Updated plans for Grand Floridian Expansion

It's amazing to me the difference in responses people get. I called my wedding planner as we are scheduled to get married at the WP on Oct 7th at 10am. I was concerned about the construction equipment and noise. I didn't get my wedding planner, I got her assistant. She asked if I had any questions and then answered all of my questions. Now, granted I'm not as nervous as most as my wedding is still a couple months away. From what I understand is:

  • Yes, construction is starting.
  • Yes, there are new stained glass windows being installed on the side windows only. She said that they are very lovely and even have Cinderella's carriage worked into them. (waiting to see pictures)
  • I was also told that construction will only being going on overnight. There will not be any construction going on during ceremonies. (I was nervous about noise and construction workers wandering around)
  • She also told me that Disney Event Photography is already aware of the construction and has been out trying new angles and areas for pictures.

I spoke with my fiance and we are confident and comfortable that this will not change anything for our ceremony. However, we do not have a carriage ride to worry about either. So, we are sticking with the WP. I think each bride needs to make a personal judgement though with what they are and are not comfortable with.

Not sure if that helped anyone...

Edited: Just got off the phone with my planner's assistant. She said the windows are not installed yet (which I knew) but they will send me a picture of them as soon as they are installed. So, I will pass that along as soon as I get it.
Thanks for the info, really useful :) good to hear we won't have the construction noise to deal with during the daytime, have to say that had me worried!! Thanks again! :thumbsup2
It's amazing to me the difference in responses people get. I called my wedding planner as we are scheduled to get married at the WP on Oct 7th at 10am. I was concerned about the construction equipment and noise. I didn't get my wedding planner, I got her assistant. She asked if I had any questions and then answered all of my questions. Now, granted I'm not as nervous as most as my wedding is still a couple months away. From what I understand is:

  • Yes, construction is starting.
  • Yes, there are new stained glass windows being installed on the side windows only. She said that they are very lovely and even have Cinderella's carriage worked into them. (waiting to see pictures)
  • I was also told that construction will only being going on overnight. There will not be any construction going on during ceremonies. (I was nervous about noise and construction workers wandering around)
  • She also told me that Disney Event Photography is already aware of the construction and has been out trying new angles and areas for pictures.

I spoke with my fiance and we are confident and comfortable that this will not change anything for our ceremony. However, we do not have a carriage ride to worry about either. So, we are sticking with the WP. I think each bride needs to make a personal judgement though with what they are and are not comfortable with.

Not sure if that helped anyone...

Edited: Just got off the phone with my planner's assistant. She said the windows are not installed yet (which I knew) but they will send me a picture of them as soon as they are installed. So, I will pass that along as soon as I get it.

I agree that its a personal judgement. Thanks for the information, we must have posted around the same time. Can't wait to see a picture of the stained glass.
My planner sent me an artist rendering the of the stained glass windows. I'd be happy to post but it is in PDF format so if anyone knows how to post that here and can tell me how, I'll post it.
It's amazing to me the difference in responses people get. I called my wedding planner as we are scheduled to get married at the WP on Oct 7th at 10am. I was concerned about the construction equipment and noise. I didn't get my wedding planner, I got her assistant. She asked if I had any questions and then answered all of my questions. Now, granted I'm not as nervous as most as my wedding is still a couple months away. From what I understand is:

  • Yes, construction is starting.
  • Yes, there are new stained glass windows being installed on the side windows only. She said that they are very lovely and even have Cinderella's carriage worked into them. (waiting to see pictures)
  • I was also told that construction will only being going on overnight. There will not be any construction going on during ceremonies. (I was nervous about noise and construction workers wandering around)
  • She also told me that Disney Event Photography is already aware of the construction and has been out trying new angles and areas for pictures.

I spoke with my fiance and we are confident and comfortable that this will not change anything for our ceremony. However, we do not have a carriage ride to worry about either. So, we are sticking with the WP. I think each bride needs to make a personal judgement though with what they are and are not comfortable with.

Not sure if that helped anyone...

Edited: Just got off the phone with my planner's assistant. She said the windows are not installed yet (which I knew) but they will send me a picture of them as soon as they are installed. So, I will pass that along as soon as I get it.

Thanks for the update! That is much more info than I was given. Makes me feel a little better!!
I just wanted to say that when you are given lemons sometimes you have to make lemonade. I am just happy to be able to have a disney wedding and marry my best friend.

So true. I do read updates on the DVC to stay informed, but honestly, the construction doesn't bother me anymore. Let me say, to those of you that are really upset or totally PO'ed, I absolutely understand how you feel and why. When I first found out about this in March, I was the leader of the Freak Out Parade. I mean I obsessed over this. Considered canceling the whole thing. After I calmed down, I just forgot about it for awhile. Now it doesn't seem like a huge deal.

I'm just happy to be marrying my love. The closer I get to my wedding, the less anything else matters. I genuinely hope that everyone chooses what's best for them and finds some peace of mind. All that stress really is awful.
It's amazing to me the difference in responses people get. I called my wedding planner as we are scheduled to get married at the WP on Oct 7th at 10am. I was concerned about the construction equipment and noise. I didn't get my wedding planner, I got her assistant. She asked if I had any questions and then answered all of my questions. Now, granted I'm not as nervous as most as my wedding is still a couple months away. From what I understand is:

  • Yes, construction is starting.
  • Yes, there are new stained glass windows being installed on the side windows only. She said that they are very lovely and even have Cinderella's carriage worked into them. (waiting to see pictures)
  • I was also told that construction will only being going on overnight. There will not be any construction going on during ceremonies. (I was nervous about noise and construction workers wandering around)
  • She also told me that Disney Event Photography is already aware of the construction and has been out trying new angles and areas for pictures.

I spoke with my fiance and we are confident and comfortable that this will not change anything for our ceremony. However, we do not have a carriage ride to worry about either. So, we are sticking with the WP. I think each bride needs to make a personal judgement though with what they are and are not comfortable with.

Not sure if that helped anyone...

Edited: Just got off the phone with my planner's assistant. She said the windows are not installed yet (which I knew) but they will send me a picture of them as soon as they are installed. So, I will pass that along as soon as I get it.

Just to add my thanks for this, it's reassuring (which is all I needed) :thumbsup2
Had my site visit today. Could make out some of the construction walls from inside the Wedding Pavilion but they were to the left of the pavilion and not extremely distracting. I did not see any signs of the stained glass windows. I was at a wedding in Feb and the windows all looked the same as they did at that wedding. There were some minor construction noises today, some screw drivers and maybe some hammers. You could hear them outside the pavilion but once inside it was completely silent. You couldn't hear any outside noises. I did ask if they had a timeline on the construction and they said it hadn't been figured out yet, but they are working on getting that information.
Had my site visit today. Could make out some of the construction walls from inside the Wedding Pavilion but they were to the left of the pavilion and not extremely distracting. I did not see any signs of the stained glass windows. I was at a wedding in Feb and the windows all looked the same as they did at that wedding. There were some minor construction noises today, some screw drivers and maybe some hammers. You could hear them outside the pavilion but once inside it was completely silent. You couldn't hear any outside noises. I did ask if they had a timeline on the construction and they said it hadn't been figured out yet, but they are working on getting that information.

Thanks for the update. My planner said the windows are going in on the 18th or 19th, so that's why you haven't seen them yet.
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say that although I am a little dissapointed that there will be construction walls, I still love the WP. I am really sorry for all of you that are upset and I hope you are able to get some kind of compensation.

Our wedding is April 21, 2012. My fiance and I actually both love stained glass windows, so we are kindof excited about them. As for pictures, I know that there will be plenty of places where no construction will be able to be seen so having those walls in the background isn't as much of a big deal for me. Just about anywhere else you go, you would either have a road or other kind of distraction around a site like a church or other venue, so even though it isn't the pristine disney, I am still happy with the WP (especially since the ceremony is inside and you wont be able to see the construction in there).

I just wanted to say that when you are given lemons sometimes you have to make lemonade. I am just happy to be able to have a disney wedding and marry my best friend.

That said I really do hope that disney makes it right by doing whatever they can to make all of you happy.

I feel the very same, we are getting married in the pavilion in 7 weeks :love: Nothing is going to change how I feel, I feel very fortunate to be having the wedding of my dreams - Im marrying the man of my dreams :cloud9: also coming from Scotland makes it extra special to have our wedding in the sunshine!

eeeeek so excited :cheer2:
Hello Ladies,

I attended my planning session last Friday (7/8/11) and my planner did say that the constuction would definitely be happening during our December wedding. She assured us that with our noon ceremony we wouldn't hear any noise, that it would be occuring later in the day/night. So that made me feel better. We actually walked in the wedding pavilion with her and the stain glass was starting to come up on two of the windows. You still get the light that I love of the wedding pavilion, as well as the castle view. I'm actually not super concerned about it, but to each his own...We wanted an indoor location and this was our first choice.

I think DFTW department is handling all this the best they can...The development is coming from a completely different department in Disney, so it's really out of DFTW hands...They can only do what the other department is allowing them to do...At first I was super upset about it, but I really feel Disney will make our wedding as magical as possible. So I'm excited. I hope all of you have great experiences!
Does anyone know how this will affect the walkway connecting the WP to the GF? I was planning on having my guests meander along this beautiful path after the ceremony on the way to the cocktail hour.

My wedding is in 4 months so there may be much more than just walls up at that point. I am sad we will be loosing the beach on the GF side. How do the "new" angles from the Poly side stack up? When I was there I never really paid any attention to that direction.

Good luck to everyone who is affected by this, I feel your pain! :grouphug:
our wedding is the first week in january..anyone have any idea what will be going on then...I havent been able to find any kind of timeline regarding this
Hello Ladies,

I attended my planning session last Friday (7/8/11) and my planner did say that the constuction would definitely be happening during our December wedding. She assured us that with our noon ceremony we wouldn't hear any noise, that it would be occuring later in the day/night. So that made me feel better. We actually walked in the wedding pavilion with her and the stain glass was starting to come up on two of the windows. You still get the light that I love of the wedding pavilion, as well as the castle view. I'm actually not super concerned about it, but to each his own...We wanted an indoor location and this was our first choice.

I think DFTW department is handling all this the best they can...The development is coming from a completely different department in Disney, so it's really out of DFTW hands...They can only do what the other department is allowing them to do...At first I was super upset about it, but I really feel Disney will make our wedding as magical as possible. So I'm excited. I hope all of you have great experiences!

Thanks for the update. Hearing that they won't be doing construction until later in the day makes me feel a lot a better. That makes the situation seem a little better. I know its disney and they always do things perfect just frustrating when some wedding planners aren't giving out those facts!
Does anyone know how this will affect the walkway connecting the WP to the GF? I was planning on having my guests meander along this beautiful path after the ceremony on the way to the cocktail hour.

My wedding is in 4 months so there may be much more than just walls up at that point. I am sad we will be loosing the beach on the GF side. How do the "new" angles from the Poly side stack up? When I was there I never really paid any attention to that direction.

Good luck to everyone who is affected by this, I feel your pain! :grouphug:

From the way that I understand it that path will no longer be there which sucks because it is such a nice walk. I'm not sure the new route to the Grand Floridian. I know Cinderellas coach will be going through a parking lot.

My wedding is also almost 4 months away. I'm wondering what will be going on as well I'm hoping for that information when I go for my planning session in two weeks. I will let you know if I get a timeline. I'm also going to go check out shots from polyneisian hotel. I don't like that hotel all that much so I don't want it the background of my photos but did see that they have a beach pretty far down which seems like you would be able to get photos with the Grand Floridian in the background. I'm going to walk it and see if that is a possibility as well.
Our wedding is 4/5/12 and we are hoping for the best but Disney is a business too. let's just hope they think of us and all that money we are shed to marry at Disney.
I wish they'd post a more panoramic view of the Pavilion with these windows...I'm curious how the "big picture" looks more than the detail itself. :)
I'm not 100% sold on the darker wood, but I do like the look of the windows. The carriage is beautiful.

I agree. How does that fit in with all the white detailing? Yeesh. Like PP said, I'll be glad to see a complete picture of the WP.
I agree. How does that fit in with all the white detailing? Yeesh. Like PP said, I'll be glad to see a complete picture of the WP.

I'm hoping maybe it's a preliminary photo, or a 'sample' window somewhere else and they are going to match the wood later.

Maybe we can all comment on the photo that we want to see a full shot and get one. :confused3


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