Parents of the High School Class of 2017/College 2021

I talked to my DD again today. I picked her up so she could do some banking quicker than on her own. Yes, I do think that being so close probably makes the packages less "valuable". She's always loved gifts so I was hoping for more of a reaction from her. I think that it was a little too much on top of her "Big Sister" reveal day. I would have done better to deliver it mid-week but I didn't know until it was too late. After pressing her, I think she liked it. She said the window clings are already on their dorm door, she's still figuring out where to put the lights and she enjoyed the candy. I will time my next one to be delivered mid-week when it might get more attention.
DD was home this weekend. She had texted me last week that she was struggling a bit socially, so we were excited to have her home. I was a wreck all week thinking that she was sad and lonely. Turns out, we just caught her on a bad night - her roommate had plans, one friend was studying, and another went home for the weekend, so she was bored and lonely that night, but that's not how it is all the time. She definitely wants to expand her social circles and get more involved (which is hard for her since she's shy). She's got some plans in place for how to work on that and she's going to chat with her RA as well. We were very relieved that the situation wasn't as bad as she initially described. It was just awesome to have her here for a little bit. Can't wait for Thanksgiving!
DD texted us Sat night that she's struggling a bit socially. She's really quiet and shy, but that can often come off as indifference or snobbiness (I had the same issue when I was younger). There were a lot of planned events at first so the freshman could get to know each other, but now they're on their own and it's hard for her to reach out to people. She likes school other than that and wants to stay, just has to find a way to work through this. She's going to talk to her RA and see if she has some advice, so that may help. They have a break this week, so DD will be home Fri-Sun. I just want to see her and hug her!

My daughter is the same way. She seems to be having a lot more success making guy friends than girl friends. She wanted no part of teen drama in high school and she's seeing that continue to some extent in college. Guys are much easier for her as friends. They'll do just about anything with her as long as there's food at some point:rotfl:.

We were just visiting for parent's weekend. She loves school and aside from wishing for a few more friends she's very happy.
My daughter is the same way. She seems to be having a lot more success making guy friends than girl friends. She wanted no part of teen drama in high school and she's seeing that continue to some extent in college. Guys are much easier for her as friends. They'll do just about anything with her as long as there's food at some point:rotfl:.

We were just visiting for parent's weekend. She loves school and aside from wishing for a few more friends she's very happy.

Our daughters sound very similar. Too bad they aren't at the same school!
I miss my two. Haven't seen them since dropoff weekend. We do use Duo to video chat. So that is nice. I was hoping we'd be going up soon to take them a car but they could not get a parking permit. Was told all parking spots are taken. One DD is doing that volunteer firefighter thing and needs to get there when a call and stuff. Maybe next semester a spot will open. So now it looks like Thanksgiving will be the first I see them. Boo!
It’s so hard to answer, hows it going. I’ve tried a couple of times to write this but can’t make sense of all that’s in my mind. She and dad are going down one last time this Friday. Last discussion boiled down to us hoping/pushing for 2 classes at comm college next semester and a job. We’ve said “it’s ok, we understand, we love you just the same” as many ways as we can. I don’t know if she believes that yet. I’ve pulled FAFSA forms and applications for her. They are laying on the table where I put them last week. Just keep sending us good vibes, or if you are the praying kind-petition away.
I miss my two. Haven't seen them since dropoff weekend. We do use Duo to video chat. So that is nice. I was hoping we'd be going up soon to take them a car but they could not get a parking permit. Was told all parking spots are taken. One DD is doing that volunteer firefighter thing and needs to get there when a call and stuff. Maybe next semester a spot will open. So now it looks like Thanksgiving will be the first I see them. Boo!
The waiting is hard!
It’s so hard to answer, hows it going. I’ve tried a couple of times to write this but can’t make sense of all that’s in my mind. She and dad are going down one last time this Friday. Last discussion boiled down to us hoping/pushing for 2 classes at comm college next semester and a job. We’ve said “it’s ok, we understand, we love you just the same” as many ways as we can. I don’t know if she believes that yet. I’ve pulled FAFSA forms and applications for her. They are laying on the table where I put them last week. Just keep sending us good vibes, or if you are the praying kind-petition away.
I will definitely keep sending good thoughts your way. Hang in there!
It’s so hard to answer, hows it going. I’ve tried a couple of times to write this but can’t make sense of all that’s in my mind. She and dad are going down one last time this Friday. Last discussion boiled down to us hoping/pushing for 2 classes at comm college next semester and a job. We’ve said “it’s ok, we understand, we love you just the same” as many ways as we can. I don’t know if she believes that yet. I’ve pulled FAFSA forms and applications for her. They are laying on the table where I put them last week. Just keep sending us good vibes, or if you are the praying kind-petition away.
Good thoughts sent out to you and your DD. She will find her way.
It’s so hard to answer, hows it going. I’ve tried a couple of times to write this but can’t make sense of all that’s in my mind. She and dad are going down one last time this Friday. Last discussion boiled down to us hoping/pushing for 2 classes at comm college next semester and a job. We’ve said “it’s ok, we understand, we love you just the same” as many ways as we can. I don’t know if she believes that yet. I’ve pulled FAFSA forms and applications for her. They are laying on the table where I put them last week. Just keep sending us good vibes, or if you are the praying kind-petition away.

Thanks for giving us an update; I will pray for you guys for sure. She will figure it out! I changed my mind so much during that time of my life that I still have dreams about missing tests because I switched majors right before the finals!
Thanks for giving us an update; I will pray for you guys for sure. She will figure it out! I changed my mind so much during that time of my life that I still have dreams about missing tests because I switched majors right before the finals!
I also had a bumpy ride. I ended up going back to college at 22 after learning that working without a college degree in a career field was a dead end.
Well, I'm disappointed. I dropped off a plastic pumpkin with goodies in it for my DD on Friday. They said they would log it in so she can come down and get it.

I shopped multiple places to find cute little trinkets like tiny skull lights, gel clings for her window, her favorite candy, a Lush "goth fairy" shimmer bar (no tub so no bath bombs) and a beanie baby spider with ginormous eyes right on top. Saturday passes. Nothing. Sunday comes and I see her when she picked up the car to go to the mall. I finally asked her if she got my package and she said, "I got a notice that I have 2 packages. One is from my new "Big Sister" at the sorority and I can't wait to see what it is!". I texted her at about 10pm and asked about the "Big Sister" ceremony that night (she was unaware of who it was when she received the package) and she was very happy that she was assigned the "Big" that she wanted. I then asked if she got my package and she said "Yes". That's it. I know it's silly to be disappointed and (yes) hurt. Everyone else seems to get such positive results from "care packages" I was hoping for more than a simple acknowledgement of receipt.

My girls don't get all that excited when I send them packages and, even the last time, one DD said 'I hoped for more candy'. And when I send a package, I have to send them reminder texts that it's coming and they don't always pick it up the day it arrives. Then I keep bugging them to see if they got it and they reply 'yeah,thanks'. So not much response.

When I get these type of reactions, I quit sending packages. My nephew and niece both will not even mention that they got a package so I no longer send them. If they aren't encouraged by them then...

My DD21 loves packages so I enjoy sending them.
Yesterday DD's apartment complex had a pumpkin carving contest. She and one roommate decided to arrive 15 minutes early since only 10 pumpkins were available. Well it turned out they were the only two to show up, so they called a third roommate to come over since they were sure to win 1st through 3rd prizes (gift cards good at a few local restaurants). I laughed and said you guys are the pure ones at the apartments :cutie: . The campus is holding one today for real money so they're planning on that too.

I haven't sent any care packages or other mail since we've seen her every weekend. This weekend will probably be the first time I don't see her.
It’s so hard to answer, hows it going. I’ve tried a couple of times to write this but can’t make sense of all that’s in my mind. She and dad are going down one last time this Friday. Last discussion boiled down to us hoping/pushing for 2 classes at comm college next semester and a job. We’ve said “it’s ok, we understand, we love you just the same” as many ways as we can. I don’t know if she believes that yet. I’ve pulled FAFSA forms and applications for her. They are laying on the table where I put them last week. Just keep sending us good vibes, or if you are the praying kind-petition away.

Sounds like a plan, I hope she cooperates and gets along well. :flower3:
DD was home for her Fall Break Oct 11th - 15th. We hardly saw her because she spent a lot of time either shopping or visiting with friends at the local university. She did let us feed her however.

Now she is back at school and has been working on getting an apartment secured for next year, changing her major and registering for classes. She and her next year roommates had to literally camp out overnight last Friday at the apartment complex they want to live in next year to get on the "list". The complex is super close to campus and affordable, so it is highly sought after. They are 11th on the list and not sure that's good enough. We'll know in a couple of weeks.

She chose her semester 2 classes yesterday and in doing so, had to consider alternate majors. She is currently a Marketing major with a International Studies minor. Now she thinks she'll change to a Political Science major with an Econ minor. Luckily many of the classes overlap, so she doesn't have to make it official just yet. And Econ requires an easier Calculus class than Marketing. She dropped Calc this semester and is trying the easier Calc next semester. DH and I are going up for another VT football game in a couple of weeks, and then we have Thanksgiving!

Her brother (DS 20) is in the very stressful process of trying to secure a summer internship in Finance for this summer. His school is super competitive, and all this pressure comes from the top down because the school want to pump up its own resume (We place kids here, here and here). He's filled out so many applications, taken so many aptitude tests and written so many essays only to be rejected by company after company. He finally got 2 first round interviews last week. They both went well, and one of the companies is flying him to Charlotte, NC next Friday for the next round of interviews. I am almost as stressed out about this whole process as he is!
My daughter submitted her co-op choices today- so looks like from Jan 2019-Jun 2019 she will be working a full time job in her field and getting paid and then again in Jan 2020-Jun 2020 same thing. She also submitted for the program she wants to do this summer - if she gets her choice she will be heading to Paris and London for a month long summer class in business fashion worth 8 credits, if she can't get into that one her next choice is Copenhagen. I am hoping for the work co-ops at least one is in NY, if its in Boston she can still stay in the dorm and if its elsewhere they help you secure an apartment near your job-NY would be ideal, just cost her a train ticket otherwise she will have to pay rent etc.
I sent DD a Halloween care package the other day. She texted me today thanking me for it. I think she really enjoys getting mail (and snacks). Maybe I'll have her brothers write her some letters so she'll get more mail.


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