Stuff you're embarrassed to admit you're afraid of.

I'm not afraid to admit it, but I'm scared as hell of getting on a boat unless it's a boat at a Disney park. Even if somebody offered me a free cruise somewhere, I'd say no way!

Big scary spider? Give me a shoe and I will kill it...unless it's a wolf spider (I've caught those in the house and set them free outside...they move fast, but they're cute and eat lots of bugs and aren't scary). Snake in the yard? Give me a shovel and I'll kill that, too (unless it's a rattle snake...then I'd call the fire department). Lizard? If a lizard's in the house, I'd catch him and set him free (lizards are always named Larry, by the way). One time about 10 years ago, I found a poisonous centipede in the house...killed that, too, and tossed it outside.

But a boat? No frickin' way, man. If you invite me to go fishing out on your boat, I'll say no thanks.
Are you sure you even want to get on a boat at Disney...
I'm not really afraid of anything I'd be embarassed to admit. I feel my fears are well warranted, being buried alive being one of the top ones. Not that I think that's likely to happen, but the thought of it freaks me out a bit.
Feet- I absolutely hate feet (except baby feet)
Snakes-Can't even look at a picture with out feeling terrified
Sitting on a toilet when it flushes
The first step I have to take getting on an escalator going down. Sometimes it takes me a few attempts.
Me too!
My parents accidentally left me at the top of an escalator at the San Fran airport when I was 4 years old. I started crying, and a strange man picked me up and brought me down to my parents.
I think I've been permanently damaged by it, lol!
Lice and fleas. I dread an infestation.
Fish. They creep me out.
Waking up my son in the morning. I’m always the one who discovers he has a fever, and he has been sick a lot in his 3 years. I have anxiety every time I go in his room to wake him up and I touch his forehead.
I thought of one more.

I, too, am afraid of deep water. As a result, I hate snorkeling.

Oh...and lice are horrid little creatures. My kids got lice from daycare when they were little. I'd get it cleared up and then they'd get it again from another kid at daycare. I tried all sorts of remedies. The best one that worked the most was to use a spray bottle to drench their hair in Listerine, then cover with a shower cap for 15-20 min. Use a lice comb to get all of the nits out. Repeat as necessary.
Not really a fear, but I startle and scream very easily. Last week I needed an X-ray of my wrist. I was waiting in the radiology waiting room at the hospital playing a game on my phone. When the lady walked in and called my name I jumped, shrieked, and dropped my phone on the embarrassing. Sometimes if I’m at the sink washing dishes and my husband walks in the kitchen and starts to say something to me I jump and scream. I have no idea why, I’m not a fearful person in general, I’m actually one of the most calm people I know about actual dangers, but boy if you say something to me when I’m not expecting it watch out 😂
I startle very easily too, my family teases me all of the time. Our treadmill is in the basement, I watch TV while on it. I ask my family to make a lot of noise if they need to come down, I’ve screamed so many times.
Swimming in water that I can't see through. My pool light has been broken for years and I absolutely will not swim in it at night because if there is a shark in there I won't be able to see it. DH thinks I am unreasonable.
Me too, I'm afraid I'm going to find a body.

Also, I am seriously creeped out by
1. boats that are not in the water (in the water is ok, out of the water - nope)
2. Those election signs that people stick in their yards. For some reason I'm afraid I'll fall on them and get impaled by the wires.
Dinosaur ride at Animal Kingdom. It really, honestly scares me. I don't know what it is. Also, the new Jurassic Park River Ride at Universal...I tried to watch a ride video and couldn't even make it through. I was terrified.
Spiders. I'm not a big fan of bugs in general, but I hate seeing spiders. I know they're good (there are very few types of venomous spiders where I live, so pretty much all of the ones I encounter are harmless, at least) and they eat the other bugs, but they're fast and jumpy and I don't like it.
Swimming in water that I can't see through. My pool light has been broken for years and I absolutely will not swim in it at night because if there is a shark in there I won't be able to see it. DH thinks I am unreasonable.
Yes I am terrified of dark water. It is so scary when you can't see what else is in the water.


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