Something About Nothing............ #14

Went back around 4:30. Changed into bathing suit and enjoyed pool for about a half hour. Then took a hot shower, that made me feel so much better. Snacked and went back to park, entering around 6. The TM at Tooth Fairy was begging for people to come, so I did. Walk on, then did minions as a express walk on, the got a so full feeling bbq beef brisket crape. It was made hot in temp, and was very tasty. The bbq sauce was sweet, then it had a hot tingle that made it great. I will definitely try a sweet one next time. Since my snack included fruit, I figured rather have some meat. Then did shooting aliens twice, rode gringets, then as saw some lightning, walked into transformers with express, then decided, time to leave at ten to 8. Knew with all the lightning, no boat. But I could tell the rain was coming, so a quick walking back to hotel, with only a few drops of rain on me. Tomorrow looks more rainy, so will bring my umbrella and wear my flip flops.

End to a great day, meeting up with Mac, Keisha, and DisneyLife. Was cool the older DisneyLife kid found that stone.

So, some park picks to light up your night:

Sorry, only 1 or of three right side up.

Have a perfect restful Sunday night.
Good evening. It has been a mostly lazy day. We spent a little bit of time with B today. She texted me yesterday and asked if we could take her to church today. The girl she usually gets a ride with is self isolating. She told us today that her roommate will be graduating at the end of the semester, so it looks like she will get a new roomie in the spring.

And got moved to Tower 1. Boo, but at least a high floor:
Nice view though.

I did a good house cleaning yesterday and did some prep of some meals for hubby while I’am away. Find it funny that I feel the need to clean house before I leave on vacation. I have read here that others do it to.
I clean tool I hate coming back to a messy house.

Glad you enjoyed Confisco Lynne.....we tell everyone to go there, it`s far superior to Mythos and has never disappointed us.
I'm going to have to give that one a try the next time we are there. DH loves Mythos, so we will be going there too.

I wanna try Confisco someday. There's a lot of places I haven't surprisingly tried. So I need to make sure to do that sometime.
We always seem to go back to the same places every time. I told dh that I wanted to try all new places when we go to Disney in March. He whined and insisted that we have to go to the Brown Derby (again). We finally came to the agreement that we will go to Brown Der by, but B and I get to choose the rest of the restaurants.

Hey all. We scored
Great view for you too.

Our boys found something cool at Islands today!
Painting and hiding rocks used to be really big here. I haven’t found a painted rock in a very long time.

I should be going to sleep now, but I took a nap this afternoon, so I will be awake for awhile.
I got
My puzzle back from Hobby Lobby. I think Caspian thinks it’s a mirror.
Lynne lucky you
You did not look like a drowned rat like Janet, Dave and I

It was sprinkling quite a bit when we got done with dinner at city walk.
Decided after a long wait, to walk back to our hotels.

Dave checked the weather app and rain would continue for another hour at that point.

It poured and some lightening when I walked back to RP.
Umbrella did not save me from a soaking.

Soaked completely down to my undies....
No idea how long it will take for my shoes to dry out

Tomorrow looks not great so wearing sandals to the parks.

Glad you missed the heavy rain.

Hope all the homies are doing fine.
Lynne.....that bbq crepe looked lovely in the images we saw of it......definitely one to try......

Charade........Mythos has been so much a hit or miss for us, but our last visit was just awful, so will be a while before we every give it a try again....I think you`ll like CG.

mac......oh my goodness you and Janet did get drenched.......I read the emails first then came here.......reminded me of the night theTom, myself and Kyle got drenched through to the bone walking back to RP......we looked as though we had jumped in the pool! Thank goodness for the hot towels waiting for us....the locals are glad of the rain....tourists not so much.........hope you both have a lovely day today.......and loving hearing all about it........

Beautiful sunny but chilly morning here.......very autumnal which we love.

Few things to do this morning then this afternoon we have a meeting with someone who we see twice a year....always a pleasure to see him.

That usually runs on for a couple of hours as we tend to ramble off course a dinner will be something simple.......

But loving this crisp sunny morning.....





Have a brilliant Monday...............​
Yep, last night, started seeing the lightning as I got out of Gringots, and still seeing that lightning coming closer, after I got off being a transformer, I checked my phone’s weather radar app. Eek, green and yellow coming ever so closer. I think I trotted and walked fast, and made it from the Studios to the hotel in about 12 minutes. I was kinda worried I would be the only one walking, but nope, and passed many. They did offer bus back from City garage, but there was a mass of people heading that way, as I assume many to return to their cars. I thought no way would I wait for a bus, and by the time I found the bus loop for the hotels, it would take much longer than just walking. I wish I was at still at the HR, as would have been a very short time scamper. So sorry to hear Keisha and Mac getting drenched. Wringing out clothes is not fun. Wet sneakers and shoes, yuck, even less fun. I hope all dries quickly.

You would think, after a week, I would be sleeping later. Nope. Up at 4:30, tried to get back to sleep, but wired to be an early bird. And with the parks not opening late, have not been out much past 10 any night. So plenty of evening time to relax. Kinda like home, and there I am always the first one up. Sometimes DH is, but most of the time, nope. My week day off, I usually do go back to sleep, as know it’s a good time to do so. But that does not happen every time either.

A marvelous Monday to all the homies.

Good Morning:
Good rainy morning homies!

Hope you didn`t get as soaked as you did last night! And glad you brought that umbrella.....☔

Very productive day here for us......our meeting rambled on a bit, so we went for fish and chips for dinner. Very nice Monday evening dinner. Big mug of tea to follow.....

Feels very cool tonight, as we passed the front coming back the waves were bashing against the sea wall fairly harsh, but doesn`t feel too breezy. Lovely sunset despite the cloud around.

Lazy night ahead......another mug of tea I think in a while.

Another Monday down........
@Charade67 that's good that you and B at least get to choose the other ones!

Nice to see all the photos. It looks like all you guys are being rained on a lot. It was definitely pouring here yesterday afternoon. We lost power and internet briefly.

I kind of distracted myself for most of the day and now trying to study a little bit so I can finish up and do my assignment that is due Weds. I should already be doing that, but oops...
@Charade67 that's good that you and B at least get to choose the other ones!

Nice to see all the photos. It looks like all you guys are being rained on a lot. It was definitely pouring here yesterday afternoon. We lost power and internet briefly.

I kind of distracted myself for most of the day and now trying to study a little bit so I can finish up and do my assignment that is due Weds. I should already be doing that, but oops...

The weather has been perfectly hot we avoided the rain last night and a few spotty showers avoided today.

Really absolutely wonderful hot just how I like it!!!

Hope you get caught up on the assignment easily.
Ooh a nice yellow weather radar color over us with lots of lightning. At least got hours of park time, and quite a few rides, before I again hurried inside, but this time with an umbrella. Only got more heavy rain as I got close to inside. Just my one shoulder has a little wet, and I wore flip flops, and took them off to trot fast.

Hope all the homies here are inside and dry.
Ooh a nice yellow weather radar color over us with lots of lightning. At least got hours of park time, and quite a few rides, before I again hurried inside, but this time with an umbrella. Only got more heavy rain as I got close to inside. Just my one shoulder has a little wet, and I wore flip flops, and took them off to trot fast.

Hope all the homies here are inside and dry.

Can’t say the same for Janet, her Mr and me.

We experienced the rain again today.
I’m drying my clothes with a hair dryer in my room.
No boats were running so it’s the third day I walk back from the park to the hotel.

But it beats sitting at home so no complaints about the weather.
A late afternoon downpour, but some fun pictures from today:
Starting the morning, it was overcast, then sunny for a bit.

Love that Universal always has characters around:
To see the Horror Show, you have to enter down the street a little, as they set this stage in front of the normal entry.

Seems rain is in the forecast tomorrow too, but will try to get into early entry. And hoping to try a sweet crepe later in the morning. I still miss the lemon with fresh strawberries and whip cream crepe that Toothsome first had on its menu, that you could also get by ordering their quick service menu. They did away with it not much after offering it. The new crepe cart has one similar, but it is not the same. I will say, the crepe size the cart uses is on the large size.

Oh Mac, I think you need a clothes dryer, not a hair one in your room. Sorry to hear was soaked again. I was very glad I had my umbrella, as those of the path I saw and passed, had no rain protection. I bet they were soaked too, by the time they got back inside.

May go into City Walk. Overcast evening. 75 out, so if I do go, may put very light weight pants on.

May all have a wonderful Monday night. Watch Football. And woot for that new coaster news DisneyLife.

And yes, finger print entry now. And woot! The finger I used was the right one, and quick entry via AP line.
Hello everyone. I have spent most of today feeling very thankful for my family. I have a friend in Georgia who I may have mentioned in the past. Her daughter used to run away from home a lot when she was in middle and high school. In the past 2 years the girl has been arrested 4 times for shoplifting. The last time she was arrested she also had heroin in her possession. She was allowed to go to an intensive drug treatment program in lieu of confinement, but left the program after 5 weeks. She had a court date today and was facing possible prison time. What she got is 23 months in the county jail followed by 17 months felony probation. He mother is hoping that this will be the thing that finally makes her examine her life choices and convinces her to change her behavior. The girl is only 20 years old. Just 7 months older than B. It's a little unnerving. I can't even imagine what my friend has been going through these past few years.

Sorry for the downer. I have just been thinking a lot today about what if that was my child. I feel like driving over to campus and giving B a big hug.

I need to go make something for dinner. It's getting late, so probably a quick meal of corned beef and pastrami sandwiches.

Sorry to hear that y'all are getting soaked at Universal.
Lynne I did not to the fingerprint today for the park entry
Card scanned today
Or did you mean it starts tomorrow?
Lynne I did not to the fingerprint today for the park entry
Card scanned today
Or did you mean it starts tomorrow?

Don’t know, but when I entered the Studios this morning, I did a finger print scan with my AP scan. Maybe they are not consistent yet? On Sunday, the TM that scanned me, said we will be going to finger scans starting tomorrow. So, that is what I reported. Guess we will see if all finger scanning tomorrow.

Charade, yeah, I am very very thankful my kids are who they are. I am sending sympathy and hugs to that mom, and hoping at 20 years old, daughter still has time to turn her life around. I hope that kid gets the help and support she needs and stops leading a criminal life.
You did not look like a drowned rat like Janet, Dave and I
As We walked back to HRH, me in bare feet, since the slide sandals, in water that was getting close to shin height in spots...started to think “what if there are snakes in the water? Ew ew ew

Hope all the homies here are inside and dry.
a hard no lol
But it beats sitting at home so no complaints about the weather.
Lynne I did not to the fingerprint today for the park entry
Card scanned today
Or did you mean it starts tomorrow?
We did today, who doesn’t want to touch that germY thing?
View attachment 528617

Work has overtaken my life and I try to read when I can, but its not much. Cannot wait until the company moves and we hire help. Hope everyone is doing well.
Cute kittie!

haven’t yet wrapped my brain around ‘characters’ in masks
Tribute store very well done,perhaps some gags from original house sets?

Frankenstein? Or not IDK but interesting
Not going to pass up a glow in the dark donut even tho finnegans res in 10 minutes
Hope they resurrect Beetlejuice house next yearC9A7C6C4-7131-4AB7-8411-EA661EEFD132.jpeg90871435-15B6-4122-A1B7-D72E48A66FA6.jpeg21B8B7C5-A2C0-4A5A-B448-E1B5F020B5F1.jpeg
This was better in person, loved how it moved
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Yeah, Keisha, I really liked how they themed the tribute store this year. Much more expanded one too. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing. Yep, my path return was barefoot too.

And a FYI for those that want a HHN item signed. From 1 pm to, I think 3pm, tomorrow, Universal will have some of their creative people outside on the side of the tribute store, to sign your items. Not all the same ones I had sign, but cool thing to do, if you are interested in such.

Eh, decided snacking and screen watching. Comfy, so no need to see City Walk tonight.

Liight for tonight:


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