Tracy's Journal-The Saga and Drama of It All!

Good Morning!!

I had a WONDERFUL Easter weekend & hope you all did too!!

No weight lost this weight gained either!! I alternate programs on the elliptical trainer & vary the routes/intensities of my lunchtime walks, so I'm thinking that I may need to tweak the strength training a bit to get over the hump here...I'm still plugging away...I'm sure those jeans will fit by the 29th!! I'm thinking that the WHOOSH fairy is on her way, she must have gotten lost on the way to my place!!

I did very well with my food choices this weekend & even shared dessert with Mom & Dad last night, so I didn't go overboard. I was in a salad mood this weekend...couldn't seem to get enough green stuff!!

Dad's festivities at church went well, the mass was very nice & there was a short reception afterward (lots of cake, I had a bite of fudge cake, but I heard the carrot cake was glorious).

I'm still battling the UTI...waiting on a call now from the OB/GYN back is killing me!! I'm just squirmy...not miserable, just squirmy...keep your fingers crossed that we find the right med this time!!

Had to have some bacon this morning for breakfast, I was really having a craving...I have a big salad for lunch...I believe we'll have Lite Kielbasa & veggies for dinner.

Exercise is up in the air today...I would like to get my strength training in at lunch & do cardio after work, but need to see how my back feels & what the nurse says...


Have a great day!!
Happy Monday! We've been eating a lot of salads too lately. It must be Spring!

Good luck with the back.

Have a great week!
Glad to hear you had a good weekend and did well on food. :cool1: I hope you are feeling better soon. Make sure you drink clear liquids and a lot of cranberry juice. It really helps to clear things up quick. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Good morning Tracy!!! :sunny: Hope you have a great day! Good luck with the UTI! I hope you are up on the med soon! Those are the pits!!

Those jeans are going to fit!! :cheer2: I know it!
:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: Here's to finding the right meds. UTIs are awful, I've had many in my lifetime. Good luck!


I did get new meds for the UTI yesterday, so I'm hoping that we've got the right formula this time! I actually had to go back in for an exam & another round of labs, so I didn't get to exercise at lunch yesterday like I had planned.

I did not make it to the gym after work back was aching...

Don't even ask!! I did well yesterday while at work and it went downhill after that...I dropped my prescription off at the pharmacy after work, took DD out to eat while we were waiting, picked up the prescription & headed home to the Easter candy!!

I think I'm a little sensitive today! I just feel pooped...I feel like the mother of a newborn who's getting adjusted to sleep deprivation--oh, how I remember this all too well...I'm just not stumbly & babbling or bawling!!!

DD is going to dinner with the DGPs & DEx, so I fully intend to get in 30 minutes of cardio & my strength training before I pick her up. I have got to really hit it hard this week to make up for missing workouts on Sunday & Monday. I think a good workout would improve my mood too!!

I brought breakfast & lunch to work today, so I will stay OP during the day...I did manage to PUT AWAY the candy bowl at home so that I don't just grab something everytime I pass it. :rolleyes: I still don't know about dinner for me tonight, I know I have salad fixings...we shall see.

Sorry to be such a party pooper today, this too shall pass!!


Update: 12:15pm EST
I went for a walk at lunch...the temperature was 59 with blue skies & sun...MY MOOD HAS IMPROVED!! I think that's just what I needed!! :flower:
Man I hate UTI's.....they just are misserable. Hope all clears up soon. Drinking water helps alot.

Hopefully the new medicine kicks in soon and takes care of things!

Sounds like you have a great plan for today! Have a great day!!!

Hope you are feeling as good as new soon!! I had a great time reading your journal. And hey, we'll be at WDW the same week!! I'll be there from 12/2-12/9. Let's pray for good weather (it's never too early to start!).
Thanks to everyone for stopping by, I sincerely appreciate it!!

I am feeling better already!

See Tracy...that exercise is just what you needed! Sorry to hear your back has been you think it's a result of the UTI?

Stay away from the easter candy :wizard: (I's so hard...that bunny is cute and wants me to bite his ears)

Take care!

Hi Hon,

Your back pain sounds to me like your infection is now in the kidney. Not serious, but make sure you push your water and take ALL your antibiotics on time. Try some motrin for the back pain.

Take care of yourself,
Hope you are feeling better soon. Remember to keep pushing the clear liquids. If your back starts hurting too much or you get a fever, make sure to check back with the Dr. right away. Can you tell I have done this a few times before? No fun. :sad2:

But here's to a better tomorrow!! :wizard: ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Good Afternoon!!

I DID NOT hit the Easter candy last night! I'm mighty proud of myself too! Unfortunately, my distraction from it was a "banged up" DD. Rea took a tumble while playing basketball with her Daddy & she skinned herself up EVERYWHERE! Bless her heart, she was miserable!! I had to give her a "bird bath" last night because she refused to get in the tub...9 bandaids later, I put her to bed. She was stiff this morning & walking VERY slowly...

I'm feeling back is still slightly achy, but I think I'm getting over the hump with this UTI. Thanks for all of the tips, I've taken heed!!

I had lunch for breakfast & breakfast for lunch today, but I'm 100% OP so clue on dinner yet...

I was able to hit the elliptical last night & it was a tough one!! Nothing like a whole 3 days of not exercising to make you realize how easy it would be not to exercise at all! DD offered to go to the Y with me tonight, so I should get in AT LEAST a cardio session, if not the strength training that I haven't been able to do this week.

I hope to make the rounds on the journals has been a crazy one!!

:wizard: to everyone for a good afternoon!!
Hi Tracey,

I am sending healing :wizard: for your poor DD. It is so hard to see your children in pain. Great job with the workout.

take care,
Glad to hear that you are doing better. :flower: Hoping that DD heals soon. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Glad to hear you are feeling better ! I hope you have a great day!!! :flower:


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