Our USA Rocky Roadtrip

Loving the blogs so far. Your children are so good! and both parks are so beautiful (and captured so well in your pics). Good to see Oma and Opa are keeping up! I love the way you have nice slower times built in and doing things like catching grasshoppers and fishing and getting Junior Rangers badges will be what stays in the kids memories the most. Hope the trip keeps going so well and looking forward to more!!
I remember that post office!! I'm pretty sure there was a laundromat nearby and we did laundry there! :laughing:

Did you catch any fish?
Loving the blogs so far. Your children are so good! and both parks are so beautiful (and captured so well in your pics). Good to see Oma and Opa are keeping up! I love the way you have nice slower times built in and doing things like catching grasshoppers and fishing and getting Junior Rangers badges will be what stays in the kids memories the most. Hope the trip keeps going so well and looking forward to more!!
Thanks for reading! The children (well the older 2 anyway!) are very well behaved and travel well. The little one is a bit temperamental! But I am so thankful that they have coped so well and glad that they too are enjoying the trip.

I remember that post office!! I'm pretty sure there was a laundromat nearby and we did laundry there! :laughing:

Did you catch any fish?

We didn't catch any! I don't think we had any hope with the amount of noise and splashing we were making. The Elvis blaring in the background probably didn't help either! What was hilarious was that Malcolm's fortune cookie read "Your fishing bounty will be plentiful" or something along those lines!
It looks like you have having a great time i have just finished reading your blog for this trip which i have so avoided :flower3:because i knew it would make me want to go back and see these places that our next on USA to see list :rotfl2:
I love your photos Thanks for sharing :cheer2:
Very scenic scenery lol. It all looks so beautiful. The kids seem to be really enjoying themselves. how exciting to see a bear!!!!!!!!!!
Shushh, really enjoying the updates. I wanted to say, I'm especially enjoying your beautiful photography. You are rocking that camera.
Oh My! That's my kind of Heaven on Earth! That's exactly the sort of place that DH and I like to holiday in. I'm going to have to show him your blog when he has a spare moment and I can only hope it'll entice him to get back to Montana. :thumbsup2

You are having a perfectly beautiful holiday. :love:
Ranch stay day 2

Definitely beautiful, but not so perfect! Princess. read the following post!

If you can convince your DH to go, this place won't disappoint. I can't begin to describe how much fun I had. Let me know if you want more details.
Still no fish????? And in that kind of countryside with that kind of hospitality???????


You better tell Malcolm to give up fishing and stick to golfing. At least he can always look for a golf ball if it is lost....whilst the fish....probably are l.a.u.g.h.i.n.g. when they see his shadow. :rolleyes1
ps. Pumpkin pie = Favourite Fall Food.....just in case you haven't looked at the list yet.
What a drama after such a perfect stay. You sounded like you handled the flat tyres well-I'd have been stressed to the max! The ranch sounded great fun and casual. Hopefully all the tyres will stay good now and you can have a continued non-eventful in that regard trip! Happy travels.
WOW :eek: What a day you had.
:goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibesHope you have a much better day tomorrow :goodvibes:goodvibes:goodvibes

:thumbsup2That Ranch looks awesome and what lovely people:)
Looks like I missed the post about the flat tyre (Me bad, sorry...but all caught up now). That sounds like a nightmare but fantastic that you had such wonderful people to help you out.

If it was your turn for bad karma, then at least you would have gotten it all in one hit....smooth sailing ahead! :thumbsup2

(And maybe some fish for Malcolm).


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