Sept. 11th, 2004!!! Roll Call!

Tampacruisers..Welcome aboard :p

Tracy, glad to hear you and your family are good....and that you have power so soon. It must be nice. I can't imagine being in the dark for days.

So does anyone know with the change of ports for this weeks sailings....if for any chance we are also we would work our transportation? I'm guessing that if you didn't get the disney transfers...they leave it up to you to get to the new port on time. We booked with a car service...but haven't had contact with them...with Frances and all..since we found our trip was cancled and changed. I was kind of waiting to see where we end up. It's not like I can let them know where our pick up will be until we find a hotel:D

We really wanted to squeeze in at least one day at WDW/MK prior to the cruise...but since the travle agent with the wish foundation entered the wrong dates....were stuck with what we have...that is unless we want to pay the $220 fee...per ticket to have them changed. I can't beleive they are telling us it would be soooo much to change the tickets. I'm not giving up though....I think I'll give it another try tomarrow.

Anyone know if the airport (MCO) is open yet? The last I saw it wasn't...but that we either early this morning...or late last night.


Welcome! Call the Radisson - they are closed until Saturday. :eek:


I am sorry that you are in the middle of this mess! I hope all works out with Ivan.

Erin :D
TraSee, I am glad that you have power so soon! From the looks on TV some areas did not fare too well with this hurricane. I guess the lingering on took its toll.

Welcome Tampacruisers, I will add you to our cruise list. Are you traveling with your DH & DD(6). My DD will be turning 5 in October and I am going to try to get her in the Lab. I think she will have more fun in there. Her name is Peyton. I also have a DS(8).

NancyDVC, I will modify the list for Diane to be listed as DBF (Disney Best Friend):earsgirl:

OK all, lets keep the positive thoughts coming! We will all be on board and by the Mickey Pool at 3:00 pm next Saturday sipping (or chugging) Margarita's:drinking1 !! We all deserve it. Scrapperjill, HookedonMagic and TraSee especially, with all that they have gone through in the last month with hospitals and hurricanes!! Natale1980 we will make it a virgin one for you;)


We are excited about our trip too. You have been busy posting for a while, unofortunately, I did not read all the posts! If anyone has kiddos around my children's ages, we'd love to meet you. Look forward to seeing you on the sea!

:sunny: Traveling with DH, DS (6), DD (10) - thinks she is tinkerbell, brother and his wife - early seating
Hello All!

Glad to hear that our coastal friends have made it through Frances safe and sound. What an awful storm she was! Ivan the Terrible seems to be heading more west than north according to the latest projections. I've been following this projection map:

It looks like we just might make it onto the boat! I don't want to get too excited, not to mention that I once again feel guilty for being excited. This hurricane thing really puts things into perspective for me. For example, as of Thursday last week I was so upset because I had sent my car stereo to Cocoa Beach, FL for repair of the CD player (no, I couldn't find anywhere local that would repair a factory stereo.) They had told me it would be a 3 to 4 day turn-around time for repair. As of Thursday they had already had it for 11 days and still no commuication of when it would be repaired and sent back to me. I was so upset that I was facing going on a 8 hour car ride to Florida with no stereo. That was before IVAN made his presence known. Now I am happy to borrow DD's Hello Kitty CD player to use in the car, just as long as I can get on the ship!

Welcome Tampacruisers :wave2: ! We are travelling with DD just-turned-7 who is looking forward to playing with other princesses too princess:

Go away, Ivan, and stay away from GC and Cozumel, too!:mad:

I called Disney Cruise Line tonight (even though the message said they didn't want to talk till wed :rolleyes: ) They said that as far as they can see now we are still good to go.
The only thing that they think will change (as of 7:30pm tonight) is that we won't go to Key West first... if we made it there it wouldn't be till later in the trip.... When we booked I wasn't even sure if we would get off the boat at KeyWest so I'm not too heart-broken about that...
It's funny... it was all upset about not going to CC and now I just want to get on that boat!!!!
If anyone else calls Disney and hears something else please let up know... I think I'm just going to watch the weather for now and call them back on Thursday.. I really don't want to drive all the way to FL just to be sent home. :(


-nat :earsgirl: & baby:cloud9:
Welcome Tampacruisers! This is a great group. I called the Radisson corporate 800 # (1-800-333-3333) The lady on the phone told me that while they are not accepting any new ressies for now they expect to be up and running by Friday. She also advised that I call back in a day or 2 just to make sure. If the Radisson is not open we plan to stay near the Orlando airport (hotel ressies are tight there right now) and take the DCL transfers or if Budget id open take the car to the port and drop it at Budget on Saturday.

Tracy, Glad you weathered the storm so well.
I heard about a looter in Orlando who broke into a restaurant and then when the police came decided to hide in a dumpster. The dumpster turned out to be the grease pit. I am paraphrasing the police chief's report-"He is in the lock up and won't be slipping away from us." :rotfl: At least one humorous note.

My DBF Diane says that we are definitely getting on the ship! (She is being very positive or maybe she is trying to keep me on track. I tend to think the opposite hoping that I am wrong!) Now she lurks on this thread-last night she read the entire thread from the beginning! Yes Diane I did post this and all these folks are all very nice and I can't wait until we meet at the Mickey pool at 3:00 on Saturday. Drinks :drinking1, music :rockband: and a big :grouphug: for all of us as we :boat: :cool1:
Welcome cmctammyg! I will add you to the cruise list. We are having a DISmeet on Saturday at 3:00 by the mickey pool. You will find that there are several children on board within the same ages as your children. I have a DD4 (turning 5 in Oct.) and a DS who will be 8 on Wednesday.

natale1980, thank you for the update. I am hoping to get off at Keywest just to go visit Margaritaville, but it would be no big deal if I do not. Right now, I am worried about our excursions. I think I will do some follow up calls tomorrow to find out their cancellation policies again. Just incase we cannot get to Cozumel or Grand Cayman.

Uh Oh NancyDVC, Diane has been reading the threads? I hope she missed the one about someone having a birthday on board;) . We wont mention any names!

I am going to update the cruise list as we get new cruisers. This way everyone will have the most updated list before they leave.

**Updated as of 9/6/04**

***UPDATED LIST as of 9/4/04***

ldb1030 with DH, DD13 and 4 other family members - (cruising with aaronamy) - early dining

amgpmg with DH, DS8 and DD4 (5 in October) - late dining


aaronamy with DH, DD13 & DS10 - cruising with ldb1030 - late dining

NancyDVC with DBF (Disney Best Friend) & DMOM - Late dining

hookedonmagic with DH

Jayv1 with DW & DS19mos

dvcspain with DH


Hunter's mama with DH, DS19mos

Scrapperjill with DH, DD6 & DD11 - late dining

sunshine103 with DH, DS9 & DS5

cathyscrapper with DH, DD7, DS3, DFIL - traveling with Fredascrapper & Family - early Dining

fredascrapper, DH, DD13 aka tinkerbell710 & DD7 - traveling with cathyscrapper - Early Dining

natale1980 (& baby) with DH, DBrother & DSIL - Late dining

inluvwithpluto with DS9

cali4niacruisin with DH & DD3 (almost 4) - early dining, may change to late

Threesmiths with DH & DD6 - late dining

4sedgs with DH, DS12, DS7 - late dining

Trekkie518 with DH, DD15, DS13, DS12fatocow & DMIL

Lisa SB with DD6 & DS6 - Early Dining

tammyh with DH, DS3 & DD3

TraSee with DH - early dining

femmfaerie with DSis tink71973 & DMom - Late dining

nrk - two adults & DD3 1/2

ASRoberts with DH, DD8, DS10 & DS12

Baby Duck with DW, DS4 & DD8 months

LuvTravelToo with DW, DS11 & DS6

lopezgang (5 months pregnant) with DH, DD9, DS3(almost 4) - Late Dining

DDaily with DH, DS12, DS10, DS5, DD1 & DGrandma

MBMom with DH, DD8 & DS5

Addy27 with DD, DSIL & Child 17mos.

mrsltg with DH & DD & child3.5

Moochie'sMom with DH, DS12 (turning 13 on 9/17) & DS5

pvangordon with DH

Tampacruisers with DH (assuming) & DD6

cmctammyg with DH, DS6, DD10, DBrother & DSIL - Early Dining

Just a few more days!!!! I cannot with to meet everyone!!!

Don' forget, we are having a DISMeet at the Mickey Pool at 3:00 of Saturday, 9/11.

My DW, DD5 and DD2 are sailing on the 9/11 cruise. For my DW and I, this will be our first Disney Cruise and the first cruise ever for our children. I hope and pray everything works as my DW and I will be celebrating our 10 year anniversary as well as DD5's sixth birthday is 9/12.
We are packed and ready. We leave bright and early tomorrow morning from CA. We fly through Atlanta so we may be delayed getting in/out of there. Since we will already be in Fl, if the Magic leaves from any FL port we will be on it on the 11th.

Wishing everyone safe travels!!!

See you on Saturday at Mickey's Pool at 3pm!

Take Care,

I've got to say, like everybody else, we're wrestling with what to do this week. Our flight leaves Santa Barbara at 9am Wednesday morning. Do we rebook or go??? I'm sure Disney will wait to the last possible minute to make a decision regarding departure times and locations (how many times has it changed already???). It would be nice to have another day or two to see how all this plays out---unfortunately the hour at hand is rapidly approaching.

From the National Hurricane Center it looks like Ivan will track south of St Thomas and St Maarten. Does anyone know what damage (if any) Frances caused at those ports??? It looks like these may be possible destinations. Right now my best guess is that we will get out of Cape Canaveral in the nick of time. Does anyone have any experience or ideas regarding how rough the seas will be if we are just ahead of Ivan? Will we have any sunshine?

I just wish that Disney would clue us in to their contingency planning...

Of course all this pales in comparison with the ordeal many Floridians are facing this week---my thoughts and prayers are with them...

Thanks for letting me rant a bit,

PS - It's great having this thread to commiserate with others in similar predicaments. Thanks for all your thoughts and let's hope that Ivan fades fast...
The 11pm Ivan update is good news for all of us. I agree...looks like the 9/11 cruise will make it out of Port Canaveral (or some Florida port!) just in time...also looks like the ship will sail the Eastern itinerary. Hmmm, looks like I may have to pack, afterall!

Just speculation at this point, of course, but at least the "projected path" has it skipping Florida. Now if it would just fizzle and go away and not adversely impact anyone. That would be TRULY GREAT news!:smooth:
Welcome... Fish Finder and cmctammyg..always glad to have more dis'er aboard :p

Cmctammyg...I posted a reply to another post of your on the main board...asking if your kiddos were boys or girl. DH and I will be cruising with our two girls 6&11. I'm sure my 11yo would like to do some chatting before the cruise to make some pre cruise friends...our 6yo did....and is soooo excited to meet her new friend on the ship. Do you think your daughter would be intrested? Check you pm.

Fish Finder....I'm sure Sydney our 6yo will be excited to know there is yet another girl her age on board.:D

Our luggage is sitting at the doorway waiting to be it only has to sit there a few more days. :(

IVAN GO AWAY!!!:mad: IVAN GO AWAY!!!:mad: IVAN GO AWAY!!!:mad:

Oh we finally made our reservations for a hotel near the airport. We ended up booking at The Embassy Suits.
Thanks everyone for the welcome. Our trip has been booked for a year, we dodged Isabel last September....

Scrapperjill - I didn't have a message from you, but I know my dd(10) would love to chat with your dd. I'll try to contact you via pm.

We are leaving on Friday and spending the night at AKL and doing the Sunrise Safari.

See everyone at the Mickey Pool!
Welcome to all the new cruisers this week! Months back when I imagined the days before the cruise, this isn't what I imagined!! will make this cruise all that more special to all of us when we finally do get on.::yes::

For all of you leaving soon to join us here in Florida, have a safe trip. Just excuse the mess when you get here. We have had some sloppy house guests recently.:rolleyes: The sun is shining right now and things are looking up. :)

See everyone soon! (Lisa, tampacruisers, and I will be the ones with the wind blown look:crazy2: )

Have a great day!:flower1:
I appreciate your sense of humor, Tracy. I look just like that smilie!:crazy: :scared1: I hope the cruise can restore me to my old self, :earsgirl: or princess:

Have a good one!
Welcome to all our new friends! There have been so many additions to our already long list, lately! The more the merrier! It looks like things are finally going to go our way, as far as Ivan is concerned. We'll be sad if we can't go on our Cozumel and GC excursions (that's where they were all booked) but at this point I'm just happy to be able to sail!

Glad to hear the sun is shining over Florida again. Frances is visiting us here in the Carolinas for the next two days....needless to say not anywhere near as bad of a houseguest as in FLA, but lots of rain and flood warnings making things a little difficult.

I hope that everyone is able to resume their original travel plans and that we are all happy and safe on the pool deck at 3 pm Saturday!



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