OFFICIAL January 2012 5K, Half Marathon, Marathon, Goofy or Dopey Challenge Thread

I have the same running schedule and I DO live in Baltimore (east side, right by Patterson Park). What races are you doing?

How funny! small world.. I live up in Bel Air (Harford County). I am running the Maryland Double.. The Fredrick 1/2 in May and the Baltimore 1/2 in October.. with a few 5K's and 10K's in between.
If you lived in Baltimore I would say, maybe!!

how funny.. I am thinking goofy too.. but I would probably walk the 1/2 and run the full.. its all about the medal!! :thumbsup2

I have the same running schedule and I DO live in Baltimore (east side, right by Patterson Park). What races are you doing?

How funny! small world.. I live up in Bel Air (Harford County). I am running the Maryland Double.. The Fredrick 1/2 in May and the Baltimore 1/2 in October.. with a few 5K's and 10K's in between.

Wow! Lots of MD people on this thread! I live in Howard County MD. I did the Maryland Double last year. The Bmore Running Fest was SO crowded last year for the half. It was my fifth year participating in and first 1/2 and I really wasn't prepared for how crowded it would be. Probably good training for Disney!

I'm doing the Maryland Half Marathon (in Fulton) in May and VA Beach in September. I'm doing the Team Relay in October at the Bmore Running Fest.
I'm in for the 2012 Full!!

I did my first half this year and fell in love. I saw those Mickey medals the next day and knew I had to have one. I had initially felt that I didn't have time for a full marathon training program b/c of my work commitments during the week. However, I took a look at the options and I see that the Galloway program really keeps the mid week runs to a minimum and does the weekend long runs over a longer period. I think that program will work well for me.

Right now I'm planning for a 10 miler in early May then a half in early November before the WDW full. I'll formally start eh Galloway marathon plan on 6/13.

I just got DH started on the C25K and he is thinking about trying to do the 2012 half. That would work out well b/c I could watch DD during his race then switch for the next day. If he doesn't stick with it then I guess he stays home with DD again and I get another girls only trip next year. We will see.
On a more serious note; and a do what I say, not what I do note.... I went to the Doc about the Achilles and he put me on the do not run list for a few weeks..... He kind of admonished me for running after the injury became severe. The conversation went along the lines of exectly when did the Achilles start to feel severe.... About Mile 8.... Why didn't you stop..... I though about stopping if it got really bad...... You should have stopped sooner..... I have this streak of races Doc........ We went on for a while but the conversation ended after looking and seeing no calcification at the heel insertion point of the Achilles (i.e. no long term injury) and prescribing a cortisone injection along with a 2 week dose of oral treatment.
Sorry to hear about your injury :(

Is injection for Achilles good? When I had Achilles issues, the doctors didn't like the option of injections because of the increased risk of rupturing the Achilles later. I heard this from others as well. Hopefully, I am mistaken.

Get well soon!
How funny! small world.. I live up in Bel Air (Harford County). I am running the Maryland Double.. The Fredrick 1/2 in May and the Baltimore 1/2 in October.. with a few 5K's and 10K's in between.

I was hoping to do the Frederick half this year but something is going on that weekend so I'm doing the National half for the second year in a row. The Baltimore full was supposed to be my first full in 2009 but a friend got married that weekend so I had to do a race later in the month. I still need a Maryland half for Half2Run but so far the running Gods are keeping me out of the state.
Sorry to hear about your injury :(

Is injection for Achilles good? When I had Achilles issues, the doctors didn't like the option of injections because of the increased risk of rupturing the Achilles later. I heard this from others as well. Hopefully, I am mistaken.

Get well soon!

We had that discussion but his thoughts are that the risks are low compared to the results and that we needed to rid the area of the severe inflammation quickly. The risks as i understand them are that runners tend to get the injection a week or so pre-race and then expect to run the race.... That is the largest contraindication for injections from my understanding.

All is well now and am sitting here looking at Sunday's weather thinking, man I am glad I am out. Looks like a warm start to Houston with a high chance of precipitation.
I will do it in 2012, not the full but the half. I am waiting for March 5th to arrive so I can officially sign up for the fun. I am also doing the Disneyland half marathon in September in 2012 so I can win the medal for doing both in the same year.

I am also getting others interested in the run, so I am hoping not to have to travel alone, but I will if I have to.

Well, I am going to do all the races next year-goofy and 5k. I am doing the half marathon with my wife and 5k with my son and dad. Looking forward to it.
and i have that duck medal.
and i have that mouse medal.

only one this left to do for 2012.

I am in for the GOOFY!

Seriously cant believe I am doin it. After the full last year I swore I would never do one again. But the WDW Marathon Weekend rookies I brough with me to do the half this year are all excited to do their first full next year. Might as well join the party, and as long as we are at it...get that goofy medal.
Charles, hoping all is well with things for you. Sorry you are temporarily out of service.

Training has been slow for me since Goofy. I'm doing small things and still moving though.
I can now officially say that Disney will be my first full marathon. NYRR (after all the stink with the NYC Half lottery) did a "full-disclosure" info thing about the NYC Full and gave everyone who had applied for the lottery before that release the opportunity to withdraw and get our $11 lottery entry fee back.

I figured that since I somehow got lotteried into the NYC Half I had used up all that luck and karma, so essentially I'd be "wasting" $11 (in quotes because hello, it's only $11). But also? I really like the symmetry of my first half and first full being at the same place.

So yep! I knew I was in for the 2012 full, but I can say it'll officially be my first.

Now to decide if I use the code they send or wait to see what swag they offer (assuming they're there) at the NYC Half for registering there - and weighing my options. LOL.
Hi everybody,Im Lynne and my hubby is Len, so pleased to meet you all, my husband and I run for fun, we have done lots of halfs and 2 fulls, we are very excited to be doing the goofy nextyear, we have booked a 4 night dream cruise afterwards.
I started the running when I started to loose wt( I lost loads) to help make it go faster, then Leonard started to run and now evn though he is a bit older than me he is way faster.
We live in scotland,have no kids,2 beagles, and I think you can say we are officially old as I celebrated my 40th last week!


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