Roll Call. Oct.19,02

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hello all.
kaleigh and i are reading the boards, hence no capitals. she is doing well right now.. we have to be back at the hospital by noon tomorrow and stay overnight for her reflux test. they put a tube down her nose into her esophagus. it will monitor the acid levels for 18-24 hours with normal feedings.
it should come back normal.

tornados: we are fine, but there were some houses leveled 1/4 mile from my parents house.
Denine Glad to hear you and Kaleigh are home. Hope everything goes ok tomorrow. Oh Bob and I are joining the Disney Vacation club this month. I am sooo excited!!

I just got word that my Mom is taking my Dad to the Dr he has fallen down several times from being dizzy. I am worried. Nothing is worse than having someone you love being sick.:(

Okay- Test, I probably didn't pass but I can always take it again. Too much testing on the last few chapters of the study material. Next time I start at the back of a book not the front!

Barb-1) I am sooo jealous!!!! If I was rich instead of beautiful... LOL! 2) I hope your dad is ok. My mom gets lightheaded and they can't find anything. I don't think she eats enough or her BP meds need adjustment. Anyway-more pixie dust!!!!

Denine- I am so happy Kaleigh is home and well and helping out on the boards!! Get her started young! This thread is an essential in life! Do you think Imaybe I need to get a life?

Lori-what a great picture!

Assignment everyone-pay attention!

I would like everyone to e-mail me a photo of your formal night. Surely you all have at least one to send. If you need my email address just let me know. I will send one to all who want it.
Hi there! Boy the board is sure quiet tonight! Sorry about not sending out the last batch of pictures, I've been buzy trying to get this house organized for Christmas and TRYING to get ahead of the Christmas shopping. The key word is trying! Speaking of Christmas, How many people would be interested in exchanging home addresses? It might be nice to have so if we ever wanted to send "something" to each other we could. If you are interested just e mail me and I can get a list together and send it out to everyone once I receive everyone who wants to partake in this "family exchange".

Barb, let me the first to say "welcome home"! We have been vacation club members since 1999. We have loved every minute since we joined. We even did an add-on this past year at the Wilderness Lodge. Our home resort is Boardwalk and we have stayed at all 4 resorts. Each has is own great benefits! We LOVE the feel of staying at Disney you get when you stay at BWV and BC. Since they are a walk from EPCOT and the Studios (or boat which ever you perfer). The Wilderness is so beautiful and quiet, for a relaxing trip we like to stay there. The transportation is not so great, but the resort itself makes up for it. OKW is probably our least favorite resort. It is a great resort if you want that "Key West Florida" feel without a lot of Disney. It really does seem like a quiet community. We just have had several bad experiences that has left a bad taste in our mouths. I would definitly go to OKW if I was going to get a grand villa or two bedroom. The layout is very nice. I believe that Denine and Jerry also own DVC and their home resort is OKW and they love it. They bought an add-on too after they originally bought. I'm sure you and BOB are gonna love it!

Bonnie you don't have to be rich to join DVC. After all, we joined. Granted it helps when Garry is beautiful too. LOL

Lori, I got your pictures! They are GREAT! You all looked so nice on formal night. I will try to send ours and the rest of our pictures out tomorrow! THANKS!
Yes Julie the thread was very quiet all day yesterday!!!
I imagine everyone is busy getting ready for the holidays.
I hope to be more organized this year than last. The trip to WDW in December throws a snag in any planning. Although Jeanne is very organized when it comes to the holidays.

Last year I never got the tree up so I put the coffee table off to the side of the LR, erected the monorail around it, on top I had my very large Minnie Mouse plush and put tinsel all over her. No loss for the tree 'cause it ws just me without visitors.

Remember all: I want at least one formal night picture of all of you. I will do a formal night Dis page in my scrapbook.

Have a good day all.
Good Morning-

As Barb told you I had to take my husband to the doctor. He had been dizzy for a couple weeks and yesterday he fell over 3 times. He was down on the floor fixing my sweeper and so he didn't have far to fall. It turned out he has in inter ear infection so he is on medicine and feels much better this morning.
Good Morning Everyone!

Thanks for the great information on the Disney Vacation Club.
I have been searching for information for about 2 years and talking to as many people as possible. I have never talked to anyone that was not thrilled with their decision to join. I have however read some negitive things on message boards. We went for a meeting while in Disney in October and now I am very excited to join!!

I have already started to dream and plan a Disney World Vacation for next year using my vacation points. I figure if we get a big enough room my Mom and Dad can go too. I would kind of like to go next December. Hummmmmmm............

I would love to exchange addresses. I know most of you don't know who I am because for some strange reason we seemed to be on a different cruise then everyone else :( but I am willing to make up for that on the next cruise! I still can't believe we forgot the wine party. What were we thinking! Next time we are getting the early dinner also.

Wilderness is your first name Julie?
I am so sorry I keep forgetting who is who and all I
know everyone by is their board name.

Lets see how I do....

Denine is easy. PHEW
BoardGarry - Garry (another given)
Wilderness- Julie???
Schrolls- ummmm Susan??
Dreams- Lori (My new Colorado buddy)
Dudette1- Bonnie (My Mom's new buddy)
JiminyC_fan Sandy and Ted!! (another new Colorado Buddy)
Woooo Hooo I'm on a roll....
Mickey02Mom.. Mom aka Sally
Mickey02Sister Patty AKA Patti
And that would be it.

I know this is a day late and a dollar short but better late then never! :)

Boy, you don't post for a couple of days and you are FORGOTTEN!!! :( :( :(

WHEN I get my pictures from my Dad's wife, I will be happy to send you our formal pic (yours was great).

Hope all goes well Denine, Jerry and Kaleigh! Glad your mom seems to be ok Bonnie and glad your Dad's dizziness was only an ear infection Barb and family.

We are back to the Dr. today but only for a follow up visit!

Welcome home Barb! We joined in March 2000 at BWV, added on in Oct. 2000 at VB. We STILL have never seen any DVC properties! Have cruised twice though (we took Greg's parents the first time and mine the second). One day I'd really like to see where we own! Next summer Greg and I are going to France to see the Tour de France (we have never been away from the kids over night - lets see - that will be 11 years next summer -- think it's time!) so it will be at least summer or fall of 2004 before we get to Disney World!

You know, as grateful and thankful as I am that we got to go on the cruise (and yes, blessed), I WANT TO GO BACK NOW!!!!

Have a good day all, I'm off to look at snowboards today (Ian's used his for 2 years now and it's just too short for him this year so...... ho ho ho )
I remember you Diana!!!
A couple more for you Barb.... Twinmom1292, Olando and for the really hard ones, Kindler5 and Strissel.
Susan514 is too easy, and LLight, NSMGuy and drdisney only popped in briefly ...(but they were Lauren, Rusty and Eric):cool:

Once someone steps foot into this thread, they are not forgotten!!! Even "Ginger" and Beano have graced our doorstep.

Julie, I think an address trade sounds great. (Even MORE Christmas cards I'll feel bad about not doing every year. Just kidding. I won't feel bad for TOO long, no time. A Christmas E-mail is a strong possibility however. ) What would be a kick, would be to do a gift swap like 'other' large families do. Where a name is drawn for each, and they get a gift for that person. Everyone who wanted to take part, can give one and get one. How about that? Either way, I'll PM my address to you now!

Thanks guys for the compliments on the formal picture. I think it tells a definite story! That being, there is way too much stuff to do on the ship to stop early enough to get all doll'ed up for formal night! I look at that picture and remember the whopping 5 minutes that we all took to get ready and go.:p I brushed my hair and pulled on the dress. No styling or make-up. Katie kept in the 2 braids that she had done by herself that morning. It's a fun picture for having those signs of 'having too much fun' in it. SO, no one has any excuses for not wanting to send Bonnie one of their own!

Sally, glad your DH's dizziness had an easy cure.
Take care all. Hugs, ~Lori
Oh, one more question... no one in here has zauggfamily in their email address, right? I have not opened an email from that person that says 'one more photo' because I don't recognise this name and it's probably just a well timed tricky junk mail.
Hey guys, I am still here!!! :) I am away from the boards for a few days, and you all have been so busy. It was fun to read and catch up!!!!!

Denine -- Hang in there!! It sounds like you have had one heck of a scare. I hope that these tests will point you into a direction. We will keep you in our prayers.

Lori -- How is Katie managing?? I can imagine that she is happy to be back in school with her friends, buy the homework -- ugh!!

Sandy -- I got your email address and have stored it in my address book unless we get booted off. Wedding reception idea -- I was at two different weddings recently and they had different ideas for the guest book. At one wedding, they had a silver serving platter and an engraver out, and they guests wrote their wishes on the platter. At another, they had a matt for a frame and the guests wrote their wishes on the matt and the couple were going to use it to frame their wedding picture surrounded by their well wishings.........

Hello to everyone else!! You dudettes are a hoot!!! I will try to be more visable on the boards.........really, I will.........

---- Laurie :Pinkbounc
Good morning everyone! Ok, it is late morning but still morning. I will email you, Julie, with our address. Great idea. I was thinking the same thing but was afraid that you all would think "boy, she really is addicted". Glad it was your idea!!

Sally, glad to hear it was just an inner ear infection. Boy, those things can be bad sometimes!

Proud of you, Barb. You did good on names. Now if we could get you to remember wine parties. We really did miss you. Lori and I got to meet you but not Patty. I think it would only be fair to meet the other feuding half.

Denine, glad you had a chance to check in. Hope all goes well!

Hello Diana and Laurie.

Formal pics--------we have not reloaded (correct term?) the software for the scanner since we had to break the computer down couple of weekends ago. If I can get Ted going, we will try and get pics out. Our scanner is NOT user friendly so it is something I have to depend on Ted to do. I hate to ask him after a full day of work. Maybe, I can bug my DD. She has a really nice one. My FRIEND, Lori, scanned my family pic for me when we exchanged pics early on. Thanks again, Lori.

Better go dry my hair. It is beginning to look like my "cruise hair". Frizzy and wavy. Yuck! It was great coming home and having my soft and straight hair back. If you only knew what I go through on vacations!

See ya, Friends! Speaking of friends, where is Darren?
Hi all, had to catch up my reading today....I've been a little preoccupied with the new baby :p He's such a little bitty thing with the most perfect little mouth. His lips look like they were painted on. Ok...enough bragging. :rolleyes:

Where is the best place to find information on the vacation club? My husband was transformed on the cruise into a huge disney fan and can't wait to go again (lucky me!). We don't know a lot about the club but would like to find out more. All we knew was hearing Barb and Bob talk about $12,000 and didn't think we'd ever use it enough to justify that. But now.....I don't know, Ken's pretty excited. Between the time we got off the ship and left Orlando on Sunday, he had sold 3 different couples, none of whom we knew, on a disney cruise. I told him he needs to get a job promoting disney and then we can really get a discount!

Denine, I'm so glad Kaleigh is home
Patty Patty Patty!!!

I can't even believe you need to look further!! Remember your
favorite sister is like a walking information center on Disney!!
I have been researching not one but two years on the Disney Vacation club!! I'm crushed!! Besides if you join after me maybe I can get some kind of reward!!

Sandy I really think we need to get together again in Denver this time maybe Bob will talk! Is there something wrong with being addicted?? I'm in trouble!

Well, you all will be SO proud of me. I finally got the last of my film picked up, AND bought a scrapbooking book/kit. Cool sheets that slide down into the plastic cover. I think I'll like that. I used to do creative pages under "magnetic" plastic, before that was taboo! Then I just stopped doing books.
OK, in my last roll of film (the mystery roll) I finally got the BonVoyage pictures. I have forwarded them on to those in my email list to prove to you all that Barb and Sally really did exist!
Maybe Bonnie or Susan will put one in their webshots page for everyone else to see. (If you did not get an email from me today, and would like to be on my list... please PM you're email addy to me.) Dudettes, sorry, your picture does not seem to be showing up on the table, you were not doing well at sitting up at that point:p
Sandy, I take it you have the scanner up, as I just got some pics from you? If not, just get them to me at lunch next week. (I sure hope you get that hair under control in time:eek: ) ;)
Later all.
Hugs ~Lori
Thanks for the pics, Lori! No the scanner is not running yet. My daughter sent the centerpieces over to me yesterday.
Thanks for offering to help me scan. I just talked to Ted and I THINK it will get done. I know he looks at it as a "honey do" item.

See everyone, there IS a Barb and Sally.

Creative albums, no not me. I don't have a creative bone in my body.
Originally posted by DreamsDoComeTrue
What would be a kick, would be to do a gift swap like 'other' large families do. Where a name is drawn for each, and they get a gift for that person. Everyone who wanted to take part, can give one and get one. How about that .

I was telling Garry about this idea and I described it as a family swap. His response was "Great! Where do I send Julie and the kids?" And this is what I put up with! I think this could be fun! I've got Lori's address, Sandy and Ted's, Denine and Jerry's and ours. If anyone else would like to get on this list like the Patti, Sally, Barb, Laurie, Susan, Darren, Krista, Diana, the DUDETTES!!!!!! and everyone else just e mail a private message with the address and I'll get the list out to everyone. Or for those of you who already have my home e mail address, send it there! This should be fun!

I'll be back later!

p.s. Garry went to the doctors today and he will be returning to work on mon the 18th. Boy are we gonna miss him around here. He's been home since May and the kids and I have gotten use to hime being around. Oh well, we knew it would come to an end!

That's great news about Bob. I'm glad it wasn't too serious! Those ear infections can be nasty.
Chatty today! Great!

Lets see...

Mom: Gladd to hear that it was only an ear infection. They can be terrible with the dizziness!

DVC members-what do you all know about the resale boards. It looks like it might be less money to buy DVC resale rather than direct from Disney. The information is right on this board and I believe DU acts as an agent. Do you end up buying for the years that are left on the original purchase?

Addresses sound great. I will email my address to all that I have an email address for. I will include Julie so I can be added to the list.

I will add Mom and Bar's picture to my weshots page Part 2 for all to see. It's a great picture...too bad Patti alias Patty isn't in the picture.
Lori- I looked for our picture too! I guess that picture was taken after the infamous beer bath! LOL

Julie-Since Garry is going back to work can we slack off a bit???:smooth:

Laurie- Lurk less!!!! When I show the cruise pictures and tell them who everyone is I come to you and say "That's Laurie the Lurker!" They don't get it! Join us more often!

Ok-gonna add Barb, mom and bob to the webshots.

Hey Krista-It's time for you to post!!!! Miss ya! Did I send you pictures? I'll have to check.

Diana good to hear from you.
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