Team 8 Jessica's Rabbits Bios and Info

My totals for the last two weeks...

Oct 1 - 7

3.0 hours
17 miles

Oct 8 - 14

6.8 hours
16 miles

Two weeks ago I started my training schedule for the half marathon in Jan. I was doing well until Mike and I went for a hike in the mountains last week. On our way down from the summit I sprained my ankle. :headache: I took almost a week off. Today I was able to ride a stationary bike and lift some weights. I think it might be awhile before I can put any long distances walks into my schedule.:sad2: I hope to keep up my cardio with biking and swimming over the next few weeks.

:sunny: Happy training to all!

Welcome Trimom to our merry band.

Amybeth any time you push through you have to be pleased nice job.

Hours for the week.

52.5 miles
8.75 hours

120 miles
7 hours

15 miles
4 hours

See you next week have fun and be safe out there.
Great numbers everyone! :cheer2:

TriMom ~ :welcome:

AmyBeth~ :worship: :worship: Congratulations on your hard fought PR during the Applefest Half. :banana: :dance3: :cheer2:
Welcome TriMom! As I'll be doing my first tri next year may pick your brain for some advice and much needed help.

Amy - sorry about the troubles you had but great that you were able to get thru.

Kathy - ouch! Hope it heals up quickly!

Big HELLO to everyone else!!!

For Oct 7-14

Miles 33
Hours 4

Miles 34.1
Hours 4.1

We head for WDW on Sat, do ToT on the 25th and return home on the 28th so will wind up posting two weeks worth of numbers after we get back.

Have a great week and keep up the great work!
Good Morning Everyone

Thanks for the numbers for your weeks of activity. I am caught in the spreadsheet up to this point.

Amy I am pleased and pained at your Applefest result. Great to PR, too bad you had so many troubles keeping your from really blowing it out. It is amazing what being ill does to your results. You just don't have the flow and spring in your legs. The fact that you dug in and got the PR is remarkable. Pluse being the 2 great running partners is the best.

Rich, as always you are a machine. I don't know how you do it. And thanks for the information about your daughter's CC.

For everyone else, hello and goodbye. Today is midterm exam day so I'm up against it.

We're off the the Tower or Terror next Friday morning, and I'm ready to leave now.


Sorry I'm behind in posting. Welcome to Trimom! My training has been going fairly well. I was sick last week, and missed 2 runs, but I managed to get my long run in.

Oct 1-7
miles 16.0
hours 3.1

Oct 8-14
miles 11.8
hours 2.3
Welcome to the team TriMom! :hug:

I hope you get better soon Kathy.

Great job on setting a new PR Amy despite all of the obstacles.

Have a blast at WDW and the ToT 13K Liz. I sure wish I could be there! I'd be carb-loading on Mickey Ice Cream Bars up to and probably during the race!

Best of luck on the Nike runs in San Francisco this weekend Mooshu & Tracy. Have a great time!

October 13 - 19

Miles: 21.01
Time: 3 Hours, 3 Minutes

All running.
Oct 13-19

26.2 miles
4:14 hours

Other (mostly biking)
51.6 miles
6 hours

My running miles are doubled from my 1/2 marathon yesterday. I posted a report on the "Race Reports/Encouragement/Kudos - October 18th and 19th" thread.

My numbers for the week 10/15 - 10/21

4.85 hours
62.25 miles

I was able to get in my hours this week with biking and weights. As soon as my ankle gets better my miles will drop - I can't walk anywhere near the pace I bike. At least my injury is helping the team gain more miles.

:goodvibes Good luck to everyone that is racing this weekend at the ToT or MCM !

Milage for Oct 13-19

52.5 miles
8.35 hours

80 miles
4.5 hours

12 miles
4 hours

Have fun out there be safe and for us northerners stay warm

And thanks everybody. The numbers keep pouring in and I am so impressed. I am clipping along about 40 equivalent miles a week and you guys are logging numbers well in excess of what I'm producing.

I am caught up to here in the master spreadsheet. I know people on all the teams are getting a bit, or more than a bit fatigued with reporting, but I appreciate everyone who is left hanging with us. We are over 16,000 miles since February 1, and given we have about 10 names in the mix month after month, that's really impressive.

Martha and I are off on Friday morning to Orlando for the 2nd Tower of Terror race. We're both more fit than last year, and if conditions are good, we hope to surpass our 2007 results. I'll let you all know.

Best to everyone

10/15 - 10/21 Weekly Report:
Miles: 73
Hours: 10.25

Craig..have a great time at TOT!!!! :goodvibes

Rich...incredible week you had!

Kathy...great job with all the biking and working out while injured. :thumbsup2
Hi Team,

Here are my numbers for October 15-21:
miles: 18.0
hours: 3.5

I passed the 500 mile mark for the year on Sunday. :banana: I know some of you do that in a month or two, but considering I wasn't a runner at all before February, I think it's a pretty nice accomplishment. Half-Marathon training is still going well. My long runs are 6 miles now. (Not quite up to my longest ever, as I had an 8 miler in prep for my 10K in the summer. Another 3 weeks and I'll be at 8.5m on this plan)

Have fun and keep running!
Thanks Carol and congratulations. That number is something to be pleased with.

How long are your longest training runs for the January 10 half? I ask because when I came back to running in 2003 my longest training run before the January 2004 half was 11 miles. On race day when I went past the 11 mile marker, in front of Country Bear Jamboree on the old course, my body and mind literally went out on me.

"We've had enough. We are trained for 11 and just crossed that point. We want to stop right now."

Those last 2.11 miles were pretty tough.

Good luck and keep going.

Thanks Carol and congratulations. That number is something to be pleased with.

How long are your longest training runs for the January 10 half? I ask because when I came back to running in 2003 my longest training run before the January 2004 half was 11 miles. On race day when I went past the 11 mile marker, in front of Country Bear Jamboree on the old course, my body and mind literally went out on me.

"We've had enough. We are trained for 11 and just crossed that point. We want to stop right now."

Those last 2.11 miles were pretty tough.

Good luck and keep going.


The longest run on my training plan is 12.5 miles. (I usually do 0.3 warmup and 0.3 cooldown, so the total distance that day will actually be the magic 13.1 mile number) My longest run is 2 weeks before the half. I have a total of 5 runs of 10 miles or more.

Thanks for the encouragement!:goodvibes
Mileage for weeek of October 20-27

52.5 miles
8.5 hours

120 miles
7 .5 hours

12 miles
3 hours

Have a great week and be safe out there.
October 20 - 26

Miles: 60.08*
Time: 5 Hours, 8 minutes

*Includes double miles for the Marine Corps Marathon where I PR'ed in 4:10:39 and a 9:27 pace overall. :banana:
Awesome job on the Marine Corp Marathon!

I'm taking it easy the next few days as well as my hamstring is really sore. I think I pulled more than weeds in the yard on Sunday! I'm resting up for a 10-mile race this weekend, hopefully to burn off some Twix I'm already planning on devouring Friday night after raiding my daughter's Halloween basket!

Oct 20-26

8.5 miles

Other (mostly biking)
55.3 miles



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