New Walker's Sharing Ideas

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I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
I'm starting a new walkers thread to help the forum run faster since our other thread got so long.

For new and lurking walkers, please join in any time this is an open thread. We share information and ideas and just socialize on here. We have a seperate thread because walking is a different sport from running. Different muscles and motion techniques are used.

Walking is a wonderful sport on it's own. But it's also a wonderful way to get in great shape to begin a running program if that is your goal. Going right into a running program is a quick road to injury if you have not exercised for a long time.

We have an awesome group of regulars on here. We have a fun couple from Canada: Mike and Kim, we have a little fireball: Jeanne who is such joy to be around, We have Nancy who is all heart and courage, Wendy is our champion and hero, Maria is the poster child for sweetness, Erica is so brave and so determined, Connie is our cheer leader and Bill is our comic relief, Denise is our resident super mom who is getting the whole family involved, Stacey is our little voice of encouragement, "We can do this", of course Robert and I are the sanity of the group, now Scott and Lynn are out there, like in the wilds of the Yukon, they get around with a dog sled.

Some of our newest members who we hope become regular are Duckie, SamSam, Minnie, TwoWDWFools, DisneyWalkerGirl and DeeKayPee.

Welcome to our new thread everyone and if your new please join right in.

Here is the old thread we loved.

Walking Panda:hippie:
Hey kids!

I'm a runner training some walkers! My mom and a friend scream teamed at the marathon. They were so inspired by WISH that they signed up for the half! They are both in the early 60s and in good shape. My mom, Sara, does yoga and pilates all the time and just learned how to do a backbend; her friend Betsy rode Space Mountain 7 times in one day with my daughter, so she's certainly a trooper.;)

My plan is to walk or maybe walk/run the half with them. I debated letting them walk together while I run, but then I decided if they stick with their training, I'll stick with them- I can always find another half to run! Anyway, I'll be eager to see your tips as time goes on since I'm extremely apprehensive about trying to walk fast enough or convince them to run a bit...:scared:

So far I've told them to walk 3-4 times a week 3 miles (maybe 4-5 miles on weekends). I've told them to focus on the distance for now and that we'll work on speed later. My next project is to get them to understand the value of "real" workout clothes vs. capris and a lot of cotton! :rolleyes:

Jen in GA
Hi Jen in GA. Good for your Mom and her friend to sign up to do the half. With some training they should do fine. I'm an old lady myself and if I can do it they can. I think you have them starting off on the right track.

Dave--- Thanks for starting a new thread for us.

Did 4 miles TM last night? Hoping for pump class tonight.

Hi Jen in GA. Good for your Mom and her friend to sign up to do the half. With some training they should do fine. I'm an old lady myself and if I can do it they can. I think you have them starting off on the right track.

Dave--- Thanks for starting a new thread for us.

Did 4 miles TM last night? Hoping for pump class tonight.


Nancy dear you ain't old, you are a pretty princess and don't you forget it. Your years have been kind to you and hey you are a MARATHONER!!!!!!

Walking Panda:hippie:
Dear Wish Friends.

Please send lots of PD to my DH, today. He is seeing the neurologist today.
Dear Wish Friends.

Please send lots of PD to my DH, today. He is seeing the neurologist today.

You guys will be in my thoughts today. After I can think again. I'm headed for the dentist to discuss options.

Worried Panda:hug:
WIll be thinking about you and DH today Connie, let us know how everything goes!!!!!

Dave good luck at the dentist today also. Hope all goes well!!!!

Thanks for starting a new thread Dave!!!!!

PD to Connie's DH and Dave.

Back in the frozen tundra. Supposed to have small storm tonight but no snow after that for 7 days:banana: May head to Carson City to pickup some totes and start packing :eek:

Hope to hear good news from lab saying insurance company will pay for the cartilage regrowth($11,000). That doesn't even include surgery #2:sad2:

Good training to all and enjoy the day:)
Hey kids!
: . My next project is to get them to understand the value of "real" workout clothes vs. capris and a lot of cotton! :rolleyes:
Jen in GA

I've walked for years, but just getting into training for my first 15K. Please fill me in on why "real" workout clothes are best.

I used to bike long distances and used tech gear for it, but I seem to be hanging back spending money on walking gear. I think I need a little push cuz I'm way too frugal sometimes.

So glad I found the WISH team.:cheer2:
Hi Walkers -- just checking in on the new thread.

As previously posted, I walked 1.52 miles on Saturday and 45 minutes of a facsimile of Pilates. I am sort of teaching myself with DVDs for now. Hoping the rain stops today so I can walk again tonight.

**Connie** Best wishes today for DH.

**Robert** Congrats on the new digs and lack of snow.

**Maria** Red Sox start in 9 days!

**All New Walkers** Welcome.

After my "fun" on the weekly thread yesterday, I am trying to decide now if I should head back to try to flush out some Yankees fans. It could be a long summer don't you know.
I'm here, let the new thread fun begin!:goodvibes

Hi Everyone!

Why are all my threads being closed?!:confused3 I guess I go for the endurance...

Last night I did my 4 miles on the TM, so today I'll do half an hour on the bike. I made dh feel guilty so he finally went to the gym and did his 4 miles, too, his first workout since the Half. Yep. ;)

It is a rainy, yucky day for us.

Robert -- ok, I'll take our rain over your of luck with the insurance co.!:thumbsup2

Kim -- Hi! Are you also being snowed in?:flower3:

Dave -- You are the one who is sweet, what a great way to compliment each of us!:lovestruc Best of luck today. The dentist is one of my least favorite places, but it's all good in the end.

Connie -- Sending a ton of pixiedust: your way...All our good wishes to your dh!:grouphug:

Nancy -- You are far from an old lady! Old ladies do not run marathons!:banana:

Jen in GA -- What a great thing you are doing, and after inspiring them to start, of course you are going to make sure they do great!:cutie:

Ok, guys. Let's have a great day, sending Pixie Dust and prayers where needed, and looking forward to a Super Tuesday!

Lots of PDpixiedust: to Connie's DH and Dave, and anyone else who needs it!

Robert - good luck on the packing, after our move last year, it is not my favorite activity:laughing:

Weather here is still not being very condusive to outdoor activity, I did my walk with the dogs yesterday in a snow storm. Today is sunny, but cold, and the wind is not as bad, but still blowing at 15mph which makes the wind chill well below 0. Yesterday I tried to supplement my milage on the TM but lasted only .75 miles!
I've walked for years, but just getting into training for my first 15K. Please fill me in on why "real" workout clothes are best.

I used to bike long distances and used tech gear for it, but I seem to be hanging back spending money on walking gear. I think I need a little push cuz I'm way too frugal sometimes.

So glad I found the WISH team.:cheer2:

One word: CHAFING! Cotton holds the sweat in and makes you chafe in places that will hurt later! It's worth the investment. And Target makes great workout clothes that aren't real expensive. Also runningwarehouse has free shipping and a wish discount (WISHD) and free returns if you don't like it.
Good afternoon everyone!

Sending PD to Connie's DH and Dave.

Jen in GA - that's great! I just threw out a Challenge to my family to join us in Jan at WDW and do the 5K. We weren't going to (doing the 1/2) however if they will, we will AND I told them if they commit to it, we'll pay their fee. Funny thing is I figure the only ones who will do it are my mom and step father. My siblings (and their wives) are way lazy :laughing: but who knows....

Robert - good luck with the packing and hope you get good news from the insurance co.

Was my rest day yesterday and today is XT. Hitting gym on way home for bike and swim I think.

As for the snow...I have SOO had enough! :mad: Sunday only supposed to be a dusting and wound up with 3". Now we have another winter storm warning for tonight and tomorrow. 5"+ possible again.... ugh....

Have a great day!
Maria I have a great respect for all of our brave princesses. I saw you ladies challange the heat and humidity and take on the distances. I also saw y'all help each other along, even though you were hurting yourselves. You ladies are awesome!!!

Robert, dude, we are in the wrong business, we need to be growing that stuff our basements. I watched all them Frankinstien movies, it's easy, just stick a current in there and the stuff grows over night.

My dental consult went ok, a full denture above and a partial below and a $2700 bill to me after insurance. I go in for the procedures on Mar 3rd.

Connie you back yet lady?

How is everyone liking the team competition so far?

Walking Panda:hippie:
First, good luck to Dave and Connie's DH and Robert -- Keeping my fingers crossed for ya!

I am so behind. :sad2: Between the no-personal-stuff-at-work job and the Mom-I-need-the-computer-for-homework family, I'll never keep up with all these threads! But, I am still walking and loving it -- and I love you guys and the second family you provide.

Speaking of which, Jeanne, you inspired me to get tickets to the Spirit of the Marathon, so maybe we'll bump into each other that night!

Gotta get to stepping on the treadmill so my team doesn't kick me off. :rolleyes1 Seriously, I love getting to know my "small group" a bit better. I have never been able to keep up with the weekly training thread, so having a little group to cheer on is a lot easier for me.

And Dave -- you're the hero! I can't believe how fast you are -- and how good you are at keeping this group of walkers together and entertained!
You are to kind Wendy. Did I see where you are doing another marathon already?

Is it time to go back to Disney World yet?

Disney Dreaming Panda:hippie:
PD to Connie's DH!:wizard:

Dave, sorry about the dentist stuff. :(

I spoke with a friend of mine who is a personal trainer and she gave me some exercises to do that will help strengthen my shin muscles. Today I didn't walk as far as I had hoped (2.5 miles in 45 minutes). I walked faster than I did the other day, but I got lightheaded and shaky so I had to finish sooner.

Tomorrow I'll cross-train and do some strength training.

It's little steps, but I've already walked 7.5 miles this week! Thanks to everyone here who is so supportive and encouraging.
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