Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

I understand how you feel, Kirby. I missed my Mom today (well, yesterday now) too, but I also really missed my FIL. We were in his house and it was strange not hearing his loud voice and laughter. We said a prayer at the beginning of our meal for all those in our families no longer with us along with our thanks. Prayers said for your daughter.

Hoping Lynn was ok today, and that everyone had a nice day.

Snowysmom, you can do this! 🙏🏻 We’re behind you.
I understand how you feel, Kirby. I missed my Mom today (well, yesterday now) too, but I also really missed my FIL. We were in his house and it was strange not hearing his loud voice and laughter. We said a prayer at the beginning of our meal for all those in our families no longer with us along with our thanks. Prayers said for your daughter.

Hoping Lynn was ok today, and that everyone had a nice day.

Snowysmom, you can do this! 🙏🏻 We’re behind you.

Thanks for thinking of me. I am fine no sign of the that nosebleed, or a sign of another one. Hopefully there won't be one!
Good morning all! its a blustery 38 outside,,there is some rain falling, mixed with snowflakes. I am afraid that winter weather is sneaking in on us quickly. I fed all the outside cats and gave them warm water. Checked their boxes to make sure they were warm enough. Son in Law is supposed to come and clean the gutters..Summer says 'if its not too cold out'. I said it HAS to be done, no matter the temp. If not I will be doing it myself. So he better come and do them this afternoon before he goes and gets his second Covid vaccine. He has to have it before he can go back to work on the road next week (he works for a railroad)

Our dinner was very good last nite, even though I had to keep prompting myself not to overeat..lol. I made a blueberry cream cheese pie for dessert and it was so yummy!
I actually slept almost 8 hours straight through. After only getting 3 hours Wed nite, I was pretty tired. I have no plans for the day except some online shopping , if I can find anything worth it

Have a nice morning!539157321a1bc063cca654e90e8d1bf1.jpg
Thanksgiving was a mixed bag. We were unable to find 14 year old's Dominos so we just had the non hardening clay, a puzzle (she took her 100 piece Frozen one) though 16 year old had put in a 200 piece Mickey and Friends one in originally. I decided only one was going and so we went with the smaller one. At the last minute I tossed in her old leap frog number and letter write tablet.
Girls and I stopped by our favorite local coffee shop which was open at till 2 this afternoon and got some drinks on our way. I got a Grizzly Granita which is chocolate with peanutbutter and then topped with whipped cream and drizzled with chocolate that I took into bil's house. I also got a Huckleberry Charger with light ice for later after we went home.
16 year old got a Blue Raspberry Charger with light ice and a bacon ciabatta which has eggs and gouda cheese in it as well. These are made ahead of time and then frozen and later thawed and heated up. Since I can't stand reheated eggs I never get one though they sound good so if I can ever find the ciabatta buns I might have to make myself one. 13 year old got a chocolate milk.
We had a nice meal from which I picked a slice of turkey breast with the skin still on it (not cut as nice as it is at my parents house but then bil was using an electric knife where my dad and brother use a fork to hold the meat and a hand knife which doesn't end up shreading the meat-then again we process a lot of our own meat with my parents and brother plus so many of the meats served at my parents house are smoked as well), a slice of ham, some mashed potatoes, some dressing, and some sweet potatoes. I went back a 2nd time and got a couple of hard boiled eggs, a couple slices of barbecued pork, and some relishes along with some dip. Later I had a small glass of orange pineapple apple juice and a slice of homemade cheesecake made by bil's daugher using her mom's recipe with some rasperry pie filling on top of it.
Most of us played a game of hometownopoly complete with jokes about human trafficing since you purchase customers instead of homes and hotels for your properties.
Game ended with the team of DH's sister, older bil's wife, and mil who said she was only going to sit and observe but she got included going out first. DH and I went out next. Bil's daughter was on his team along with DH's sister's husband who spent most of the time in his phone though DH's niece gave up for a while and then came back and only did the bank stuff. Her long term (since high school) boyfriend and 16 year old were on a team together with the game ending with them leaving.
Older bil and fil sat in the next room watching some tv which I think the entire time was Pearl Harbor and 14 year old did her puzzle with mil later joining her. Older bil and his wife's youngest son left for a while to go pick up his girlfriend so she wouldn't have to drive alone after getting off work. He was so sweet even making up a nice plate for her and storing it in the microwave out of the way which she did heat up to enjoy it warm. Older bil's middle son who was not planning on coming since he was not going to get off work until 2 hours after we planned to eat and then had a 30 plus minute drive did decide to come on out and surprise us along with DH's sister's step daughter and her husband decided to stop in and say hello on their rounds.
I found out that he has moved from one fire dept in the area to the local airport fire, rescue and maintaince crew where my cousin is the supervisor. Also found out that he went to school with that particular cousin's older daughter at least for high school. 16 year old commented and this is why I don't try to keep track of relationship or who knows who in my mother's maiden name family which dh says I didn't marry into a family I married into a clan.
After the game of hometownopoly was over most of the group ended up moving to the gameroom above the garage with for a while dh and younger bil moving to the front room to watch the tv for a while. later we ended up with everyone but older bil and myself moving to the game room. I was not in any shape to do stairs so decided I would just sit and watch the tv a bit while doing on of my color by numbers pieces on my phone.
While I was sitting there younger bil came down to use the bathroom and told me that 14 year old who is special needs had an accident and I needed to go and clean it up. I went up and she was sitting on one of the plastic bar stools next to dh so I called her over to me and we went to get her changed. I was trying to ask dh across the room if the stool was wet but he couldn't seem to hear me so 16 year old had to go over and ask him as I couldn't get through the space to get to him easily plus I was having a hard enough time with walking and keeping my balance just getting up the stairs to the room.
Went and discovered that we did not have a change of under garment for 14 year old because she keeps using the ones that are supposed to be in her bag while we are at home instead of the at home supply. There was a pair of pants so I took her into the bathroom and we just slipped her into the pants with no under garment and put the wet items in the bag. I instructed her not to sit on anything and we got our coats and dh helped me out to the car so that I could take 14 year old home.
I had planned on going back after the movie was over and having some shrimp and some more relishes-those I can have as we had brought those and dh did bring the relish trays home when he and 16 year old came home later. When we got home about 6 hours after we left, 14 year old took her bag and my backpack in the house but did not followed the direction of coming back out and helping me get my purse and my charger in the house. With the wind since I needed to be able to hold onto the rail going up our stairs I just brought in my purse.
Had 14 year old go and put an under garment on and then go and take care of her wet items. I did some things on the computer and then was tired so I called dh to let him know that 16 year old's coat was in the vehicle I had plus I needed him to bring in my charger when he got home. I figured if nothing else I could enjoy it on Friday.
I finished up a couple of things I absolutely had to do on the computer and then turned on Disney plus and let 14 year old pick out a movie. She choose cars so I turned the laptop where she could move a chair over next to me and watch while I planned to watch and if I drifted off to sleep it would be ok. At that time DH and 16 year old came home so I did enjoy a few sips of my charger. The plan was for 14 year old to only watch Cars but since I feel asleep she was able to watch most of Cars 2 and when I realized it was not as late as I though it was I did allow her to watch Cars 3 before she went to bed but after she was ready to go to bed. She tried to tell me more but I was like no it's late and time for you to go to bed.
I was not too worried about her at bil's house as she kept making trips into the bathroom so I am thinking she was not sure about going past everyone playing cards at one end of the game room and she knew not to go past the game of darts going on. The annoying thing was that even though DH was sitting right there I was told to go clean up the mess because everyone knows that only women can do that job.
Hate to tell most of DH's family but we are not in the 1940s and 50s anymore men can do those things just as well. I am sure that younger bil was not happy when he discovered that DH took care of wiping the plastic stool off and not me. It is amazing that my granddad did not have a problem with changing diapers, cleaning up messes left by kids, wiping childrens hands and faces, and other so called women's work even with my mom's siblings older than her which were born in the late 30s to early 40s. Then again he lived by do what ever needs to be done when it needs to be done and if necessary to whom it needs to be done philosophy of life.
Granted there were some things that he primarily did such as caring for the livestock and making sure the fences were secure but he could fix a meal and mend a shirt if necessary while my Nana normally was in charge of the house and garden she could put fencing up if a board got knocked over and could pitch hay and fill feed bins and water containers for the cattle. Needless to say I was raised with everyone helps with everything though there might be areas where you are better at that are your primary areas in the household where DH was raised with cooking, cleaning, and caring for children was women's work and the yard, and vehicles were men's work.
I did have to call my mom after I was home and settled in my chair to chat for a while catching up on her day and telling her how ours went. My sister came over this morning and their turkey was not completely thawed even with my dad taking it out on Tuesday morning from the freezer to the fridge so they ended up not getting it in for another 90 minutes but it did cook a bit faster than they thought so only ended up eating an hour later. Mom said they just had a small meal since it was just them and my sister. Brother's wife decided this year would just be them and her dad where normally my parents and sister go to their house (on the same property as we all live on an overall property together). I am guessing it is due to covid and not wanting to mix households even though all of them are vaccinated. Actually only my girls and I are the only ones who are not. 14 year old has had vaccine reactions and has reactions to products that contain the if you are allergic to x do not get this one but you may be able to get the other type but is also allergic to that one as is myself. With 16 year old because of reports that for some females it can make that time of the month much heavier and she already deals with that we have decided to wait until there is more data out which her doctor agrees with our decision. We know there are some that do not agree but at least both sets of grandparents agree that it is a valid choice especially since in every case for me and the girls we are seeking and listening to our primary doctors. Guess what general society you do not get a say because technically we didn't even have to explain our choice to our family. I have had some say well just go ahead and get vaccinated for covid and if you have a reaction you can just be given what is basically the same drug as in epi pen. Which after my having a reaction 2 different times when given that for an allergic reaction to a wasp sting and to being given tomatos on a pizza that I had ordered with alfrado sauce only and told them I am allergic so no marinara sauce I have been sternly told to avoid that which I am allergic to as if I need another one chances are it will involve my being hospitalized especially where each reaction has been worse.
Plan today is to try and message the girls former organizational leader in hopes she can meet DH before he has to go to work and give him their 4-H record books and get some bills paid only and via the phone along with maybe some online shopping. Some house cleaning and basically hiding with plans to not leave the house even to go out onto the deck. My normal routine for the day.
Good morning.

DH and DS went out for carry out breakfast from a coffee shop. DDIL and I stayed home and ate and chatted. It was nice for both pairs to have alone time.

Today may be a little messed up. Son-in-law's paternal grandmother passed this morning, just two weeks after his maternal grandmother's funeral. DD said at least she and the kids would get here for dinner. I hope DSIL can make it too.

@Kirby, glad that you stopped by.
Good Morning 🐥

Hug and prayers each of you did enjoy a happy Thanksgiving yesterday. Truly such a lovely day here. Dad and I are so very grateful indeed. I will be setting up my Nativity tomorrow. Truly looking forward to Advent beginning on Sunday and the quieter, closer, and truly more awe/wonder-filled walk with Christ this Holy season always leads me on. Christmas is my very favorite time of year.

Huge hug and love, Snowysmom! I truly admire you, my friend and please remember how deeply we all do care. Chris indeed will be with you tonight as he is always and so, too, will God. In spirit each of your Quacker Family members will be sending an extra hug out your way, too. Whatever does happen, I pray you find peace.

Sounds like you enjoyed a full and celebratory Thanksgiving, Carol, I'm so glad :) I just read your last post. :hug:🙏 I'm so sorry, my friend. Prayers to you and your family indeed.

Dear Kirby, so good to see you! I filled out a Christmas card to you yesterday including prayers that truly you were okay! You have been missed and extra prayed for. Truly I am grateful to hear things are going better for you and your family. Big hugs on your mom, holidays and other celebrations, I know for me can make someone not being physically with me harder. :grouphug: to you. Remember, as I once got to overhear in a kind conversation at a restaurant (I am fictionalizing this into a story for the book, you CAN still talk to your mom! It may not (very sadly) be in a physical sense where she replies immediately but, my friend, by God's Grace, your mom will hear you. I promise. She is with you. I do often talk to my own grandparents and even little Champ. Definitely please stop in here a bit more.

:hug: dear Pea to you as well on your own mom. Like I reminded Kirby, and I pray each of you always, I (and all of us) are indeed here and so care.

Hooray that you got extra sleep, Lynn! You know that brings me relief to hear. I'm also so glad you are doing okay following your nosebleed, that was scary. Please do stay cozy and home today and relax. I may do some online shopping as well.

Sweetpeama, I'm glad you and your kids enjoyed some treats out yesterday :)

Wishing all of you some extra joy this day.
Happy Day-After-Thanksgiving, everyone! Would you believe we put our Christmas tree up this morning? We had bought an artificial one this year, and wanted to decorate it while DS was home so we could do it together. It looks nice, and will get me in the spirit to do the rest of the decorating. (I'll try to take a decent picture when I get a chance.)
Well, I am back to DS's house. I didn't last the day at the house. I had planned to and did some grocery shopping as well as other errands. I changed the batteries in flashlights, did some dusting and wall cleaning, and got the bed ready. Then older DS changed the day he came to do cleaning and tossing stuff into the dumpster and came today instead of tomorrow. Well, seeing all the stuff, sorting through more sentimental stuff, and getting sad and getting mad at DH for saving so much junk, I got anxious and depressed. DS thought I shouldn't stay alone tonight. Of course he doesn't think I should at all but that is another story. My anxiety and sadness brought me back to DS's house. I am not going to beat myself up about it. I tried and I can try again and hopefully succeed. I am a work in progress for sure. I will go back to the house early tomorrow and make the breakfast I was going to make. I have been craving scrambled eggs so I will make them tomorrow at the house. Then more cleaning, vacuuming, and swiffering.

Younger DS and family got their Christmas tree today. He said Dad was helping them. The first tree they looked at was the one they bought, it fits perfectly in the space they cleared, is the perfect shape, and they put it in the stand and did not have to adjust it at all. That is what his Dad would want and I am sure Chris did help them out. I did have to chuckle at that.

Have a good rest of the day.
@Snowysmom, one little step at a time.

Everyone was here for dinner and we had a wonderful time. Lots of good food. I made a caramel apple upside down cake that was delicious. DDIL brought a delicious fall salad of kale, roasted butternut squash, soft cheese, pomegranate seed, and pumpkin seeds. Plus the usual turkey and fixings. Leftovers given, kids all on their ways home, dining room and kitchen cleaned, dishwasher running. Time to relax.

I forgot to get a family photo today. Living in the moment. Here are some form yesterday and today.E9860668-0EA6-46EB-A9C4-47F644F6E6EC.jpegFCCB7379-DA1D-4681-80F5-383764E06221.jpeg29DC1865-3DC6-431F-8514-A440BBCB172D.jpeg3D649E6D-2A8D-4AA7-A399-39F00DB6333C.jpeg
Hello! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you a day late. Thought I'd pop in and share my favorite part of Thanksgiving...

I'm going to cheat, and just copy what I posted on FB Thanksgiving morning.

Just got back from the Thanksgiving service at church. And if you've known me for long, you'll be able to say this next part with me. It's my (all together now) favorite service of the entire year.

One hour of spontaneous testimony and hymns by request. It felt a little different this year, without Mr. Harding and Mr. Eschner, two staples of the service, who always reminded us they were "still here." Well... now they are in their eternal Here, where they are forever with the Lord.

And I'll say it again, I always love hearing adults (and some kids too!) singing "Jesus Loves Me" together because a young child requested it.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

It was a pretty quiet Thanksgiving this year, as it has been the past few years... Just my mom, oldest brother, and me. We had our extended family Thanksgiving the Saturday before, with less than a week's notice. It was nice to see them, and also nice to have a quiet Thanksgiving.
Good morning all! @Breezy_Carol--great pics , thanks for sharing,,that cake looks yummy, can you share the recipe when you have a chance, please?
Its 30 out now, going to mid 40's so at least we have a good chance of son in law cleaning out the gutters today. It was too windy and cold for anyone to be on a roof doing that! Neighbors had a guy doing work on their front porch, and the guy looked frozen!

I did a whole lot of nothing yesterday, needed the day just to chill and relax. Maybe we will start putting the nightstands together today. Then it will be taking the old coffee table apart and getting rid of it, and putting the new one together. Then we need new table lamps for the living room , and it will finally be finished. Younger Stepson is an artist in his spare time and is doing a couple of paintings for us

Enjoy your Saturday
Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all having a good weekend.
I'm bored..... House is cleaned up and put back to rights after Thanksgiving. Dishes are cleaned and put away, including the holiday/seasonable ones. Husband got Christmas decorations out for me, but I'm just not feeling very into decorating. I got all the Fall & Thanksgiving themed stuff put up and away, and put some garland up on the mantle in the sitting room. Lit a pine-esque smelling Yankee candle and I'm considering myself done:faint: I've got two new lit topiaries on the front porch, but no lights up along the porch lines. Not sure if I'll get to that this year or not....so dogs and are just sitting in front of fire, alternately reading and watching terrible TV. Considering taking a nap but for me napping usually results in me feeling worse/more tired for rest of day after I wake up.

Tonight will be a variation of leftovers - ham (the leftover), onion and potato au gratin. And a movie of some sort. Will probably eat early, husband is hunting so he should be home shortly after dark.

There is a pumpkin roll taunting me from the fridge. Calling my name, I feel myself weakening.
Good Morning everyone,

I look forward to your pictures, PollyannaMom! I'm going to set up my Nativity this afternoon. I need to get some type of decorations. My walls are still blank! Evergreen is growing so healthy and green outside, thanks to the Good Lord. I always need to decide whether I want to get any kind of small indoor tree. I'd only get one if someone would replant it in Jaunuary (hopefully it would still be healthy then. I'll share with all of you, if I do 🎄

:grouphug:Snowysmom, indeed as Carol said, one step at a time, my friend. Proud of you.

You have a beautiful family, Carol! So glad you all got to enjoy Thanksgiving together. Love the picture of Carter with dessert all over his precious little face1 I hope he enjoyed every bite! :) Thank you for helping to set up your church for Advent.

So great to see you, Allison Joy! God Bless you and your church family! I LOVE the sound of your Thanksgiving service. Songs like Jesus Loves Me and also I like "Go Light Your World," (I change it to go light God's World or with His love) bring all together in an extra worshipful way indeed. I do remember several years ago in 2016, when Christmas Day fell on a Sunday, our choir director invited congregants to choose Hymns, that was a lot of fun and joy to be part of. I extra love that at your church testimony was also shared. I'd love to see that, at least a few each Sunday, incorporated in regular services, the same with any prayer or praises. Makes the service (I would think) more reverent and meaningful coming together in that extra way in thanks to Jesus. and gratitude for one another as well.

Love the Mickey picture Lynn and more so that you had a do nothing day yesterday! please stay warm and well!

Good to see you, Easyas, reading by a warm fire with dogs by my side sounds so cozy. I'm glad you have loyal canine company :dog:

Hugs to all and I'll check back in later.
Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all having a good weekend.
I'm bored..... House is cleaned up and put back to rights after Thanksgiving. Dishes are cleaned and put away, including the holiday/seasonable ones. Husband got Christmas decorations out for me, but I'm just not feeling very into decorating. I got all the Fall & Thanksgiving themed stuff put up and away, and put some garland up on the mantle in the sitting room. Lit a pine-esque smelling Yankee candle and I'm considering myself done:faint: I've got two new lit topiaries on the front porch, but no lights up along the porch lines. Not sure if I'll get to that this year or not....so dogs and are just sitting in front of fire, alternately reading and watching terrible TV. Considering taking a nap but for me napping usually results in me feeling worse/more tired for rest of day after I wake up.

Tonight will be a variation of leftovers - ham (the leftover), onion and potato au gratin. And a movie of some sort. Will probably eat early, husband is hunting so he should be home shortly after dark.

There is a pumpkin roll taunting me from the fridge. Calling my name, I feel myself weakening.

It is still the holiday weekend..go for it!
Gutters are all nice and clean . I cut back my peony bushes and the big crepe myrtles out front. Son in law couldn't believe how full the gutters were,,I said that is because I usually clear them out every 2 weeks,,and they haven't been touched since October. Luckily Fed Ex came while they were still here, and he brought in the heavy boxes of litter and took them down to the basement for me
I am off to take a long relaxing bath while hubby is watching college football (even more boring than the NFL is).
Dinner is going to be leftover Thanksgiving dinner again, with coleslaw I made this morning
Have a nice afternoon/evening all!
In the midst of a work weekend.

Just enjoyed some Chicken Marsala that DH bought for me. There is a ton of food around.
Lit a pine-esque smelling Yankee candle and I'm considering myself done
Awesome! I just got a brand new one (Balsam and Cedar) but going to wait to light it until I’m off on Monday, my Pumpkin is almost gone. Loved it, though. Sounds relaxing, enjoy!

Snowysmom, don’t be hard on yourself. :hug:

It is freezing cold here today. I did take a walk this afternoon and it was very brisk. My town had a coating of snow when I arrived at the house this morning. DS's town just had some flurries last night when we were at Wegman's around 9.

Carol Nice family pictures.

I hope everyone enjoys their leftovers.

I went to the house today. I vacuumed and swiffered. Then I cleaned out the cedar closet. All DS has to do is take the bags and boxes to the dumpster. We are both going back tomorrow for a few hours so he can get some more stuff into the dumpster. Today was a meltdown day for me. I woke up crying and cried most of the day. The holidays are getting to me already and I really don't want to hear Christmas music or see the lights. I would like to take a nap until Jan 2. Also I think going back to work on Monday and not working at home with Chris is mentally tough. At the house I decided to go lay down on the bed. I did some deep breathing, counting breaths, and actually dozed a bit. I felt a bit of peace and calmness. I watched a Hallmark movie too. Home just soothes me a bit. I almost decided to stay at the house tonight but I remembered that DS was setting up my monitor for work and I had to rearrange the desk. I am trying again on Friday. I will go right after work on Friday. I just figured out my problem is that I am listening to what everyone else wants me to do and not to myself. I need to do self care as my therapist and friends tell me, although my decision making process is definitely not going well lately. I will see how work goes from DS's house this week. I really doubt I could work from my house as DH and I had a work day routine including meals, walks, and talking. Those memories would do me in. I think if I could maybe do weekends at the house and weekdays working from DS's house I may be able to get through until I have a new place to call my own. It may be longer than I first thought as we underestimated how much junk there is to clean out of the house. Then we have to have cleaners and carpet cleaners come in. I just never knew how much stuff DH saved as I rarely went downstairs. :scared:

Have a good evening.
Church is moderately decorated. Not quite as much as in the past but very lovely. It was the worship chair, who is also a pastor and works as the chaplain at a local hospital, her teenage daughter, another lady, DH, and me. Because of when the day fell, several group members were away.

Like @easyas123, all the Thanksgiving/Lamegiving dishes are cleaned and put away. The table cloth is washed and I was able to get all the chocolate out of where Carter was sitting. :rotfl:

for me napping usually results in me feeling worse/more tired for rest of day after I wake up.
That is how I feel after a nap also.

There is a pumpkin roll taunting me from the fridge. Calling my name,
LOL, I say that too that something is calling my name. Sometimes I think you and I are very alike.

DH went out to pick up pizza. I didn't was a third day of turkey in a row. We'll have leftovers on Monday.

Tomorrow we have church then tickets for Longwood Gardens. Meeting DD and family there. It is supposed to be beautiful with all the Christmas decorations. I am excited to go.
❤Snowysmom, you need to do and decide what works only for YOU, my friend. Others are trying to be helpful, I'm sure and mean well. But what sits right in your heart, after prayer and experience, is what sits right in YOUR heart! Also, we all have gently reminded you, no permanent decision needs to be made NOW. One step, one moment even at a time. We are all here for you with much care.

Nativity is set up and warms my heart to just see. Dad had a great idea for the sheep to glue it onto a piece of cardboard backing to a pad of paper so it stands up properly. More importantly, like the other figures, God's little lamb is able to truly look at Him as he should! Last year, the lamb was leaning against one of the other animals and it bothered me that it's gaze was more to the right than straight ahead where it was in reality.

How do all of you, if you do, light your Nativity scene? It's so dark in there. Dad and I are thinking Tea Light which could rest on the ledge of the Manger.

I don't like how the ads are popping back up at the bottom on here. One for a Ford car was taking up the middle of the text book at one point. I hope that's not starting again!

Hugs to all for a good evening and night.


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