Marathon Weekend 2018

I think we'll eat lunch at either Chef de France, Le Cellier or ESPN Zone. Have to decide on what time to get it since it is my husband's first marathon. His proof of time is a 2:01:58 half marathon so I guess I should do some math on his estimate (he's been running a 2:10 half this year) based on his estimated corral.

I think we should be ok for a noon reservation.

Then driving home!

Assuming he starts at 545, he should be done by 1030 or so. That's not much time to pick up medals, take pictures, and get back to the hotel to shower and change before a noon reservation.

For all the RunDisney vets out there, when do you aim to go to sleep? I'm afraid I'm going to have a hard time sleeping early...

We shoot for 9-10 each night.
I'm just doing the marathon

I'm pretty sure you get in trouble for saying 'just' or 'only in front of a race. :) The agreed upon term is 'singly', as in 'I am singly doing the marathon.'

For all the RunDisney vets out there, when do you aim to go to sleep? I'm afraid I'm going to have a hard time sleeping early...

I go to bed at my usual time, around 10. My thoughts are: missing a few hours sleep (even a few days in a row) isn't going to hurt. And if you go to bed much earlier than your normal time, you're just going to toss and turn and not sleep anyway. I'll then make up part of the deficit with a post-race nap. This works for me, as I'm a morning person and a 3AM wake-up is only 2 hours earlier than normal.
ATTQOTD: I'm just doing the marathon, and our post-race plan is to graze on all the food available around Epcot for the day, and finish up with an ADR in La Hacienda de San Angel to get my sodium levels back to normal (i.e. drinking margaritas :drinking1)

After both marathons I've done (not Disney) I went straight to the pub. I wouldn't particularly recommend doing this - it turns out you need to eat after a marathon :sad2: :rolleyes:

First, I like the idea of Epcot-grazing. Second, funny story (although maybe not entirely to him), my brother in law ran the first WDW marathon. Afterwards, as my sister tells me, they went to Rose & Crown, where he had a nice Guinness (although to be fair, I believe food was involved). Suddenly, my niece asks "why does daddy look so funny"....right before he lost it all!
Hello, my DH and his sister are doing the Dopey from Jan 4 - 7. I am not as crazy, but doing the marathon on the 7th.

SIL is arriving Jan 3rd with her DH & 2 boys. DH and I arrive late on Jan 2nd. DH and family are also happy for me to do my own thing at WDW. They do not get the same "Disney joy" I do from just riding around on the monorail, hotel exploring, smelling the roses, etc.

Feedback welcome for my plan so far, trying to figure out where to add Jiko for 2 at some point. Of course, I am expecting that DH and SIL will probably miss most of the evening activities due to early mornings. I am just trying to make it as magical as possible for SIL's three as it's their first WDW visit.

Jan 3
(DH & I)
- Early breakfast at Kona
- Short morning in MK (get 4 or 5 favourites in)
- Meet SIL & family at POR. Pickup race packages and head to WalMart for snacks & groceries.
- Family dinner at POR or Dis Springs.
- I might go solo for fireworks at MK.

Jan 4
- DH and SIL do 5km.
- Thinking about Boma breakfast for DH and I... or solo. Never been before.
- AK day for entire party. Optional return to POR for pool or parkhop to MK.
- Dinner and return to AK for RoL.

Jan 5
- DH, SIL 10km.
- Epcot morning, boat to HS for afternoon. Get Frozen, Test Track, SE, The Land done.
- DH and I go to Jiko?
- Possible return for Fantasmic.

Jan 6
- DH, SIL half.
- HS morning. Star Wars and Toy Story focused for the kids.
- May lose DH and SIL for rest.
- Pool afternoon or parkhop for SIL's fam, and I.
- Epcot fireworks.

Jan 7
- Marathon.
- No parks, pool and may take the kids to crazy golf.
- Celebration dinner at Ohana.

Jan 8
- Full force day at MK.
- Optional returns in afternoon for pool/race recovery.
- Parade, fireworks at MK. Not sure how SIL and DH will be, I was fine in '16.

Jan 9
Departure day.

SIL and her 3 only have four-day park hoppers. DH and I have 6-day hoppers. DH and I have option of doing a few final rides on Jan 9 morning. I tend to like to walk around MK and try not to cry ;).

Any thoughts welcome :). We are morning people and eat early.
Just make sure your husband can run the half on Jiko food, isn't it usually full of African spicies that may or may not sit well the next morning. I don't know as I've only done Boma's. And then depending on how tired he is he may not be up for Fantasmic or Illuminations, especially the night before the marathon, but as you said you can just go by yourself. Sounds like a fun time!

For all the RunDisney vets out there, when do you aim to go to sleep? I'm afraid I'm going to have a hard time sleeping early...
8:00pm hopefully. We have to get up early on flying day and then get up early other days so then by race mornings getting up even earlier isn't too bad and falling asleep close to 8 is easier. With saying that though my 2 WDW marathons I've done I've gotten almost 0 sleep, but other races I've gotten pretty good sleep with that plan.
For all the RunDisney vets out there, when do you aim to go to sleep? I'm afraid I'm going to have a hard time sleeping early...

I will be 'done' for the day by 7 or 8.. Then I just kind of relax and get stuff set out, double check items, walk away for a while, then triple check items lol (especially for 1/2 and full). Then I'll take a shower, check stuff again, set approx 253 alarms, then try to sleep..
ADR and HM related question. My +1 is doing the HM, and she'll be in Coral G or so based on her current HM time, so my guess is she'll be finishing the race not long after 8. We'd like to pop over to Tusker House in AK and have breakfast there before spending the day there. She'll need to get back to Port Orleans Riverside, get cleaned up and then we can bus/drive over to AK. Would a 10.30 ADR be cutting it too tight?

If it is too tight, what might be a good post-HM pre-AK breakfast/brunch plan? :)
What is one ADR you are planning to get to celebrate a race? If you aren't celebrating via a meal how else are you planning to celebrate?

In previous years, we've done a mini-DATW and Epcot Grazing.

This year, I'm working with Disney Events for a private event - we REALLY wanted to do Highway In The Sky Dine-Around, but it doesn't run on Sundays and hasn't yet been extended past September ... so, we're putting together our own Highway in the Sky Dine-Around ... but it's going to be called the "Victory Lap"! It's been a really fun process to work with Disney Events on, so I'm really excited. The majority of my traveling group frequents WDW multiple times a year, so planning a private event has been a fun change-of-pace.

For all the RunDisney vets out there, when do you aim to go to sleep? I'm afraid I'm going to have a hard time sleeping early...

For the 5-10K, I'm usually asleep by midnight. My friends don't arrive at BCV until around 11-11:30 p.m. the night before the 10K, so it's really pointless for me to try to go to sleep when they'll just wake me up.

For Half-Fulls at Disney, I try to be in bed and making my way to sleep by 10, but while that's always a plan sometimes things happen and other factors delay that ... :drinking1
ADR and HM related question. My +1 is doing the HM, and she'll be in Coral G or so based on her current HM time, so my guess is she'll be finishing the race not long after 8. We'd like to pop over to Tusker House in AK and have breakfast there before spending the day there. She'll need to get back to Port Orleans Riverside, get cleaned up and then we can bus/drive over to AK. Would a 10.30 ADR be cutting it too tight?

If it is too tight, what might be a good post-HM pre-AK breakfast/brunch plan? :)

That's our plan for the 10K. DD & I will probably finish around 7 then and we're only at BC but if we do end up cutting it too close we'll maybe cab or Uber it to AK.
ADR and HM related question. My +1 is doing the HM, and she'll be in Coral G or so based on her current HM time, so my guess is she'll be finishing the race not long after 8. We'd like to pop over to Tusker House in AK and have breakfast there before spending the day there. She'll need to get back to Port Orleans Riverside, get cleaned up and then we can bus/drive over to AK. Would a 10.30 ADR be cutting it too tight?

If it is too tight, what might be a good post-HM pre-AK breakfast/brunch plan? :)

I think if you didn't mess around too much after the race, you should have time to get to AK if you drive there. I have no idea on taking buses to the park but they can obviously change the travel time. You can always be a little late but not sure how much breakfast stuff would be left.
This year, I'm working with Disney Events for a private event - we REALLY wanted to do Highway In The Sky Dine-Around, but it doesn't run on Sundays and hasn't yet been extended past September ... so, we're putting together our own Highway in the Sky Dine-Around ... but it's going to be called the "Victory Lap"! It's been a really fun process to work with Disney Events on, so I'm really excited. The majority of my traveling group frequents WDW multiple times a year, so planning a private event has been a fun change-of-pace.
This sounds awesome Keels! Can't wait to hear about it!
In previous years, we've done a mini-DATW and Epcot Grazing.

This year, I'm working with Disney Events for a private event - we REALLY wanted to do Highway In The Sky Dine-Around, but it doesn't run on Sundays and hasn't yet been extended past September ... so, we're putting together our own Highway in the Sky Dine-Around ... but it's going to be called the "Victory Lap"! It's been a really fun process to work with Disney Events on, so I'm really excited. The majority of my traveling group frequents WDW multiple times a year, so planning a private event has been a fun change-of-pace.

For the 5-10K, I'm usually asleep by midnight. My friends don't arrive at BCV until around 11-11:30 p.m. the night before the 10K, so it's really pointless for me to try to go to sleep when they'll just wake me up.

For Half-Fulls at Disney, I try to be in bed and making my way to sleep by 10, but while that's always a plan sometimes things happen and other factors delay that ... :drinking1
You always have such fun ideas.

Now with regard to bedtime before races!? Oh my. Lol. I'm usually in bed by 9 for the short distances and TRY to be wound down and sleepy by 8 ish. In real life I'm an early bird so bedtime is 9ish and my eyes pop open at 5am.

There is no amount of coffee that would have me presentable or civil on such little sleep!!
she'll be in Coral G or so based on her current HM time, so my guess is she'll be finishing the race not long after 8.
I ran the 1/2 out of corral 'D' last year and was done at 8:30-because I stopped for almost every character photo available. I was staying at POR. Took only bus transportaion and arrived at MK by 10:00. So, it is doable.

As for bedtimes: I too am an early to bad; early to rise girl (usually 5:30am without an alarm). So I intend to stick with my normal schedule of being in bed by 9pm.
Ooh, we should be in the same corral, mine is basically the same proof. In the past I started about 5:45 am (although with the new mini waves that could be sooner or later, but I was F & G with that time in the past so you'd think it still be close) with a similar proof if that helps you figure when he might finish. I would overestimate since marathons can go wonky easily, but even if he does it in 5 hours he'd be done about 10:45am.

Maybe I should do 12:30PM to be safe! Thanks for the insight!

Assuming he starts at 545, he should be done by 1030 or so. That's not much time to pick up medals, take pictures, and get back to the hotel to shower and change before a noon reservation.

Well, if he doesn't make it back to the room by 11AM - he'll be showering at the Boardwalk Fitness center which won't take particularly long. I'll make it past noon based on what you two inputed when my ADRs open next week!

Granted this plan could change if Light Side is cancelled and I don't have to save money/vacation time for that trip.
Too embarrassed to ask this on the Restaurant thread: my reservation for marathon weekend starts January 3rd, so I should already be in the 180 day ADR window, correct?

Logged into MDE (online not app), when I go to look at ADRs, the calendar only goes through the end of 2017. Any suggestions?
Too embarrassed to ask this on the Restaurant thread: my reservation for marathon weekend starts January 3rd, so I should already be in the 180 day ADR window, correct?

Logged into MDE (online not app), when I go to look at ADRs, the calendar only goes through the end of 2017. Any suggestions?

180 days from today is December 31st so that is why you are seeing just 2017 as it isn't your window yet.

Don't be scared of the Restaurant board - those of us on the review side are really nice (I spend as much time there as I do here)
180 days from today is December 31st so that is why you are seeing just 2017 as it isn't your window yet.

Don't be scared of the Restaurant board - those of us on the review side are really nice (I spend as much time there as I do here)
The rumors and news board is good too ;)

I'm in the same boat trying to figure out which ADRs I want to get. I still don't know.


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