Team Rebel Alliance Introduction

Hello all. The team roster was just updated on post #1. Let me know any changes that need to be made.

I got my butt kicked on my first true hill workout that I have ever done. I couldn't start nice and easy. I had to go to the biggest hill in the town and hammer it. I did about 1/2 of what I thought I was going to do. The HR still got up there and I would still consider it a good workout. instead of doing 10 1/4 mile runs, I did 5 - .15 mile runs.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting lately, the WISH boards don't like opening with our new internet, it keeps crashing the computer so I got out of the habit of checking it. OK thats the excuses over :)

I just went for a 2 mile run with Pepper and she was such a good puppy but now she is passed out on the tile floor trying to cool down, actually I think I might go join her after I have finished this post!

I have been roller blading a lot these past few weeks but only running once or twice a week but that is all going to change because beginning monday I am starting my pre marathon training training, 12 weeks building up my base then onto a 18 week marathon program which will lead me nicely into 1/10! :worship:

Arghh that makes it seem rather real and scary but I am excited. :thumbsup2

Steve- good job on persuading the family, Star Wars weekends are always fun and any excuse to get to Disney is a good one in my books :rotfl:

Running Diva - nice job on starting and finishing and the PR in the marathon that is awesome and we are all proud to have you on our team :thumbsup2

Suzann - Nice job on the bike ride, I need to get myself a bike in this country! but that would cost $$$ that I am saving to spend at Disney :lmao:

Anyway guys, I hope to chat to you all again soon, if my stupid computer will work :mad:

Happy national running day :) have a good one

Hey guys... I went to kickboxing class yesterday and it was FUN! Also went bowling...

Steve~ Way to get back into the dvd's!!!

Scott~ How are those hill workouts treating you the second day after? :) Oh, and I agree with everyone else that I think you should keep the 26.2 sticker on your car

Running Diva~ YAY for the PR!!! WOO HOO!!! :banana:
Just found out that I didn't get picked for the NYC Marathon... darn lottery!

Went for a bike ride today, first time in years - thought I'd fall off at one point:rotfl2:

Kirsty - are you coming to the DL 1/2? I saw your name on the WISH EVENT thread, wondered if you had committed... if so, we should really meet up!

Hi to Scott, Steve, Suzann and everyone else...
:stitch:'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

This one is JenG's very good question to the cousins, excerpted, about the difference between building a base and training for a race. The mixer starts here on the 'Ohana thread.

What is the difference between maintaining or building a base and training for a race? I've only been running for a year and I've either been taking time off running or training for a race. What is just building a base?

How is your approach (mental or otherwise) and exercise routine different when building your base versus training? Do you run less? Do different exercises? Approach the run differently psychologically?
Tammy, I got it updated.

Suzann, the soreness wasn't too bad probably because I cut the workout to about 40% of what I origionally planned.
Hi Rebels.... Tracy, Captain of Walt's Warriors here.

Do you all have a link to your spreadsheet so we can all see how your doing??

Sounds like this team is doing great!!! Keep up the good work and training!!

Racey Tracy
Ooops, I just realized that I haven't posted miles or minutes in ages. So sorry team! It got to the point where I was posting on 4 or 5 different spreadsheets (I'm active on Spark People too, and different teams there were tracking) and I got overwhelmed and just stopped. I'll try to be better for June...

How is everyone doing? Kirsty - have you gotten your internet issue resolved?
Scott - how is the Star wars stuff? Sounds like fun...
Steve - what did you cut by 40%? P90x?
Suzann - broken derailluer? You're scaring me! I have that DL duathlon this weekend and I'm NOT much of a cyclist!

DH just got home, I've got to scoot...
Tammy... sorry you didn't get into the NYC marathon... grrr!!! And the broken derailer was just happen stance... wouldn't normally happen at all! You're going to rock the event!

Well, I had a bowling tournament this past weekend... ten hours of bowling on saturday and 8 hours on Sunday. Phew, I was beat!

Scott... I don't really golf, I just go to the driving range and hit. :)
Hi Rebels!

I've started a new thread to keep track of the rosters more easily. I expect interest in teams will start to pick up soon as the training to train and full-on training for the fall races start.

The link to this new thread is here, and it will include the rosters on the first post and monthly totals for all the teams on the second. Other posts will be for requests and new information.

Suzann and/or Scott, could you please send me an updated roster for your team? The active members, for an accurate count, please. TIA! :goodvibes


Oh, and I'm sending you another player: Ash&Wes07, aka Ashley. She's just run a 5K (Rftc) and will be doing the Princess. I know you'll all give her a warm welcome. :welcome:
Hi everyone! I was sent over here by Debra. :)

My name is Ashley. I currently live in Hampton Roads, Va. and I just completed my first 5k this weekend at the Komen Global Race for the cure up in DC. My SIL talked me into doing the Princess 1/2 marathon next year.

I am taking off of running this week as "recovery" and I can't wait to start again next week. I think I may be hooked.

I am using Galloway as my training method, so I won't really be logging a lot of time or miles at the start.

I really look forward to chatting with everyone and learning about running more, since I'm so new to this!
Hi there Ashley!!! :wave:

Great job on your 5k... and you'll be hooked in no time! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
I'm sending another new team mate your way! Please welcome VernRDH, Veronica. She'll be running the Disney 1/2, as well as another race. I'm sure you'll all make her feel :welcome:

Have a great day!
I'm sending another new team mate your way! Please welcome VernRDH, Veronica. She'll be running the Disney 1/2, as well as another race. I'm sure you'll all make her feel :welcome:

Have a great day!

Thanks Deb for the introduction!

My name is Veronica, I am 38, wife, mother to a 9yoprincess: and a dental hygienist, working full time. I started running again 2 years ago, when I lost 50 lbs. I still need to lose another 50, but that is another story.

I will be running my very first 1/2 marathon this September, so I started my training program last week. I am training with my 57yo MIL and 66yo FIL. FIL is racing with me, MIL won't race, but will train. We will be doing some 5ks here and there, and I will be doing a 15k in November as well. I am looking forward to the Disney 1/2, as this is my 40th birthday race (though my B-day isn't until Nov, but you know what I mean). We are doing the Disney 1/2 with some other friends from around the country, then cruising for a week. I am not concerned with time, just finishing. Although, my DH's cousin just did her 40th b-day half this past sunday, finishing in 2:34 (her brother ran too, finishing in 1:27-he's done Ironman, he's good). FIL says, we can beat 2:34, no problem. I don't know for sure, but I could give it a go.

I will try to catch up on this thread when I get time, but if someone could direct me to where I need to post my miles/minutes and how/when etc. that would be great.

Thanks for letting me play in your sandbox. :flower3:
Hey Rebels....

Warrior in the House!! I know, I know, you all are just flabergasted right??:lmao:

As prevously stated, Debra and I are trying to put together a more current WISH smaller teams thread. Keeping the teams members names current and getting people on a team that want to be.
Also on that thread is a post which I am doing that will show how all of the teams are doing.
So....... Please start a new thread each month. On the first post please include the teams total Miles and Minutes. This will make it much easier on my part to look up each teams numbers. Please don't post a link to a spreadsheet. Lots of numbers to keep track of, so having it out there in plain sight makes it easier for me (and other teams to stop by and check it out)
And with that said....Thanks again for PM'in gme with your totals so far!!
It was very helpful!!

Thanks Rebels!!!:thumbsup2

Racey Tracy
Hey Team,
I'm still around. My summer is way busier than I anticipated. The workouts have been sporadic but thats better than nothing i guess. I haven't been keeping up with the spreadsheet, but I have all my numbers written down. I'll have to copy them to the spreadsheet at some point so you guys can see I haven't been slacking.

Tammy - I honestly can't remember what I cut by 40%. Hopefully it was good like body fat or something (I know thats not the case). Actually, now that I'm typing this, I think I remember. It was coffee I think.

Anyway, tomorrow I leave for Disney again. I'm excited even though I probably won't hit too many rides. I know I said I was going for Star Wars weekends, but I might have to spend a day at EPCOT. Its my favorite park and my favorite firework show. Plus, I could watch British Invasion with a beer all day long. Talk to everyone in a few days.

hey guys watsup?

I have once again been really slack on posting, between the silly computer acting up and work and training I just dont get the chance to at the moment.

Anyway, I have started my training this week and havent missed one run so far! I did 1.5 on tue, 3 on wed, 1.5 today and tomorrow is a well deserved rest day :goodvibes I have even started to like getting up in the mornings to run :confused3 it is so pretty out and I run by the water as the sun rises, it makes getting out of bed totally worth it!

I will try and put up the mins and miles, but I have also been slack on that, so I will try to remember what I can, now I have a fixed schedule it should be easier because I know what I have done!

I took the kid to Busch Gardens yesterday and it was close to 100 degrees out and I pushed a stroller round the park for 6 hours, needless to say I was tiered for this mornings run!

Hello to the new girlys, you have been put in a great group and I hope we can encourage you to continue staying healthy :goodvibes

Suzann - I hope your arm didn't fall off after all of that bowling :lmao: and nope not got the internet fixed yet, we cant figure out if it is the internet or the mac, which is a problem because we dont know who to call and yell at!

Steve - awesome you get to come back down here, dont forget your sunblock *** it is HOT!!! enjoy the star wars and the EPCOT fireworks, they are my favorite as well :thumbsup2

Scott - good job on the hill run, sorry it was not as you had planned, I was thinking about putting some hill work in my marathon training, then I looked around and realized there wasn't a hill in sight!

Anyway have a good day everyone, the kid is in an awful mood so mine should be fun :scared1:

I'm sending another player your way, Rebels, by the handle of cwnhokie!

Cwnhokie is a new-ish runner, having just done the RftC in DC as the first of many races. I know you'll provide a warm :welcome:

Have a great day! :goodvibes


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