marcia's journal (comments welcome!)

Hi Marcia! :wave:

I'm so glad you've been able to get out of work at a decent hour so far this week. At least you're prepared for Thursday, even if you still dread it.

I look forward to the day when I'll be able to run my miles instead of walking them at a sometimes pokey 3.7 mph. The closest I've gotten to running so far is tonight when DD somehow ended up on the treadmill with me and I had to hurdle her to keep from stepping on her. I'm still not quite sure how that happened, but it's amazing that no one (especially clutzy me) got injured.

DH isn't much of a sports fan period. He loves our OSU Cowboys, but he refuses to watch them because everytime he does, they lose. I guess that makes him a sports widower, because I'm in heaven during football, baseball, college name it seasons.

Geez...I'm writing a novel in everyone's journal tonight.

Hope you have a great Thursday!

~Angela :wave2:
What a trooper you are to get up that early to see the Yanks...that is dedication.

My one fanaticism is the Kentucky Wildcats Basketball team...well lets just say it was until the fall against UAB. (The second straight NCAA loss to UAB...the other being in 1981).

Since you are a baseball fan, have you ever heard of Kirk Rueter who pitches for the Giants. I was a teammate of his at Murray State, in Kentucky. In fact we were suitemates (no wisacres.. not sweetmates) in the dorm and we wasted many study evenings playing Nintendo.

Anyway thanks for all your posts on my really means alot and I enjoy reading them...

Til later,

erin - hi :wave2: , i think of you whenever i eat oatmeal too :p

tracy - yay for the supposedly warm weather! i remember the yanks opening day one year being postponed for snow...i think...i was in high school, and it was april 1 (just like today...april fool's day), so i thought it was a joke...wait a minute, i think they were *in* cleveland, we could be thinking about the same thing!!! crazy!

doe - i've been playing the alphabetical game kinda...just not in order like you do. i take random letters and go with that :p . nascar...yikes, well, at least if it gives you some time with dh, like you said, the things we do for love :rolleyes: . i remember watching waaaay too much football and basketball a year or so back because of a over that now though :p

beth - yes thank goodness work has slowed back to normal! i know i don't do much to begin with, but i don't get paid well, so it balances out i guess :p . and i'm soooooo mad at ai...more on that below!

sharon - woooo woooo! go yankees! i know you're a fellow fan, so you can appreciate and share my happiness :bounce: that totally stinks about your cable going out during ai! and right for george! how cruel the cable man is! at least it could have gone out during dumb john or something, man, not cool

angela - just keep up your walking, and i'm sure you will start to walk faster and faster, and before you know it, you'll be able to run too! and how great of an accomplishment will that be ::yes:: . i'm sitting here giggling about dd on the treadmill! of course, i'm glad everyone is okay and not hurt, that's why i can giggle about it...i'm just imagining the picture in my head! she just wanted to join her mommy :hyper:

dax - hey! i definitely know who kirk rueter is! that is so cool that you guys were suitemates in college and that you hung out playing nintendo!! do you still keep in touch? that's just awesome. i'm in awe of you :teeth:

so okay guys, yesterday was a way long day! i drank a large dunkin donuts coffee during the game (5am), and then had 2 or 3 more cups throughout the day at work! now, i'm no erin or beth when it comes to coffee, so that was a lot for me! i started last week just having one cup a day in the morning (used to drink a cup a day way back when, but tried giving up caffeine when i started running), since i've been so tired, but more than 3 cups in a day, my goodness! somehow, i made it through the day though. i was really dragging during work, but as soon as i got on that treadmill, i was more awake. that always happens to me! i was feeling good, so i ran 5.25 miles, and walked 1. i was expecting to get home, shower, eat, and then be forcing myself to stay up for ai, but i was more awake than i had been all day and i stayed up till 10pm. weird.

anyway, ai. i'm soooooo mad. i sat there the entire time yelling "bullsh*t" over and over at the tv. my brother was watching with me and he wasn't all too pleased either. i mean come on, how the heck were weasley john, john peter, AND camille all safe??? please people, this is just wrong. and latoya in the bottom??? no no no! i guess i really don't have a right to complain since i don't vote (never have, always said i never would :o ), but still. bull! poor amy. she didn't deserve to go home yet. not saying she would be in my top 3 or even 5, but she's way better than any of the other 3 i mentioned above :mad:

so today, i work till probably 7 or so, then i really want to get to target to buy some more wicking running clothing, because i only have 1 long sleeve shirt, a few tank tops, and 1 short sleeve shirt. i'm okay with bottoms, but i really need more tops...i'm sick of throwing in a load of laundry every night! especially now that i'm outside much more often, i need to stock up on outdoor clothing.

wow, i just looked outside and the rain is really coming down! wasn't so bad when i was going from home to work. darn rain! this is mother nature's april fool's joke i guess. oh yeah, be wary today everyone, i hate april fool's jokes, i hope nobody gets hit too hard with anything. good luck today :tongue:
I was surprised by AI as well. Yikes!

That is a lot of coffee in one day - I would have had the shakes. Have a great day today!

:wave2: Hi Marcia,
ITA about AI even though I didn't see Tuesday's show! I could tell from the clips that John Peter didn't sound well at all. Also, Carmen has never impressed me. Guess I shouldn't complain either since I don't vote though :D . I tried once and it was constantly busy and I just don't have the patience for that. What I want to know is why is John Stevens getting through?! I LOL every time I read "the Weasley" in reference to him. Oh well. At least George seems safe for awhile.

Hope you have fun on your shopping trip today. I didn't realize Target carried running clothes but maybe that's because I've never looked for them. After reading about them in Desiree's diary, I'm thinking about trying some out. Have a wonderful day, Marcia :sunny: !
Hey Marcia~
Sending extra :sunny: your way! I'm sick of the rain too. We had such a beautiful day on Sunday and since then, nothin' but rain.

You did a great job with your exercise yesterday! I didn't get a chance to watch AI last night, but I can NOT believe that John got through again!! How is this happening? I feel your frustration!

I hope you have a wonderful day today!::yes:: I'm not a real fan of April Fool's day either. I did have a friend in high school though whose birthday is April 1st. We used to tease him all the time about it. I may just give him a call and wish him a Happy Birthday today. ;)

Take care,
AI- AARRGGHHHHH!!! That is just plain wrong! I voted plenty last year, but haven't voted yet this year. I haven't really picked my favorite 1 or 2 yet. But the worst 2 are Weasley and Camille - and NEITHER one was in bottom 3!! If any one else goes out before one of those 2, I may have to stop watching!!!!! I will definitely be voting next week!
Coffee - I don't bother listing it because I drink it black, so its 0 pts, but I am a coffeeaholic!:p i make a pot of 8 cups in the morning (which would be those teeny cups - its more like 4 mugs) which I drink by myself. Then in the afternoon I usually buy another large! Did I mention I LOVE coffee!!:lovestruc
I may have to try out some of those wicking clothes. I work up quite a sweat on that stepper!:crazy:
Rain, rain, go away........:p
Have a great day today Marcia!!!
Sharon :wave2:
amanda - the shakes indeed! i hate that caffeine does that to me! but i was just struggling so much to stay awake that i had to trade off i guess

val - yeah, i've gotten stuff at target before, but last night's trip was a disappointment. more on that below.

tracy - thanks for the :sunny: , we could use it again today! silly rain.

sharon - i had no idea you were such a coffee fiend!! well then, i'm impressed! my stomach would revolt if i had that much! i've been trying to drink my coffee only when i'm eating, because coffee alone tends to upset my belly. and definitely get you some wicking clothes...they make a great difference ::yes::

okay so target was a bust! i had seen in their ads in the sunday paper that they had men's shirts, so i assumed they'd have women's too. wrong! couldn't find anything! what a bummer. good thing my mom had told me that there was a tj maxx in the same shopping center that i was going to. i've had luck at tj maxx before. it's hit or miss though. i actually found more stuff in the guy's section! i ended up getting 3 long sleeve shirts, 2 short sleeve shirts (1 is nike dri fit...i've heard very very good things about nike dri fit), and a couple pairs of socks. grand total, about $92! :eek: i have such a hard time spending that kind of money, but i know that i have to support my running habit. just have to suck it least i worked lots of OT last week, that'll definitely cover it.

so i was planning on going out to run this morning with my best friend. we went out to dinner last night, and i told her i was going to run in the morning, so she said we should do it together because she needed the motivation. she has to leave her house much earlier than i do to get to work, so this kinda fudged my plans. i could get up at 6:30 to run, but to run with her, it'd have to be 5:30. so i said, okay fine, i can do it. so i got into bed before 9:30, all ready to get up early. and then, i had a horrible sleeping night. i just couldn't sleep! tossed and turned for what felt like the entire night. i don't know what the heck caused that!

around 4am, i went downstairs, got on my computer, and sent my friend an IM telling her that there was no way i could run, since i hadn't been able to sleep. i feel really bad about doing that to her, but i think i would have passed out. plus, she runs faster than me and i was planning on keeping up with her way i could have done it. so i went back upstairs to my room, and my dad is snoring away. my parents room is right next to mine and he snores LOUD! yeesh. i have no idea what time i finally ended up falling asleep, but at least once i did, i was out till the alarm went off at 7:40.

so yeah, i'm a bit tired today. at least it's not's jsut dreary out, so i plan to get my run in after work. then tonight, i'm going out with my best friend to see a friend of hers who has a band, they're playing in some bar. that doesn't start till 10:30 :eek: . i told her i'd drive, since i don't want to drink and i know she does. my 7-8 miler tomorrow should be fun :rolleyes: . plus, our company is coming tomorrow! i'm going to have 2 extra girls in my room! family friends, i used to go out and stay with them in vegas every year from age 11 till about 16. one of the girls is my age and we used to be really close, the other is around 11 i think? not sure. their parents are coming too, and are really good friends with my parents. it's jsut going to be a whirlwind of a weekend. they're staying till tuesday i think. i am promising myself that no matter what happens, i will get my runs in ::yes::

wow, have i written enough? hehe :p
Hi Marcia! :wave:

Sounds like you have a fun and busy weekend ahead of you! Good luck with your run tomorrow. May you have a deeply relaxing sleep so you wake up feeling refreshed instead of feeling like you've only been in bed for an hour. :D

Have fun this weekend!

~Angela :wave2:
Marcia, have a wonderful and fun weekend with your friends! It should be a lot of fun catching up with each other! Of course, if I were there, I'd NEED my alone time too, so that would make going out for a run easier! :p
:wave2: Hi Marcia,
I really hope you are enjoying your busy weekend. Sounds like a lot of plans but fun ones :D .

Have a wonderful weekend :sunny: !
Yeah Marcia - I am a coffee fiend!:crazy: And I know what you mean about it upsetting your belly. I know when to stop or else my belly gets pretty unhappy too!
Well, still no sun.:( I hope your having a great weekend anyhow!:teeth:
Take good care of you Marcia!
Hi Marcia! Just stopping in to say hi and to see how things are going. How did your weekend go? Have a great day! :sunny:
hello to everyone that stopped by! whew, yes it was a busy weekend! starting with friday night (out late with my best friend), and going strong through yesterday (house guests that arrived saturday)! and our friends are at our house till tuesday. i told them that their being here is not good for my weight :p . they're on vacation, so they're eating like it, and so is my family! oh well, it's okay :)

we went out to the same restaurant saturday night and last night. it's a tiny italian place with some of the best thin crust pizza ever. so good. there were 10 of us there sat night, and 6 pizzas, plus the meals everyone ordered. my goodness. then last night, it was 12 people, and 7 pies! i learned my lesson the first night though, and only ordered soup to go with my pizza last night :p . it wasn't too bad though, i kinda just watched what i ate the rest of the day. plus, i got in all my running. over 4 miles friday (not exactly sure...still have to go out and measure it), 3.25 miles saturday, and then...drumroll please....8 miles yesterday :teeth: . so today is definitely an off day, i could barely walk down stairs yesterday :hyper:

so tonight is probably another night out to dinner, but it's the last one i think. they're leaving tomorrow evening, and i don't think we'll be meeting them for dinner, since i think they're going on the way to the airport. i feel like this has been a real good release for me. i haven't been obsessing over the food i've been eating, and i'm really happy about that. i know i'm not in weight loss mode right now, but i know i'm not gaining. or at least i'm not getting bigger...i may be gaining, but my clothes are the same or looser as far as i can tell. maybe at some point, i'll get reinspired to get back into weight loss mode, but for now, i'm okay with just doing what i'm doing.

ooh, so this is exciting. the girl from vegas that's my age, me and her used to be real close. anyway, so she's graduating in may (she had a 5 year program, so that's why she's a year after me). so they want us to come out for that! my dad i think said he couldn't go because of work, so they're like, "good, we don't want you anyway, just send the girls!" :teeth: so me and my mom may be going out to visit them in vegas next month! i really hope so, i could use a vacation! :bounce:

i have some work to get done, but then it's journal catch up time! can't wait to see how all of you have been doing! :wave2:
Vegas would be so much fun! Especially an all girl trip!

I wouldn't worry about gaining weight to much - it will all come off again once you go back to your healthy eating lifestyle and drink lots and lots of water!

Vegas?! I LOVE Vegas! :smooth: That would be so much fun for you Marcia! I hope it comes together for you. Otherwise, plan something for yourself to go visit your friend! You deserve it!
Funny story - my DH and I went to Vegas last Sept to celebrate our 15th anniversary. We decided to renew our vows while out there. We had the big family/church wedding when we got married, so I said I wanted tacky this time! :teeth: We renewed our vows with Elvis! It was SOO much fun!:cool1: And DH and I totally fell in love with Vegas! Its Disney world for adults (well, sort of....) ;) So that's my funny story of the day!:crazy:
Glad you had a great weekend. And WOW! over 15 miles in 3 days?! :earseek: You are amazing Marcia!!
Have a great Monday! Enjoy the :sunny: !
Vegas with the girls sounds like a lot of fun! I hope you get to go.::yes::

And did I read that you ran 8 miles yesterday?! WOW Marcia! :earseek: That is so awesome! I can't even run 8 minutes yet alone 8 miles.;) You are such an inpsiration! ::yes::

I hope you enjoy the last couple of days with your friends. ::yes:: Take care and have an awesome week!!!!

:wave2: Hi Marcia,
I'm happy to hear that you have been having such a great weekend and you aren't stressing over food anymore. That pizza sounds sooo good ::yes:: .

I really hope you and your mom get to go to Vegas in May :D . Enjoy the rest of your time with your company. Have a wonderful day :sunny: !

It sounds like you've had a great week! Busy, busy--don't forget to take some time for you. You have come such a long way in your running--keep up the great work! I, too, hope you and your mom get to go to Vegas; you will have so much fun! I think the break will do wonders for you. Proper running clothes are definitely a must! Dri-fit is worth the money--so don't worry about it. Enjoy the last couple days with your friends and keep you great attitude. ::yes:: Have a great day!


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