Team 8 Jessica's Rabbits Bios and Info

Thank you Carol, Rich, Steve, Howard, and Kathy for the end of October reports. I have them all in the master sheet up to this point.

And thanks Amy, Liz, and Patrick for your help this month. Plus I see Scott is inputing his numbers as well, thanks Scott.

As a group we're at 16,800+ miles in 10 months, which I think is pretty remarkable. Great work everyone.

Martha and I ran the Tower of Terror last weekend, and had a wonderful weekend, well except for my race. The organization was top quality this year, unlike last year, and the theming and entertainment was clever and appropriate for Halloween and the Tower. Unfortunately int he 3rd mile I felt my legs running down, and by the 6 mile point they were empty. I've had some tough races before, but never really this case of my legs simply running out of energy. If I hadn't had so much fun during the weekend I'd likely be wallowing in self-pity, but I did so I'm not. Hopefully I won't do the same on marathon weekend, as if I blow up at mile 6 in the half marathon I'll be tough to be around.

10/22 - 10/31

Miles: 98
Hours: 11.7

Everyone is doing awesome. Craig, I'm so sorry you had such a tough race. I have been there and done that for sure :(. Great job getting through it and enjoying your time spent in Disney regardless.
Hi Team,

Here are my numbers for Oct 22-31:

hours: 5.4
miles: 27.3

Nothing much to report - still training!
Craig, sorry you had a rough race. I suppose if you are going to have a tough time, there is no better place to be than WDW!

I passed on a small local race this weekend because it was pouring rain and I've been fighting off a cold for the last few days.

Here are my numbers for 10/27-11/2:

12.8 miles
2h 33m

Other (mostly biking)
66.1 miles
5.5 hours

Here are my numbers for October 27- November 2:

Miles: 5.03
Time: 43 minutes

All running... It was a recovery week from the Marine Corps Marathon.
Ok, now to catch up.

10/15 - 10/21
Me & Patrick
8.28 miles
3.2 hours

10/22 - 10/31
Both of us again
37.15 miles
8 hours

Know we're short miles but didn't wear the Garmins the whole time.

Also, I've just swapped with someone so will be doing the full in Jan. First full for me! Feel good about it. Will also mean my mileage will be going up beyond what I figured for the next 9 weeks.

Everyone has been doing a great job!
Thanks everyone, I am caught up to here. We're over 17,000 miles, nice and consistent work everyone.

Thanks for the big numbers Steve, stay healthy there.

Good luck in the full Liz, both the training and the race. You have a lot of courage the step up to the longer distance with 10 weeks to prepare.

Good luck in the full Liz, both the training and the race. You have a lot of courage the step up to the longer distance with 10 weeks to prepare.

Thanks Craig. For some odd reason I feel good about it. Believe it's do-able and am ready to increase the mileage.

Completely possible I will need someone to remind me of this around mile 20 ;)
Craig - Thanks for keeping up with all of our numbers this year!

My totals for 11/1 - 11/7

Hours: 3.6
Miles: 45.12

Numbers for November 1-7

hours: 4.07
miles: 20.6

Long run was 7.5 miles this week. With warmup and cooldown it was slightly longer than my longest previous (8.13 vs. 8.02 prev.). Now I'll be setting a new distance record every week (except for one cutback week and my taper). So far, so good - I was tired and a little sore, but that went away fairly quickly.
Numbers for Nov1-7

52.5 miles
8.25 hours

120 miles
8.0 hours

Good luck to everyone training for upcoming races. Be safe and careful out there.
Thanks everyone, I'm caught up to this point. We're above 17,200 miles with 7 weeks left in the year. Great work all.

Yesterday I ran a half marathon training run, my first at that distance before the January 10 and 11 Goofy. I finished in 2:08:20, and although I didn't treat it like a race, I was trying to keep moving at a decent clip, at least sub-10 mpm, which I accomplished. And the best part is although I was pretty wiped out yesterday, I don't feel too bad today. At least I'm confident I can do the half on the 10th and get out of bed on the 11th. Now I just need about 40 seconds per mile of pace to go under 2 hours for the half. After yesterday it may be doable, but it sure seems like a lot more pace when I didn't likely have much to give yesterday.

Awesome miles everyone! Great job on your training time Craig. Since I don't have a long race on the horizon, I'm changing my training focus to weight loss rather than long-distance running until early next year. I'd like to get down another 15-20 pounds.

Nov 3-9

5.5 miles :sad2:

Other (mostly biking)
22.6 miles

Miles and Hours Nov. 1st thru Nov. 7th:
Miles: 38.5
Hours: 8.5

Hi guys...numbers are a bit low as I took my daughters too Disney World for a four day weekend :). They had off from school here in NJ so we headed down and I still managed to get in two 4 mile runs around the Boardwalk area and one fitness center workout. However, without all the biking my numbers are a bit low. Back to normal this week :).

Hope everyone is doing well. :goodvibes
Week of 11/8 - 11/14
Hours: 4.6
Miles: 58.63

My totals from last week are not in the spreadsheet:

Craig - Thanks for keeping up with all of our numbers this year!

My totals for 11/1 - 11/7

Hours: 3.6
Miles: 45.12

:thanks: Craig

November 3 - 9

Miles: 7.34
Time: 1 hour

Nothing else to report. :sad2: I have been nursing plantar faciitus in my left foot since November 4th. I (finally) saw my doctor last night and he prescribed an anti-inflammatory. He told me I should be good to go as long as I stretch a lot and take Tylenol (along with the Anti-inflammatory) as needed.

I am going to run a bit tomorrow if I can (an easy one) just to make sure I remember how. :laughing:

Great job everyone!

Thanks Kathy, and sorry for missing your number. I think I have both of your November weeks in the sheet. You've been so consistent and strong recently.


I hope you and the girls had a nice trip. Did you notice if the crowds were down from past times? We did notice at the Tower that numbers were down from last year, so it appears the news releases by Disney and others are spot on, travel is off due to the economy.


I don't know if I've told you, but one thing I did when my PF was so painful years ago was I froze little dixie cups filled with water, and rubbed the ice on the hot spots on the ball and heel, after each run and just before bedtime. This did put the fire out and helped.

Good for you Steve, to build well in advance of the races. Build the base and then sharpen as the race gets closer and you get good results.

Well I came down with a nasty virus during class yesterday, actually my 2nd class or 4. A rough day that was, and I took the past 2 days off. I do feel a lot better now, and will lift gently and bike easy tomorrow, or at least try.

Craig...Glad you are recovering! Nasty viruses :sad2: . Make sure you give yourself enough time to recover before getting back on the road. As for the crowds, they were DEFINITELY down from past years during this week. Usually it's crowded like July or other holidays, but this year it was much much less. We had no issues getting on any rides. Lines did build throughout the day on the usual suspects (Toy Story Mania, Soarin' and Everest to name a few) but still were only at 60 minutes stand-by and the only FPs we saw "sell out" were for TSM.

Howard, hope your PF clears up soon! One thing I find that helps when I start to get THAT feeling in my foot (had PF just once, but can feel it beginning to act up from time to time) is that I take one of those kids super balls (the small rubber bouncy ones) and roll it under my foot. I start with gentle to moderate pressure first under each toe joint closest to the foot, then right on the ball of the foot, then on the inside and outside arches, under the middle arch and finally just in front of the heel. It is a form of myofascial release that always helps me if I have leg or foot issues. Just hold the pressure in each area for a few seconds and when you're finished roll the ball all around your foot to gently massage.

Kathy...Great numbers!!!!

Hours/Miles for this past week through 11/14:
71 Miles
10.6 Hours

Have a great week everyone!
Craig & Amy~ Thank you for the advice. The super-ball under my foot rolling around right now seems like it would hurt a bit, but it would certainly loosen things up. I could follow with Craig's ice treatments. I have frozen a G2 bottle that I have rolled under my sore foot, it helped. Unfortunately I only tried it once and this ailment will need a consistent effort to cure. Tomorrow I start. I want this WAY out of the way for Disney.

Thanks again!

Howard goood luck on your recovery. I know it stinks to run in pain.

Craig hope you get better soon.

AmybethStrong numbers as usual

Week of nov 8-14th
Miles 50
Hours 8.5

120 miles
8 hours

Have fun out there and be safe.


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