Sister Wives

this single point alone, many people have mentioned it, but in fairness, for all the year's I've watched this show the kids have been differentiated by all the adults as "Christine's kids" or "Janelle's kids" or whatever. This includes Kody. Only very rarely does one of the adults refer to "our kids" and Kody almost never does, although he will sometimes say "my son" or "my daughter" when he's specifically discussing one of them.

Yes everyone does it and always has.
And I still find it downright weird, given their one family chant.
Not every single time of course, like any other family who does not always use our, but many a time when our actually is the word that fits best.

Christine even took time to highlight it this season, in an interview.

Madi is already saying there is no way that she is going to live the lifestyle (though she’s fine with her parents living it and loves the entire family). Even this sets Robyn crying.

Beth just stop. :rotfl2:
Very much so and Kody discussed this in early episodes.
FLDS is Jeff Warren and child brides. AUB is very against arranged marriages and underage brides.
Warren Jeffs. And while they have different names they are still a fundamentalist branch off of the LDS church. They still have the same core beliefs. AUB will bristle at being called FLDS because they don’t want to be associated with Jeffs and child brides but by definition they are literally Fundamentalist Mormons.
Warren Jeffs. And while they have different names they are still a fundamentalist branch off of the LDS church. They still have the same core beliefs. AUB will bristle at being called FLDS because they don’t want to be associated with Jeffs and child brides but by definition they are literally Fundamentalist Mormons.
Yes Jeff Warrens didn’t seem right.
Warren Jeffs.

Yes they are fundamentalist Mormons but they are not FLDS. They do try to differ,
I don’t agree with much the Browns do but one thing they are not involved with is child brides like the FLDS. I think it’s important to not group them together.
Also there are several biographies out there about the AUB and the murder of Christine’s grandfather.
Interesting reading.
read them about the time I read the Brown’s book.
Yes Jeff Warrens didn’t seem right.
Warren Jeffs.

Yes they are fundamentalist Mormons but they are not FLDS. They do try to differ,
I don’t agree with much the Browns do but one thing they are not involved with is child brides like the FLDS. I think it’s important to not group them together.
I think anyone who watches the show knows they aren’t one in the same. It’s just easier to remember FLDS as in “Fundamentalist Mormons” vs trying to remember what branch they stem from. Mormons now want to be referred to as LDS only but they’re still always going to be referred to as Mormons. I see it as the same thing. That said, I do get your point. I just don’t think anyone here is purposely trying to group them together.
I think anyone who watches the show knows they aren’t one in the same. It’s just easier to remember FLDS as in “Fundamentalist Mormons” vs trying to remember what branch they stem from. Mormons now want to be referred to as LDS only but they’re still always going to be referred to as Mormons. I see it as the same thing. That said, I do get your point. I just don’t think anyone here is purposely trying to group them together.
No I agree. Just correcting in case some posters aren’t avid watchers and get the wrong idea thinking they are part of the Warren Jeffs creepy group since they are well known.
How have we missed this news? When did this happen?

it hasn't been revealed on the show. it came to light when kody mentioned having had covid in one of those cameo messages. the people who paid for it posted it online.
There is a rumour going around that Gabe going on about nine months and someone could have a baby in that time. And then how he was circling back with it all - means Robyn was pregnant. Or one of her daughters is/was pregnant.

I doubt it.
And why would they air that scene if they did not want anyone to know for whatever reason.

But then again it could explain the hypersensitivity around everything. And explain why Meri was blocked out about coming over. And a nanny that no one can figure out. But that would put Christine as a very mean person, so again I doubt it.

Hey, maybe Gabe is going to be a dad and was chatting with Kody through filming. :drinking1 ;)

I think Gabe was simply showing Kody how long it has been in clear terms, but what a rumour.


Just curious beyond this rumour @wenrob - where does the community stand on IVF and surrogacy?
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There is a rumour going around that Gabe going on about nine months and someone could have a baby in that time. And then how he was circling back with it all - means Robyn was pregnant. Or one of her daughters is/was pregnant.

I doubt it.
And why would they air that scene if they did not want anyone to know for whatever reason.

But then again it could explain the hypersensitivity around everything. And explain why Meri was blocked out about coming over. And a nanny that no one can figure out. But that would put Christine as a very mean person, so again I doubt it.

Hey, maybe Gabe is going to be a dad and was chatting with Kody through filming. :drinking1


Just curious beyond this rumour @wenrob - where does the community stand on IVF and surrogacy?
Well there’s the belief that babies are souls in Heaven waiting to be called down. I don’t know officially but bringing a baby into this world is always a good thing as far as they’re concerned. When I did IVF my family was thrilled so 🤷🏻‍♀️ Something like having your tubes tied is frowned upon though. My mom had to prove it was medically necessary and had to jump through a bunch of hoops to get it “okayed.”

I think Gabe was just trying to get his point across about how ridiculous the length of time Kody being away was. A whole human could be made in that time. I really don’t think there is anything more to it than that.
I think Gabe was just trying to get his point across about how ridiculous the length of time Kody being away was. A whole human could be made in that time. I really don’t think there is anything more to it than that.
I agree. Plus, this was filmed over a year ago. Have they been able to keep this “baby” a secret for an entire year?
Well there’s the belief that babies are souls in Heaven waiting to be called down. I don’t know officially but bringing a baby into this world is always a good thing as far as they’re concerned. When I did IVF my family was thrilled so 🤷🏻‍♀️ Something like having your tubes tied is frowned upon though. My mom had to prove it was medically necessary and had to jump through a bunch of hoops to get it “okayed.”

I think Gabe was just trying to get his point across about how ridiculous the length of time Kody being away was. A whole human could be made in that time. I really don’t think there is anything more to it than that.

I think so too, with Gabe - with everything.

I just edited my post and voila.


Thanks for the background information wenrob. Appreciate it.

I agree. Plus, this was filmed over a year ago. Have they been able to keep this “baby” a secret for an entire year?
I agree. It does not make sense.
I like Gabe. He has consistently and constantly called Kody out on his BS.

I am not a fan of Gabe's, partially because he is so Kody to me. :laughing:

But I loved hearing Janelle's interview about how they chose to raise their children. So that part I like.

Not a Kody fan either but have truly appreciated how he has dealt with a lot of situations - meaning Mariah, how the kids feel about polygamy - and his religion.
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There is a rumour going around that Gabe going on about nine months and someone could have a baby in that time. And then how he was circling back with it all - means Robyn was pregnant. Or one of her daughters is/was pregnant.

I doubt it.
And why would they air that scene if they did not want anyone to know for whatever reason.

But then again it could explain the hypersensitivity around everything. And explain why Meri was blocked out about coming over. And a nanny that no one can figure out. But that would put Christine as a very mean person, so again I doubt it.

Hey, maybe Gabe is going to be a dad and was chatting with Kody through filming. :drinking1 ;)

I think Gabe was simply showing Kody how long it has been in clear terms, but what a rumour.


Just curious beyond this rumour @wenrob - where does the community stand on IVF and surrogacy?
I think a lot of people are just trying so hard to make sense of a situation that seems so stupid. So they're coming up with all sorts of ideas for that one piece of missing information that would make it all make sense. Sometimes it's just people doing stupid stuff though.
I think a lot of people are just trying so hard to make sense of a situation that seems so stupid. So they're coming up with all sorts of ideas for that one piece of missing information that would make it all make sense. Sometimes it's just people doing stupid stuff though.

Yes. :laughing:I agree.

But I also think it was possibly less about the nanny and Covid but more about how Gabe seemed to double back with his point that got people going.

But then again, doubling back is pure Kody DNA. I see so much of Kody in Mykelti and Gabe.
I admit that I don’t know exactly what the relationships are supposed to be, but I don’t understand how visiting adult children is “giving up” on the family. With a family that large, not everyone is going to be together for every holiday. It’s all still family.

I think one of the main problems is that Robyn is in a different phase of life than the others. All of her kids are living at home. She thinks she won’t feel differently once her kids are out of the house, but she just can’t see that far out. (And I’m not sure her kids will ever leave her house.)
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