Team 6 - Team Ohana - Check in and introduce!


DIS Veteran
Mar 8, 2002

Hey hey, I am leaving town for the rest of the week but wanted to get a thread started and help out Jeanne!

Here it goes - I am Jen, soon to be 36 and mom of 2 crazy girls. I wasn't athletic growing up so all this running stuff has been such an accomplishment for me. My family is ridden with health issues from cancer to heart disease - I don't want that!!!!

I ran/walked the WDW 1/2 marathon in 2007 (followed by 2 others in 2007) and the 2008 full marathon.

For cross training I go to the gym, swim and bike!

Let's ROCK this challenge!!!
Hey Everyone!

I am Mel and will be 40 in July :faint: . I was born and raised in SW Fla, but still can't run well in humidity. I ran track in middle school and played basketball in high school, but was never a distance runner. I've been with the WISH team since 2005 (first WDW half in 2006). I'm trying to run away from my family history includes heart disease and lots of diabetes. Since joining the team, I have finished one full, 5 halfs, 2 15Ks, one 10K and several 5Ks :scared1: . Jen has been my running buddy for the last 2 races (I promise not to go into the BMZ during Minnie ::yes:: ) I haven't fully developed my race calendar for this year yet, but I will be doing the Minnie 15K and the 2009 half, hopefully RFTT or TOT, depending on DD15's marching band schedule.

My running motto for this year is Better, Stronger, Faster!
My name is Robert and I am a Disneyaholic :)

I am 42 and have been married to Linda(who just turned 43 on 1/25) for almost 19 years(March 18). I run my own Computer Consulting Company. I did my 1st marathon in 1992(Portland OR), 1st 50K in 1993, 1st 50 Miler in 1994. I attempted my 1st(and only 100 Miler in 1997. I have done over 40 marathons and 40 Ultramarathons between 1992-2001. Blew out my Achilles in my last 50K in 2001(but did finish!). That ended my ultra career and all racing until 2006(Goofy #1).

My 1st WDW marathon was in 1996(its 3rd year) and have completed the Goofy the last 3 years(#4 in 2009). We own 1980 DVC points thus we have nice long stays at WDW.

I also am Race Director for 4 Ultramarathons and soon about 7 new 10K/5K/Walks in 2008.

I started some cross training(recumbant bike & swimming) to help after severe shin splints put me down for 8 weeks before Goofy #3 . I plan to start again next week as recovering from knee surgery from last Thursday.

Linda trains less than me but has down over 12 marathons/Ultramarathons. She got into endurance trail runs from me. She has done WDW Marathon in 96, and Goofy in 2007 & 2008(would have done 06 but broke toe before races). She is a Controller for a Insurance company based at Incline and Reno.

We will be moving in a couple of months away from the snow country which will allow us to get more active.

I beleive that if you put your mind to it and have a good plan, anything is possible. Go team!!!:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Good morning. I'm Jim and live up in the Daytona Beach area so we get to Orlando more then we need to.

As you might have guessed I enjoy diving. This past weekend I took a cavern course with some DIS friends I have meet on DCL several years ago. It's just another example of how great DIS friends can be.

My son (17) got me running 2 1/2 years ago. One night in August 2005 he asked me to run a mile with him. No problem, at least that is what I thought. I could not finish it. Maybe it was the full dinner and 2 glasses of wine before the run. Iit made me realize that I did not have a weight problem but was still not in shape.

The next morning I put my tennis (not even running) shoes on and started running. Since then I have run 6 marathons including the 2008 Goofy and lots of 5K, 10K, 1/2s. There is a lot of fun competition racing with my son.

My running calendar is taking shape for 2008. Breast Cancer marathon in Feb, Gate River 15K in March, Minnie and Muddy Buddy in May, lots of 5K and 10Ks with the son, ToT, RFT. I plan on doing the Marine Corp in Oct with my local running group and the Space Coast Marathon in November which will be my PR marathon for the year. The rest of the races will be for fun, unless my son is running in it.

I also enjoy biking, but have not been booking many miles lately. It has just been to cold. That will be changing within the next few weeks.

Our family travels a great deal on weekends. Right now we are in gymnastics competition season. DD, 13, is a level 10 gym rat so we are traveling for that until mid April. I still get in my runs when out of town. 2 weeks ago we were in Atlanta. DS and I ran in the snow which was a real treat for us.

I'll be around and get my miles in for the team. I'm coming off season now so it may be a little light for a few months. I need to give my body a break from running, but will start up in May/June to get ready for the Fall season. That will also give me some more time to get some biking miles in.
Hi Team Ohana!!

I am a 42 year old father of two (one girl in college, the other girl graduating high school in a few months). I have previously been a runner, but life's events have always found a way to force me to stop...and then I gain a lot of weight. This time I started again in December 2006 and think I will be able to make it permanent. Last year I completed 1 5K, 1 10K, 1 10 mile, 2 half marathons, 1 25K and 1 50K. Late last year I started running some trail runs (i.e. the 25K and 50K listed above) and have really enjoyed it.

The more I have run, the more organized runs I find that I might want to enter. So far this year, I have run 1 half marathon and 1 5K (beat last falls's time by 3:38!). So far I am planning one more half and one 25K before the summer heat comes to south Texas. I also am looking at my first triathlon in May this year.

My future plans include the San Antonio Rock n Roll Marathon in November, the Sunmart 50K trail run (Huntsville, TX) and either the Houston or Disney half in January (depending on travel considerations), plus misc. shorter races for 2008. I am also planning to run the Disney Marathon during a planned 2010 family vacation to WDW!
Hi, my name is Denny. I'm a 46 year old metallurgical engineer. I recently moved from Ohio to SC (just south of Charlotte, NC) with my wife, M'Lisse (MissyHa). We have two children in college. Our son, Stephen (UTGuitarist27) is a 22 year old junior at University of Toledo, and our daughter, Deniele (she goes by "Denni") is a 19 year old sophomore at the same school.

In school, I was always playing sports, but things like baseball, basketball, and tennis. Running was just something you had to do to get ready for the season.

In 2006, DW and I bought into DVC, and as a result I started to interact on Disboards as well as other forums. I stumbled across Carrie on another forum, and she convinced me to go for the Donald. I started running, and my son Stephen and I completed the 2007 Disney 1/2 marathon. M'Lisse was a spectator for this race, and decided that she needed to get on the other side of the curb. She started from never having run (I mean, not at all, well maybe from the house to the car when it was raining.:laughing: ). This past year, M'Lisse completed her first 1/2 Marathon. For 2008, I did my first Goofy (heck, it was also my first full marathon). Besides the Donald last year, I also did the Towpath 1/2 Marathon, the Flying Pig 1/2, and the Columbus Distance Classic 1/2.

For marathon weekend 2009, I've already signed up to do the Goofy again, and I've just mailed in the apps for M'Lisse, Stephen, and Denni to do the Donald. This will be the first time my entire family will be able to go to the marathon weekends events together.

Yes, M'Lisse (MissyHa) and Stephen (UTGuitarist27) are on Team 5. Starting Feb 1, M'Lisse and I will be living on opposite sides of the house to avoid fraternizing with the enemy. Oh, and I will stop paying Stephen's tuition bills. We'll see how he feels about running and biking then...:rotfl:
Thanks, Jen for stepping in and starting this thread :hug: I have to run out right now, but will post my bio tonight.

Glad to see that our 2 missing members are now accounted for. We are a full contingent now.
Hellooooo Ohana!

I'm Debra, 39 yo, and a recovering academic. There is no recovery from my Disney addiction.

I can see I'm the token newbie here. I'm new to running. In fact, my first race was the Goofy 2008. I've never been athletic, and was surprised at just how much I enjoyed the challenge. Goofy changed how I think of myself, and that's why I'm here!

I've posted a longer bio on the WISH sticky thread:

I'm using C25K to transition from the r/w (or w/r, depending on the day) I did to complete the Goofy to full-time running or at least much-longer intervals. DH and I don't have our race plans finalized yet, as our schedules are a bit wonky, but we're definitely in for the Disney marathon weekend. We're also looking at Cleveland in May and a fall, hopefully Disney, race. In addition to training, I enjoy biking (can't wait for the weather to get better). I live a largely pedestrian life, thanks to a recent relocation to the very walkable city of Pittsburgh (gotta love those hills). I'm also working on increasing the amount and variety of my XT: more strength training, rowing, classes, and yoga.

Here's my secret weapons for this challenge.
  1. What I lack in experience, I make up for in enthusiasm, motivation, training plans, and just plain old stubbornness. When my DH heard I'd signed up for the Miles/Minutes challenge, he didn't ask me if I knew what I was doing. He said, "Do THEY know what they're getting into?" Yeah, I can be a bit competitive.
  2. I love trash talk and the better the insult, the more I laugh, and the more it motivates me. My personal training mantra was "Man up!" both with and without expletives.
  3. Even though I'm glacially slow I can, and do, keep going for hours and hours and hours. I'm like the Energizer Tortoise!

Finally, I'm very glad to be part of team Ohana, as I know you'll never leave me behind. Too bad we can't say the same for the rest of the teams! Oh, just kidding! We'll wait for them--at the finish line! :thumbsup2
Hi everyone. I'm Michelle and I'm from Long Island, NY. I just turned 30 (YIKES!) about two weeks ago (and I'm still in heavy denial over this!). I work as an electrical engineer.

I've been involved in all sorts of sports from back when I was little. I was the overscheduled kid before it became "the thing" to talk about how kids these days are so overscheduled. For a long time I was a walker, until May of last year. There was a pipe that burst in the gym at work and that caused all sorts of headaches in replacing/fixing things/etc. which left the gym closed at times. The one thing I could do was take it outside and move. By this point I was ready for something new and started running. Since I'm fairly competitive when it comes to things, a natural progression was to start doing races and I did a whopping 2 last year. I had to not even start my planned 3rd race because the night before I smashed my foot into the wooden couch leg and it hurt to walk. So it goes.

I'm much more involved in team sports though. Right now I'm playing volleyball twice a week. I'm captain of one team which is not doing so well (but we have fun) and on a 2nd team that is currently in first place in our league (woo!). Once May rolls around, I start playing softball to the tune of 4 games a week with three different teams. I had been playing beach volleyball too, but I think I'm going to give it up this year since I can't do it all!

I like to be a spectator too. It's college basketball season time and you will find me rooting for the Duke Blue Devils. I am also a pretty big baseball fan, and my favorite team is the NY Mets (where hopefully soon they will "officially" announce rather than "conditionally" announce that Santana is our new #1 starter hoooooooray!). I digress...

I'm really new around these parts of the board, so below is a photo of me from last year at Disney's Wide World of Sports for Atlanta Braves (boo) spring training. They played the Mets that day. Hence my presence there. ;)
Looks like there's some smack talkin in the Dennyha house popcorn::

DH and I haven't started that yet...but there's plenty of time ;)

Michelle...30 didn't bug me too much. I think I was still in denial. 31 was a problem...couldn't hide from it anymore ;)

Debra...I'm still working on my race schedule for the year too. Too many races, too little time (and cash!)

Richard...where do you do your trail runs?

Jim...can you count scuba on the team minutes? I think Dave's allowing swimming.

Robert...where ya moving to?
Michelle: Go Duke!!!

Mel: Moving to Folsom CA, a suburb East of Sacramento. Will miss the Lake but can do more in a better climate.

Can't wait to smack some of our fellow teams:lmao:
Richard...where do you do your trail runs?


The trail races I have run have both been at the Texas state park in Huntsville (about 60 - 70 miles north of Houston). There's a county park that is closer to me that has some decent running trails also.
You are all babies compared to me. I turned 58 this month. I'm a RN, married and have 2 sons age 25 and 23. I had been very overweight until 5 years ago and when I lost weight, I started to exercise more and powerwalk. I would never imagined that I would have finished 2 half marathons ( Lehigh Valley and Baltmore) , 13K ToT and a full marathon (Mickey) a year ago. Our Captain Jeanne and I became friends when we cruised together on DCL several years ago. What started out as talking me into doing the Donald in 2008 ended up convincing me that we could do the Mickey instead. For the rest of 2008 plan to do Minnie 15K, ToT and probably another half marathon in the fall, and going to do the 2009 Donald.

We are charter DVC members at OKW getting in when those points were alot cheaper than now and free park passes until 2000. Since our children are now grown, our yearly vacation to WDW has now turned into 3 trips per year. Plus an occassional DCL trip, coming up in 2008 is the PC cruise in Aug. Since we are doing with Jeanne and DH, I guess she will make sure we are out on Deck 4 everyday getting in our miles for those 15 days.

Jim--- As a 5 year breast cancer survivor, I appreciate your participation in the Breast Cancer marathon in Feb.

It is so nice to get to meet everyone and looking forward to Team Ohana kicking butt.



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