Rumor about “modified experiences” when Disney reopens (read 1st post for potential modifications being considered)

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I rescheduled my June 1st reservation for mid-August. I see that Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party is starting August 13th. My question would be: if they are not going to have parades and fireworks, do you think they will still have these events? What would the selling point of these events be if the parks are already at a limited capacity? Thoughts?
I doubt we’ll see any after hours parties for the rest of the year. I don’t see how they could work.
Isn't wearing a mask a modified experience of going to WDW?

It is also listed on post 1 as part of the modified experience.
Yes but endless pages arguing if they work or not does no good and often just creates more work for me. I’m all for nice civil discussions but the endless back and forth bickering on whether a mask works is not helpful.
I rescheduled my June 1st reservation for mid-August. I see that Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party is starting August 13th. My question would be: if they are not going to have parades and fireworks, do you think they will still have these events? What would the selling point of these events be if the parks are already at a limited capacity? Thoughts?
It's impossible to know. They certainly could not have them jam packed and as oversold as they have been in the past. They could have a shortened season- starting in Aug for Halloween has always seemed crazy to me anyway.
So many things being discussed on this thread that make me feel REALLY bad for the people at Disney making the reopening decisions. There are literally thousands of things to consider and figure out how to either eliminate or rework. Pool games, marshmallow roasts, animal viewing goggles at AKL, stroller parking, bag check, shopping, dining, rides, parades...the list is endless. And knowing that no matter what they do, at least half of their guests will likely disagree with it (and possibly take it out on the CMs). What a terrible situation all around.

The complexity of it is mind boggling. I feel for the CMs and everyone making these decisions.
I doubt we’ll see any after hours parties for the rest of the year. I don’t see how they could work.

They would work for a family like mine. We don't care about meeting the characters at the parties or the parades. We go mainly for the lower crowds, rides and just a different experience of being at a party compared to a normal park day. It also helps that we are AP holders so it changes things up for us to do 1-2 parties a year.

We have VAH tickets for June 19th and if it was just rides we would happily do that but i'm sure i'll be getting a refund here in a few weeks.
Everyone is different, but for many people the main draws of the parties are the special character meets, stage shows, fireworks, and parade. ALL of these are likely to be cut altogether or be modified heavily as long as we are still social distancing. Without these things, there wouldn't be much of the party left. Perhaps they will cancel them a month at a time or so hoping things will change, but I imagine until there is a vaccine some element of social distancing will be in place.
This would happen regardless. It sucks, and I always feel bad for them when I pass by and I hear that dreaded “I paid _____ dollars for this trip, and you’re telling me I can’t ____?” phrase screamed in their face. But reality is, pandemic or not, it would still occur. Doesn’t make it right, it’s just reality.

Exactly. That's what I said, that they already have to deal with that kind of thing even normally. But that all of these new regulations, changes, and modifications will likely bring about more complaints. :( I definitely know that's reality and that's why I feel for the CMs.

Wow. 99.99% of the guests I've seen at DW and DL have been awesome. Never witnessed someone complain to a CM that I'd consider "entitled". Perhaps I'm not in the right area at the right time.

Maybe because DH & I each spent many years working with the public and fielding complaints, but we tend to be particularly tuned in to employees being given a hard time.
I doubt we’ll see any after hours parties for the rest of the year. I don’t see how they could work.

I don't see why they wouldn't work. By the nature of the parties they are lower attendance so I would think it would be much easier to social distance. Now whether enough people would go to be profitable might be another question.

By "after hours parties" I meant actual after hours events, not MNSSHP or MVMCP. Maybe I took it too literally as to what you were referring to. If so, sorry!
I don't see why they wouldn't work. By the nature of the parties they are lower attendance so I would think it would be much easier to social distance. Now whether enough people would go to be profitable might be another question.
The one after hours party I attended was a Halloween party on Halloween about 4-5 years ago. That party did have fewer people than a normal attendance day but it was by no means uncrowded. Rides waits were all relatively reasonable--except perhaps Space Mountain and 7 Dwarfs--but the area for the parades and shows were PACKED. You could barely move in those areas.
I don't see why they wouldn't work. By the nature of the parties they are lower attendance so I would think it would be much easier to social distance. Now whether enough people would go to be profitable might be another question.

By "after hours parties" I meant actual after hours events, not MNSSHP or MVMCP. Maybe I took it too literally as to what you were referring to. If so, sorry!

Yeah, we did the AH event at AK back in January and it was awesome because there was virtually no wait for any ride and there were very few people there. I would think AH events could work but the parties, like you mentioned, might be more of a challenge because those are better attended (or they simply sell more tickets for them). We attended MNSSHP several years ago and I thought it was fairly crowded for a special ticket event.
The one after hours party I attended was a Halloween party on Halloween about 4-5 years ago. That party did have fewer people than a normal attendance day but it was by no means uncrowded. Rides waits were all relatively reasonable--except perhaps Space Mountain and 7 Dwarfs--but the area for the parades and shows were PACKED. You could barely move in those areas.

See my edit, I meant actual After Hours events, not hard ticket events. Agreed Halloween and Christmas parties are super busy.
I think the issue over Disney opening the parks is more contingent on litigation risk. Unless(or until) limitations are enacted to limit the liability of companies to be sued for $$$$ because a guest claims they or a family member contracted the virus at WDW. The companies are trying to navigate the constantly changing local mandates along with legal exposure.

Disney is in the business of entertainment. If people aren't being entertained, they won't attend/buy the product. Disney must walk the fine line of keeping patrons entertained without putting their patrons at risk. This is why there are lifeguards at pools, security guards looking through your belongings, security personnel watching every area of the parks for dangers to patrons as well as employees, chefs constantly checking the temperatures of foods on a buffet line,......and the list goes on. Disney will work to control what they can which will mostly involve their cast members. This will be the key to circumvent the lawsuits which will no doubt be rampant even if/when litigation limits are enacted.

The masks, hand sanitizing stations, social distancing cues, etc. will be available for patrons who wish to use them. They can't possibly be policed nor should they. Every person is responsible for their own health whether they are at WDW, at home, at a park, etc. If you feel you will not be safe at WDW, then don't spend your dollars and time there. Disney is not required to make its product 100% safe for every person. Disney must make reasonable efforts to keep their patrons safe. Reasonable will always be subjective.

Disney needs to reopen. Its not just the bottom lines on a spreadsheet for Disney. There are hundreds of thousands--if not millions-- of people who rely on the direct jobs offered by Disney as well as the supply chain jobs associated with the enormous business of Disney.
Disney needs to reopen. Its not just the bottom lines on a spreadsheet for Disney. There are hundreds of thousands--if not millions-- of people who rely on the direct jobs offered by Disney as well as the supply chain jobs associated with the enormous business of Disney.

The safety of their cast members is their #1 priority. They will not open until they are sure they can keep their CMs safe. Period.
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