Turning 40, Gotta lose 40~A New Chapter in my weight loss journey

Ok, I give up for the time being. The universe is conspiring against me at this point, but hopefully things will get better soon.

Eating is way out of control, I did all my baking over the weekend. One of my true downfalls is cookies. But they will be going to my brothers on Saturday,then gone forever.

I ran yesterday, now that I am officially training again. But took today off in favor of running outside on Friday.

The biggest problem I am having is my stress leverl is WAAAAY high. I had my repeat mammo on Monday, then had an ultrasound. Radiologist comes in, starts talking about biopsy. I tell her that I had already talked to my doctor about having breast reduction. Once she hears who my doctor is, she says, oops sorry, no biopsy until you have seen her and she sends you to a surgeon. WHAT??? So surgeons and biopsies, I am a bit freaked out. They do not feel the cyst they are looking at is cancerous, but the calcified tissue she also wants to biopsy is potentially a problem in the future. So, I am having a bit of stress. And the worst part is that this is when I really, really could use my mom and she is gone. That is the hardest part. My DH is great, but its not the same.

So until I know more about the breast issue and the holidays are over, I am just going to try to maintain. Resolution of that will then let me get my head back where it needs to be.
Sooo:rolleyes1 I kinda have been slacking off, not eating well or anything. Stress from the holidays and my health issue have been wrecking havoc on me.

I am scheduled for a stereotactic biopsy and an ultrasound guided needle biopsy on Monday. While no one seems to think anything is cancerous, I am still a bit freaked out by the whole thing. There is also the not knowing how all this will impact my training, but I can only do what I can and my health has to come first.

I am starting the new year off right by running a half marathon today. Not racing, just running. Figure its an easy way to drop a couple pounds quick!

Unfortunately, my weight this morning was 171, up 4 pounds from November 1st when I set out to lose 6 lbs per month to meet my goal by the time we went to the World in July. I will now have up up that to 7.5 lbs per month, which is still acheivable. And again, dealing with the breast issue has to take precedence, so I am going to try to stick to plan and take it one day at a time.
Ok so today I am officially back on the wagon.

Starting weight: 173.8:scared1: UGH.

Following the old WW points system, I have 23 points for today. Plus 35 flex for the week.

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1pt

lunch: 6 pts
healthy choice chicken 3 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts

dinner: 9 pts
roast beef 4 pts
gravy 1 pt
mashed potatoes 3 pts
skinny cow fudge bar 1 pt
Home from my biopsies, my breast is numb and on ice at the moment.
They did the stereotactic biopsy first, that one was the worst! Very uncomfortable, not necessarily painful, but kinda hard to describe. Like having a root canal while giving birth. The ultrasound guided needle biopsy was nothing, I didn't feel a thing. Unfortunately, they were a bit concerned about my BP, as it was off the charts. Now wouldn't your blood pressure go up if you were facing this type of thing too? So now I have to go see my GP next week for a follow up of that. And they should have my path report by then too.

I can only take Tylenol for the next couple days, and they expect me to bruise quite nicely. I am ready to go to bed, didn't sleep well last night and the post procedure adrenaline let down has got me feeling ready to hit the hay.

No exercise for a couple days, which works out since my legs are still killing me from the half on Saturday.
Glad that things went okay today and that you can get some rest now. :hug:

Keep an eye on the BP but I think that you are right that having needles stuck in your tender parts is gonna raise it! ;)
Well at least yesterdays "excitement" is over. I am not having any pain, just tenderness at this point. Can't wait til Saturday to take off the stupid steri-strips.

No exercise this week-I am doing solely diet. Working thus far-down 2 pounds this morning to 171.8

points for today:23

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 9 pts
lc tortilla crusted fish 6 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts

dinner: 6 pts
chicken 3 pts
sandwich thin 1 pt
carrots and pepper strips 0 pts
tzatziki 1 pt
skinny cow fudge bar 1 pt
Hi Vern,
Sorry I havn't stopped by in a while. It sounds like you are keeping a very good attitude though all the stress you are dealing with at the moment. I'm glad to hear that the biopsy is behind you. Hopefully you will be getting good news on the path soon and your mind will be at ease. I am so impressed that you ran a half marathon "for fun" while dealing with everything else. I hope the new year brings you calmer waters.
Thanks Lola-yeah who ever thought I would run a half marathon for "fun". But it does help with stress relief for sure. Legs are feeling better, looking forward to getting back to training next week. Breast feels okay, I slept well last night, just a bit itchy around the steri strips. DH finally looked at it last night and said "holy s*&t, that looks painful" Men.:rolleyes:

No exercise today.

weight: down to 170.8, another pound gone!!:thumbsup2

points for today: 23

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 11 pts
western egg sandwich on english muffin 6 pts
home fries 3 pts
soup 2 pts

dinner: 10 pts
cinnamon burst cheerios 2 pts
skim milk 1 pt
clementines 1 pt
100 cal english muffin 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts

overdid it a bit today, but I have flex points to use so I am not worried.
Looking forward to the weekend, sleeping in. Feeling okay, can't wait to take the steri strips off. I have a very nice bruise and lump on my breast, which they tell me is normal.

Still no exercise, not til next week.

weight: down again to 170.0:thumbsup2

points for today: 23 (this should be my last day at 23 pts)

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 9 pts
lc turkey 6 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts

dinner: 10 pts
soup 4 pts
peppers 0 pts
tzatziki 1 pt
bread 3 pts
margarine 2 pts

over points again, but still have plenty of flex left. Hoping all the sodium from the soup doesn't get me. I am drinking lots of water though.
Snowing here today, not my idea of a good time. Especially sine I have to work at my part time job, which requires me to use the highway to get there. Which many, many people do and snow just screws up the commute.

weight:171, up but not discouraged.

points for today: 23

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 7 pts
granola 4 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts

dinner: tbd
Lots of snow here last night, made my drive home from work twice as long. But hey, thats what happens here in the northeast.

Yesterday did not go as planned-boss took us out for lunch. Indian/Pakistani food. Great stuff, but heavy on the chicken and carbs (rice and naan, fresh baked YUM!). I did my best to use some restraint, but basmatti yellow rice and I are such good friends. Then we were having subs for dinner. I did only get the small chicken sub, so not too far off the rails there.

weight: down to 170.6, not a big difference, but hey every bit counts

points for today: 23

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 7 pts
roast beef 2 pts
ww bread 1 pt
russian 2 pts
chips 2 pts

dinner: tbd
Sleepy Sunday here. Unfortunately, my breast is bothering me. The site has a big lump and is various colors of the rainbow. I go to the doctor tomorrow, but since it bothers me when I am doing anything really physical. I don't know when I will be able to run or even walk again. Guess I will just have to stick to the diet more.

weight: holding at 170.6

points for today: 23

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 7 pts
roast beef 2 pts
ww bread 1 pt
russian 2 pts
chips 2 pts

dinner: tbd
Well today I get my biopsy results. Fingers crossed for good news. Breast is horrible looking and has a big lump in it, hoping that will go away soon, as I want to get back to running. It is bothersome when I try to run, so I am just waiting a bit longer.

DH and I talked yesterday about our upcoming trip to WDW-we are taking a cruise now for the first 3 days of the trip and then 6 days at the World. Should be nice to relax a bit on a ship before the hustle and bustle of Disney.

weight today: 171, 2.8 lbs lost this week. I'll take it!:thumbsup2

points for today: 23

breakfast: 8 pts

lunch: tbd

dinner: tbd

my appt is at 3:40, so I don't know what time I will get home or what exactly I will want to eat (if at all, depending on the news)
Yesterday was a great day. Talked to my OB/GYN, she had my results, everything was benign. AMEN!!! What a relief. Went to my GP to check my BP, all good there. My breast is horribly bruised and there is a nice hematoma that my doc says may take weeks to go down. Waiting for the discomfort when moving to subside before I start running again. Hopefully in a day or two.

weight: down to 170.4

points for today: 23

breakfast: 8 pts

lunch: 9 pts

dinner: 6 pts
Snowing hard here. Expecting 9-15 inches of snow. I have to go to work for 4 patients. Providing they show up. Which they may not. DH and DD get to stay home, no school. DH snowblowed the driveway for me, but the streets aren't plowed yet. Should be a fun ride.:headache:

weight: 170.0, down again. YAY!:cool1:

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pts
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: tbd

dinner: 6 pts
eggs 3 pts
ww bread 1 pt
margarine 2 pts
So glad to hear you got good news on your biopsy results!!

Good luck driving in the snow. I feel your pain about the lack of snow days in health care. I've slept at the hospital 3 times so far this winter. Go slow and be safe.
Well, we are dug out from the snow. I did the last snowblowing this morning. Glad I came home early yesterday, it continued to snow all day, even though the weatherman said it would stop by 3pm. It was nice to come home early yesterday too, just to relax. But then, I went to bake biscuits for supper and my oven is on the fritz. The ignitor is bad, has to be replaced. Thankfully it is only a $25 part and we can do it ourselves. But I have no oven until then:headache:

weight: 170.6, I just can't seem to get back to the 160's. Hoping to get back to exercise this weekend and get things moving.

points for today: 23

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1pt

lunch: 9 pts
lc tortilla crusted fish 6 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts

dinner: tbd
Veronica thank goodness everything came out ok! Now time to focus on happy stuff.You will get back to the 160s don't worry.

Have you stayed at Coronado before? I love it there- love the pool!

Ready for spring? ME TOO!

Are you still interested in the Oleksak 1/2 here in town?

Ok so I slacked off a bit the last couple days. And there are no excuses good enough. But whats past is past, time to move forward.

Starting back with exercise tomorrow.

weight: 169.4, I don't know how, but I'll take it!

points for today: 22

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: tbd

dinner: tbd
I hate winter. I am so tired of snow, ice and cold. Had to go to work yesterday for 4 patients. Almost 2 hours to get there, another hour to get home. Everything is covered in ice today, and its still snowing.

I got my first walk in yesterday, did 2 miles. This morning I only got 1.5 done, as I had to go outside and help DH clean off the truck and the driveway. Earned 2 pts

weight: up to 171.4, :confused3

points for today: 23 + 2 = 25

breakfast: 8 pts
coffee 0 pts
sf hot chocolate 1 pt
ww bread 1 pt
peanut butter 5 pts
applesauce 1 pt

lunch: 9 pts
tortilla crusted fish 6 pts
ww yogurt 1 pt
fiber plus bar 2 pts

dinner: 5 pts
spring rolls 4 pts
skinny cow fudge bar 1 pt


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