Question for those that do the Galloway method

OK, my 10K is DONE!

Good news, although my Garmin said 108 laps in the history screen, it kept going? I did notice that towards the end of my run that the Garmin was saying "lap 50" or so, sooooo now I am wondering if it is counting each "run" as a lap, but does not count the "walk" in each lap for the 99 laps (is this even making sense to anyone, I know EXACTLY what I am trying to say, but I don't think it is coming out right!!)

I normally use the advanced workout but I think

Activity + rest = 2 laps but 1 repetition. When you start you are setting up the number of repetitions, but when the history keeps track of laps.
I normally use the advanced workout but I think

Activity + rest = 2 laps but 1 repetition. When you start you are setting up the number of repetitions, but when the history keeps track of laps.

Yes. Garmins also count the warm-up as a lap and the cool-down as a lap. I'm using Bingham-Hadfield (same basic creature as Galloway) and my workout for today will look like:

Lap 1: 5 minutes (warm-up)
Lap 2: 3 min (run)
Lap 3: 1 min (walk)
Lap 4: 3 min
Lap 5: 1 min
Lap 6: 3 min
Lap 7: 1 min
Lap 8: 3 min
Lap 9: 1 min
Lap 10: 3 min
Lap 11: 1 min
Lap 12: 3 min
Lap 13: 1 min
Lap 14: 3 min
Lap 15: 1 min
Lap 16: 3 min
Lap 17: 1 min
Lap 18: 3 min
Lap 19: 1 min
Lap 20: 3 min
Lap 21: 1 min
Lap 22: 3 min
Lap 23: 1 min
Lap 24: 5 minutes (cool-down)
Verticalchaos, I used their Bingham-Hadfield for my first 2 half marathons also. The first one was the walk plan, the second was the walk/run plan. I'm kinda inbetween the walk/run and the run/walk. This time I'm looking at doing my own plan that's a combination of Galloway and Bingham-Hadfield.
Verticalchaos, I used their Bingham-Hadfield for my first 2 half marathons also. The first one was the walk plan, the second was the walk/run plan. I'm kinda inbetween the walk/run and the run/walk. This time I'm looking at doing my own plan that's a combination of Galloway and Bingham-Hadfield.

Very cool! I'm doing the run/walk plan. I *might* try going 5:1 rather than 4:1 - but I'll try it out on a long run or race here at home a time or two to see how that goes.
Yes...I think the activity + rest = 1 lap.

Thanks for writing what I was trying to say in a much more clear way :-) I just could not figure out how to word it!

I am nervous for the 7 miles I need to do tomorrow, hoping they go as well as the 6 last weekend! I can not believe once I have done 7 I have ran over half if the 1/2 marathon..time is flying!

Hope everyone is doing great this week!
Thanks for writing what I was trying to say in a much more clear way :-) I just could not figure out how to word it!

I am nervous for the 7 miles I need to do tomorrow, hoping they go as well as the 6 last weekend! I can not believe once I have done 7 I have ran over half if the 1/2 marathon..time is flying!

Hope everyone is doing great this week!

I think that 7 is no harder than 6 which was no harder than 5, etc. The gradual increase in miles makes them much eaiser.

I am up to 9 miles this weekend. Only ran a 10K last weekend so I'm jumping 3 miles...that might be a bit harder. lol

Oh, I did do 7.5 miles the week before the 10K so I'm not doing as big of a jump as it seems. I will consider the 10K a mini-taper. ;)
How did your run go sap1227.

I'm going to agree with wvjules to a point. As long as you keep the increases fairly small, bumping up mileage isn't too hard. That being said, if you bump up every week, there will come a time when the body way "whoa". For me the first time it was at 10 miles. My first attempt, I ended up stopping at 9, took a cut back week, made it to 10 but just. I was tired at the end. Took another cut back week and finally made 10 and felt like I could go further. I was even able to put in a hill at the end (there was a hill at mile 11 in the half marathon I was training for). The important thing is to listen to your body.
How did your run go sap1227.

I did not make my run :headache:

My DH had to work a 48 hour shift and I had 5 8/9 year old boys spend the night for DS #1's birthday. CRAZY weekend!

I know I can do the 7, but without fail, every year when I get over 6 mile runs I start mentally thinking there is no way I should be doing this!! I always make it through!

This should be my step back weekend, so I think I will try to do my 7 on Thanksgiving morning since DH will be here to stay with the boys.

Thanks for the :cheer2::cheer2:, I appreciate it!
Thought about you guys this morning - ran an 8K Turkey Trot. First run I've done since I finished Marine Corps (4 weeks ago :eek:), plus I've been sick for the past 2 weeks. Didn't have any real goal other than to finish. Last year's PR for the course was 57:06 (it's not a true 8K - actually measures 5.01 miles.)

Started out doing 2/1, then at mile 3 realized my head was pounding and I felt dizzy, so I switched to 1/1 after walking for at least 3 minutes straight. At mile 4 (last 2 miles are uphill) decided I didn't really want to run any more, but a woman passed me and said she'd been trying to keep up with me for a while and I was looking strong :confused3, and that motivated me to keep going. So I switched to :30/:30, and my last mile was still strong enough to bring me in at 57:40. It was an interesting exercise in varying the intervals and not really changing my overall pace at all... the only reason the last mile was slower than the first 3 was because I didn't consistently stick to the intervals. I know I walked more than I ran, and my walks were definitely slower than they had been earlier in the race.

Overall, not bad considering I'd taken an entire month off! Happy Thanksgiving!

Congratulations on the Turkey Trot. That's the one thing I don't like about using my garmin for my walk run ratio. There is no good way to change it up mid workout/race. I have glanced at some android apps to use instead. I may need to try some of them out on my long runs.
I can say this...

I ran my Turkey Trot at the 4:1 that the B-H plan suggests for the run/walk a half interval and completely smashed my REACH goal of an hour by 3 minutes and 3 seconds! Yep - finished in 56:57 with an average pace UNDER a 12 minute mile! WOO!!!!

I did my next run (Saturday) at 4:1 and struggled, but I think that was just a combination of Thanksgiving weekend food, being tired, etc. more than the 4:1 interval.

Last night at my running club's fun run, I went back to the training schedule prescribed 3:1 and WOW did those 3 minutes go by fast! I'd look at my watch thinking I had a minute and a half to go, and discover that it was about to beep at me to change to a walk! Woohoo!!

I'm now contemplating trying my next few races at 5:1 so that a 4:1 during the half will feel easier. :)
One day a week I'm doing a longer walk/run ratio than I race. I'm current doing it by Distance as opposed to this week it was .2 mi. walk/.3 miles run. I'm hoping to work it down to .1 walk/.4 run. I'll agree it's help my more normal Run 1 min/walk 1 min go by quicker. Right now, I can run faster with the shorter ratios.
New to the thread - and so glad to find it :)

I "ran" my first half (mini marathon in Indy) last year! Decided to do it to stay motivated and in shape. I had lost 35 lbs. in 2009 and didn't want to gain any back. I felt that a race was a good goal! I used to be a runner in high school and I figured with several months to train, I'd be ready.

I ended up putting off training until 8 weeks before the race - NOT a good idea. And the last 2 weeks before the race, I ended up hardly doing anything because my grandfather passed away and my uncle nearly died of an aortic tear :(

My hubby (who was doing the race with me) and I decided to "run" the race anyway. We had committed to it and were going to finish it no matter what it took.

I made the rookie mistake of saying I was just going to slow my pace and run as far as I could without stopping. BAAAAD idea. By mile 6 my legs felt like blocks of cement. I spent miles 6-8 WALKING around the motor speedway and wondering if I was going to survive. By mile 10, I couldn't run any longer and my walk pace was likely pathetic (20 mins/mile+ I'd bet). I'm sad to admit that around mile 11, I made a pitstop at a port-a-pottie just to sit down. I finished the race at just under 3 hrs (13:14 pace). I was happy to get my medal but felt like dying. And I spent 3-4 weeks after the race very, very sore!

I decided this year I really wanted to sign up for the Disney Half in 2011.
I signed up and again, procrastinated in my training (bad me!). But I've also started the Galloway method and it's making a HUGE difference in my run/walks. I did 6 over the weekend using the 4:1 ratio and even felt like I could keep going. The next day I wasn't sore at all!

Had a short run last night and tried 3:30/1:30 and that worked great, too. I may try out the 3:1 and 2:1 just to see if there's much difference in time.
Welcome deleckidesign!

I ran Indy last year too. Well, I ran/walked the race, with a LOT of walking. DD19 was doing her first half, so DH and I did it with her. We walked the entire speedway portion too, and pretty much all of miles 11 and 12. We were probably at about the same place by that time!

Congrats on starting your training again. I think you'll really like the Galloway program, and it will make a difference in how you feel when you're done.

I know, I know - old thread. Found this thru a different thread that lead to another thread and so on. Still interesting info.

Already walked a half and now working on adding some running to the mix. I'm doing the C25K during my 3 miles 2 days a week and during my long run one day a week. While I'm doing the C25K, I'm adding mileage every other week. Did 7 miles today using 1 min run:1.5 min. walk interval. (week 1 of C25K)

So thanks for the tips.
Sounds like your doing pretty well Lorie. I've been doing almost the exact opposite thing to what you've been doing. I've been training for my third half marathon and taking 1 training a week to do a C25Kish run. I've done several 1/4mi run/ 2:00 walk (approx 1/8 mi) Little more than week 3 but not quite week 4 and did it for 3.5 miles + .5 warmup. I've done a couple fast (for me) cheating week 5 day 1. Was doing Galloways modified 800m (.5mi) repeats on the track, Galloway allows a short (30-40 sec) walk at the end of the first of the 2 laps on the 800m repeats. Then a 400m walk. So from c25k prospective I cheated but I ran them fast instead of slow and did 5 repeats instead of 3. Lastly, I was short on time and decided to do an all running workout. Completed 1.5 miles in 19 min. (almost week 5 day 3).


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