*Saturday Night Live DIS Chat!! Tonight: Making A Point!*


<font color=purple>NyQuil Aficionado<br><font colo
Apr 23, 2000
Hi-Ho Campers!! How was your week? :)

Well, I must say it was a laid back one here at the Saturday Night Chat Institute Of Wine, Pizza, and Television Studies.. Summer continues to drag on making it more and more difficult to concentrate on our research, and I think it's safe to say that the only thing standing between us and a complete lack of production is the absence of quality television programming these days. . :eek:

Now I know that reruns are the norm during this time of year, but it's really gotten our of hand! Even CNN is rerunning news from '86. . . Bush in the White House, war in Iraq, a recession. . . talk about lazy! :p ;) :teeth:

And even the few shows that are new pretty well blow- stale sitcoms; uninteresting dramas; trashy talk-shows; poorly written scripts; lousy acting. . . I mean, where the great stars like we used to have? The Bonnie Franklin's? The Anson William's? The McClean Stevenson's? We're sure not seeing them today. . :mad:

And how gullible and how stupid do the various networks think we, the viewing public, are? Do they think we'll just sit around and watch anything they throw up on the screen?

I asked myself those questions all week and even started to write several letters of protest; but then the Unemplyoment Channel started showing aToby Tyler film festival and I lost interent . . . ;) :teeth:


Any-who . . . at least we did get around to planning an exciting and intoxicating chat for our millions of loyal clients. . ;) . . So tonight, Disney After Dark is proud to announce that we will be heading to beautiful Wilderness Lodge where we’ll be eating light and drinking heavy at the wonderful Artist Point Restaurant!!!! :bounce: :D

That's right kids; this folksy little eatery offers some exotic fare; Ostrich, Buffalo, Rattlesnake, and other God-awful things no one in their right mind would eat. . . but thank goodness they do have nachos and beer. . ;) :teeth:

So why not send the family out on a snipe hunt, fire up the computer, and join your chat hosts MarlaH. and WillyJ. this Saturday night in the Main Chat Lobby at 9PM EST. It's a lot of fun, and a great opportunity to hang out with your fellow DIS'ers and get to know each other better in a relaxed, informal Atmosphere. :) As always, general Disney or Universal questions are encouraged and appreciated, and there will be a room full of Orlando veterans there to help you out. . .

Everyone's invited, so see ya there! :D

:bounce: Click here to get there: Chat Sign-In Page :bounce:


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