Need help - MASSIVE amounts of weight to lose


<font color=blue>How exactly are the drunk people
Dec 28, 2005
I've had enough - but I feel like I have a mountain to climb and I'm not a mountain climber.

I am over 100 lbs heaver than I was when I first met dh - and I was overweight to begin with. :confused3

How do you even start when what you have to do seems impossible?

I know I am addicted to food. I am not a comfort eater - I LOVE food - I obsess about food - I wake up thinking about what is in my fridge to eat ... How do you get past a love/addiction of food?

Today is day one of the rest of my life. I know I cannot DIET - I have to change my life forever - but it seems so hard. It's so easy to just wallow and do what I enjoy - eat - but I'm miserable. I'm mortified with myself...

I really could use some success stories from people that have had to lose MASSIVE amounts of weight. I need to be encouraged, need support - need proof in my face telling me that this can be done, other people have done this - I can too.

I need to know how you changed your life, what foods did you learn to enjoy, what are your quick go to meals for b-fast, lunch, dinner? WHat plans did you follow? What worked best and why?

How did you start to excercise? What drove you to continue?(I have a stationary bike and a treadmill)

NO surgery - not something I am interested in right now. I did this to myself - all by myself - I need to undo this by myself.....

I am in the exact same boat you are in. Right down to the love of food. I need to lose more than 100 lbs, too.

I'd be happy to start on this journey with you!

GREAT!!! I really need a buddy! Thank you!
:wave: Let me start off by saying hello to you both.....:welcome: to WISH Mare and Beth.

The first step I learned was from my WW leader who lost over 100#, do not look at it in the grand scheme of things, look at it in smaller increments so it doesn't seem overwhelming. For her, she took it in 5 pound increments, for me it was 10# at a time. The reason I chose 10# is because 10# equal roughly one clothing size. I did have 100# to lose, but I have lost over 60 pounds and I have learned a thing or two along the way.

I LOVE food too and I AM an emotional eater too. I know what you mean when you think about food all the time, I did too and a lot of times I still do, but I just look at food differently now. There are many reasons we overeat and part of the battle is recognizing why and to relearn how we should eat. It is about learning how to eat healthier and to eat the so called bad foods in moderation. I have learned that I can treat myself once a week and still maintain a healthy weight. I have learned to make choices, if I eat a big lunch, then I need to eat a salad or something small for dinner and vice versa. It is all about choices and you ultimately chose what you will put in your body. It is about not depriving yourself either, I still eat ice cream and chocolate, I just eat it differently. I also learned that the first two or three bites taste no different than the last bite and I really don't need to eat it all, for me it was about getting healthy.

If you are looking for support and guidance you have come to the right place. I have been coming to WISH for over 4 years and it has been instrumental in my success. Good luck to you both and I look forward to seeing you around here often.
Let's do this.

I have hung out here and at other weight loss sites and scream when people whine about being 200 pounds and feeling like their life is over. I would LOVE to see 200 again, that was 26 years ago when I got married. I'm 48 and need to lose 170 pounds. Yes, I really said it, and I really mean it. I am a fat cow.

Every night when my head hits the pillow I dream about what it would be like to be "normal". I know my days of being drop dead gorgeous are long gone, I just want to be "normal". I feel that no one looks at me as a person, I am a fat person to avoid and I am sick and tired of feeling inferior to everyone. I know my attitude needs serious adjustment. I hate my fat self and I am sick of living like this.

This will be a long and difficult journey. But I will just try to do one day at a time. Sometimes it will be one hour at a time or even one minute at a time when that junk food is calling my name. Anyone that has ever reached their weight loss goal always says that the struggle was worth it.

Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.

Tomorrow I will drink 8 glasses of water and write down everything I eat. This is a start. I will add more goals as I achieve small amounts of succcess.

I am worth it and I can do this.

Come on girls let's get this party started.

Summer is great time to start. All the fresh produce and fruits. I am going to enjoy all the salad my heart desires and I'm going to get some new fat free salad dressings the next time I am at the grocery store.

What are your goals and steps to take to start the journey?

Let's support each other every step of the way.

I have hung out here and at other weight loss sites and scream when people whine about being 200 pounds and feeling like their life is over. I would LOVE to see 200 again

I can relate to that. I would also love to weigh 200 pounds. Right now I'm at 315 and I'm 5'4". A healthy weight for my height would be between 107 and 145 pounds. I have lost 24 pounds since January.

I think it's a great idea for all of us to support each other. Losing 100 + pounds is a struggle that only we understand.

It's sad - yet uplifting at the same time to know I am not alone. I am READY for this.

Yesterday I only excercised for 5 minutes - it's all I could do - today I am shooting for at least 7 and will try to do that twice. I hope to be up to 20 minutes by the end of May. I will drink all my water today.
Good morning! I woke up this morning and thought of you! I will also start with little steps. Today I will drink 8 glasses of water and write down everything I eat. I think that I need to step back and see this as a process, not all right or all wrong.

I will also find time to take a walk today and not worry that it's not long enough.

Good luck everyone!

you guys are what WISH is all about --

:welcome: and :hug: to each and everyone one of you. Tiggerlover gave you some great info to get started with -- baby steps WILL take you there

thanks for sharing your journey with us :teeth:
Good morning,

Here's to success today. Good luck to Beth, Jennifer, and MareQ. I'm already sipping my water.

DH may take me out for lunch today. I hope I can make healthy choices wherever we go. Burgers just don't say healthy food to me.

We can do this one day at a time.

What are everybody's food plans for the day?

I am eating oatmeal right now. Lunch I am planning on shrimp cocktail (LOL I don't have much in the house right now and have no clue what else to do for a lunch) Dinner will be THIN bone out pork chops, probably grilled with some sort of marinade, A SMALL amount of rice - I will measure out myself exactly one cup and I'll probably roast the fresh broccoli or zucchini I have.
I usually have skim milk, some fruit and a zone bar for breakfast. For lunch a veggie and chicken quesadilla with a tiny bit of cheese and no oil. For dinner I’ll have some whole wheat pasta with marina sauce maybe a boneless, skinless chicken breast.

I’ve been doing this for over four months. My daily goal is 1700 calories with at least 25 grams of fiber. I try to get 30% of my calories from fat, 40% carbs, and 30% protein. I also drink one gallon of water a day. I use fitday to keep a daily food diary.

I don’t count my calories on Saturdays. It’s my free day. This works great for me to stay on plan the other six days.

Good luck everyone with your menus today. We can do it. :cheer2: :cheer2:
Hi MareQ ( Fellow WPASADIAN)!!!!

Glad to see your joining us here on the WISH boards! :welcome:

I originally lost around 50 pounds with Weight Watchers, and while I struggle with 10-20 pounds of regain every year I manage to still keep it at no more than a 20 pound regain. Not perfect, but I'm still a work in progress.

You hit the nail on the head. There is no such thing as a "DIET" that works. Dieting implies there is an end. This is not a destination, it's a journey. It's something you must always work at or you'll end up right back where you started. What works for me to stop around the 20 pounds is I REFUSE to buy bigger clothes again. Somehow, someway I need to learn the rest of the story and be able to mantain completely (and not yo-yo that last 20 pounds).

I'm good at the losing part once I get on track (getting committed can sometimes take me a little while, but once I get on track look out). So I'm on track now - this is week #2 back on track.

The most important thing is to take it one day at a time. If you have a bad day, or a bad day - don't blow your week, day or whole "lifestyle change"......just get back on track right that very second once you realize and come back to your senses. Build on your successes each week.

WISH has always been part of my success. When I consistantly check in here I do better. I also do better when I go to actual Weight Watcher meetings. For some reason, if I don't committ and go weekly, I can't stay focused.

Your best bet is to figure out what program you want to do (it can even be as simple as counting calories using Then start to figure a few fall back meals for breakfast, lunch , dinner and snacks that you can eat in a pinch when things get hectic, you feel you can't do it, or you feel overwhelmed. For me, I always keep tortillas, fat free cheese on hand and I can make a quick quesadilla. My favorite way to eat them is to make homemade guacamole. Sometimes I use fat free refried beans too. No matter what, I'm always in the mood for these and it's my go to dinner if nothing else is available. I always keep frozen whole wheat tortillas and corn tortillas in the freezer. Breakfast is usually a smoothie or I always keep a box of Kashi Go Lean Crunch Flax Almond on hand. For lunches I try to eat leftovers from dinner, but keep some lean cusines on hand just in case. Almonds and other nuts are always in my fridge for a snack in a pinch. It's best to be prepared and always have a quick and easy back-up in those instances.

My # 1 tips -

1. Plan your day - planning what you eat really helps keep you focused.
2. Write down everything you eat - Keep track of what you eat (every bite)
3. Take it one day at a time
4. If you eat something you shouldn't, jump right back in so you don't derail yourself too much.
5. Remember that no food is off limits. That is what gets me in trouble. I love Peanut butter, cheese, avacado's, and chocoloate. I work them into my diet and eat them every week. It's all about moderation and learning to eat the proper portions.

Good luck - You can do it!
Well - nothing like total humiliation to drive me harder.

Long story short - my mother was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer at 51. Died at 54. When they KNEW it was breast cancer (from a met) they still couldn't find it in her breast.

I am 37 - have to be EXTRA careful because my mom was so young and because of how hard it was to find her cancer when they KNEW she had it. I went for my mammo - they found a NON suspicious lump - but when they factor in my mom's historty - they decided they just wanted to be careful and have me go for a Breast MRI anyway.

I just came back - they couldn't do it because my FAT *** doesn't fit into the machine..........

When I got there they warned me - I went in and looked at the machine and at what looks like a small but ok sized opening and thought "My goodness I know I'm fat but how could I not fit in there?"

JOKE'S ON ME! I know my weight - know I'm fat, OBESE, HUGE but I didn't think I was SO freaking abnormally large that I couldn't have a simple test done to try and make sure I am ok.

I am beyond disgusted with myself. I know in my head I have an addiction with food - I know how hard smokers have it - how hard alcoholics have it - I know I am just like them with the added twist of having to figure out how to have JUST a little bit of my addiction...

I feel like the dumbest person to have allowed myself to get to THIS point. Where was my common sense while I was eating these past 10 years?!?!?
Hi Mare,
Hang in there!! I know it feels like it's so overwhelming and you wake up one day and can't believe you did it to yourself. I promise if you make the decision that this is it, it's over you can be free of this weight. Just keep sticking one foot in front of the other like you have been. I know you can do this, we all have it in us and we just have to find out what pushes our buttons enough to make the leap and change our lives.

I too am addicted to food. I enjoy eating it, I enjoy the taste, the way it makes me feel and I struggle with it. The good thing is I have learned that you can still eat lots of good things and still eat your favorite stuff. It's just learning not to make it "so much".

So what are they going to do about the test? I can't imagine your the first person they have encountered. There must be machines that can work for you?

Hang in there - Make this experience work for you and motiviate you to keep going on this journey.
MareQ-I just want to reach out and hug you. I have not been in your shoes, but in looking at all these wonderful WISH boards(which i just joined a weight loss one). You are so much more than how you feel about yourself. I wish you all the luck in the world with your challenges and look forward to hearing about how you are reaching your goals and feeling better about yourself.
I hope this is not out of line-but your story has touched me already and all those battling the same stuff you are that can give you HOPE.

I too am morbidly obese. It has prevented me from enjoying many things in life that normal people take for granted.

MareQ I hope there is a way for you to get the test and reassurance you need. I am so sorry you lost your mother too soon.

We each have the power within ourselves to overcome these heartaches and make positive changes in our lives. I will be there for you during this journey to wellness. I need you to be there for me too. I am scared as I face each day. I am scared of the future if I do not do something about this addiction that is slowly killing me.

I am attending a community college and tonight was our year end honor society dinner. I was hungry and I cleaned my plate. Low and behold skinny/minnie at the table got 3/4 of her dinner in a to-go box because she could not eat it all. Why didn't I think of that? I have done that on occasion and it always works out well to get the to-go box as soon as the plate is set in front of me, but tonight I wolfed it all down. It was good and I even had chips and salsa as an appitizer and even dessert. Yes sir, I ate it all and now my tummy hurts. The president of the college sat across from me. What was I thinking? Why does food make me crazy?

Today is done. I have regrets. I did drink my 8 glasses of water. I did not write down what I ate. I could not find my notebook.

Tomorrow is a new day. I will do better. I am going to a meeting at school tomorrow and last week they had wonderful cookies as refreshments. If they have cookies tomorrow I WILL NOT EAT ANY COOKIES, NOT A SINGLE ONE. I really love cookies, but I love me more.

MareQ, hang in there and remember that you are loved.

Ladies, please check in, and please offer encouragment. Tell me about yourself and why you are here. I want to get to know all of you as we embark on this journey together.

We can do this one day at a time.

Hi everyone,

I had a good day today. My calories were on track at 1725 and I also got in 36 grams of fiber. I drank one gallon of water.

I did 70 minutes of cardio today. When I first started in Jan. I was only able to do 25 minutes.

I want to lose this weight to have a better quality of life. I want to be as healthly as I can be. I want to feel good about how I look. I think that sums it up.

Good luck everyone! :goodvibes

We are in this together. :hug:

Hi Brenda,

Hang in there, I know after you at the dinner it made you feel bad. Turn that feeling into empowerment. Sometimes it takes events like that to open your eyes and allow you to change. Taking baby steps is the best day. Don't think about what you have to loose, break it down into small goals and just focus on one day at a time.

My WW leader said something to us at our meeting on Tuesday. She showed us a sheet -which I forgot to pick up, but I will next week. It was a weekly sheet on the front and back with hour by hour blocks that were bricks. When you were OP for an hour you filled your brick in any color. When you weren't OP for that hour you filled it in with black or another color of your choice. At the end of the week you will see that as a whole, you have mostly all good bricks because filling in the chart helps you to keep your "binge" of bad foods to just that hour because you want to color in the next hours in the right color.

As someone who is guilty of saying - oh well I blew it today and I would either continue for the rest of the day or week, this was a lightbulb moment. If I did have something like that sheet I would be much more likely to stay on track for the rest of the day and week because I wouldn't want all my blocks to be black.
It's already been said on this thread, but the key is to not look at how much TOTAL you need to lose, rather look at smaller increments and then TRY to not think about it on a daily basis.

Example: Set a goal of 10 pounds for the next 2 months. Add in just a small bit of exercise to begin with and before you know it, you'll be able to do more.

After that goal is met, don't think 'I still have 90 pounds to go' rather think on the next smaller goal.....maybe 'OK, I did that! I can do another 10 pounds in the next 2 months.' And so on.

You can do this!! You have the desire and in my experience, THAT is the hardest part to get!! Good luck hun, we're all here for you!


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