Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party~~October 5

We Will Be There Too!!

Just ordered the MNSSHP tix and made ressie for LTT for 6:35. I am just wondering what we will miss with a ressie so close to the opening of MNSSHP. Has anyone had a time this close in past years? How did it work out? AND will anyone else be at LTT at that time? If so make sure you wear your lime green so we will recognize each other!

7:30 at the Haunted Mansion in my lime green, as long as I get out of LTT by then.

Wishing everyone a "magical" day!:wave:
Me and my DH will be there at 730pm sharp!
We will not be in costume, I hope that's OK.
We did this 2yrs ago and it rained, hopefully it won't this time....
See you all there
Woo Hoo! Looks like a lot of DISers will be at the meet!

We will be meeting outside the Haunted Mansion at 7:30 PM for a "meet & greet" session, & hopefully a group photo or 2. Then we will ride the Haunted Mansion as a group, kind of a group takeover of the HM ride! Maybe we can even get the cast members to get out of character & smile! After that it's up to you. We can stay as a group, or break off on our own, whatever you prefer, but I'm sure we will cross paths throughout the night in any case!

Remember, anyone & everyone is welcome to join us! We don't even charge an admission for the meet like someone (paging Dr Tomorrow!) was suggesting on the meets board for the 10/3 meet! :jester: :crazy:

Yes, I did "borrow" Erick's idea for a meeting time & place, but if he's expecting to collect his "royalties" that he has demanded of me, he will just have to show up at our meet on the 5th! :teeth: :p

Seriously, I hope all of you decide to join us. You will get to put faces to many of the names you have seen here on the DIS boards, meet a lot of great people, & have a great time! We did a number of meets like this at DIS-CON I & II, & believe me it is an awesome experience to go on a ride with a large group of DISers!

To recognize DH & I, look at my clipart on this post. The picture was taken from a photo of the shirts we will be wearing. Also, if you want us to look for you please PM me & let me know you will be there. I'll add your name to my list, & we'll be sure to be looking for you! :wave:
I can't wait. This is our first trip without the children. And our first Halloween Party. See you on the 5th
The Stevensons
Missydisney I've added you to the group. Be looking for you on the 5th! :wave:

My last chance to check in here will be some time tomorrow afternoon 10/2. I do not travel with a computer so I will not be abel to respond to you after that. Please just show up & join us. There's always room for 1 more! :teeth:
Just got back from our trip and wanted to say that meeting y'all at the MNSSHP was a real treat! Thanks again to Perfectmatch for setting it up; hope y'all got a good usage out of my marker :) The nametag was a great idea.

Sorry we couldn't stay and chat more but we had a Fairy Godmother watching the kids for $12 an hour and by God we had to paint the MK red that night! Definitely a highlight of our trip!

The park was so BEAUTIFUL; I can't wait to do it again :)


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