Our USA Rocky Roadtrip

You trip sounds amazing, especially your time at the ranch. How wonderful to have it all to yourself. You are getting incredibly close to the wildlife.
Isn't it amazing how strangers can be so kind. That Jim sounds like an awesome man indeed. I'm glad your disasterous day ended in a high.
:hug: hope you have a good nights sleep and are fully rested tomorrow great pictures of Mt Rushmore you are amazing to keep this so updated :hug:
I have loved, loved, loved reading this. We are yet to explore this part of America. I am totally inspired now. Oh I need to stay in a ranch..lol. Thank you for sharing your trip. Your photos are amazing.:thumbsup2
Gorgeous pics shushh!!! This is an amazing holiday you are having! My kids would have loved the experience!
Washing, de-lousing, Devil's Tower and Mt Rushmore. What a day!

Did you see anyone climbing up the sides of Devil's Tower? And now that Mt Rushmore is ticked off your mom's bucket list, what's next? popcorn::
I am sitting in the hotel room with cookies and a cup of tea. The youngest is asleep, the older are with my parents and Malcolm is off having a beer. Bliss!

Thank you all for reading along and for your very kind comments! This trip would not have happened if it weren't for my mother wanting to go to Mt Rushmore. Some of you know that we bought the tickets somewhat on a whim when there was a special on. The price turned out to be very good considering the ridiculous fuel surcharges that have come into effect since. My preference would have been to go to Canada or the North East Coast of the states (to add in WDW as well of course!). I am so glad now how things have worked out. This part of the USA really is beautiful. And the children have had so much fun despite the long drives.

Having blogged a few trips now, I've come to the realisation that is much easier to write on the day.Memories and emotions are clearer. It is also very difficult to find the motivation to blog down the track when you are days behind! I like doing it because it serves as a family diary of our trip. It also helps with family at home following what we're up to. So I really look forward to blogging at the end of the day.

As for the photos, I borrowed a great tip from Ms Shuttergirl when I met up with her this September...put the camera on "auto"! Only about half the photos were taken on "manual". I still get very frustrated because I am unable to capture on camera what I see with my eyes. A great example is today's beautiful golden yellow of the leaves at Custer State Park.

We're going to a chuck wagon dinner this evening, so will update you all later on the blog tonight!
Beautiful pictures, shushh. I like the ones of your kids making rope. Did you ever think that there would have been other things to keep them occupied other than Disney?

This part of the US is beautiful. I wish DH would want to head back there; but there is so much more of the US we haven't seen that we probably should head towards them woods first.

And I love corn bread too....except that mine is deep fried, the way the American Indians do it around Four Corners. ;)
Stunning photos, the ones of the children are gorgeous. And I love the one of the donkey, very cool!
Just caught up with your blog. Amazing photos and scenery! Can't wait for more.
Beautiful pictures, shushh. I like the ones of your kids making rope. Did you ever think that there would have been other things to keep them occupied other than Disney?

This part of the US is beautiful. I wish DH would want to head back there; but there is so much more of the US we haven't seen that we probably should head towards them woods first.

And I love corn bread too....except that mine is deep fried, the way the American Indians do it around Four Corners. ;)

I tried blue corn bread at the Smithsonian, but it wasn't deep fried! As much fun as we're having, the children are counting down the nights until we reach Anaheim...

Stunning photos, the ones of the children are gorgeous. And I love the one of the donkey, very cool!

Thank you! I have to admit I didn't think the donkey would walk so quickly to the car. The window went up very quickly!

Just caught up with your blog. Amazing photos and scenery! Can't wait for more.

The scenery helps a lot with the photos! I just had to point and shoot most of the time. The Nikon did the rest!

fabulous scenery - so great to see the photos!
Thank you for the comments on the blog! I think the Stanwell Tops must be the same ones. It seems to be popular for christian camps. They are new buildings going up so probably expanding?
OH! You made it to Wall. I wondered if you were going to go. And they are still offering 5 cent coffee! Still nescrape?

It's a cute place, isn't it. Did you buy anything (much)?

Jonah is very cute. I might try that with my DS tonight and see if he's interested in the prayer.

And trust you to find Chinese in the middle of the Badlands! :lmao:
i :love: Jonah's prayer that is just so cute you gotta love what comes out of the mouth of kids.
Stunning scenery that you are seeing along the way, the drug store looks awesome and i can totally totally understand the kids counting down to Anaheim i would be to ;)
i :love: Jonah's prayer that is just so cute you gotta love what comes out of the mouth of kids.
Stunning scenery that you are seeing along the way, the drug store looks awesome and i can totally totally understand the kids counting down to Anaheim i would be to ;)

Jonah is a handful. Very different to his brother and sister. But he is cute...Now that he is three, I am waiting for the terrible to become terrific!

OH! You made it to Wall. I wondered if you were going to go. And they are still offering 5 cent coffee! Still nescrape?

It's a cute place, isn't it. Did you buy anything (much)?

Jonah is very cute. I might try that with my DS tonight and see if he's interested in the prayer.

And trust you to find Chinese in the middle of the Badlands! :lmao:

Wall Drug was fun! I haven't even tried any coffee whilst I've been here. I don't bother. But I gather from the rest of the gang that yes, its still nescrape.

We didn't buy much. Just boots for myself and the two older children (they were 40% off for genuine leather boots!), some belts, stetson for grandpa, and other gifts for other family members....

The chinese was very average, but chinese. Dad was happy to be able to eat rice.
The boots are fantastic and Lara just looks adorable in the fashionable cowgirl clothes.

And chinese Dad's are the same in Melbourne....mine is happy to eat anything; providing there's rice. :laughing:

I thought Wall Drug was a great place to pick up souvenirs. Looks like you did the same.

Thanks for sharing.


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