Not getting thread notifications since server switch :(

starting a new account won't work, i had to start one just so that i could get in here and post... my account has me locked out and i can't get my password reset, so i started a new account using my dh's email, he hasn't gotten anything ...

Thanks for responding......if they aren't going to fix the problem I think we should just be told.
I just don't understand why there's NO updates at all??? What the heck is going on??? i've sent 3 emails yesterday to tech suport, alex, ect. that was before i opened this account and before i saw that many other's were having issues. but still haven't heard anything either...
I just don't understand why there's NO updates at all??? What the heck is going on??? i've sent 3 emails yesterday to tech suport, alex, ect. that was before i opened this account and before i saw that many other's were having issues. but still haven't heard anything either...
Webmaster Alex is busy posting DUI fatalities....seems we are not priority. I have also sent him a PM that was ignored.
Lets cut them a little slack. Moving to new servers is not a small task. I am sure that Alex has his hands full and can't take the time to respond to his hundreds of emails. I suppose if we really don't like the service we could ask for our money back. WAIT A MINUTE... the DIS is free. I don't think that we have right to complain about a few problems due to Pete spending his hard earned cash buying new servers for us.

Can you imagine the pressure Alex must be under having Pete breathing down his neck. :)
I understand the issues but an update would be great, i'm part of another board that is about this size and they always seem to post updates on server issues, problems, fixes, whens, ect... I wouldn't be so mad if i could get back my old user name... i dont' mind not getting emails i mean all you have to do is click the top left corner under 'user PC' and get all the sub. threads there but i can't get the ones i was subed to under the other user name ... see the issue...
Lets cut them a little slack. Moving to new servers is not a small task. I am sure that Alex has his hands full and can't take the time to respond to his hundreds of emails. I suppose if we really don't like the service we could ask for our money back. WAIT A MINUTE... the DIS is free. I don't think that we have right to complain about a few problems due to Pete spending his hard earned cash buying new servers for us.

Can you imagine the pressure Alex must be under having Pete breathing down his neck. :)
And let us not forget they have lives other than what we see here, too. Especially over the holiday season, you're going to have these people with other obligations. I know it's irritating to have things we grow accustomed to suddenly unavailable to us, but really...does it affect your life so greatly? Sometimes we need to take a step back and get a grip.
Just got an email notification of an update to a subscribed thread. It is 10am Thursday morning, and the notification was for a current update, not from 3 days ago.

Thanks Webmaster Alex, and all those helping you!
Just got an email notification of an update to a subscribed thread. It is 10am Thursday morning, and the notification was for a current update, not from 3 days ago.

Thanks Webmaster Alex, and all those helping you!

Same here!!! Thanks Alex!!
Me too, just got an e-mail about this thread...............:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Ok I got only 3 notifications from noon to 1:30. This thread NOT being one of them. And they have stopped again as well. Several of my subscribed threads have had replies since then, but no notifications are coming. Are you all still getting notified?
Seems normal here. Getting notifications, not neccessarily for every post. Then again, I never got them for every post before the server switch :)

Is it just me or are the boards slower today? Yesterday they seemed faster than ever, today, not so much. But I'm getting emails, so I guess you can't have everything ;)
They are really slow. Yesterday mornign they were fast for me, and then got really slow later on through out the day.
I did get one more notification, but still am not getting all of them. I used to always get all of them though. Hopefully it will straighten out. I know last time this happened, I would get a few, then stop getting them completely, then they started back up agian. I think it took a couple of days before they all started coming in.
Stopped getting notifications again! Anyone else stil lgetting them? I got a few up until yesterday afternoon, but then it stopped and nothing today so far. :confused3 :confused3 :sad2:
I had about 8 in my inbox just a few minutes ago, this thread was one of them.
I'm still not getting any today. So it must be just some of us have stopped.


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