Marathon Weekend 2022

SAFD: Chicago Marathon training right now!!! It's been hard training here in FL during the summer, but I'm getting it done. The heat/humidity really got to me last week so I took an extra rest day and it was just what I needed. My plan has been challenging in a good way. It's pushed me out of my comfort zone at times with some of the workouts (hello Yasso 800s and Fartleks), but it's built up my confidence at the same time. I was supposed to have surgery in October right after I got back from Chicago, take time off to recover then jump back into Dopey training, but it's up in the air right now with Covid. If it's canceled I'm waiting until after Dopey to have the surgery. I don't want to do it during the holidays and most importantly miss out on Dopey!!!

The Goof Troop Roving Road Party (TM) appreciates your dedication.
For this week’s Sundays are for Disney, what is your favorite park?
I'm gonna say EPCOT for nostalgic reasons as how I remember it at it's peak. But honestly I'll cop out and say depending on my mood, crowds, temps, food cravings, etc... it can be any of the 4 WDW parks.

For this week’s Sundays are for Disney, it’s a training check-in! How are things going? Want to brag? Need encouragement? Here’s your place for it.

I feel like I'm cramming for a test. I got a surprise email from BAA a week and a half ago where they decided to let some people that were close to the cutoff into the October field. I was training to peak for Indy Marathon in early November, but now trying to (carefully) ramp up a bit to try to run Boston a little better than a long training run. Hopefully I come through the fall unscathed and will be healthy for Dopey.

During miles 17-26.2 you WILL hate it. You will question the multitude of life choices that have brought you to this point of being so miserable.

When (not if) you cross the finish line you will experience a rush of adrenaline and emotions that make it all worthwhile. You will start to think “when can I do this again?” You’re already signed up for Goofy, so problem solved!
There's so much truth in this entire post by @camaker.
SAFD: Training... (for marathon) Technically started August 1st, but I'm being careful to keep a slow buildup. I'm creating quite the hybrid... A Hanson's Advanced plan, with a quicker build-up for the long runs (due to all the base running I've been doing), stretched to a 9-day cycle, using the Stryd power meter to govern the paces. Even though it's early, the 9-day cycle seems to be the bomb. I'm also incorporating a lot more strength work than normal. (Getting old, and all that.) We'll see how it goes when the tempo runs start to get longer, but so far I'm pleased. I just need to be patient.

Re: Heat and Humidity... I'm now convinced that a low sodium diet is the way to go. I'm on a MUCH better diet than I was last summer, and I have to say there's no comparison when it comes to comfort level. It's still muggy and sweaty as all get out, but the way I feel after is night and day, even on the hard days. Other than being drenched in sweat, I feel great.

Re: new APs... We were already leaning towards a change, (and unless we pick up a lotto ticket that hits) it seems this seals the deal in making Marathon Weekend our swan song for runDisney. It's been a mostly great ride, and hoping to make this one count.
I feel like I'm cramming for a test. I got a surprise email from BAA a week and a half ago where they decided to let some people that were close to the cutoff into the October field. I was training to peak for Indy Marathon in early November, but now trying to (carefully) ramp up a bit to try to run Boston a little better than a long training run. Hopefully I come through the fall unscathed and will be healthy for Dopey.

Congrats on getting in to Boston! Wonder what caused that--maybe int'l runners not being able to get into the country?
Soooo new AP levels were just announced. Looks like PhotoPass/Memory Maker is no longer included. I have a current AP and was counting on getting all my race pics for free. I hope the old benefits apply for the rest of anybody's current AP time.
From my understanding APs that renew before 9/7 will be grandfathered into the old program plus certain tiers as of 9/8 will have additional rolling reservation allotment (I personally only had gold for photopass usage over race weekends most likely will downgrade levels and add photopass for ONLY $90ish more than what I’m paying now unless there is a price increase before April and/or an Add on for genie+
The price went up 25% for the DVC member pass! And removed PhotoPass.... and let's see... now we have to add in Genie +...
I’m hoping that once genie + launches they eventually will bake in an AP add on so the only extra would be the ala carte rides
Congrats on getting in to Boston! Wonder what caused that--maybe int'l runners not being able to get into the country?

Thanks! I’m guessing that was it. The email and what I’ve “heard” suggested this offer was pretty limited, but I haven’t seen anything that said why they did it. Perhaps they decided they could take the field up to a bit over 2/3rds the normal size or maybe it is because of international cancelations.

At first I thought it was a scam. Then I wasn’t even sure I wanted to accept. 1) it was gonna cause me to have to ramp up training sooner. 2) I already knew my BQ was also going to be eligible for 2022 when this might be a more normal Boston event. But then I quickly decided that this is what I had wanted so badly and no way should I pass… if nothing else, I’ve learned nothing should be taken for granted in the last 1.5 years.
SAFD: Bad, bad, bad.
I'm training for an Oct 2 Half, and was doing great through 9 miles. As of a couple weeks ago, I've fallen off a metaphorical cliff. I've been exhausted and had shortness of breath even on short runs. Negative COVID test, so that's not it. I saw my doctor last week, and her best guess right now is a combination of heat, humidity, allergies, and potentially new asthma. My Saturday run was a debacle, as well. I started out okay, but after about 6 miles was stopping frequently to take deep breaths. I've been running for over 10 years now and have never experienced anything like this.
So, anyway, I'm extremely frustrated right now. I'm not sure what my doctor is looking for, but I'm going to schedule a chest x-ray this week.
Hopefully this will get figured out quickly. Over the years, I've had knee issues, toe issues, back issues, motivation issues, eating-way-too-many-cookies issues, and more, but nothing that affected my breathing. :guilty:
I have been experiencing the same thing! A shortness of breath and a tightness in the chest that requires me to stop multiple times during my runs. I do have seasonal allergies, but made it through most of the summer without any issue. Only in the last few weeks has it been a problem.

Let me know what you find out. I may need to go an get an inhaler if this continues.
SAFD: Like many of you, I am slogging through summer training runs. My “A” race is The Avenue of the Giants HM on Sept 19. It got postponed from the traditional weekend in May due to COVID. I’m not thrilled with all the miles during our summer heat and humidity in southern Arkansas, but completing my DopeyBadger training plan is what convinced me that I have a great chance of fulfilling my dream of running Dopey! I decided that life’s too short to put it off!!
SAFD: (Dopey Training) Similar experience to everyone. The end of summer is ROUGH. The last two weeks I had to run in Minn, Florida and NY. (Surprisingly, worst humidity was Minn.) A lot of life changes going on right now and running is the perfect stress relief. I have found a lot of comfort in my DopeyBadger plan. I love not second guessing if what I'm doing is too much/too little--I go run and move on with my day.

Hoping to do better with nutrition going forward, that's my next focus as things settle down.
Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone else who signed up through a charity has received their link to register through runDisney? Or, if you have in the past, do you remember approximately when you received it? Thanks!

I am doing a mixed program right now focused on losing weight while keeping relatively low impact. The biggest thing that can derail me is injury by trying to do too much too soon. Weekdays I am doing 30-45 minutes of biking and HIIT, sometimes one or the other sometimes both. Runs are on weekends until I can take off a few more pounds.

My biggest challenge is changing my diet. As a person eating solo nearly every meal, and having a huge aversion to food waste, it is very difficult for me to eat in the right portions and keep to moderation on the less healthy portions of my diet. Getting past the hurdle of being able to throw things away, eating only what I need/enjoy, and not beating myself up when I fall short is a constant struggle.

I’m getting there though.
Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone else who signed up through a charity has received their link to register through runDisney? Or, if you have in the past, do you remember approximately when you received it? Thanks!

For my charity, I need to have fulfilled my donation goal before they'll send me my registration link
For my charity, I need to have fulfilled my donation goal before they'll send me my registration link
Thanks! I hit my goal last month, so I'm guessing they're still waiting on rD. I messaged them, but haven't heard back yet - I was just curious as to others' experiences. I appreciate it!
I’m hoping that once genie + launches they eventually will bake in an AP add on so the only extra would be the ala carte rides

I'd love it, but I'm guessing that won't happen. Disney values non-AP guests more than passholders, because they supposedly spend more money. Why would they give "free FastPasses" to guests who could come very single day (and can afford to wait more in line because they come back frequently) and risk alienating their MVG's (More Valuable Guests)?

I think it would be more likely that Disney would put out some package deals that include hotel, park, Genie+, and maybe even dining. They could big-time up-sale the one-timers (my new name for non-AP holders :P), and grab even MORE money from them.
I have been experiencing the same thing! A shortness of breath and a tightness in the chest that requires me to stop multiple times during my runs. I do have seasonal allergies, but made it through most of the summer without any issue. Only in the last few weeks has it been a problem.

Let me know what you find out. I may need to go an get an inhaler if this continues.

Are you in the Midwest? I live in Indianapolis, and our humidity has been over 90% every time I go running. I'm usually out early, before the temps get into the upper 70's, but the humidity still makes it brutal. I got an inhaler for the first time last week, and it seemed to work for a couple days, but Saturday just kicked my butt. I'm actually taking today off from running.

Anyway, I'll never give up trying! :-) I'll let you know how it's going, if you do the same!
Are you in the Midwest? I live in Indianapolis, and our humidity has been over 90% every time I go running. I'm usually out early, before the temps get into the upper 70's, but the humidity still makes it brutal. I got an inhaler for the first time last week, and it seemed to work for a couple days, but Saturday just kicked my butt. I'm actually taking today off from running.

Anyway, I'll never give up trying! :-) I'll let you know how it's going, if you do the same!
I am up in the NNW in Western Canada. Our summer has been plagued with a lot of smoke from fires in British Columbia. I am wondering if the accumulation of smoke over the majority of the summer has had a negative impact. I am going to attempt a run today. I shall see what happens.
For anyone doing Dopey/Goofy/Marathon, have you started training yet? The Galloway Dopey plan was at 9 miles on Saturday. Got it done but it was super humid and not pretty. I’m really going to need fall to show up soon! I don’t know how any of you Florida runners do it.
I have been experiencing the same thing! A shortness of breath and a tightness in the chest that requires me to stop multiple times during my runs. I do have seasonal allergies, but made it through most of the summer without any issue. Only in the last few weeks has it been a problem.

Let me know what you find out. I may need to go an get an inhaler if this continues.

I wonder if you perhaps had asymptomatic Covid without realizing it, and by the time you tested it was negative? It sounds like pretty classic post-Covid symptoms from people I've known who have had asymptomatic or mild cases. Might be worth an antibody test? Though I'm not sure if the treatment is that different from asthma, at least until we learn more about treating for this.
SAFD favorite park- Definitely MK. Quintessential Disney for me. Has all my favorite rides and some of my favorite foods.

SAFD training- It's going ok. I'm using a DopeyBadger plan and had a light week last week because of vacation. I ended up skipping a few runs though. This week I can already tell will be weird since the remnants of Ida are scheduled to be here Thursday which is my long run day. So I've got to do some shuffling. The hot weather has been killing me and my shoes need replacing, but they discontinued the NB 1260 so I need to find time to get to the running store. Plus it's back to school week and I still have to get supplies and get everything labeled! And I've managed to gain 5 pounds this summer when I was trying to lose 30. But I've just got to keep plugging along and being consistent!
Sorry to hear about the weight. I can relate to that effort not going as intended.
And can't emphasize enough the importance of replacing worn shoes.

Good luck with it
Any idea how we add Memory Maker/Photo Pass when just doing a resort stay? No park tickets at all. Just doing the Marathon and hanging at the resort.


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