The Food Was Not Undelicious: May 25-June 1, 2007!! Completed - Post #794

Great report as usual! Thanks for giving me my food porn fix today! :goodvibes

I'm glad RR was just as good the second time around (not including the bathroom incident). ;) We'll be going there for the first time in September. Can't wait!

Can't wait for the rest! Especially the wine reviews... :thumbsup2
Happy to help! I don't know what it says that I saw a bathroom door and immediately thought of you... :rotfl2: But, I checked it on Google and Mna means "Ladies" and "Fir" is Gents. ;)

I guess before much longer people on ths DIS will see my user-ID and either think of "no-pants" ... "bares all for ice cream" ... or "scopes out men's room on a regular basis" :rotfl2:

Thanks for checking - that's one bit of information that I won't be forgetting! ;)

If you didn't, who would? :confused3

While I like to flatter myself that no one else is goofy enough to drag a plush Plankton all over WDW, there are certainly others who have taken other vacation mascots on trips with them... we're all a bunch of wackos!! :thumbsup2

Of course you don't. Why would you? :confused3

Are you SURE you're not a long lost relative? :goodvibes

Onions... blech! I suspect more and more that you and I are related in some way. :goodvibes

ok, enough with all this mushy I love your trip report. NO, I love yours more.. dribble. :badpc: I need more pics of food!!!

(Can you tell I started my diet last week?:scared1: )

Just kidding everyone. We all know we were lost without Brenda for a week.

But really...on with the food! popcorn::

LYMI :hug:

:lmao: :rotfl2: That was just great... :thumbsup2

Hope all goes well with the diet (starting mine this week, too!). I will do my best to update this evening - if that doesn't happen then I will definitely be able to do it on Wednesday night.

Thanks for the laugh! :goodvibes

Glad to hear you tried the Rosa! Looking forward to hearing about V&A!

That sounds like a fair trade to me! Glad you enjoyed Flying Fish! Can't wait to hear about it!

Us eaters & drinkers do keep showing up in the same places, don't we?!:lmao:

And now on with the show!

I was really surprised by just how good the Regale was ... we're looking at buying some here at home since there was no way to bring any home from WDW.

And Flying Fish was just WOW! Apart from V&A it was the best meal of the entire trip, and we had some good ones.

These are great! I am really enjoying your review and I am now seriously considering the candy bar cake!!!

BTW, I have that Mickey cutting board in my kitchen!! (of course no one uses it ;) )

Thanks for reading - glad you're enjoying it so far!

No one uses your cutting board? We've used ours a couple of times that a bad thing? ;)

Great report as usual! Thanks for giving me my food porn fix today! :goodvibes

I'm glad RR was just as good the second time around (not including the bathroom incident). ;) We'll be going there for the first time in September. Can't wait!

Can't wait for the rest! Especially the wine reviews... :thumbsup2

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy Raglan Road... we may even go back a third time this fall if we can work it in. Be sure to let us know what you think when you get back! wish I was drinking some right now. ;)
While I like to flatter myself that no one else is goofy enough to drag a plush Plankton all over WDW, there are certainly others who have taken other vacation mascots on trips with them... we're all a bunch of wackos!! :thumbsup2

:lmao: not sure who had more fun on our recent trip - us or Pal Mickey :)
I was really surprised by just how good the Regale was ... we're looking at buying some here at home since there was no way to bring any home from WDW.

Costco's World Market carries it for around $22 for the normal sized bottle. They also have a split. Shop around, though. One of our local liquor stores sells it cheaper.

Is anyone else watching this thread just to get a look at the Chef's Table Review??? :rolleyes1

I know I am!!! :rotfl:

Keep up the good reviews!
Brenda, I checked out the Disney floral site. Not too bad really. I am having Sarah from make my DH and kidlets baskets. I can't wait to see what she comes up with. :wizard:

Thanks for the link... I may check that out so that Jay can order something for my birthday in October. :thumbsup2

:lmao: not sure who had more fun on our recent trip - us or Pal Mickey :)

Did Pal Mickey get to drink? Do you have any pictures? ;)

Costco's World Market carries it for around $22 for the normal sized bottle. They also have a split. Shop around, though. One of our local liquor stores sells it cheaper.


Thanks for the tip!

Is anyone else watching this thread just to get a look at the Chef's Table Review??? :rolleyes1

I know I am!!! :rotfl:

Keep up the good reviews!

Thanks for reading...Chef's table is still a few days away but we've got great pictures! :goodvibes

I just want food, and more food. I love your reports!! :goodvibes

Thanks so much! I want food, too... right now!! ;)
**By the way, which one of the above comments is a blatant lie, inserted only for the sake of poking fun at myself and hopefully generating a laugh?**

Would that be the part about your expertly style do? (Not that I'm saying you have bad hair my friend) ;)

Just starting reading the new dining review and I can't wait until you get to Victoria and Albert's. We're going there in August (main dining room) and I know your opinion will be valuable.

In any case, welcome back, and, as always, I'm looking forward to more!
Saturday, May 26th - Duck a la' Bagel and Cheese Glorious Cheese!

We did a few things differently on this trip that we've never done before. For starters, we brought our own coffee, measuring out enough Cafe du Monde Chicory Coffee for the four days that we would be breakfasting in the room. We loves us the Cafe du Monde cafe au not Nescafe.

We also opted for a grocery store stop with the towncar company we typically use to get us from MCO to WDW and back again. We didn't need a lot from the store, but considering the limited food options at SSR we thought at least having some breakfast items in the room would be a good idea. So we made a stop at a local Publix on Friday morning and let me tell you... Stereotype Central and highly entertaining. I could write a trip report just about the grocery store, but I won't. ;)

We picked up some bottled water, Pelligrino, Cranberry juice, milk, mini-bagels, pre-packaged cantaloupe and honeydew melon, and a group of green bananas that refused to ripen no matter what we did with them during the week.

Put 'em in a paper bag for a day: still green.

Leave 'em on the sink while we're showering in the hope that the steam and warmth will do something: still green...and definitely damp.

Set 'em outside on the patio for a bit while we nap: still green; and now they're an exotic pleasure destination for adventurous love bugs.

Chuck 'em in the trash and vow never to buy bananas in Florida again: still eff-ing green. :rotfl2:

I'm not Thursday these stupid bananas were still as hard and green as they were when we bought them a week earlier; I don't get it. What gives with the Incredible Hulk Bananas in Florida??? a little distracted there with the produce. It really has nothing to do with this day's reviews...other than the fact that if I'd been eating a banana as planned our peaceful breakfast might not have degenerated into a quacktacular food riot.

We were minding our own business...nibbling a few bagles, enjoying the quiet, watching the fountain spray water into the breeze...when suddenly we heard a rustling in the bushes.

Is it a mouse? A snake? A baby alligator?

Imagine our relief when we discover that it's one of the resort ducks stopping by to wish us a good morning. Or so we thought...

Hand over the bagel and no one gets hurt...

We know you're in there!

Give up now - you're surrounded.

I shouldn't mock the ducks - they were actually very well behaved and very friendly. You guys know how aggressive the ducks over at Casey's can be? These ducks were the total opposite. We really did feel like they were part of the local welcome wagon even though we know they were just looking for some freebies.

So after our very light breakfast we headed over to Epcot where we just decided to wing it ... :rotfl2: ... for lunch. We ended up at Chefs de France about 15 minutes before they opened for business and inquired as to whether or not we could get a table without an ADR. Was it the anniversary button, the Grimace-Free vibe, or my own charming personality that landed us a table for two right next to the window within five minutes of the restaurant opening?

We'll never know, but we appreciated our good fortune nonetheless.'s some food...finally!

Chefs de France

We love eating here for lunch - the dining room is so light and cheerful, and the food and service have always been good. I really think that lunch is a better deal at this restaurant - if you compare the lunch and dinner menus I don't think you'll see much difference in the selection between the two meals but you'll notice that the prices go up for most items at dinner. Just throwing that out there for your consideration.

The dining room before it started to fill up:

Handsome hubby waiting for some fromage...that's pronouned "Chuh-eeeeeee-zzzzzzz" in American.

Mmmmmm, the appetizer...Assiette de fromages de France - Imported Cheese Plate:

Booyah!!! As far as I'm concerned it's a windfall of the cheesiest kind - there's nothing funky on that plate. No stinky-feet smell wafting up from the table, no weird, waxy green or striped offerings, and no blue cheese!!

**For those of you keeping score: just say no to nuts, ketchup, onions, tartar sauce, and blue cheese. More to come in later reviews!**

So what do we have to choose from? Starting on the left was a cheese that was similar to a mild English cheddar...firm and very smooth. Next to that was a Swiss cheese unlike any I've ever and slighty nutty, this cheese didn't leave an aftertaste like so many Swiss cheeses that I've had here in Stinktown. That little round guy was a goat cheese - yummmm, so creamy and mild, not nearly the bite I've come to expect from goat cheese. And on the far right, camembert...super creamy, but I like mine without the rind, thank you very much.

For lunch I ordered Quiche Lorraine (ham and cheese quiche) - that's pronounced "keeeeeey-shhhhhhhh" in American.

I love a good quiche, and Chefs has always served up a good one when I've ordered it. This was melt-in-my-mouth good - the custard was just perfect, and I even ate the crust, which I almost never do because it's usually too dry.

The recommended wine was a cabernet but I opted for a white the name of which I didn't write down. It was similiar to a pinot grigio, one of my all time favorite white wines; maybe a pinot blanc now that I think about it. Regardless, it paired very well with the cheeses and the quiche.

Jason ordered Crepe Basquaise - a large crepe filled with smoked chicken strips, peppers and onions, grilled and served with a mixed salad.

That's pronounced "Crrrrrrr-ape" in American.

What can I tell you about this? It's not my kind of selection...too much stuff in it...onions, peppers, smoked meat, and sauce. But this is the kind of food that Jay loves...the more stuff the better! He thought it was great - very flavorful and well prepared, with a nice balance of seasoning. He did order the recommended wine which was a white; I believe a white burgundy which is another favorite of ours.

We didn't order dessert - we usually don't at lunch, even on vacation - but even without dessert this was another very pleasant meal for us at Chefs with great food and very nice service. We remain satisfied with this establishment which we have now eaten lunch at several times over the last five years.

As we wandered through the World Showcase on our lazy way back to the front of the park, we spotted this:

Joy of Tea Stand

I was very excited to come across this addition to the China pavillion. Jay and I are both tea drinkers and in October we tried a Green Tea Plum Wine Cooler at the Food and Wine Festival - it ended up being one of our favorite drinks of the entire Festival. Among the many choices this stand offers is a Green Tea Plum Wine different can it be?

Green Tea Plum Wine Slush and middle-aged lush

Well, it can be very different indeed. First of all I was a little surprised by the color...if it's made with green tea and plum wine why is it orange? Secondly I was surprised by how sweet it was. I like a sugar rush as much as the next woman but this was uncalled for - I think my fillings lodged an official protest.

Ultimately Jay and I were both disappointed - too sweet and too odd tasting was our final verdict. We're going to stick with the wine cooler going forward and leave the squishees to our friends in France.

One last thing before I leave you for a while. Remember the surprises I alluded to in an earlier post? We went back to the villa to nap for a bit and we found this waiting for us:



We couldn't get just one picture that included the entire surprise, so we did it this way instead. There were three helium-filled balloons: one that says Happy Anniversary, one that has Cinderella's coach on it, and one that has Cinderella and Charming. The balloons were anchored with a foil wrapped weight, which we originally thought was a chocolate kiss (like we didn't have enough chocolate in the room already!). And then there is the Year of a Million Dreams card with the anniversary wish and the picture that was autographed by the Boss and First Lady!!

We were so excited and touched! It was completely unexpected and I don't know if the front desk staff did it or if someone from the WDW florist sent it, but we loved this little bit of special magic that someone somewhere at WDW created for us. I get all goose-bumpy and sappy every time I look at it. :love:

Thanks for reading - look for Jiko tomorrow night! :goodvibes
Nice!!! :cool1:

Good lunch, great surprise... You win!

I likes me a good quiche, too, and I'm not much of an egg person. That looks and sounds yummy, though. :thumbsup2

Thanks for the food porn! :woohoo:

:rotfl2: Funny funny funny! Loved it! Incredible Hulk bananas. I'm still laughing at that!

Cute duck!

Oh Cafe du Monde Chicory... the only coffee I'll drink. Love the stuff, and I'm not a big coffee drinker.

Darn it! Now I'm hungry!
Wow, I miss a couple of days and suddenly I have a lot of catching up to do! So here goes:

Brenda, after much consideration, I have to dub thee...Dining Deviant.

Why? It starts out with Food Porn. Next thing you know, we have Sundae Flashers and Food Fetishes (Mine is cream cheese. Plain on a bagel, ewww. Doctor it up into cheesecake? Yum.) :eek:

I think the Raglan Road review was reassuring, and I'll try it for the first time in October. But they have Evil Gaelic Restrooms. I think you deserve a free pass for making that mistake. I mean, sounds confusing enough when sober.

And I had to laugh about the Bucket o' Booze comments. I don't know how many times I've seen people bring those into the Adventurers Club, and usually someone in the cast will tease them about it. I have never had one of those buckets. They scare me a bit.

You also redeemed yourself with the Rosa Regale. I know you wanted the "traditional" sparkling wine, but Rose Regale is awesome with chocolate. It's not port, but still...yum.

And you know you have to put Sterotype Central at Publix in your Shrubbery report. It sounds too good not to have any details! And Brenda, next time you buy bananas that green, buy an apple, too:

From the Food Network:

The fastest way is to put the bananas in a paper bag on the countertop with an apple. Why? Apples emit ethylene gases which cause certain fruits (like pears and bananas) to ripen faster. Starting with green bananas, paper-bagging them should give you ripe bananas in a day and perfect bread-ready bananas in a day and a half. :teacher:

And the Chefs lunch looked fab! I've done their lunch menu more than I've done their dinner, and I agree that lunch is just as good, but better on the wallet when paying OOP, not the DDP. Good call. :thumbsup2

Whew. That should bring me up to speed.

*drool* I want to have the cheese plate's babies! Or, you know, maybe just eat it, and make yummy noises.

We were so excited and touched! It was completely unexpected and I don't know if the front desk staff did it or if someone from the WDW florist sent it, but we loved this little bit of special magic that someone somewhere at WDW created for us. I get all goose-bumpy and sappy every time I look at it.

:rolleyes1 :angel:
Mmmmmm, your lunch at Chefs looked yummy! I agree with you on the stinky cheese. I love me some good cheese, but really, who wants food that smells like stinky feet?:confused3 So no blue cheese for me either. Those all sounded great.

What a wonderful anniversary surprise!:love: Mickey and Minnie are really thoughtful that way!;)
Great update Brenda! Loved the pics of your Donald and Daisy. I've got my own set of Hulk Nanners right now that not even Cabo (our yellow lab for those who don't know) will eat and he loves bananas.:banana:

The funny thing about cheese is...I don't really care for cheese. I do like it brown and crispy on top of mac and cheese or pizza. But gooey, not so much.
And I really don't like swiss. I always have them replace it with something else on sandwiches.

BUT...what is it about WDW cheese???

I was at Le Cellier, and read their description of their cheese sampler, and HAD to have it. Even I was confused by that choice.

And do you know, it was FABULOUS!!!

If I had known cheese went beyond Kraft singles and cheap pizza toppings, I probably would have come over to the cheese camp a lot sooner.

They probably changed it since then, but it was a white cheddar with a sauteed apple topping,
can't remember the middle one, but it had candied walnut brittle on top,
and then that sweeter cheese that Giada De Laurentis always uses for dessert, it's on the tip of my tongue...

Well, anyway, it tasted like cheesecake and it had an orange topping on it.
And it, was delicious.

Man, between my non-foodie limited vocabulary and my seven child induced loss of brain cells, I am not on my game this morning.


Whew, I feel better now.

All that to say, something about WDW makes cheese taste better. :rolleyes1
Green Tea Plum Wine Slush and middle-aged lush

OMG that line made me choke on my coffee.:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I just have to say what a fantastic storyteller you are. Truly talented. :goodvibes

slighty OT, what does oybolshoi mean? Just curious, Is it from Harry Potter? I googled it and came up with several HP references... I'm a huge Potter fan:wizard:
slighty OT, what does oybolshoi mean?

Could it be a Jewish/Russian Ballet Company??? :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
I love your reviews by the way.;) ;) :)


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