding (packaged) sugar free. Really quite good, seemed better than jello brand that you buy in the store.

Had more skim milk.

1330 cals today. Hopefully tomorrow I will not get hungry. I just have to get used to eating less.


Meal delivery, day 2

Breakfast- blueberry muffin

lunch- roasted garlic tomato soup

plus I had 1/2 banana

dinner- tuscan chicken pasta

snack- cheese and wheat crackers-

I had the other 1/2 banana also.

Milk before bed for dairy.

cals is 1270

Blueberry muffin was really good. The roasted garlic tomato soup was tasty, and way more filling than I expected, very thick, but I got tired of it before I was done. Just too much garlic for me at once I think. The tuscan pasta was yummy. The cheese and cracker was what it was. All in all so far so good. I was less hungry today also I would say.

sodium was 1850.

BP- 145/95 right now, last night late it was 128/84 which is the closest to good I have been since this all started. So I am going in the right direction anyway.

No exercise today, maybe tomorrow.:rolleyes1


Awsome Car!
Awsome Diet!!
Girl, if you're only eating 1200-1300 calories a day, you're gonna drop the weight QUICK!! That's what I was at on JC!! Keep us informed on the looks great!!

Don't forget your water!!

I'm're sticking to it and I still have JC food in the fridge!! I'm just waiting for the motivation to kick in, and since TOM just arrived, I don't think I'll be too motivated this week!

love ya girl!!
Hi Marie! I hope youre right and the weight falls off! I am very excited about the new car. I had to drive it in the snow today tho and I was scared. It did fine tho, and I didnt wreck it.

Heres todays food and the critique

breakfast was 1/2 whole grain bagel with cream cheese

lunch was cheesy potato casserole with baked chicken

dinner was lemon herb roasted chicken with roasted potatos and green beans

snack will be chocolate pudding. I also had a banana and will have skim milk later

I love bagels. Love love love them, so I was good with breakfast, except of course I wanted a whole one. I did get a little hungry too quick. Lunch was super yummy. Might be my fav so far. and yes, I wanted more. dinner I had pretty early, probably 6ish. It was good, about the same as the grilled chicken I had the other day. Lots of veggies, I didnt finish all the grren beans. You know, they made those healthy green beans that are mostly raw:sad2: . I know, but I was so full, and they were never ending. I will have the pudding a bit later. So far so good but I havent actually lost any weight yet. However late last night I had a BP of 127/81.

I am gonna have to change BP meds. It is making me cough. Like fits. When they are over I'm fine but it is hard to do my job. So I am trying to get it changed tomorrow. They did listen at work this time and am letting me do it my way so i dont miss work (this aint rocket science people)

cals- 1265



Way to go on getting started with the new food. I know that the drop in calories is rough at first. It does get better though eventually :thumbsup2 plus DH always says you gotta be a little hungry to lose weight :rolleyes: That's the part I don't like

The food sounds good so far. The pictures of course look really yummy. When I read cheesy potato casserole I got jealous! Yum! I love how they did the cheese sticks all artsy like they are something special :rotfl: I do like them, but it's like their at a gourmet restaurant and $20 bucks or something. Sorry I just found that amusing.

Glad to see the blood pressure is coming down some :hug: Hope the new medicine will help with the cough.

Have a Great Wednesday!
Way to go on getting started with the new food. I know that the drop in calories is rough at first. It does get better though eventually :thumbsup2 plus DH always says you gotta be a little hungry to lose weight :rolleyes: That's the part I don't like

The food sounds good so far. The pictures of course look really yummy. When I read cheesy potato casserole I got jealous! Yum! I love how they did the cheese sticks all artsy like they are something special :rotfl: I do like them, but it's like their at a gourmet restaurant and $20 bucks or something. Sorry I just found that amusing.

Glad to see the blood pressure is coming down some :hug: Hope the new medicine will help with the cough.

Have a Great Wednesday!

Hey amber! Yes, the hungry thing is still a factor for me. I am working on it.

And I agree the cheese pics are silly, I told you the snacks were lame! I hope they add something more interesting.

So heres todays meals

breakfast- honey nuts cheerios and hard boiled egg

I had a glass of skim milk

lunch was cheesy penne pasta and baby carrots

snack was cheese stick and wheat crackers

dinner was lasagna and malibu veggies

gonna have a glass of milk later.

Everything was good today. Penne was whole wheat and the cheese was melted cheddar, gooey and yummy. Dinner lasagna I was worried because when I heated it up all the cheese got so melty it looked kind of odd, but it was delicious. The veggies were broccolli and carrots and cauliflower and squash. I srayed them with a bit of that butter spray, and they were good.

I will add the cals and sodium later because the ediets website is down.


My day off. I have 2 this week (yay!). I had to get up and take Kev to school so I really couldnt sleep in. I started new medicine so I had to go to the dr and get a bp check anyway. I have to get 3 good checks by saturday in order to work. Anyway, then I went to the Y. Yes I did. It has lots of new stuff since I have been. Anyway, I decided I am not going to overdo. I did 10 mins on the stairclimber and 15 minutes on the elliptical, and then did several weight machines. I was in and out in an hour. This is what I need to do. It was funny because I went in the locker room at first, and standing outside the door were 2 women chatting. When I got done and went back to the locker room, they were still there!

I was definately the fattest woman there. Which was a little depressing. But I live in stay at home mom land here, and I think a lot of them just stay there most of the day (refer to above women chatting story). Anyway, I am gonna go in the morning, and try to go at least 3 times per week.

Food today, day 5

breakfast- 1/2 whole wheat bagel w/ cream cheese

lunch- turkey sandwich on whole wheat
I added my dairy as a low fat baby swiss slice
and they also give you baby carrots

snack - 1/2 banana

dinner-ham slices with veggies and potato cakes

snack (later) will be pudding

Probably have skim milk later

I dont have cals or sodium, the site is still down! Starting to irritate me.

Well gee, I forgot to say how good it was. It was all good. The turkey sandwich was good, lots of meat on there. More than I usually put on a sandwich. The ham dinner was yummy. I would say my fav so far. This is the last day of my first order, and I am very happy with it so far.

As far as weight goes, I did lose a little. Last weigh in (on here) was 212 I think. When I went on the bp med my weight actually went up to about 215 again. This morning I was 211. So I dont know if it was the food, or if I am adjusting to the medicine. Anyway, every bit helps.


Way to go on the loss!! :cheer2: :cheer2: A loss is a loss no matter what brought it about :thumbsup2

Glad you are enjoying the food. It sounds pretty good!

The Y sounds good to. I think starting slow and going 3 days a week is a good plan. Don't want to over do it or burn out on it.

Good luck on the BP checks!! Breathe deeply for half an hour beforehand :goodvibes It might help :confused3 sounds good anyway :thumbsup2

Enjoy your day off!!
I agree amber, any loss is good, no matter what. Today was an off day. I should get my next weeks order sometime tomorrow, and start again on sunday.

Todays food was pretty simple.

B- slimfast
S- slimfast
Dinner- scrambled eggbeaters with ham and cheese
S- 1.2 banana and chocolate pudding

1055 cals.

I did go to the gym today and did 20 mins on the elliptical and some weight machines. My legs were sore, so I couldnt do that much, but I still feel good about it.

I also wasnt hungry yesterday or today, so I may be over the hump.


I went to the Y this morning and it was packed. I just did the elliptical for 30 mins and left. Will try to avoid saturdays there!

Food today

slimfast, egg beaters w/ ham and cheese, cottage cheese, ham sandwich, banana, pudding. 1265 cals.

My food for this week arrived today, so I will start that tomorrow.


week 2 day 1

B-honeynut cheerios and hard boiled egg

L-ham and potato soup

snack-cottage cheese

D-barbeque chicken with roasted potatos and corn

S- chocolate pudding-

gonna have a glass of skim milk and an apple

this food is really good. The potato soup was yummy! The dinner was good too.


sodium-2313 thats a little high


Haven't read this page....but the food looks good!
I'll catch up sometime this week.

Hi marie, the food is good!

day 2, I was a little worried about todays food.

B- 1/2 whole wheat bagel w/ cream cheese

L- turkey sandwich w /carrots

S- cheese stick and whole wheat cracker

D- tuna casserole

S- milk
I was worried about the tuna casserole, because when I have bought packaged (lean cuisine, whatever) it has been yucky. But it was good, more tuna than noodles, made with good old fashioned cream of mushroom soup, with carrots and peas. Very filling.



no exercise til wednesday probably



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