Question for those that do the Galloway method

Yes, please let me know! I am curious myself, as I am new to walking breaks ! A 5:30 goal is a good one! I wish you the best of luck. For now, I am sticking to Half Marathons, but want to enter the lottery for next year's NYC Full. I would definitely need to do Galloway for a full!

So... my goal was to average a 12:35 pace, and I ended up averaging a 13:35. If I deduct the 13 minute bathroom stop (lack of sufficient portapotties on the course!), I actually averaged a 13:17. Not quite a 2:00 improvement over our training pace, but maybe a 1:30. Ended up just over 6:00, mainly due to severe plantar fasciitis causing major pain for the entire 26.2 miles.

I did switch my intervals repeatedly during the entire run. Started with 2/1, around halfway switched to 1:30/1, then about mile 20 actually started walking and inserting :30 runs whenever I felt like I could run.

So... my goal was to average a 12:35 pace, and I ended up averaging a 13:35. If I deduct the 13 minute bathroom stop (lack of sufficient portapotties on the course!), I actually averaged a 13:17. Not quite a 2:00 improvement over our training pace, but maybe a 1:30. Ended up just over 6:00, mainly due to severe plantar fasciitis causing major pain for the entire 26.2 miles.

I did switch my intervals repeatedly during the entire run. Started with 2/1, around halfway switched to 1:30/1, then about mile 20 actually started walking and inserting :30 runs whenever I felt like I could run.


Way to go Jackie! Almost makes doing a full seem like a REMOTE possibility for me! Lol.
Congratulations Jackie on the full marathon. I don't know if I'll ever do one or not.

I finally got my copy of the 2nd edition of "Galloway's Book of Running" and there are major differences in certain sections of the book. I'm not sure if I'm going to use his training plan next time around but I am going to incorporate some of the things he does.

One question I have is about the 400m and 800m repeats. He mentions that you should do them slightly faster than goal pace. If your running the entire repeat am I right in think it should be little faster than your goal run pace not your goal overall pace?

I've been running about 11:45-12:30 and walking about 15:00-16:00. Until recently I was doing a walk 2:15/run 1:15. So my overall pace is about 14:30. I actually sort of starting doing 400m repeats 2 weeks ago without a goal pace. I was using engligh measurement so it was .25mi run/.25mi walk (trails marked every .5 miles so this was convenient). Galloway's goal with repeats was by running a little faster than goal, goal pace would seem easier. My though is running a little farther will make running goal interval a little easier.

Doing this at a 14:00-14:30 pace doesn't make any since. I would think I would want to be at least starting out in the 12:00-12:45 range. If there are any Galloway experts that can shed more light on this it would be appreciated.
After reading Jeff's info about doing 30:30 intervals (yes, 30 second intervals). I have done 45 sec run and 30 sec walks as my intervals for my last 3 "long" runs and here are my stats:

5 miles in 57:16 or an 11:28 pace

4 miles in 46:21 or an 11:35 pace

5 mile race (according to my Garmin 5.15 miles) in 56:05 or an 10:54 pace

I find it really funny that when we are running 3:1 intervals our time is almost exactly the same, right around an 11:30.

I know the shorter run intervals are not for everyone, but for now, I am really enjoying them! I can not tell you how great I have felt at the end of every run I have done so far :-)
Congrats Jackie!!

sap - now you've got me curious. I might adjust my intervals for todays run!!
sap has me curious about the 30/30 as well. Pumbaa how did your 30/30 try go. I think i'm going to try it on Wednesday.
sap has me curious about the 30/30 as well. Pumbaa how did your 30/30 try go. I think i'm going to try it on Wednesday.

I decided to try 1:30 for the 10 mile workout and actually really liked it. :banana: My pace was about the same as when I did 8 miles. when I did the 8, I had to keep changing my interval (started at 3:1, then switched to 2:1 and I think some 1:1).

DH didn't like the intervals so close together. I'd have to say though once I got to miles 7-10, I was glad for the 1:30....and the minute seemed long and the 30 seconds seemed short. :laughing:

I might try out the 30:30 or the 45:30, too. But the 1:30 seemed pretty good!!

If you try it, please let us know what you think!
Pumbaa~Thanks for updating your shorter intervals! I am not finding too much out there from others doing the shorter intervals!

johda~if you do try, please let us know how you felt!

I love that the next day I am not sore at all and I really feel great.

I am curious to see what will happen on my long run this weekend, since my Garmin 205 only has 99 laps and I think I will pass that on my 6 mile run....
Pumbaa~Thanks for updating your shorter intervals! I am not finding too much out there from others doing the shorter intervals!

johda~if you do try, please let us know how you felt!

I love that the next day I am not sore at all and I really feel great.

I am curious to see what will happen on my long run this weekend, since my Garmin 205 only has 99 laps and I think I will pass that on my 6 mile run....

I wasn't sore the next day, either! I really thought i would be, as my calves were quite tight after running. But really by the next day, I could feel just some fatigue in my outer legs/hips and hip flexors....nothing soar or tight!! :thumbsup2

I also wondered about the 99 lap thing. I thought I had read that the garmin would do more than that when I purchased it, but mine also only does 99, I think.
I have been doing :50/1:10 and it has been working for me. I am so glad to FINALLY have something work for me.

Oh, the reason I did :50/1:10 is that my watch starts a countdown beep with 10 seconds to go. My mind gives up as soon as I hear that beep so I just decided to stop running when I hear the first beep instead of forcing myself through the next 9. lol
I have been doing :50/1:10 and it has been working for me. I am so glad to FINALLY have something work for me.

Oh, the reason I did :50/1:10 is that my watch starts a countdown beep with 10 seconds to go. My mind gives up as soon as I hear that beep so I just decided to stop running when I hear the first beep instead of forcing myself through the next 9. lol

That is exactly the reason I decided to do :45/:30 so I was actually running the full 30 seconds (you know, because running 30 seconds is such a lofty goal:rotfl2::rotfl2:)
Well, I finished my :30/:30 workout. I don't know what to think about it. I'm coming from the opposite direction from alot of you. I completed my half marathon last month with 1:15 run/2:15 walk. So going to 1/2 running 1/2 walking is by definition more work. But I was faster overall. Looking at my Garmin it was especially true in my walking. With only :30 of walking I was more likely to keep my pace up during the walk. That being said, my average heartrate was higher than my normal workout even though my max heart rate wasn't. I'm thinking about trying :45/:45 next Wednesday. I'm going to keep Mondays as .25mi repeats (.25mile run/.25miles walk), and My long days on Friday I'm going to keep about where they are.

Pumbaa - Interval workouts are limited to 99 repeats but you can setup an advanced workout with more. You would just need to setup multiple 99 repeats back to back. I set mine up in Garmin Training Center. It's fairly easy.
Pumbaa - Interval workouts are limited to 99 repeats but you can setup an advanced workout with more. You would just need to setup multiple 99 repeats back to back. I set mine up in Garmin Training Center. It's fairly easy.

Thanks! I'll check that out! I'm new to using the garmin, so I appreciate the tip!
The other suggestion I would make with the Garmin is download and delete your history often. If the memory fills up it will kick you out of your current workout, although the timer still runs and you can manually press the lap key.
The other suggestion I would make with the Garmin is download and delete your history often. If the memory fills up it will kick you out of your current workout, although the timer still runs and you can manually press the lap key.

Whoa! Good to know! Thanks!
Joining in the discussion. I haven't read all the posts but I always have done run/walk intervals but it wasn't until last Christmas when I got my Timex Ironman watch that I was able to actually time it out correctly. For the Goofy last year I started out with a 5 run/3 walk but towards the end of the marathon I had to ignore the beeps and just listen to my body for when I needed a walk break. The rest of this year I have been pretty lazy so my cardio has really gone downhill. When I started my training again this year I tried to do a 3 run/2 walk and switched it up numerous times (3/1, 2/1, 2/2, etc.) and think I might have found a good interval - 3/1:30 - but would like to increase the run minutes although its not happening yet. I didn't like the 3/1 because I felt like the walk break didn't give me enough time to recover but a 2 minute walk break was too much as I found out in the Goofy last year when I was taking 3 minute walk breaks.

Good luck to everyone!!
Hi Tricia

I started out with Binghams walk/run plan, but in the end I ended up playing around alot with my walk/run intervals. That's how I ended up with a Run 1:15/walk 2:15. One thing I've found that's helped me is to make smaller changes to my walk/run ratio. So, try going from your run 3:00/ walk 1:30 to run 3:10/walk 1:30 for a week then 3:20/1:30 and so on.
OK, my 10K is DONE!

Good news, although my Garmin said 108 laps in the history screen, it kept going? I did notice that towards the end of my run that the Garmin was saying "lap 50" or so, sooooo now I am wondering if it is counting each "run" as a lap, but does not count the "walk" in each lap for the 99 laps (is this even making sense to anyone, I know EXACTLY what I am trying to say, but I don't think it is coming out right!!)

Again, I ran :45/:30s for the 10K Clock time 1:10:28 pace 11:20. I am really happy and am still in shock that my pace is still staying right around an 11:20 :-)
OK, my 10K is DONE!

Good news, although my Garmin said 108 laps in the history screen, it kept going? I did notice that towards the end of my run that the Garmin was saying "lap 50" or so, sooooo now I am wondering if it is counting each "run" as a lap, but does not count the "walk" in each lap for the 99 laps (is this even making sense to anyone, I know EXACTLY what I am trying to say, but I don't think it is coming out right!!)

Again, I ran :45/:30s for the 10K Clock time 1:10:28 pace 11:20. I am really happy and am still in shock that my pace is still staying right around an 11:20 :-)

Hey Christy! Great to see you! Are you back for Jan or Princess (or both)?
Hey Christy! Great to see you! Are you back for Jan or Princess (or both)?

:wave::wave: Thanks! I am doing the January Half. This Florida girl is afraid to do the Princess! I HATE running in the heat (I also hate running in the snow/sleet mix.....something in between please!!!)


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