Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good Morning from chilly LA!

Dad and I will be bakers this afternoon. Perfect day to warm (and sweeten) up the apartment by baking cookies! I'll be making cookie bags and one box for Terri to deliver to various friends tomorrow. So kind of her to do that for me. I wish all of you lived out here (in general, of course) but so that I could give each of you a bag, too. I am in spirit, you know, that.

Thank you all for sharing your Christmas traditions! :santa: My own this year will be to give my dad the stocking ornament as we also set up our Christmas card table with our stockings. I will, of course, watch worship and read from Luke of the Jesus' Birth. I also enjoy reading Santa's Favorite Story each Christmas Eve. I would recommend those of you with younger kids or grandkids getting this book for them.

What a sweet family tradition, B&B!

I hope you enjoyed your Hallmark movie, Lynn. A puzzle sounds like just the fun thing to do on a cold Sunday!

Hug, Kirby, kiddos do have a way of leaving their mark (sometimes literally) on everything, don’t they? But what matters, as you know, is the precious gift to us they are from God! I do hope the pen ink washed off. WOW! That is a ton of different state moves! And I thought as a kid my family and I moved a lot within the same general area (except initially when I was a baby out here from NY)

That’s awful Pea, that people in your area may be stealing (period, of course, at all) in the same way as near Carol :( Wow you had a busy Saturday! I sure hope the power is (and stays) back on today, my friend! Hugs to you extra. I know going through a loved one’s personal items is never easy. The little house image in your last post is adorable!

Hug, Bobbiwoz and God Bless your dear Zadie! Love that he did that for your family. Thank you for making a difference to your friend Joyce. I hope you have a good visit!

I love that tradition, PollyannaMom! What a special way for kiddos to receive Christmas cheer from family from afar and extra love from those right at home at the same time!

Have a good day, Carol! I’ll watch worship later :)

QOTD - How many states or locations have you lived in? I was born in NY. I moved out here at less than 1 year old. From that time until I was 8 we moved twice. Once to another apartment in the same area dad and I now live and the second time to an area about half an hour from where we now live. From that point on, due to landlords and raising rents we moved twice. At 17 Dad, Champ, and I moved to an apartment from our one house (Grandpa had died and Grandma was moving to TX) He lived there until the earthquake which brought him back to this area. As for me, I relocated a few times between SoCal and small town NorCal. I'm a CA gal at heart!

Have a great Sunday, friends. I'll try to check back later with a cookie report lol.
@Kirby Gold star to your hubby for cleaning the carpets and the furniture!
All the pen ink came out thank goodness! He walked into the office the next morning and found green marks-a-lot on the carpet near his desk. That's on him, he had given her the marker earlier that morning and didn't pay attention to what she was doing. 😄

QOTD - How many states or locations have you lived in?
I've lived in one state, Texas, all my live, three cities and two counties.

DD took the kids to a Christmas event at Fair Park in Dallas last evening so I was able to get all of my gift wrapping done. Yay! Even got the stocking stuffers sorted so when it comes time it will be just a matter of stuffing them in.

Felt so good being able to go to church this morning. Makes my Sunday for sure. In the auditorium we have windows way up high to let light in since it is surrounded by hallways, sort of the center of the church building. Anyway, we were sitting there singing and Lil Joe looked up at the windows and got our attention. He had spied a smiley face on one window and the word "Hi" on another. We all just laughed.
QOTD - How many states or locations have you lived in?

Two states - I was born in New York, and moved here to Massachusetts as an adult. I mostly went to college in New York as well, but I did do a summer semester in England. - Does eight weeks count as living there?
QOTD - How many states or locations have you lived in?
Wow! Quite a collection of places and states for everyone. I have lived in MA all but 3 months of my life. Growing up I lived in Essex County and when I got married I moved over to MIddlesex County. We moved to Danbury, CT for Chris' job during our first year of marriage. We thought it was a good promotion for him in his job. We hated the area, he hated the job, and I couldn't find a job so we came back to Middlesex County MA. Been here every since. Right now I am living in Worcester County at my older DS's but this is temporary. My plan is to go back to MIddlesex County as soon as possible.

I was at the house today myself. I found some more boxes of papers and cards to sort through. I call them emotional minefields. I sort and cry. I threw out a couple of bags of stuff. I tried to get my prevnar vaccine but the insurance coverage that Chris' company is paying for until the end of this month cut back the pharmacy portion and won't cover vaccines. What a nice thing to do when an employee passes and you "give" coverage to the spouse for 90 days. I will try again once I have coverage from my company. I went back to the house, had peppermint ice cream for lunch as a treat for me, and watched a Hallmark movie. It has been a tough day for me so I cried my way through lunch and the movie. This whole month is tough to be honest. I brought back the Christmas Angel tree topper and have it in my room along with a Christmas unicorn that Chris and I bought a few years ago. I felt like I had to bring them back. When I got back to my son's house I took a walk and had another snack. I may have some popcorn later. Today is a carbolicious day. I am just going along with it and figure I need this kind of day today. The therapist says to do more self care and to treat myself sometimes. Tomorrow I will be back to my usual better eating habits. Although this time of year sweets and peppermint just call my name. I am debating about whether to make the sugar cookies I have been making since I was first married. Maybe next weekend or maybe not at all.

It is cool here today, around 46. Soon that temp will seem warm. It is supposed to warm up to the 50s in the next couple of days so that will be nice.

Have a good Sunday.
Happy Sunday! :)

I've had a busy weekend. Friday I took future dil and ds2's girlfriend and we had our nails done for the wedding. After that we headed down to the venue to decorate. 2 1/2 hours later, we were done and it looked beautiful. Came home and got things together for the next day. Finally it was wedding day! Hair appointment started at 11 am. Got home and got everything in the car, fed the dogs and thankfully remembered their little cake (cupcakes for everyone else, they just had a cheesecake for them to cut). Picked up the flowers and headed to the venue. It was sooooo windy. We had bad storms during the night. Got the last minute things done and then got dressed. The wedding was beautiful, everyone looked so nice and we all had a lot of fun. Today I spent on the couch watching TV and relaxing.

QOTD: I've only lived in Cincinnati, so 1 place.
Ds2, me, Dil, Ds1, Ds3

Me and Ds1

Ds2, me & Ds3

I'm taking credit for her dress. I picked it out, she wanted straps but tried it on to humor me and fell in love with it. Maybe I should have been a wedding dress consultant! :)

That's it for me. I'm taking a vacation day tomorrow, scheduled all my doctor check-ups and my dentist appointment for the same day. Everyone have a good night and a good day tomorrow. :wave:
footballmouse, Lovely pictures, great looking family! You have some good looking sons there. You did a good job picking out both of your dresses.

tazdev, jealous of your view! Would love to hear about your trip when you get back.

Some of you have mentioned Longwood Gardens and I just saw it on Instagram. I see why you like it so much!
@footballmouse, loved the wedding pictures! Agree, you looked beautiful, and sons are handsome, can definitely see the family resemblance in all of you. In the picture with you with your son (groom) you could pass for brother and sister! Loved your dress, and your DIL’s! :goodvibes

@tazdev3225, so glad you made it to Disney! Looks like a lovely evening! 🥰 Enjoy!

Had a nice lunch out yesterday with DH, DD and her boyfriend. Went back to that new place that we like, and it didn’t disappoint. Walked around and shopped a little afterward. Later we met up with DS and his girlfriend and visited a historic house decked out for the holidays (pics below), and enjoyed seeing everyone’s houses lit up on the way home. Cooked dinner (marinated London broil, baked potato and asparagus) and ended the evening with a movie (Downton Abbey). It was nice being together and relaxed with mostly everything done now.



Almost forgot. DS and his girlfriend had given me this for my birthday when we were at WDW in September. I found it in a bag among all the stuff in my mother’s, so decided to use it last night for some snacks before dinner. In the bowls are roasted red pepper hummus, pineapple and habanero cream cheese (Aldi’s), and tabouleh. People were teasing me about the cream cheese, but wound up loving it. (I didn’t even have one bite of anything as I was still sort of full from lunch and didn’t want to spoil my dinner.) I had also cut up some chunks of french bread that aren’t shown. I like doing those boards, there’s always something for everyone.



Wishing everyone a good week! 🐥 DH took today and tomorrow off so we have a running-around day planned today with a few returns and some things we need for the house. Tomorrow will probably be more low key.
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Good Monday morning fellow QUACKers.
@tazdev3225--color me jealous at your view last nite. Hope you have a wonderful time!

@Pea-n-Me Your house looks absolutely gorgeous! Great decorating job, wish you lived closer so I could see it in person!

I have an appt this morning with the cute cardiac Dr,,and one this afternoon with my new PCP

Need to stop at Ollies for a couple of things, and Martins (Giant) for coke while it's on sale. They usually have every flavor coke makes, I bet this time it's coke, diet coke, coke zero, and sprite. But b2g2 free is still a bargain

Have a nice day everyone!

Morning all!

We have a bunch of crows that seem to have adopted our neighborhood. We've always had crows but not in this number. It's been fun to watch them. When our pecans were dropping, they would talk to me while I was out picking up pecans. I did leave some for them. Maybe that's why they're still hanging around.
Dr was very happy with the way I looked, all my readings etc. He actually sits and talks to you, instead of rushing patients in and out. I was in there for almost 45 minutes..and there was not one other patient in the waiting room at all. He lowered the dosage on 2 of the meds, which I was happy about,,but not happy that one he prescribed as a 'generic' (eliquis, blood thinner), is still under a patent and they aren't allowed to sell the generic till the patent is gone. But at least 90 days worth is only $395 instead of the $780 the higher dose would have been. I called his office back and left a message for him, like he told me to do if it was still expensive, so I am waiting for a call back. He said in his opinion I do NOT need cardiac rehab as I am active enough at home, so we cancelled that. Also cancelled the appt with the other cardiologst for Feb since I will be seeing this one in Feb instead.

Stopped to get blood work done, picked hubby up 2 of the $1 wendys breakfast biscuits. Stopped at Martins, and I called it..just coke, diet coke, coke zero and sprite. But the pepsi part of the shelves was fully stocked from end to end and top to bottom???

Sun is shining and temp is 45 so far..going to mid 50's. Off to get ready for PCP appt
Happy Monday all.... I'm missed so much.... skimmed through but I know I'm missing a lot. I've had a tough couple weeks. I miss my mom and I'm having a hard time trying to be Christmas-y the way I really want to. :guilty: I literally feel exhausted everyday doing nothing and I think it's just the anxiety and emotion I have right now. *sigh* I'm trying to snap out of it.

Thankfully our Bingo boy is still hanging in the there. I was almost positive he wouldn't make it through Thanksgiving week and then the week after but he actually seems to be feeling better lately. Still sleeping more than he used to but seems to be feeling good, still wanted to play with his toys and with us. I think he's learned we're spoiling him right now so he's being picky with his food but he's getting some good stuff out of it. LoL

Because we haven't wanted to leave him alone, I've been home almost exclusively the last month except for an appt here and there and I think that's what affecting my mood as well...I need to get out of the house and do something but it's been hard.

Our best friends just got back from an extended work trip and we've already seen them 3 of the 5 days they've been home so that should help light my mood and spirits. Us girls have plans this week for lunch and some Christmas shopping while the guys are working so that will be good for me.

As I said I just skimmed to try and catch up so here's just a couple things I can reply to....

QOTD - When you decorate your tree, do you do a theme like Disney or all gold balls, or just random ornaments.

We have two trees one is woodland, rustic themed, which goes with our fake tree that has holly berries and pine cones on it. I think I shared a pic of that one and it looks so pretty.

The second has sentimental ornaments. All the ornaments through our lives, trips we've taken, things we like...etc. I still haven't deviated that one yet. It's got lights on it so far but that's it... hopefully I work up the energy to do it today.

QOTD: Do you and your family open one gift on Christmas Eve after church or something at the end of the night?
Growing up we celebrated with my whole extended family on Christmas Eve. Only gifts left for Christmas Day were our Santa gifts and they were never wrapped.

When DD came around, we still celebrated Christmas Eve with the family and she opened her gifts from the family and Christmas Day was/is gifts from us and Santa.

QOTD - How many states or locations have you lived in?
Just one. And I've only ever lived in 3 towns/ cities.... my younger years were in East Los Angeles then we moved to the desert in my teens, when DH and I got married, we lived near Camp Pendleton until he got out of the military and we moved back to the desert, where we still today. I love Southern California and can't image living anywhere else. LoL

We have a bunch of crows that seem to have adopted our neighborhood. We've always had crows but not in this number. It's been fun to watch them.

We have a raven family that live in our tree in the backyard. I love them. They are sorry comfy with the dogs but still a little shy around us. They are starting to let us get a little closer to them but they do funny stuff and i like having them around.

QOTD: Do you like white or multi-color lights better?
I LOVE colored lights. We have a lot some the house and they make me happy. My themed tree does have white lights on it and it is really pretty but I do prefer the multi.


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