Sister Wives

I think the rules are Robyn's and the reason is because actions speak louder than words and at that picnic on the property it didn't really show Kody caring at all about social distancing. It was Robyn that was constantly telling them to social distance. Also, at the gender reveal, Dayton was in a mask outside. Okay that's not much evidence, but I still think that! :rotfl2:

Also, it is so sad to me to see the difference between Janelle and Christine's houses and Robyn and Meri's houses....I mean what the heck! Meri is pretty pathetic at this point, but dang she has a nice house! So glad Christine got out and hope Janelle follows!!
So I didn't watch last night's episode yet (well, I caught the very last bit) but I've been thinking about some of the earlier episodes... It's one thing to have strict rules for your family, your household. Fine. Change your clothes, wipe down your mail and groceries, whatever. But when you are supposed to be a family, and you make others follow those rules just so you can meet with them?? That is a bit extreme. And I did read the point that the rules need to be the same for all the wives. And I guess I get that. But here's the other thing. If Kody is still going to see all of them (even if it's not that frequent) isn't he still able to spread germs from house to house? What's the difference? Am I missing something that somehow makes Kody immune, but all of his wives (well... three of them...) petri dishes?
So I didn't watch last night's episode yet (well, I caught the very last bit) but I've been thinking about some of the earlier episodes... It's one thing to have strict rules for your family, your household. Fine. Change your clothes, wipe down your mail and groceries, whatever. But when you are supposed to be a family, and you make others follow those rules just so you can meet with them?? That is a bit extreme. And I did read the point that the rules need to be the same for all the wives. And I guess I get that. But here's the other thing. If Kody is still going to see all of them (even if it's not that frequent) isn't he still able to spread germs from house to house? What's the difference? Am I missing something that somehow makes Kody immune, but all of his wives (well... three of them...) petri dishes?

Kody has only been seeing Robyn in her home where he lives.

He doesn't like Meri and has been distanced from her since before Covid.

Janelle and Christine and their households are not following his Covid commandments so he's not been in their homes in months. He just gripes at them for choosing their children instead of his strict rules.
Kody has only been seeing Robyn in her home where he lives.

He doesn't like Meri and has been distanced from her since before Covid.

Janelle and Christine and their households are not following his Covid commandments so he's not been in their homes in months. He just gripes at them for choosing their children instead of his strict rules.

I should have clarified a bit. The original plan was “only Kody will move from house to house.” Under the original plan (where I do not recall any super strict rules), had he actually gone from house to house, the exposure risk would have been high of Kody bringing it to the other houses, so why not just allow the families to get together from the beginning?

I know. I’m trying to be logical. Which apparently doesn’t apply to this show.
So this is 1 family. Or supposed to be so they all should go from house to house and see each other. I didn't tell my twin college DDs they could not come say at home when college went virtual and then they graduated in Dec 2021. They are in my family unit. And one was working in a restaurant and other an EMT. I just don't get Ko-jerk making these guidelines that basically divide them and turn him into a monogamous divorcee essentially. And eyebrow-neck is so full of malarkey on the 'I want the polygamous life back' bologna. Pretending she has had too much of Ko-jerk. LIAR LIAR pants on fire!
Sure Kody, let’s throw the kids out of the house in the middle of a pandemic. What could go wrong? Any man who thinks a mother (an invested one anyway) will choose him over her children is freakin delusional. And as Janelle pointed out, if she did that she would be completely alone. He does not seem to care or have any empathy for that. I get the feeling even if she did he would find another reason not to come over. He keeps moving the goalposts. No matter what she does he’ll make it out that she’s not doing it right. Good for her for telling him to get bent.

His mentioning the lease situation and referring to the kids as YOUR kids is very telling. This isn’t about his Covid rules. This is about his inability to make the rules anymore. He’s lost control of the situation and he doesn’t like it.
My DVR keeps cutting off the coming attractions. First time ever that I really care!

if you have a dish dvr you can adjust the default on recordings to have them start and/or end a few minutes before the scheduled airing time of a show.
I watched Sunday's episode last night.......thought I'd stop by on here to see if anyone else noticed the "your kids" moment. Ya all did!!!! :thumbsup2
if you have a dish dvr you can adjust the default on recordings to have them start and/or end a few minutes before the scheduled airing time of a show.
Yeah, ours has that capability. I just never cared enough before to do it. I think I might have to now.
So this is 1 family. Or supposed to be so they all should go from house to house and see each other. I didn't tell my twin college DDs they could not come say at home when college went virtual and then they graduated in Dec 2021. They are in my family unit. And one was working in a restaurant and other an EMT. I just don't get Ko-jerk making these guidelines that basically divide them and turn him into a monogamous divorcee essentially. And eyebrow-neck is so full of malarkey on the 'I want the polygamous life back' bologna. Pretending she has had too much of Ko-jerk. LIAR LIAR pants on fire!

I agree. If they were one family, Kody would have tried to make it work for everyone. I have 3 adult children who are firefighter EMTs and they worked during the pandemic. My husband and I also worked. Sure there were days I was anxious thinking about our exposure level, but we made it work. Kody has purposely excluded the other families. Did he really expect his kids to quit their jobs, drop out of college or the military, and not see any friends? His rules are ridiculous.
I watched Sunday's episode last night.......thought I'd stop by on here to see if anyone else noticed the "your kids" moment. Ya all did!!!! :thumbsup2
On this single point alone, many people have mentioned it, but in fairness, for all the year's I've watched this show the kids have been differentiated by all the adults as "Christine's kids" or "Janelle's kids" or whatever. This includes Kody. Only very rarely does one of the adults refer to "our kids" and Kody almost never does, although he will sometimes say "my son" or "my daughter" when he's specifically discussing one of them.

And on another note, while several of the wives lament the destruction of the "all for one and one for all" Brown family culture, the reality is that we've actually seen very little of that over the years. Things may have been skewed for the show but from the time they moved into the custom-built houses in Las Vegas, the whole point seemed to be how separately each household functioned. And they have never been like what we've seen in brief segments when they visit other polygamist families that all live communally. I'm no expert on what would constitute a normal and happily-functional FLDS plural family but in my imagination, it should be quite a bit different than the Browns.
i would love to know how kody ultimately was exposed to covid. it's become public knowledge that he had it yet we've not heard of any of the other wives or those evil risk taking germ laden adult children coming down with a case.

How have we missed this news? When did this happen?
Just watched the latest episode last night. It’s very interesting that Janelle’s kids feel more connected to Christine than their father. Also, it’s time for Janelle to step out from in between Kody and their adult kids. If Kody doesn’t like the way the kids are behaving, he needs to talk to them. If the kids want to discuss something with Kody, they need to give him a call. Janelle can certainly be included in these conversations, but she shouldn’t have to be the go-between. I’d love to see her boys stand up to him!
I’m sick and bored, so I started watching from the beginning. What a mess they are already!

Christine is very pregnant with Truley, and she really doesn’t want someone new in the picture. Meri has already (in the third episode) talked about leaving the family and that she is staying for Mariah, family, and because she believes in the higher purpose.

Robyn cries continuously and has the same basic shape to her eyebrows, though they aren’t so overdone

Madi is already saying there is no way that she is going to live the lifestyle (though she’s fine with her parents living it and loves the entire family). Even this sets Robyn crying.

So, I’m at the part where they all head down to move Robyn closer to the “big house” (I’d forgotten that she was 4-5 hours away when Kody started courting her), and she had nothing packed/ready to go. It’s just like the sloppy move to Flagstaff.
I’m sick and bored, so I started watching from the beginning. What a mess they are already!

Christine is very pregnant with Truley, and she really doesn’t want someone new in the picture. Meri has already (in the third episode) talked about leaving the family and that she is staying for Mariah, family, and because she believes in the higher purpose.

Robyn cries continuously and has the same basic shape to her eyebrows, though they aren’t so overdone

Madi is already saying there is no way that she is going to live the lifestyle (though she’s fine with her parents living it and loves the entire family). Even this sets Robyn crying.

So, I’m at the part where they all head down to move Robyn closer to the “big house” (I’d forgotten that she was 4-5 hours away when Kody started courting her), and she had nothing packed/ready to go. It’s just like the sloppy move to Flagstaff.

Where do you watch it from the beginning........a few episodes could be sooooo interesting now.
Where do you watch it from the beginning........a few episodes could be sooooo interesting now.
We still have cable, and they’re all on TLC OnDemand.

I got to the part where Kody feels the need to share on camera as a “big surprise” that he was the one to choose Robyn’s wedding dress. He can’t understand why Christine (especially), Janelle, and Meri feel betrayed by this revelation. It’s, as always, all about him. He wants to know why he can’t be involved in the wedding. Christine said that he didn’t care at all what she wore to their wedding. Janelle brought up that the wives and Robyn had all gone out dress shopping and that it felt like a farce. Robyn cried and said that she told Kody to KEEP IT A SECRET FROM HIS WIVES because she wanted the wives to think their shopping trip meant something! So, she’s starting out trying to play both sides against the middle to her benefit. I’m beginning to remember why I had negative feelings toward Robyn from the beginning.
On this single point alone, many people have mentioned it, but in fairness, for all the year's I've watched this show the kids have been differentiated by all the adults as "Christine's kids" or "Janelle's kids" or whatever. This includes Kody. Only very rarely does one of the adults refer to "our kids" and Kody almost never does, although he will sometimes say "my son" or "my daughter" when he's specifically discussing one of them.

And on another note, while several of the wives lament the destruction of the "all for one and one for all" Brown family culture, the reality is that we've actually seen very little of that over the years. Things may have been skewed for the show but from the time they moved into the custom-built houses in Las Vegas, the whole point seemed to be how separately each household functioned. And they have never been like what we've seen in brief segments when they visit other polygamist families that all live communally. I'm no expert on what would constitute a normal and happily-functional FLDS plural family but in my imagination, it should be quite a bit different than the Browns.
Browns are not FLDS. They are AUB.
i would love to know how kody ultimately was exposed to covid. it's become public knowledge that he had it yet we've not heard of any of the other wives or those evil risk taking germ laden adult children coming down with a case.
Hey, maybe germ laden Kody gave it to all of them!


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