That Foo's Boo Is Incredible!!! - Jan 14 TR *THE END 7/19 Pg. 51*

Day 2 - Saturday January 18, 2014 continued.

"Yes I Color!!!! Don't Ask How Old I Am....." - Part 2

I forgot to mention in the previous post that we did stop to get gas on the turnpike. So now, total trip down cost:

Room - $100
Gas - $120

Total down: $220 Not bad!!!!!

Soon, we were pulling in at the Saratoga Springs Resort. Welcome home indeed! I actually hadn't stayed at this resort since 2004. I can't believe it's been that long.

We pulled up front and Dad started working with Bell Services to get the car unloaded while Mom and I got us checked in. The plan was to get the luggage dropped off at the room and get some dinner, since it was about 8:00 pm at that point.

I wasted some time in the lobby while Mom went to the counter to get us settled in.

I had done online check-in before we left. The only request that I put in was that we end up close to the Carriage House. Did we get our request?

Oh yeah we did. We were put in the Springs! Which is literally right across the way. This plays heavily into whether or not I get refillable mugs, because in a resort as large as Saratoga, I find refillable mugs not worth it if you're like 1,340 miles away. But in this case, we weren't. The girl checking us in actually mentioned to us that someone earlier was begging her to get them into the Springs and nothing was available for them. I'll take it! It pays to do online check in and put in a request people!

Now we had our first experience with Magic Bands. The CM that checked us in was validating that everything was hooked up correctly, so she took our MB's to see if everything was good. Everything was fine except mine wasn't hooked. Strange, but it only took her a second to do it. I had to provide her my annual in order for her to take care of it.

Once we were set, Dad went out, told Bell Services our room number and we headed to the room to wait for the luggage to be delivered. As soon as we walked in the room, I said "DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!"

Hi everyone!

Bell Services came with the luggage about 10 minutes after that. We just had him set the stuff down and we headed out to Artist's Palette. We were all ready to eat some Disney food.

We're here Disney!

I wasn't super hungry, so I got kids mac and cheese.

Dad got the cheeseburger flatbread. For all things good in this world, I urge you to try this if you ever get the chance to visit Artist's Palette. It is soooooo good. He shared a piece with me and my Mom.

Mom got chicken and artichoke flatbread.

And Dad also got a bowl of chili.

Dad was excited to be there!

Mom was excited to simply be eating.

We also decided to get the refillable mugs. Since we had such a primo location, we figured it would be worth it. Now, I no longer drink soda of any kind. I haven't had any in over 7 months. But, I will drink coffee, hot chocolate, and iced tea (unsweetened, unless I want a tiny treat). Interestingly enough, I discovered that the RFID technology only applies to soda. The three things that I drink don't have any RFID anything blocking you from using it. So.......I will be reusing my mug people! Don't judge me. :rolleyes1

We finished dinner around 10pm and I wanted to go to pick up a lanyard, since I was planning on pin trading on this trip and I have no lanyard!

In the store, I found what was literally the derpiest looking Ariel toy I've ever seen.

Seriously, isn't she ridiculously derpy?! I love her.

After I purchased my lanyard, we headed back to the room. We found the easiest way we could get there from Artist's Palette, which was nice and easy, 103. It was time for us to unpack and get settled in to the resort. Now, I am super anal-retentive about hotel rooms. I don't like clutter and crap everywhere, because I have to live here for a week yo! And, I also hate cluttered sinks.

How do I accomplish this beautiful, clutter free sink?

With an over the door shoe hanger to hold toiletries and cosmetic items.

It's a beautiful thing, isn't it? I love having a clean sink.

I also took a page from Brenda's book (emmysmommy), and I purchased a closet shoe organizer to help prevent shoes from being all over the floor. I love this idea too!

Unpacked and all ready, we got changed and crawled into bed. We had our first Disney Day ahead of us!

Up next: Listen, that's not Timbuktu, that's Timbukthree!
Thank goodness normal and abnormal sleep farts have been clarified. Whew! I just could just see the confusion coming with that one. You are sooo funny. LMAO! Glad to you guys made it in. Love that room, so pretty.
Are there people who don't love a new box of crayons? I've never met one, and I don't care to. We have both of those coloring books somewhere in our house BTW.

I think we should petition the state of Florida to have that picture of Popadon made into the official state postcard. I'm a fan.

Awesome room location!

Your mom's flatbread looks amazing.

I'm definitely going to pick up the over the door organizer for our next trip. We usually end up with tiaras, hair ties, bobby pins and hairspray EVERYWHERE on the sink top. :rotfl:
Mmmmm Chick-Fil-A. I've never had breakfast there, but I love their waffle fries!

I LOVE coloring! Your Jasmine picture is a masterpiece.

I also love the Divergent series. I'm so excited for the movie!

Okay, I need that princess brides coloring book. WITH TIARAS!

That room is so pretty! I love the horse pillows.

Disney mac and cheese is sooooo good. At Garden Grill I requested a bowl for myself. My family doesn't understand my love for it.

So excited for pin trading!
Day 2 -
Gotta love the Popadon! I think though that this man staring at you through the welcome to Florida billboard might actually unwelcome you to Florida. And cause you to go running the other direction.


It would not be an update without a silly Popadon post! I love it! :rotfl2:

So you drove 600 miles the first day. How many the second? That is one long drive but you certainly know how to keep yourself entertained. Can I just tell you that seeing that 96 pack Crayola Crown package was a walk down memory lane for me. Every Christmas my grandmother would get me one of those and I thought that was the BEST GIFT EVER! :banana:

I really like the SSR rooms. I haven't stayed there in forever and I didn't know exactly what they looked like. Very nice. The pillows are adorable!

I have to say that I love you closet storage solutions. I actually have one of those hanging shelf things. What a great idea - especially when we stay at the VGF because I understand they don't have much drawer space. Now I need an owner's locker.

Popadon's flatbread looks super yummy!
But the real question is, how does Mickey feel about sharing the front with Yeti?

Dani, I ADORE that you colored on the trip to Disney. Seriously ADORE!!

:rotfl2: Paradon...Greetings from Florida. Classic! I think there are quite a few people on here that would totally be down with that as the official welcome to Florida.

Yeah, I suppose if you're in one of the other rooms 1340 miles away you could just fill up at home, so not really worth the mug.

Oooh, I never thought about the non RFID hot drinks. I think I may join you in the reusing line.
Oh my gosh Dani! I love your family. I could be the aunt that you always wish you had!! :rotfl2::lmao: Ok, I'm pushing the envelope a little much there but traveling with you and your family has to be better than finding a FP for TSMM laying around!

Just so you know, I'm in no danger of ordering an onion bagel with blueberry cream cheese. I have no desire to eat something that tastes like feet. Ick.

Great job with your mad coloring skills. :thumbsup2 You really should sign your artwork. You may have a future ahead of you that doesn't involve general ledge entries.

And you are welcome! I'm glad to offer my own anal retentive advice. You know that I can't stand anything being left out. I drive my family crazy but the OCD tendencies I tell them make for a truly remarkable living space since everything is clean and orderly! :rotfl2: Not sure they agree with me but heck, to each their own.

I'm already having to make sure I have an empty bladder before reading your updates so I have no doubt this will be a fun trip to follow along.
Very true!! I find it’s best to write the way you are, and then it doesn’t take people by surprise when they meet you lol!!

Yay!!! SO excited for Nov! It’s gonna be greeeaaatt!!

Dude, I color on a regular basis, I’ve got the huge coloring books from Disney, and I will gladly spend a night coloring instead of going out!

Yay for finally being in Florida!! Man, driving down there from Alberta is seriously going to be insane….

SSR looks lovely! I’ve only been there once and it was at a bus stop & it was dark out lol! HOWEVER, the rooms look great, love the horses on the pillows!


I have noj judgement for you. Also I agree about getting the mugs too, if you’re close enough, it’s worth it, if you’re too far, it’s so not, especially when there’s coffee machines in the rooms at the higher up resorts!

I will DEFINITELY be doing an over the door organizer for the upcoming trips!! 3 girls in a POR room is gonna be crowded, not to mention, in Sept, when we’re there for nearly 2 weeks, and we have 3 MNSSHP’s to go to, I’ll have enough make up and hair products to fill that rack MYSELF. Eck,and wigs, and lashes, dear god…

Glad you guys got some Disney time on your first day!! I’m excited to read more!!
Yeah you got the normal and Abnormal farts right on.:thumbsup2:dance3:

I would certainly hope I would! I've been around you and Dad enough!

You had me laughing so hard I was crying.... No more hardboiled eggs for popadon anymore :dance3::dance3:

Nope, he's not allowed to consume that many anymore. :rotfl:

Thank goodness normal and abnormal sleep farts have been clarified. Whew! I just could just see the confusion coming with that one. You are sooo funny. LMAO! Glad to you guys made it in. Love that room, so pretty.

I'm glad I could clarify it for everyone. It can be confusing at times, you know?

The room was really lovely. I believe they remodeled some of them recently.
Are there people who don't love a new box of crayons? I've never met one, and I don't care to. We have both of those coloring books somewhere in our house BTW.

I think we should petition the state of Florida to have that picture of Popadon made into the official state postcard. I'm a fan.

Awesome room location!

Your mom's flatbread looks amazing.

I'm definitely going to pick up the over the door organizer for our next trip. We usually end up with tiaras, hair ties, bobby pins and hairspray EVERYWHERE on the sink top. :rotfl:

Anyone who doesn't like a new box of crayons has something wrong with them. I have decided. Of course you have those coloring books! :thumbsup2

I knew you would be a fan of the Popadon postcard. ;)

The over the door shoe organizer is one of the best things I've ever used. I think I found it on some random blog before by just googling "saving sink space while traveling". I thank the person who came up with that idea.

Mmmmm Chick-Fil-A. I've never had breakfast there, but I love their waffle fries!

I LOVE coloring! Your Jasmine picture is a masterpiece.

I also love the Divergent series. I'm so excited for the movie!

Okay, I need that princess brides coloring book. WITH TIARAS!

That room is so pretty! I love the horse pillows.

Disney mac and cheese is sooooo good. At Garden Grill I requested a bowl for myself. My family doesn't understand my love for it.

So excited for pin trading!

Chick-fil-a is just good! I was so excited when we finally got one in Chicagoland!

Why thank you! My Jasmine picture did turn out pretty well.

I'm excited for the movie too! I've been trying to get my mom to read the first book before the movie comes out, but I don't know if she'll get around to it.

With TIARAS! I got it at Target. I saw it and said "THIS MUST BE MINE!"

Disney mac and cheese is it's own thing. It just hits the spot every time.

popcorn:: joining in popcorn::

Glad you're here!
I'm so jealous that you can read in the car. I love reading but in the car no way! ;)

Lovely room. I love the pillows!
subbing and going back to read

Yay! I'm so glad you're here Rosie!

It would not be an update without a silly Popadon post! I love it! :rotfl2:

So you drove 600 miles the first day. How many the second? That is one long drive but you certainly know how to keep yourself entertained. Can I just tell you that seeing that 96 pack Crayola Crown package was a walk down memory lane for me. Every Christmas my grandmother would get me one of those and I thought that was the BEST GIFT EVER! :banana:

I really like the SSR rooms. I haven't stayed there in forever and I didn't know exactly what they looked like. Very nice. The pillows are adorable!

I have to say that I love you closet storage solutions. I actually have one of those hanging shelf things. What a great idea - especially when we stay at the VGF because I understand they don't have much drawer space. Now I need an owner's locker.

Popadon's flatbread looks super yummy!

I know, it truly wouldn't be one of my updates without a silly picture of him, would it? :rotfl2: That man.

It's was actually about 550 miles because we technically stopped in Smyrna. From there, it just about 670 miles to Orlando, so our total distance was just over 1200 miles.

Crayons are just a big memory for me. My Mom told me I was super crazy about my crayons though. Like, one would break and I'd demand a new box. I admit, I still like when they're sharp and new. Once the crayon gets dull, it's like "nope...don't want to use it anymore". LOL.

The room was really nice. It had been a while since I'd been there too.

I'm always amazed by the lack of space in some of the Disney rooms. I actually always wonder why they don't have more space. But, I actually apply that to hotel rooms in general. Because let's be real, many are staying a week, sometimes more. I also HATE having the suitcases everywhere. The rule for staying with me is the stuff gets put in drawers, hung, and then the suitcases get put away!

The flatbread was so good. I highly recommend it.

But the real question is, how does Mickey feel about sharing the front with Yeti?

Dani, I ADORE that you colored on the trip to Disney. Seriously ADORE!!

:rotfl2: Paradon...Greetings from Florida. Classic! I think there are quite a few people on here that would totally be down with that as the official welcome to Florida.

Yeah, I suppose if you're in one of the other rooms 1340 miles away you could just fill up at home, so not really worth the mug.

Oooh, I never thought about the non RFID hot drinks. I think I may join you in the reusing line.

Mickey didn't really have a choice. I mean, he's hanging from the rearview, there's not much he can do. :rotfl2:

Awww, thanks! I'm a closet colorer.

We can totally make that the official welcome to Florida. I'm sure Popadon would be totally down with that.

Exactly! No need for a mug then.

See! I taught you something you hadn't thought of before.
Oh my gosh Dani! I love your family. I could be the aunt that you always wish you had!! :rotfl2::lmao: Ok, I'm pushing the envelope a little much there but traveling with you and your family has to be better than finding a FP for TSMM laying around!

Brenda, you could totally be the aunt I wished I had! :rotfl2: You can travel with us anytime. I can't guarantee that you won't come out of the experience slightly scarred, but we'll say it's all for the better! LOL.

Just so you know, I'm in no danger of ordering an onion bagel with blueberry cream cheese. I have no desire to eat something that tastes like feet. Ick.

Literally the nastiest thing I've ever eaten.

Great job with your mad coloring skills. :thumbsup2 You really should sign your artwork. You may have a future ahead of you that doesn't involve general ledge entries.

I could become a professional colorer! It's definitely got to be better than entries and income statement analysis. :lmao:

And you are welcome! I'm glad to offer my own anal retentive advice. You know that I can't stand anything being left out. I drive my family crazy but the OCD tendencies I tell them make for a truly remarkable living space since everything is clean and orderly! :rotfl2: Not sure they agree with me but heck, to each their own.

I'm already having to make sure I have an empty bladder before reading your updates so I have no doubt this will be a fun trip to follow along.

That was the best ever! We actually bought a second one, because my Dad's shoes couldn't fit. We're all shoe hogs. LOL. I have the hardest time traveling with Jason, because he's the worst. Like, stuff and the ground and all that. Drives me bananas! And I will yell. Like "PICK UP YOUR CRAP!" yelling.

I'm glad I could make you laugh.

Very true!! I find it’s best to write the way you are, and then it doesn’t take people by surprise when they meet you lol!!

Yay!!! SO excited for Nov! It’s gonna be greeeaaatt!!

Dude, it's going to be so much fun!!!!!!!

Dude, I color on a regular basis, I’ve got the huge coloring books from Disney, and I will gladly spend a night coloring instead of going out!

Yay for finally being in Florida!! Man, driving down there from Alberta is seriously going to be insane….

I totally bought a new one when we were down there too. I had to have it.

You're driving from Alberta?! Well, actually, we've driven to California before, which takes like 3 days.

SSR looks lovely! I’ve only been there once and it was at a bus stop & it was dark out lol! HOWEVER, the rooms look great, love the horses on the pillows!


It's a really pretty resort. I always count it out because there are other more convenient resorts, but it's really nice.

I was like HOLLER! when I figured out I could reuse my mug in May.

I have noj judgement for you. Also I agree about getting the mugs too, if you’re close enough, it’s worth it, if you’re too far, it’s so not, especially when there’s coffee machines in the rooms at the higher up resorts!

I will DEFINITELY be doing an over the door organizer for the upcoming trips!! 3 girls in a POR room is gonna be crowded, not to mention, in Sept, when we’re there for nearly 2 weeks, and we have 3 MNSSHP’s to go to, I’ll have enough make up and hair products to fill that rack MYSELF. Eck,and wigs, and lashes, dear god…

Glad you guys got some Disney time on your first day!! I’m excited to read more!!

The organizers are great ideas, aren't they? Especially if there are multiple girls in a room.

I'm so jealous that you can read in the car. I love reading but in the car no way! ;)

Lovely room. I love the pillows!

My Mom is jealous that I can read in the car too. She gets carsick, so there's not much she can do other than just sit there. I can do all kinds of stuff. ::yes::
My Mom is jealous that I can read in the car too. She gets carsick, so there's not much she can do other than just sit there. I can do all kinds of stuff. ::yes::

The only thing I can do in the car is knit and crochet :cool1::cool1:
It would be great if I could read but I get carsick so no dice.
Coloring is such a soothing activity, I'll have to keep that in mind for our summer drive!!

I agree it's impossible to get through Atlanta without a traffic jam! We have driven an alternate route our last two drives - we head towards Montgomery, Alabama, and while there is some driving on smaller roads, it doesn't add a whole lot of time.

I've never tried Chick-fil-a either but it's on my list!

I love sleeping in the car! Did you take a turn driving?


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