Something About Nothing............ #14

schumi I hope Tom starts to feel better.
It’s a concern when he has no zip up and go.

Thanks mac.....I took him the broth up and he ate it and somehow in the last hour he looks a bit better!!! Even asked if I`d make him some custard, know me, happy to do it, custard made and he finished it. Although he did fall asleep straight

Hope he`s turned the corner!! I`ll tell him you send good wishes 🥰

More rain for us, and I`m on my 6th pot of tea today.......well, I need something to go with cake! And it`s much cooler than previously, hope August is better.
Happy Taco Tuesday!

It's a cool and rainy morning here - and not much to do today at work. I have a nail appointment today. So I am looking forward to that. I think I'm going to hit Costco on my way home from work today. It's raining - so I won't get to get my walk in - and I really don't want to head to the gym once I get home. So I'll try to get some extra steps in there!

I’m in bed after long, hot bath that broke the low grade fever. Thinking a passed on GD mini bug. DH stood over me till I chugged down some cough medicine. Believe it’s more to keep me quiet tonight lol
I hope you start to feel better soon.

It's great you got your tickets you were wanting. IT's a good and bad thing that there were not many left! Good that even with higher ticket prices, tickets are selling - but bad that you may not have the ideal day or exact tour you wanted.
Taco Tuesday is today, and commute was quick and it’s so sunny out. So sticky today, rain chances around dinner time. Hope I get home before the rain.
I hope your day is great
I did get one of my stitching projects finished last night.
OOOOO will you post a picture of the finished project? I hope your dr appointment gives you some answers.
I think I mentioned HomeGoods and TJ Max already have Halloween things out.
I seen that the other day when I went there over lunch. I miss working there - to be able to look and touch all the pretty things there. It sounds like you had a wonderful afternoon with Little J.

@schumigirl I don't know where your quote went - but I'm glad Tom is on the mend! It's always a good sign when they ask for a certain thing. Enjoy the potter movies! I told ds's that come fall - we will have a Potter marathon to rewatch them all and start planning our trip!

Well, I started this post this morning - and I've got to run to the nail appointment

Have a great day everyone!
Great picture Charade. Always like Charlie Brown characters, certainly Lucy.

Oooh a late evening nap, and I’m ready for bed. We did get some rain, but thankfully, bulk of it went just far enough west of us, and as it moved east, it went north before coming east, and gave that huge blob of yellow and red, to northern jersey and the NY area above, before going out to sea.

And hot weather is here, but with rain, dips the temps. And that rain did cool us down, as 67 degrees out now. And giving us an orange air quality alert until midnight. Yeah icky air with water and smog in the sky. And mostly cloudy overnight, so we will stay in that 60’s degrees until 8 am tomorrow. But then the sun returns to give a clear sky with glorious sunshine and close to 90 by the late afternoon. Then the heat returns in earnest, as 94, 94 and 92 the next 3 days, before a cold front arrives Sunday evening, giving us that chance of rain, and dipping high temp to low 80’s most of next week. Ah August arriving with cooler weather. Who knew. Usually August is our hottest month. Eh, it will be back into 90’s when that cold front leaves, probably by the end of next week. So that next couple of weeks has plenty of time to have the hazy hot and very humid days we will have starting Thursday.

So back to bed for me. Good night all. Little night light so no stubbed toes. 💡
Happy Taco Tuesday!

It's a cool and rainy morning here - and not much to do today at work. I have a nail appointment today. So I am looking forward to that. I think I'm going to hit Costco on my way home from work today. It's raining - so I won't get to get my walk in - and I really don't want to head to the gym once I get home. So I'll try to get some extra steps in there!

I hope you start to feel better soon.

It's great you got your tickets you were wanting. IT's a good and bad thing that there were not many left! Good that even with higher ticket prices, tickets are selling - but bad that you may not have the ideal day or exact tour you wanted.

I hope your day is great

OOOOO will you post a picture of the finished project? I hope your dr appointment gives you some answers.

I seen that the other day when I went there over lunch. I miss working there - to be able to look and touch all the pretty things there. It sounds like you had a wonderful afternoon with Little J.

@schumigirl I don't know where your quote went - but I'm glad Tom is on the mend! It's always a good sign when they ask for a certain thing. Enjoy the potter movies! I told ds's that come fall - we will have a Potter marathon to rewatch them all and start planning our trip!

Well, I started this post this morning - and I've got to run to the nail appointment

Have a great day everyone!

Thanks Pumpkin, I didn`t feel him rumbling too much in the night, but I as usual slept like a top, so I`m hoping he did too. He was sound when I climbed out of bed this morning so didn`t ask him how he was, but hopefully he`s on the mend.

I never usually watch the later Potter movies as I find them too dark, but I did enjoy them apart from the sad scenes, not looking forward to the last two for the same reason, but they are so well done.

Hope you love your new pretty nails!!

I’ve blocked out the name of the office. I’m going to make another one for the other therapist I work with.

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Very nice Charade.....I always imagine doing something like that would be very relaxing to do.

Screaming wild cats in the woods woke us up around midnight last night for about 20 minutes....sounds horrible! Hope the foxes didn`t get to them.

No rain forecast for us today, but looking at the sky I might disagree, it is still so mild though, but not hot!!! I`m banking on August being lovely again and we usually get a decent September, we just usually miss them!

I got up at 4.30, wide awake, so came downstairs so as not to disturb Tom, popped the kettle on for tea and caught up with some emails including replying to the family in Australia we met int the club lounge a few years ago now, we keep in touch after meeting in there two Christmas trips in a row. Lovely families, two sisters and their husbands and kids and they`re coming back this year again, they`ll be at their 2 weeks in Disney before coming to Universal for two weeks then doing a cruise for a that`s a trip!! So hopefully we`ll drive over to Disney to say a huge big hello after a few years of not seeing them due to Covid.

After breakfast going to drop off some baking to the farm, then off to a farm store about 30 minutes from us for some items we need.

But, will have a roll with bacon first, lunch today will be grilled brie, turkey and cranberry grilled sandwich and my probably solo dinner will be chicken breast stuffed with some more of that lovely Brie and cranberry and wrapped in bacon with some parmentier potatoes and some kind of veg.....lush!!! Hoping my husband will be up and get to enjoy it too, but I doubt it.

More tea first though.......and the sun is coming out now :sunny:




Have a wonderful Wednesday :flower1:

Yay, hello camel. Yep, a Wednesday today. The day I enjoy time in my hair salon this Wednesday, and always happy to get over this hump of a day, every Wednesday, as then Friday will be only a day away.

Good morning and hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday.

Tea, coffee and screens, yep, DH and I this early morning. Week day routine ends tomorrow for me, though. Yay!
Got all my jobs done this morning, dropped in on the farm with some baking which they were delighted with and they asked how the fruit was coming along this year.

Apples are a little slow, plums are the same as always but the pears are thriving already, seems very early for them as they are usually September at their peak, but the end tree which is the smallest looks amazing for it being July.


So they should get a good yield. We tend to keep more of the plums, they take everything else, it’s nice to get their chutney’s and pies when they’re done.

Although I just took that picture before the rain came on, I made it back up to the house before it came pounding down.

Grilled sandwich for me for lunch, more chicken broth for Tom who is looking much better today thank goodness.

He‘s asking for tea so that’s always a good sign, will be glad to have him back to his old happy self again.

An hour till lunch….definitely time for a pot of tea :)
It's that hump day returning!!!! The weekend is on the horizon.

It's a cool rainy day here today. I actually put socks on today as I didn't want my feet to get too cold today at work - even with a heater on under my desk.

Not much happening in my little part of the world today. I am not completely sure how I am going to keep busy today. I have a few files or organize again, but other than that :surfweb: It might be a cruising the web today and daydreaming of future vacations.

And hot weather is here, but with rain, dips the temps. And that rain did cool us down, as 67 degrees out now. And giving us an orange air quality alert until midnight. Yeah icky air with water and smog in the sky. And mostly cloudy overnight, so we will stay in that 60’s degrees until 8 am tomorrow.
Our summer is cooler than usual. The farmer's almanac was/ is correct for the " loose" weather forecast. It hasn't been scorching hot like previous years.

I hope the smog/smoky skies go away soon for you.
But, will have a roll with bacon first, lunch today will be grilled brie, turkey and cranberry grilled sandwich and my probably solo dinner will be chicken breast stuffed with some more of that lovely Brie and cranberry and wrapped in bacon with some parmentier potatoes and some kind of veg.....lush!!! Hoping my husband will be up and get to enjoy it too, but I doubt it.
Yum!!! It's great Tom is starting to come around. I know that there is a horrible flu going around here too. Whoever gets it, is down for quite a few days.

Well, it's almost time for lunch.

Have a great day everyone!
It's that hump day returning!!!! The weekend is on the horizon.

It's a cool rainy day here today. I actually put socks on today as I didn't want my feet to get too cold today at work - even with a heater on under my desk.

Not much happening in my little part of the world today. I am not completely sure how I am going to keep busy today. I have a few files or organize again, but other than that :surfweb: It might be a cruising the web today and daydreaming of future vacations.

Our summer is cooler than usual. The farmer's almanac was/ is correct for the " loose" weather forecast. It hasn't been scorching hot like previous years.

I hope the smog/smoky skies go away soon for you.

Yum!!! It's great Tom is starting to come around. I know that there is a horrible flu going around here too. Whoever gets it, is down for quite a few days.

Well, it's almost time for lunch.

Have a great day everyone!

We are similar to you weather wise, it`s been cooler this month compared to the hottest June on record for us. Weird in a way as it`s cool, but at the same time, it feels muggy.

Yes, it seems there is a lot of "stuff" going around, it`s that time of year I guess.

Cruising the web is a nice way to pass some spare time for sure!

And a good Thursday morning from a rather grey coastline this morning, going to be a mixture of sunshine and rain today. Getting through Wuthering Heights too, such a classic.

I think my husband will actually get up today, so far he has been getting up for a shower and gets back into bed, but today he may make it from the bed down to a sofa, hope so. He`s at least eating a little now.

So, breakfast for me will be avocado on toast with tea of course, Tom might have a slice of toast, lunch is spicy chicken wrap with coleslaw for me, might do some scrambled eggs for Tom and dinner, no idea yet.

No plans to go out today, so I think the insides of some of my windows will get a good cleaning and maybe do the wood flooring before settling down this afternoon to watch a movie with Tom. I did have an appointment for legs/eyebrows to be waxed but she cancelled on me as she is very under the weather, so will get that rearranged for next week sometime.

Almost breakfast time, so when I hear sleeping beauty get up I`ll pop the kettle back on again for more tea and hope he does eat a little more this morning.



Happy Thursday 🥰

Excessive Heat Warnings issued for today and for two more days. Already feels like 80 degrees at this early hour.

With it being that Thirsty Thursday day this week, today it’s a good day to keep drinking and find cool places to stay in. Oh my. 93 percent humidity, yep. That feel like will be 110 this afternoon. Ah, that is typical August summer time for us. But as happens, a cold front arrives Saturday night, giving us that chances of rain, and setting up Sunday, and the first week of August to be in the low 80’s.

And so, hot tea and hot coffee, as DH has no need to be outside much. And that’s for all four of us, not much outside. We are lucky, our house AC is good at keeping the whole house cool, as do our cars.

And so, from this warm and happy the week day routine ending homie, hope all have a most terrific Thirsty Thursday. No matter what the weather, enjoy feeling hydrated enough, so not as being as thirsty today. Ooh last Thursday in July. This summer is flying by.

Glad to hear Tom is feeling better, Schumi, and hope he feels much better soon, and gets well this weekend. Well wish mummy dust sent.
Good Thursday morning everyone :wave:





Apples are a little slow, plums are the same as always but the pears are thriving already, seems very early for them as they are usually September at their peak, but the end tree which is the smallest looks amazing for it being July.
WOW….your pear trees look really full. The animals ate all our unripe peaches and I think our apple tree will go the same route.

I hope today is the day that Tom does feel much better.

With it being that Thirsty Thursday day this week, today it’s a good day to keep drinking and find cool places to stay in. Oh my. 93 percent humidity, yep
I think the heat and humidity has really hit hard everywhere.

Janet hope you are feeling better.

Our front loading washer bit the dust on Tuesday. It was a a good one and lasted more than 15 years. We went out yesterday afternoon and found a nice one at Lowes and it will be delivered today.

I did get grandsons photo albums finished yesterday. I needed to get pictures off my phone made and into his album. I have made a photo album for each one of children and grandchildren. I had started those about 3 years ago. I have more photos to put in them so I need to get them in the albums.

My projects today are to do a little house keeping and need to go to the store for a few things. I cleaned the pantry and refrigerator and freezer yesterday morning.

I moved the dryer forward and dusted and mopped the laundry room. When the delivery guys remove the washer I will clean there before they put the new one in.

I did order some meat from the butcher yesterday and I picked that up after hubby and I shopped the new washer.

I’am getting cherry tomatoes already off my plants, but to soon for the bigger variety. We have been putting them in our salads and they are so good.

We need to go out and pick up hubby’s new eyeglasses today. They open at 9am so need to get scootin.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.
Another super slow day at work. I don’t want to complain too much though.

Tuesday I got the second dose of the shingles vaccine. I think this is the worst vaccine I have received. My arm is still very sore, I’m tired, and yesterday I had a fever. I’m taking a nap when I get home from work today.

B worked her first shift yesterday. She said it went well. She’s being trained to do everything except work the cafe. Last night at dinner she was being so dramatic. She kept yawning and complaining that she was SO tired. She only worked a 4 hour shift. Welcome to adulthood kiddo.

I need to go find something to keep me busy until 3:00.
Good Thursday morning everyone :wave:
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WOW….your pear trees look really full. The animals ate all our unripe peaches and I think our apple tree will go the same route.

I hope today is the day that Tom does feel much better.

I think the heat and humidity has really hit hard everywhere.

Janet hope you are feeling better.

Our front loading washer bit the dust on Tuesday. It was a a good one and lasted more than 15 years. We went out yesterday afternoon and found a nice one at Lowes and it will be delivered today.

I did get grandsons photo albums finished yesterday. I needed to get pictures off my phone made and into his album. I have made a photo album for each one of children and grandchildren. I had started those about 3 years ago. I have more photos to put in them so I need to get them in the albums.

My projects today are to do a little house keeping and need to go to the store for a few things. I cleaned the pantry and refrigerator and freezer yesterday morning.

I moved the dryer forward and dusted and mopped the laundry room. When the delivery guys remove the washer I will clean there before they put the new one in.

I did order some meat from the butcher yesterday and I picked that up after hubby and I shopped the new washer.

I’am getting cherry tomatoes already off my plants, but to soon for the bigger variety. We have been putting them in our salads and they are so good.

We need to go out and pick up hubby’s new eyeglasses today. They open at 9am so need to get scootin.

Have a wonderful Thursday everyone doing whatever makes you happy.

Home grown tomatoes are so hard to beat Robbie and it feels quite an achievement to serve up our own food!!!

Yes, those trees are unusually full this year, looking good though for a healthy yield.

And yes, Tom has improved today thanks....:)

Hope you`re happy with the new washer, we all tend to have front loaders over here, top loaders are almost unheard of and sound slike you got some good jobs done. I had good intentions this morning, but windows still aren`t done. They`re fine anyway to be honest.

Have a good one too Robbie.

Another super slow day at work. I don’t want to complain too much though.

Tuesday I got the second dose of the shingles vaccine. I think this is the worst vaccine I have received. My arm is still very sore, I’m tired, and yesterday I had a fever. I’m taking a nap when I get home from work today.

B worked her first shift yesterday. She said it went well. She’s being trained to do everything except work the cafe. Last night at dinner she was being so dramatic. She kept yawning and complaining that she was SO tired. She only worked a 4 hour shift. Welcome to adulthood kiddo.

I need to go find something to keep me busy until 3:00.

lol.....that made me laugh, I can imagine what she was like after her 4 hours......but at least she has a job, good for her as so many don`t bother, I do hope she likes it there.

Ouch on the shingles vaccine. Is that given routinely over there or depends on circumstances for individuals? I notice they are advertising it on our tv, first time we`ve seen that I think. I would have that nap for sure and hope it`s not too painful.

Well I think my wonderful husband is over the worst :cheer2:.....he`s up and although he is a little lethargic, he`s much better and has been up all day and more or less back to normal.

No plans to go out at all next few days, I have filled the house with goodies and treats for us so we plan to have a movie marathon till at least Sunday, although two friends popped in this afternoon with a bottle of Brandy for him, one he really likes, Hennessy Black, popped that in the cabinet for another time!

Made them some tea and we had some cakes, so dinner will be later now than planned. Doing shrimp and smoked salmon with some salad, no cooking. Tomorrow night we`ll get takeout, although we were invited to one of our friends Friday night dinners, if Tom had felt better we`d have gone, but not yet. Might get takeout Saturday too.

Very humid today, we`ve had rain, brilliant sunshine and now as we were waving our friends off it felt as though we`ve got a storm coming, feels thundery out there.

Starting another Potter marathon again from the beginning, yep, we like those movies a lot and even I really enjoyed the later ones. Then when that`s done, a Hitchcock fest I think!

And wine.....definitely wine!
Ouch on the shingles vaccine. Is that given routinely over there or depends on circumstances for individuals? I notice they are advertising it on our tv, first time we`ve seen that I think. I would have that nap for sure and hope it`s not too painful.
It isn’t something my practitioner pushed, but I have been seeing a lot more advertising for it recently. I think it’s recommended for anyone over 50.

Well I think my wonderful husband is over the worst :cheer2:.....he`s up and although he is a little lethargic, he`s much better and has been up all day and more or less back to normal.
That’s good news to hear.

Still bored. Just waiting for lunchtime.
It's that thirsty Thursday feeling - Friday is on the horizon!!! We are probably not doing much this weekend as dh gets home late Saturday afternoon - but I'm looking forward to having a couple of days off.

Video chatting dh last night. We missed chatting on Tuesday night. He went to the Twins baseball game ( his first ever pro ball game) with great seats along the third base line. He didn't get back to his room until 2:30 am! This guy regularly is in bed by 8:00 pm as he starts his day by 4:30/5:00 am lol. He even called late last night - and he was too tired to go with the crew for a night cap at the bar. :rotfl: He was hard to work yesterday golfing. Today they are touring another one of the factories - then doing some touring around the city. He is having a great time - surprisingly. He's a introvert - so meeting and hanging out with new people is not something he likes to do - but he's having a great time!

Another quiet day at work today - I am NOT complaining - as it's work I get paid to do ;)

I am planning on making a pull part pizza bread and salad for supper. My sourdough needs some attention again - so I've been baking since it's cooler out. Since my boys are now back from working out of town - I gotta feed my hard working boys!

Time to find some papers
It isn’t something my practitioner pushed, but I have been seeing a lot more advertising for it recently. I think it’s recommended for anyone over 50.

That’s good news to hear.

Still bored. Just waiting for lunchtime.

Thanks.....hope you get your nap later.

It's that thirsty Thursday feeling - Friday is on the horizon!!! We are probably not doing much this weekend as dh gets home late Saturday afternoon - but I'm looking forward to having a couple of days off.

Video chatting dh last night. We missed chatting on Tuesday night. He went to the Twins baseball game ( his first ever pro ball game) with great seats along the third base line. He didn't get back to his room until 2:30 am! This guy regularly is in bed by 8:00 pm as he starts his day by 4:30/5:00 am lol. He even called late last night - and he was too tired to go with the crew for a night cap at the bar. :rotfl: He was hard to work yesterday golfing. Today they are touring another one of the factories - then doing some touring around the city. He is having a great time - surprisingly. He's a introvert - so meeting and hanging out with new people is not something he likes to do - but he's having a great time!

Another quiet day at work today - I am NOT complaining - as it's work I get paid to do ;)

I am planning on making a pull part pizza bread and salad for supper. My sourdough needs some attention again - so I've been baking since it's cooler out. Since my boys are now back from working out of town - I gotta feed my hard working boys!

Time to find some papers

It`ll be nice to have a couple of days off for you and you`ll enjoy your husband come home I`m sure. Glad to hear he`s having a good time though, especially if it`s outwith his usual comfort zone.

Hope your day passes quickly, and enjoy that dinner tonight!

Still very humid here, we had some rain but it`s evaporating as soon as it lands. Going to be cooler during the night which will be nice.

Shrimp and smoked salmon for dinner, Tom ate some but not too much, but it`s good to see him back to almost normal. I think another few good nights sleeps and he`ll be fine.

So, early to bed I think, might watch some tv, there`s a very funny Scottish comedy called Still Game we have on the machine up there recorded, we have the DVD`s too, but it`s easier with the box.

Starting to get a little darker now around this time, won`t be long till it is dark at bedtime.
I can actually see blue skies!!!! The sun is peeking out and I can see some blue sky!!! It's been a few weeks since I've seen that! Hopefully it sticks around for a couple of days before the smoke moves in again - but I'm not holding my breath :rolleyes2

I forgot to add my quotes to my earlier post.

So, breakfast for me will be avocado on toast with tea of course, Tom might have a slice of toast, lunch is spicy chicken wrap with coleslaw for me, might do some scrambled eggs for Tom and dinner, no idea yet.
Your dinner sounded delightful! I'll never be a skinny gal again - I love food too much lol
Excessive Heat Warnings issued for today and for two more days. Already feels like 80 degrees at this early hour.
I hope you are able to maybe hit a pool soon - with the weekend on the horizon.
Our front loading washer bit the dust on Tuesday. It was a a good one and lasted more than 15 years. We went out yesterday afternoon and found a nice one at Lowes and it will be delivered today.
It's great you found one in stock! Hopefully no problems with the installation.
Another super slow day at work. I don’t want to complain too much though.
Me either!!!! It's a job - and I get paid.

Well, off to do some shredding and cruising and dreaming
He went to the Twins baseball game ( his first ever pro ball game)
How exciting for him. I grew up going to Braves games. Unfortunately the team was awful most of those years.

hope you get your nap later.
I took a 3 hour nap this afternoon. I didn’t intend for it to be that long. I guess I really needed it.

Me either!!!! It's a job - and I get paid.
Exactly! And it’s funding my next vacation.

I didn’t think I would be sleepy until much later due to my long nap, but I think I am ready to call it a night.
I can actually see blue skies!!!! The sun is peeking out and I can see some blue sky!!! It's been a few weeks since I've seen that! Hopefully it sticks around for a couple of days before the smoke moves in again - but I'm not holding my breath :rolleyes2

I forgot to add my quotes to my earlier post.

Your dinner sounded delightful! I'll never be a skinny gal again - I love food too much lol

I hope you are able to maybe hit a pool soon - with the weekend on the horizon.

It's great you found one in stock! Hopefully no problems with the installation.

Me either!!!! It's a job - and I get paid.

Well, off to do some shredding and cruising and dreaming

Of course you`re entitled to complain! Isn`t that one of the perks of

My mantra is....I`ll never be slim!! But, hey`s too short.

What are they doing about the fires?? Seems to have been ongoing forever, or is it so remote they can`t do anything? I know little about it as it`s not making any headlines over here.

How exciting for him. I grew up going to Braves games. Unfortunately the team was awful most of those years.

I took a 3 hour nap this afternoon. I didn’t intend for it to be that long. I guess I really needed it.

Exactly! And it’s funding my next vacation.

I didn’t think I would be sleepy until much later due to my long nap, but I think I am ready to call it a night.

Our bodies tell us what we need Charade, hope you got to sleep ok last night too.

Our internet was off this morning again, no tv either through the box apparently, I very rarely watch tv in the mornings, but put it on to check as everything was flashing when I went into the main room to open blinds and so on. Seems to be sorted now, but internet is incredibly slow, and we have the fastest internet in the UK! They suck.

Will try again later as nothing is loading!


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